Pleasure Bound - Complete

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What You’ll Find In The
Pleasure Bound

Futuristic Adult Romance Boxed Set
Books 1-6



Pleasure Bound Book One

Jan Springer


Being shot and held captive isn’t what astronaut Joe Hero had in mind when he agreed to a top-secret mission to explore a newly discovered planet for NASA.

But a man would have to be dead not to fall for the sensual female doctor in charge of his care.


One night of scorching passion in the arms of the stranger from another planet is enough to convince Dr. Annie there’s more to males than she’s been taught by the Educators.

Who is this sexy hunk and why does she welcome him into her bed and her heart
chance she gets?



Pleasure Bound Book Two

Jan Springer


Queen Jacey has always fantasized about bedding a male.

But taking one for her enjoyment is strictly forbidden. That is, until an attractive well-hung stranger from another planet forces her to overcome her training and her beliefs.


Being held captive and forced to mate with a gorgeous Queen isn’t exactly what astronaut Ben Hero expected when he agreed to explore a newly discovered planet for NASA.

be his top priority but making sizzling love to Jacey
all he can think about.


When he discovers she’s also being held captive, Ben’s protective instincts kick in big time.

Suddenly they’re on the run, irresistibly aroused, and wrapped in each other’s arms every chance they get!



Pleasure Bound Book Three

Jan Springer


Astronaut Buck Hero didn’t count on being held captive or becoming infected with passion poison when he agreed to explore a newly discovered planet for NASA.

If he doesn’t get the cure soon he’s going to be one
dead man.


Fugitive on-the-run Virgin has just rescued an infected male and needs to administer the cure - a twenty-four-hour sex marathon. Then she’ll turn him over to his enemies in order to gain her freedom.

But her well-laid plans go into orbit when she discovers she’s fallen in love with the stranger from another world.




Pleasure Bound Book Four

Jan Springer


During a secret NASA mission to locate their brothers on the faraway planet of Paradise, the Hero sisters become separated after they crash land
and find unexpected romance with the tormented male warriors.


Jarod and Piper


Being injured and infected by sensuous swamp water isn’t what Piper Hero signed up for when she agreed to search for her three missing brothers. But when she’s rescued by a dangerously sexy man who makes her so hot that she can't even think straight, Piper is glad that she came.


Jarod Ellis has sworn off women. But he's captivated by Piper Hero, a woman who claims to be related to the Earthmen he has vowed to protect with his life. Although he mistrusts her, she sets free a carnal inferno of needs he’s never experienced during his previous life as a pleasure slave.


Despite her intimate fantasies coming true, Piper knows she needs to continue her mission of reuniting her siblings and she'll do it-with or without the help of her well-hung stud…



Pleasure Bound Book Five

(Loosely connected with this series)

Jan Springer


Old-fashioned gal needs a man who loves to walk in the rain. Must be well-hung. A homebody, white picket fence-type of guy. Sexual requirements-gentle yet untamed lover. He must be sexually adventurous who will train me to be same. Must be romantic, enjoy toys, interested in mutual light bondage, ménages are welcome.


That's what full-figured, antiques shop owner Jenna MacLean wants when she and her best friend outline a want ad just for fun on their weekly girls’ night out.


After years of being away from his pretty-plus sized ex-girlfriend, Sully's back in town. When he finds the want ad, he knows he’s the only man who can make all of Jenna’s sizzling-hot fantasies come true.

She’s never left his heart and he needs her back in his bed-but he's not going the traditional romantic route. This time, he'll prove he loves her with help from the notorious Ménage Club, a relationship club designed specifically to get estranged couples back together with the help of a third and sometimes a fourth in the bedroom. 



Pleasure Bound Book Six

Jan Springer


During a secret NASA mission to locate their brothers on the faraway planet of Paradise, the Hero sisters become separated after they crash land
and find unexpected romance with the tormented alien male warriors of the species in this ultra-long scifi book.


