Pleasure Bound - Complete (6 page)

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“Here you go.” She placed a tray into his lap and sat beside him on the bed.

He gazed down at the crisp bacon, steaming eggs and apple slices arranged neatly on the tray. His tummy twisted with hunger.

“Are you going to let my hands loose so I can eat?”

Her eyes narrowed warily.

“How about one hand?” he prodded.

A sweet little smile brightened her face and the metamorphosis surprised Joe. To his surprise his heart did a strange little twist. It was a feeling he rather liked.

“Okay. One hand,” she agreed.

Cautiously she placed a key into the cuff, turned it, and the cuff snapped open. Quickly, she stepped back out of his reach.

“Well, this is a start,” he said, trying hard not to get his hopes up.

Picking up the fork he stabbed a piece of crisp bacon and raised it to his mouth. It was hot and the best damned bacon he’d ever tasted in his life. Even better than his mom’s, and mom’s was the best. He didn’t waste any time with compliments on her cooking. He was hungry and he figured she’d get the idea that she was a great cook by the way he wolfed it down.

When he was finished, he looked up to see her watching him intently with a luscious smile.

“It was great,” he said.

“I’m glad you liked it.”

He lifted the tray and held it out to her. Holding his breath, he waited for her reaction.

She stared at him. Long and hard. As if trying to figure out what her next move should be. And then finally did move. With great wariness, she reached out and took the tray, her fingers brushing erotically against his hand. Hot sparks snapped against his skin where she touched and he flinched at the intensity. She must have been experiencing the same reaction because he heard her sharp inhalation.

To his surprise she broke the contact, placed the tray on the chair and moved closer to him. So close that his outstretched hand came into contact with her belly.

She trembled at his touch. Instinctively he knew it wasn’t out of fear, but out of want. For him. Did she want him so bad she was willing to throw caution to the wind? Or was this her way of testing him? Of finding out if she could trust him?

It took every ounce in his being to not grab her, pull her against him and force her to uncuff his other hand. Instead, he followed his instincts and spread his hand over her velvety belly. Allowing it to rest there for a moment, he relished the warmth her flesh created.

Beneath his touch she softened against his hand and that’s when he slid his fingers beneath her flimsy shorts.


Chapter Seven


The instant his hand touched her abdomen, Annie was lost in a firestorm of lust. Gone were the feelings of fear and anger, insanely replaced by a pleasure so powerful it dazed her brain into moving closer to him. His was a body she wanted to fuck again. No matter what the consequences.

Wet liquid pooled between her thighs as his warm fingers slid beneath her pants. He glided over her abdomen and then his hand stilled.

Puzzled, she looked down at him. At the dark shadow of stubble shadowing his face. It made him look sexier, more dangerous, rough.

His full lips pouted up at her. The sulky gesture aroused her and she wanted to taste those warm lips.

His eyes flashed with need and with anger.

Anger at not having his freedom. She wasn’t used to that look. The look of a man who craved freedom. It just wasn’t normal.

She became lost in his eyes and adrift in the pleasure his hot fingers created as he began to move again. Tension zipped through her pussy. Instinctively Annie widened her legs.

She moaned as his fingers raked across her clit. Winced as he hit an extra sensitive area.

He stopped. “What’s happened here?” he asked as his finger caressed the metal object.

In the heat of the moment she’d forgotten about it.

“A ring?” he asked.

Annie fought back the anxiety. She feared he wouldn’t like what they’d done to her.

“It’s a clit ring.”

“It wasn’t there before.”

“I had it done. Last night. For you,” she lied.

Actually she hadn’t had much choice in the matter. It was tradition when taking a female mate. For her it was just another stepping stone to achieve her dream job. But he didn’t have to know about that part.

Her heart hammered against her chest as she waited for his response.

“Does it hurt?” he whispered.

Did she detect a pleased note in his voice? Or was she only wishing he liked what she’d allowed them to do.

“No,” she lied.

Actually the quick healing injection would take effect within an hour or two and she would be completely healed by this evening.

He began to rub softly around the painful area. Annie closed her eyes and drifted with the sharp conflicting sensations of pleasure and pain. Without warning he slipped a couple of fingers into her wet channel.

She bucked against his hand as her pussy exploded with electrifying shudders that made her cry out.

“You want me to stop?” he asked, evidently mistaking her response for one of pain.


“What is your command, Annie? Do you wish me to continue?”

“Yes!” she gasped. Her heartbeat raced out of control. Her pussy was drenched in fire.

Without hesitation the thumb on her clit rubbed harder. At the same time he began to pump his fingers. In and out. Deep hard strokes that left her gasping for air. Left her senses overloading between pain and desire.

Her legs trembled violently. She arched her pelvis arched against his plunging fingers. In moments Annie exploded. Spectacular spasms jolted her.

His motions quickened.

Wantonly, she tightened her legs around his hand and rode the furious waves.

She was still trembling and breathing hard from the after-effects of her orgasm, when he withdrew his fingers.

“There’ll be more where that came from, once you release me from these restraints,” he said.

Although his words were quietly spoken, Annie detected the underlying order. Detected it and reacted swiftly to his insolence.

She slapped him. Hard.

The stunned look on his face made her immediately realize her mistake. Already a red handprint appeared across his left cheek.

His look shifted to one of fury and betrayal. Obviously he wasn’t used to this type of harsh treatment.

