Compromising Positions (An Erotic Romance Novel) (12 page)

BOOK: Compromising Positions (An Erotic Romance Novel)
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She straddled him then dropped a hand, a fingertip rubbing her clit. Her head dropped back, and he watched, mesmerized by the sight of her masturbating over him.

Inch by inch, she lowered herself down, taking him deep. Her slick pussy walls welcomed him inside, at first opening to accommodate his girth, then clamping tight.

His own moan shot from his chest. She lifted her hips and slammed down again, and he cried out. He couldn’t stand it. He had to take control.

“What’s wrong?” she asked, her voice teasing.

“Not a damn thing. That’s the problem.”

She shot him a wicked grin then spun around, his cock still deep inside. Now he had a full view of her back and ass as she rode him. That ass slapped the base of his stomach, and he felt the flood of come shoot up his cock.

And then the pulsing of her pussy.

They cried out in unison as they came together, both their bodies wracked by throbbing, pulsing, mind-numbing heat.

And when it was over, she stood and pulled him up, leading him to the bedroom. They lay in bed, his arms wrapped around that amazing body, his eyelids heavy, his mind awash in that muddy after sex bog.

He would never forget today, the day his precious Fate had finally returned to him. I should do a list. White picket fence, lazy-boys, big TV and a dog.

“Do you think we should go back to work?” she asked.


“Do you want something to eat?”



“Nope. All I want is you. Here. In my arms.”

She sighed and snuggled closer, her head in the crook of his arm.

Yes, this is exactly what he’d wanted all these years. Fate Doherty was finally his.

Chapter 8

Getting what you want always comes at a price.

Fate couldn’t remember ever feeling so at ease with another human being. Normally after sex, a dark, gloomy mood fell over her. Not this time. She wondered why.

It felt so right having him there with her, in her home, in her bed, snuggled so close. Her head rested on his chest, rising and falling with each breath he took. His heartbeat thumped in her ear.

“Tell me about your life since college. Outside of the obvious, what’s happened between now and then?” she asked, relishing the feel of his hand running up and down her arm.

“Well, I’ve been working, but you know that already.”

“Did you ever marry?”


She lifted her head and looked at him. “Why not?”

“What about you?”

“Aren’t you going to answer my question first?”

“No. You first.” He smiled.

“I didn’t get married.” She sat up, fluffed a couple pillows and leaned back against them. “Never found the right one.”

He rolled over on his side, propped himself up on an elbow, and rested his head in his hand. His bicep swelled. Yum. “Who’s the right one?”

“I don’t know.” You? “I’ve just been waiting for that feeling, that certainty you see in the movies. Do you think it’s real?”

“Yep. I know it is.”

Her gaze wandered over his face, and a knot tightened in her gut. “You sound so sure.”

“I am.”

She didn’t have to ask what he was talking about. It was all over his face.

Was he the right one for her? Was there any doubt? Funny, in less than a week, she’d gone from hating the man to…to falling in love with him? Could it be? How had that happened?

Unless she’d never stopped loving him. There was that love-hate thing again.

“Do you want to be married?” He wound a finger in her hair.

“I’ve always dreamed of being married, having kids. A part of me wants to jump off the fast track and enjoy raising a couple of babies, stay at home, maybe even home school.”

His eyebrows rose to impossible heights. “Really?”

“Is it that hard to believe? Fate Doherty—independent, career focused—wants to stay at home and have babies.”

“A little. But, it’s a nice surprise. What about your husband? What’re you looking for?”

Someone like you…no, not like you. Just you. “I don’t really have a laundry list. Just a vague notion. Um, a man who is caring, committed, hard-working but able to balance his career with family time. Funny and smart. Shares interests with me but also has some of his own. A man I can grow old with but never tire of.”

He chuckled. “And you said you don’t have a laundry list?”

She enjoyed the sound of that laughter, and imagined enjoying it for decades. “What about you?”

“Sexy, sexy, and sexy.”

She gave him a jab in the belly, and he laughed. “Seriously.”

He sat up, and crossed his arms behind his head, making his chest look incredibly wide. “Well, I am a guy. We men do like that sort of thing.”

“Okay, Mr. Deep,” she teased.