Taylor and Kayla


While searching for her brothers, Kayla Hero is bound and imprisoned by the Breeders— along with a male captive whose tantalizing scars pique her interest. Forced to escape with him, she’s irresistibly aroused when she suddenly becomes


Wild lust flares in Kayla’s eyes— a sensual side effect of the Fever Swamp water she’s accidentally ingested. Taylor knows he will enjoy administering the cure — lots of sizzling hot lovemaking!


Blackie and Kinley


Injured and lost in a dense jungle, Kinley Hero is intimidated by the scarred man who hunts her, especially due to the power of erotic submission he holds over her.


Capturing his beautiful female prey, Blackie can’t wait to train her as a pleasure slave for the Death Valley Boys. When her captor slips a collar around her neck, Kinley must struggle with lust as a natural submissive.




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Pleasure Bound

Futuristic Adult Romance Boxed Set Books 1-5

Published by Spunky Girl Publishing

Copyright 2015 by Jan Springer

Discover other titles by Jan Springer at

Cover Art by Talina Perkins ~ Bookin’ It Designs

Boxed Set edited by Amelia S. Black


License Notes

This ebook is licensed for your personal use only. If you would like to share your ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Creative Note

This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, settings and events presented in this book are purely of the author’s imagination and bear no resemblance to any actual person, living or dead or to any actual events, places and/or settings.



Pleasure Bound Book One


Published by Spunky Girl Publishing

Copyright 2014 by Jan Springer

Discover other titles by Jan Springer at

Cover Art by Talina Perkins ~ Bookin’ It Designs

Edited by Amelia S. Black

Second Edition



This ebook is permitted for your personal use only. If you would like to share your ebook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


This is a work of fiction. Characters, places, settings and events presented in this book are purely of the author’s imagination and bear no resemblance to any actual person, living or dead or to any actual events, places and/or settings.


Chapter One


On the planet Paradise

Squeals of excitement rippled through the air prompting Male Slave Doctor, Annie Wilkes, to lift her head to see what was going on. She wasn’t the least bit surprised to find five women trying to subdue a naked male slave in the hub square.

What did surprise her was the size of his penis. Unusually large, it bounced gallantly as he swiveled his bound legs up in an effort to kick at the women holding down his arms and head.

Annie had always fantasized about finding a male with a delightfully big cock. A male that she could dominate and use as her own personal sex toy. She licked her lips as lust rippled through her body.

The male struggled valiantly and she silently cheered him on. To her disappointment two of the women quickly grabbed the slave’s legs and held him down on the ground.

Sweat beaded his muscular body. An ugly raw bullet wound marred the left side of his neck.

She tore her gaze from the newly captured slave to Cath, who stood stooped over beside her. Her mouth was warped in concentration as she tried to twist together the loose ends of a barbed wire fence that had rusted apart. She would know what was going on. She was the slave trainer of their hub and she owned all the incoming slaves.

“Who is that male? I’ve never seen him before.” She spoke casually. No use in letting Cath know she was interested in this male. It would only make her increase her price.

Cath’s eyes narrowed as she followed Annie’s gaze.

“That one’s trouble. He’s violent. Every woman in my crew has tried to mount him, but he won’t let anyone do him.”

“Where’s he from? I don’t see any markings.”

“We found him in the Outer Limits. No brands. Most likely escaped the breeding camps when he was little. He’s slated for castration. It’ll make him more docile.”

Annie bit her bottom lip in frustration.

“It seems such a waste. Males that big are rare.”

“Might want to take a look at him after they’re through with the castration. He got wounded when he was captured.”

“Castration will prevent him from performing sexually for at least a few days.” Annie pondered aloud.

Cath’s head snapped up. “Do I detect a little interest in this slave?”

Annie’s face flamed. Usually she kept any kind of sexual interest in a male to herself, being a private person.

“Goddess of Freedom! You want to fuck him, don’t you?” Cath gasped.

Annie avoided Cath’s amused smirk and looked over at the woman picking up the glowing castration knife from the crackling campfire.