She’d forgotten he wasn’t a slave. He was a free male. Something unheard of these days. It would take some getting used to.

Despite the dangerous anger stiffening his muscular body, Annie ached for his touch. She wanted his warm hands on her. Craved his hot moist mouth on her breasts. Yearned for his massive penis to slide into her wet pussy and take her back to the heights of pleasure she’d just experienced.

The conflicting emotions of fear and sexual cravings frightened her, made her back away from him.

“I’m sorry. I…I’m not used to having a male demand something.”

She wiped away the hot tears suddenly streaming down her cheeks. She didn’t know why she was overcome with such wicked emotions. One minute she was writhing from his pleasurable touch and the next second she was crying because she’d hurt him. She was beginning to feel like she was losing control of her life. It was something she’d never expected to happen to her.

Yet only last night, she’d given in to Cath and the Queen. Allowed them free rein over her by accepting rings.

All because she craved Blue Eyes. All because they would allow her to have him for one day. Tonight Cath and the Queen would come and his new life as a slave would begin.

The thought made her sick to her stomach. She wanted him to be safe with her. Away from the Sperm Bank and the guards who loved to torment their slaves by forcing them to service them at all hours. She wanted him all to herself. So she could fuck him. Like she’d done in the clinic.

It’s just…she hadn’t expected him to be so demanding. And herself to be so greedy for his touch. The price had been high to get him released. Perhaps too high.

The tears rushed out of her eyes and slid down her hot cheeks.

“Annie, don’t cry. I know you aren’t a violent woman.” He reached out to her, but she couldn’t go to him. Not when she was all weepy. Women weren’t supposed to seek comfort from slaves.

“You’re overwhelmed. That’s all. Maybe it’s best if you just release me. I’ll disappear. You can go back to your regular way of life.”

The thought of not seeing him again made an uneasy tenderness grip her. She didn’t want to lose him. Even if it meant sharing him with the whole village.

“I can’t let you go,” she whispered.

“Why not?”

“They’ll kill you if I do.”

“I’m a pretty resourceful fellow. I’ll be fine. Just tell them I escaped.”

“You can’t escape, because of the bracelet.”

He blinked in puzzlement.

“The bracelet on your ankle. If you go further than a half mile radius of this cabin, the droids will come.”

Annie wiped the tears away from her face. “The droids will come and they’ll kill you. They‘ve already been programmed.”


Chapter Eight


Joe gazed down at the thin gold metal bracelet fastened around his ankle. Damn! He hadn’t noticed it.

Droids? Guns? Were these women capable of such technology? And yet they lived in modest homes with no electricity, no running water and no bathrooms.

Very interesting.

“These droids? What are they? What do they do?”

“They are machines. Trackers. Electronically programmed by the Queen. If you wander out of range the droids fly in and disintegrate you.”


“How did you invent these droids?”

“They were given to us.”

Now he was getting somewhere. “By whom?”

“The ancient Goddesses and Gods.”

“What are you saying? You just woke up one day and found all this technology?”


Joe blinked in surprise. “I was joking. Are you serious?”

“Yes, very.”

“How long ago?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “Long before I was born. The Queen is the only one allowed to control these matters.”

Oh boy. This was getting a little scary. What else had these women found besides guns and droids? A nuclear bomb? He’d better get the heck out of here, find his brothers and warn them that these females weren’t as innocent as they appeared.

Well, maybe innocent wasn’t quite the word.

“Can’t this bracelet be unlocked somehow?”

Annie shook her head. “Cath has the key. And so does the Queen.”

“Obviously I’m supposed to stay here. With you. Why?”

Pink color rose in her cheeks. “I’m supposed to break you in today.” Her voice sounded husky and thick.

“Break me in? In what way, Annie?”

He couldn’t help but to grin as she looked away from his direct gaze. Her eyes slowly traveled to his rod. The pink tip of her tongue slipped out and she licked her bottom lip. He wished she wouldn’t do that. It was a sexy gesture. Too sexy for her own good. His penis hardened under her intense gaze.

Her eyes widened with lust.

“Don’t hold anything back, Annie. I need to know what I’m up against.”

“This cabin is where Cath trains her slaves. She has graciously given it to us so I can show you the basics of what will be expected from you.”

She watched him, anxious for a reaction. He forced himself to keep his face a passive mask. She didn’t need to know the full brunt of raw anger burning in his guts. The bitch named Cath didn’t have a gracious bone in her body. Something else was going on here. Something that was troubling Annie.

He studied her as she padded over to a door near his bed. A door he hadn’t noticed before. She opened it, allowing full view of the contents.

Joe let out a slow whistle as he viewed the array of whips, chains, feathers, ball gags, dildos, double dildos and many other accessories on shelves. This bondage stuff had never been his cup of tea. Despite that fact, a strange zip of excitement knotted his guts. What did the rest of the closet contain?

“They will be coming tonight.” Annie said as she wiped away the last of her tears.

Alarm zipped up his spine. “They?”

“The Queen and Cath. They will watch us…together and then they will expect you to service-”

“The hell I will!”

“You must!”

“Listen, Annie. It’s been swell hanging out with you, but I’m a one-woman kind of guy. I can’t perform in front of an audience. Call it stage fright. I won’t do it.”

“You have no choice. And you must not let them know you can speak. Under any circumstances. Never let them know you’re intelligent. At the very least they’ll cut out your tongue.”

“What’s the worst case scenario?”

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