He laughed and dropped an arm. His hand wrapped around hers and he gave it a squeeze, and a warm tingle spread through her chest. “I want a wife who is intelligent, funny, charming, attractive, loving, devoted…I want you.”

Oh God! Her eyes burned. She wanted to believe those words. She’d never heard them before. At least, not from someone she’d actually consider taking seriously. She pulled her hand free and gave him another playful tap. “You’re just saying that so we can have more sex.” Her pussy tingled.

He shrugged. “I’d take more sex if it’s offered. But I’m serious. Why don’t you believe me?”

“Because you’re a dog. Everyone knows that.”

“You’re going to believe rumors over me?” He almost looked insulted, except for the twinkle in his eye.

“Maybe.” Despite the heat rising to her face, she tried to appear indifferent. She crossed her arms over her chest. “What happened between you and that receptionist…what’s her name? Alena?”

“Alexa. We dated for a short time a couple of years ago. But it didn’t work out.”

She wasn’t sure she wanted to know more, but she couldn’t resist asking, “Why?”

“She’s a little…wild.”

This was getting interesting. She turned to face him. “Wild? Isn’t that what guys like?”

“I’m not into swinging. She is. The sex parties, partner swapping, guy-on-guy, girl-on-girl, the whole ball of wax. That isn’t my scene. Plain and simple.”

“Oh.” Whew! Big sigh of relief! “So, what happened in your last relationship? Why did it fail?”

“Alexa was the last woman I dated.”

“Two years ago?”

“I told you, I know what I want. I’m not the Don Juan everyone makes me out to be. I think they just assume I’m running around sleeping with anything in a skirt because I’m so quiet about my private life.”

She wanted to believe him, but what if he was giving her a line of shit? It could all be a lie…couldn’t it? How could she possibly learn the truth?

Did it matter? So what if he’d been a player? That was before. People changed when they settled down. She’d seen that with friends. Young women who’d been as wild as any guy in their twenties turned into regular Suzy Homemakers when they married. It happened.

He stretched his arms overhead, biceps flexing, shoulder muscles bunching. That was one hell of a nice body.

And maybe, someday, it could be hers to enjoy for the rest of her life. Maybe those silver-gray eyes, years from now ringed with deep creases, would look at her with love. Maybe endearing words of affection and commitment would come from those perfect lips. And maybe they’d share those silent moments of contentment, sitting in the shade and watching their grandchildren play in the yard.

Wow! Had her dreams changed. Or had those wishes always been there, tucked below the surface? Had she just avoided them because she’d feared they’d never come to be?

Maybe that hatred had been displaced pain.

Oh, she was done trying to figure herself out! She liked the way things were going. Why mess it up by overanalyzing it?

Yes, about the only thing she should be doing at the moment was enjoying the body lying beside her. She reached over and ran a fingertip down the center of his chest. His stomach muscles tensed, making them even more pronounced. Yummy. She glanced lower.

His stomach muscles weren’t the only things more pronounced. Unable to resist, she gripped his hard-on in her hand and squeezed.

He drew in a deep breath through his nose and growled. “You, my dear, are insatiable. I love it.” He pushed her flat on her back, pinning her by the shoulders.

She stared up into that sexy, flushed face of his, heated by the hunger in his eyes, and wrapped her legs around his waist. “So what do you think about going another round?”

“I’d say you’re on. But I need something first.”

“Oh?” She liked the glitter in his eyes. It made promises that sent throbbing waves to her pussy. “What do you need?”

“Got any KY?”

“Sure. In the nightstand.”

He released her shoulders, but remained straddled over her hips as he leaned over and retrieved the tube from the drawer. She, being hotter than she’d ever been, took his dick in her hand and slowly slid up and down the length. He was huge, bigger than anyone she’d had before. That glorious cock was the picture of perfection. In every sense of the word.

Tube of lubricant in hand, he grinned, crawled off her, and rumbled, “Roll over.”

What was he going to do? Curious, she complied.

“You have the world’s most perfect ass.” He drew her legs apart, wide apart, knees bent, inner thigh muscles stretched.

That was an incredibly sexy feeling, so exposed.

He kneaded her ass cheeks then separated them. As if she hadn’t felt exposed before! Her pussy throbbed, ready and eager for that giant cock of his. Her nerve endings from hair roots to toes lit aflame.