Darn it. They were going to destroy him in a minute. She had to do something to stop them.

“Yes, I want to fuck him. Do me a favor. Don’t castrate him. Not yet.”

“I don’t do favors, Annie. I’ll want something in return.”

Annie watched wide-eyed with frustration as the knife-wielding woman hunkered down over the struggling male. Impatience soared through her. She couldn’t believe what she was about to say.

“Name your price later. I’ll do whatever you want.”

“He won’t be a willing participant.”

Annie forced her attention back to Cath and winked. “They make the best kind.”

Cath rolled her eyes, dropped the pliers and headed toward the scene.

The knife lowered to the man’s genital area and Annie’s heart crashed against her chest as she watched with horror.

“Hold off on that castration!” Cath yelled.

The gleaming knife stopped a mere inch from the man’s scrotum.

Annie sighed in relief and quickly followed Cath, all the while cursing herself for what she’d just done.

What in the world had come over her? She’d never saved a slave from castration before. Never felt the need.

When she reached the group, Annie’s gaze immediately latched onto his huge cock. Obviously the women had been amusing themselves with him. Despite the fact he was weak from his neck wound, his hard shaft stuck out fully erect waiting to plunge itself into her quivering pussy.

Goddess! How powerful would he be thrusting his cock into her when he recovered? The thought enticed Annie to no end.

The women let the male loose. Muscles blazed to life in his thighs as he wasted no time getting into a defiant crouched position. More muscles rippled in his arms as he drew his bound legs up to cover the massive penis she’d been staring at.

As she studied this newcomer’s naked physique, she sensed he was different.

Immediately she was drawn to his face. To his straight nose, the curve of his strong jaw line and the sexy shadow of stubble covering his cheeks and chin.  His mouth appeared hard, determined, his lips full and lush.

He stared back at her, his piercing blue eyes snapping with anger.

Annie shuddered. She’d expected to see fear in the male’s eyes. Not anger.

This was quite interesting. He acted as if he knew what they’d been planning to do to him. As if intelligence brewed within him. But that wasn’t possible. Males weren’t supposed to be smart. They were stupid creatures bred for their strength and farmed for sexual purposes. They weren’t even educated anymore. They were more manageable that way.

The way Blue Eyes had fought so valiantly meant he retained some sort of brainpower. Perhaps he’d been secretly taught by a woman. She’d heard stories about those types of females.

Once in the prison system a woman was sentenced to a number of babies instead of years and sometimes she became attached to the male offspring forced upon them by the dreaded fucking machines in the prison. Sometimes after a female prisoner was being released, she would find their offspring and save them from their fate as male slaves, taking them and disappearing into the surrounding forests to never be heard from again.

Excitement rippled through her. Was this male one of them? Did he understand what was going on around him? It wouldn’t be to his advantage if he did.

Women didn’t want smart males. They wanted docile sex slaves and laborers.

But with a big rod like his, the women of the hub and many other hubs would be lining the streets for the pleasure he would bring them. He could be a king among slaves. Well looked after. And she would be able to visit him whenever she wished.

“Where do you want to fuck him?” Cath’s question broke into her thoughts.

Heat flared across Annie’s cheeks as the women standing around smirked and elbowed each other.

“I don’t think he’s in any condition for that right now, Cath. His wound needs tending.”

“Shit, Annie. I thought you wanted a go at him.”

Annie noticed that the male was watching her. Betrayal lurked in his eyes. For the first time in her life, guilt rumbled through her. Guilt at wanting to mount a male who obviously didn’t want to be mounted. Why should she even care what he was thinking of her? Or why care what he wanted? He was a male. Males were bred to serve women.

“If you don’t want to fuck him then—” Cath took the knife from the other woman’s hand and started toward the defiant slave.

Annie grabbed her elbow, stopping her cold.

“What the hell are you doing?” Cath spat. She yanked her arm free from Annie’s desperate grasp and held up the knife in a defensive gesture. Annie’s blood froze in fear and Cath’s slave training crew murmured excitedly at this unexpected turn of events. No one went up against Cath. No one told her what to do. And no one ever touched her. Not unless she wanted them to.