And when she felt the first touch of his tongue to her tight hole, she just about bucked him off. No one had ever eaten her there!

She felt a fingertip, slick and warm, slide up and down her crack. Oh, the ecstasy of that exploring touch. It slid into her pussy, and she clamped her muscles around it, willing it to never leave.

But it did, this time teasing her asshole.

She relaxed, knowing what was to come.

And he didn’t disappoint her. His slender finger slowly delved deeper and deeper, the slight pinch of pain nothing compared to the surge of pleasure rippling through her body. Her pussy screamed to be filled, getting so wet she felt the juices flowing outside. She tipped her ass up, willing him to go deeper.

He slid his finger out. “Damn, that ass is perfect. I want to fuck it so very, very badly. Will you let me? I promise I will make it extremely good for you.”

A shiver of fear shot up her spine. Sure, she knew about anal sex, but she had never done it. She’d watched a few movies, saw how excited men got when they had sex this way. But it had to hurt, didn’t it? Hurt like hell, she figured. “I don’t know.” Yet, as he continued stroking and teasing, a part of her shrieked its approval, sending another wave of wetness to her pussy. There was something so arousing, so naughty, about the image of him ‘fucking her ass’.

“Scout’s honor. I’ll go slow, and if you want me to stop at any moment, I will.” He teased her ass with the tip of his penis, while his fingers performed magic on her clit.

“You were a boyscout? I never would have guessed.” She raised herself on hands and knees.

Still teasing her ass, he pushed two fingers into her pussy. “You should see my Family Life badge.”

“Oh…” She sighed. His touches and strokes were driving her insane. “And if they’d had one for lovemaking, I’m sure you’d have one of those, too.”

“Do you trust me? Let me show you how wonderful it can be.” He softly stroked her ass.

Yes, she wanted it. With him, she did. Her pussy muscles twitched. A flood of heat seeped over her whole body. “Okay.”

He parted her ass cheeks with his hands and ran the tip of his cock up and down, teasing her labia, slick and hot, and her pussy. He drove deep into her, and she screamed. Damn, he filled her completely. She clamped her muscles closed around him, and he moaned, leaning low over her back.

And then, with his cock still deep inside, he slowly worked two slick fingers inside her anus, stretching it, sliding in slowly then out in time with his cock. It was almost more than she could take. Her mind was lost to her, adrift somewhere in a frenzied sea of sensations. Of smells and sounds and feelings.

Her pussy clenched around his cock, her ass tightened around his fingers, and she nearly wept from the joy of it.

And then, just as she felt herself nearing completion, he pulled out.

“Hey!” Her body thrummed with the need to leap over the pinnacle. She reached between her legs and found her clit, stroking it lightly with her own fingertip.

“Oh yes, baby, touch yourself.” He parted her ass cheeks again, and her stomach muscles clenched in expectation.

Slowly, he pushed his erection inside her tight ass, a tiny fraction of an inch at a time. He murmured in her ear, “Sweetie, relax for me. Let me make it good for you.”

It burned, but as he went deeper and deeper, the bite lessened and the pleasure heightened. She opened herself to him, and he drove in entirely, his hips pushing against her buttocks. “Oh.”

“That’s it. Now touch yourself.”

She drew tight circles over her clit with a finger as he slowly slid his cock out and in again. On fire, she quickened the pace. She was close, and it was wonderful. Her entire body stiffened. “Oh…My…”

And then it soared.

Her pussy spasms left her breathless and begging for more. Her ass milked his cock, the muscles spasming in time with her pussy. She rode the climax, willing it to last forever, and it damn near did. And then she felt him swell even more as he reached his own climax and filled her ass with his hot come.

He howled, bucked and pumped his seed inside, and then dropped on trembling arms, his chest and stomach pressed against her back, his cock still buried deep in her ass. “My God, what you do to me.” He kissed her neck and shoulders. “Are you okay?”

What had he asked? She was lost in a fog, a wonderful fog. “Mmmm.”

“I take it that means yes?” He slid out, and her asshole quivered.

Feeling completely stoned, she rolled on her back and smiled. “That was incredible.” Her eyelids drifted closed and she felt herself dozing.

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