Annie might just have ruined any chance of helping out this slave. She needed to do something. And fast.

“I hate to pull rank on you, Cath, but if you force me, I will.” Annie couldn’t believe how steady her own voice sounded.

Despite that, her insides quivered at her unexpected boldness.

“Shit, woman. What has gotten into you?” Cath spat.

“I don’t see your brand on him, Cath.”

“I told you why. And don’t bother trying to claim him. He’s mine. I shot him.”

“As the Slave Doctor of this hub, it is my duty to remove an injured slave if I deem his life is in danger.” Annie’s heart began to thump wildly. She’d never stood up to Cath before. No one in their right mind would. It wasn’t beneficial to have her as your enemy.

“What are you saying, Annie? You’re taking my slave?”

“You said I could fuck him. I say he can’t be fucked in his condition.”

“You think I can’t take care of what’s mine?” The hurt in Cath’s eyes was quite evident.

“I didn’t insinuate that at all—”

“Damn you! You remove him and it’ll go down on my record. I’ve never had a mark against me.”

“I’ll keep him off the record. Just between you and me.”

Annie held her breath and waited for Cath’s answer.

Cath studied the male, her eyes narrowed with hatred. But Annie could hear the wheels grinding in Cath’s head. If the slave allowed Annie to have sex with him, it meant he could be broken. And if she broke him he could be trained and that would bring her lots of money when she stuck him into the brothel.

Before Cath could give an answer, the male slave suddenly slumped over, unconscious.

The women were thrilled. Their excited shrieks filled the air and they quickly crowded over his prone figure, groping his genitals.

Annie’s heart climbed into her throat at the sight. She couldn’t blame them. A big sized male was virtually non-existent these days.

Shooing away the women, she crouched beside him and placed a couple of fingers to his neck. Her stomach did a little nauseating flip at what she discovered.

“Pulse is slow. He’s burning up with a fever. I’ll have to move him immediately, Cath. He might have blood poisoning.”

“Shit!” Cath shouted. “There goes my perfect record.”

“I’ll keep him off the records…if he lives.”


* * * * *

Joe kept his eyes closed and clenched his jaw as a soft hand moved seductively over his bare chest. Her touch felt good. Real good.

He wanted to open his eyes. To look into the face of the woman who touched him so gently. But he was afraid he might be dreaming. And he didn’t want this dream to end.

Her hand moved lower. Over his belly.

He shuddered involuntarily as her warm fingers cupped his balls, lifting them, testing their weight.

Her gentle fingers let go and moved to his flaccid penis. They wrapped around his shaft and squeezed tenderly.

Blood pooled into his groin area. His penis jerked to attention and grew hard as if he were readying himself to plunge into her hot pussy.

A small startled gasp made him open his eyes. He blinked in confusion as a room he’d never seen before rolled into focus. A sterile, white room. And it sure as hell wasn’t a room in his spaceship.

What the hell was going on? Where was he?

In an instant the memories hit him like a body blow.


After a year in hyperspace, he and his two brothers had finally landed on the planet they’d been sent to explore.

An unmanned space probe had discovered the planet a couple of years ago. Before losing contact with NASA, the probe had sent back sporadic and disturbing images.

Disturbing in the fact this newly discovered planet resembled the terrain and atmosphere of Earth, including an orbiting moon as well as various types of space junk. Space junk that indicated intelligent life existed or had existed at one point in time.

Because Joe and his two scientist astronaut brothers had been involved with helping to invent hyperspace travel, NASA had asked if they might be interested in the top-secret mission.

All three had readily agreed to participate, including agreeing to not make physical contact with any potential inhabitants and on the off chance they did, not to ask questions to arouse their curiosity. It was one of NASA’s prime directives not to interfere with another race or let them know they were being studied until such a time as it was deemed the inhabitants were friendly enough to secure some type of diplomatic relations.

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