Pleasure Bound - Complete (2 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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The three of them hadn’t been on the planet for more than a week when his two brothers hadn’t come back from a day of exploring. Efforts to contact them on the comm-link had failed.

When they still hadn’t returned by the next morning, impatience had spurred him to go looking for them. He’d searched all day throughout the area where they were supposed to have been and hadn’t found so much as a footprint.

Exhausted, hot, worried, and totally pissed off at not finding them, he’d heaved a sigh of relief when he’d spotted the gushing blue river. Within minutes he’d stripped, thrown his clothing and equipment into some nearby bushes, and plunged into the refreshing water.

The cool liquid had dulled his muscle aches and tempered his worry about his brothers as he’d leisurely floated down the river. When he’d climbed out of the water about two hundred yards downstream, he’d been felled by the bullet.

He still remembered the painful impact to his neck as the bullet had slammed into him and then he’d fallen onto the rocky shore. Most of all he remembered the women surrounding him, with their lusty smiles as they’d excitedly groped his shaft.

They knew exactly where to touch to arouse the hell out of him. Heck, it hadn’t taken much since he’d been without female companionship for more than a year, but when they tried to mount him without his permission, he’d fought them off.

In thanks they had tied his arms and legs to a pole. Then they’d hoisted the pole with him on it and strung him between two females as if he were a recently killed deer or something. As they carried him, he’d drifted in and out of consciousness.

He had no idea how long he was tied to the pole, but however long it had been, his body was sore and raging with fever by the time they’d dropped him in the dirt and released him from the restraints.

Then the women had swarmed him again.

He’d fought them as they’d touched him. They’d done a damn good job arousing him, but then he’d seen that sharp glowing knife heading for his balls.

His balls

Joe bolted upward. Restraints tugged at his wrists and ankles, pulling him back against the mattress and a soft pillow.

Raw anger burned within him.

He wanted to shout, to demand he be untied. But his throat hurt like hell from the bullet wound. The only sound that escaped was a pathetic groan.

Then he noticed her.

She sat on the bed beside him and damned if she wasn’t gently stroking his penis and his balls, her touch arousing him like crazy. Obviously he was still very much intact down there.

Relief spread like wildfire throughout his system, allowing him to contain his anger and survey the woman.

Wow, but she was a pretty one. Tangled curly brown hair framed her sweetheart-shaped face. A soft mouth pouted at him. A mouth he wanted to kiss.

She’d been the one who’d quite literally saved his balls.

And for thanks she expected him to allow her to fondle him? Expected him to fuck her?

Anger tightened his body.

“Easy, Blue Eyes, easy.”

Her sweet voice flowed over him like melted honey and he relaxed despite the lust he saw brewing in her eyes.

Glorious soft brown eyes fringed by long thick black eyelashes. She smelled fresh and clean and of strawberries. But how could he smell strawberries? He was  a light year away from Earth.

Shit! He must be in some erotic dream. A damned good dream because this luscious dame was giving him the hardest hard-on of his life.

Not to mention she was totally naked.


Chapter Two


That’s what this was. A dream. It had to be. She was too gorgeous to be real.

His brothers must have programmed her into his sleeping cubicle on their spaceship. He must have dreamt everything.

Getting shot.

The women.


No, it couldn’t be a dream. The arousal coursing through his shaft was too real. Too painfully pleasant.

“You’ll be all right, Blue Eyes. A little infection is all it was. I’ve given you a Quick Healing Injection. You need some rest and you’ll be good as new.”

Annie released his penis. He wished she hadn’t. Her fingers felt good wrapped around his hard flesh. As if she belonged there.

His rod hardened even more as his gaze raked her curvy body. Her breasts were beautiful and full and so velvety looking. Not too big. Not too small.

Her aureoles were dusky colored. Her nipples large and suckable.

The thought of cupping her breasts in his palms made Joe’s heart rate quicken. Damned if he could remember ever being more aware of a woman in his entire life.

“I don’t know why I’m even talking to you. You don’t understand a thing I’m saying,” she murmured.

Leaning closer she lifted his bound wrist and took his pulse.

Her breasts were right there in front of his face. He licked his lips in anticipation. He hadn’t had his mouth on a woman’s breasts in a long time. Hell, he hadn’t been with a woman in a long time.

If he were to pick a woman to have some sex with, this one would be her.

Besides, he owed her. Big time. She’d stood up to the bitch who’d shot him and taken charge of a bad situation and saved his balls.

She let go of his wrist and placed a cool hand against his forehead. Her soft touch was heaven.

“Your fever’s gone. That’s very good news.” She smiled down at him with robust lips. Lips meant for kissing. Lips meant for sucking.

His penis stiffened at that idea.

She sure noticed his reaction, because her gaze slid down to his now fully erect cock.

He didn’t miss the soft curve of her elegant throat move as she swallowed. And he didn’t miss the look of longing in her eyes. He’d seen that look in many women back on Earth, right before he’d bedded them.

The pink tip of her tongue peeked out of her mouth as she surveyed his erection. A pretty blush slipped across her high cheekbones.

Oh yeah, he wouldn’t mind fucking this one.

It was as if she read his mind because she was suddenly leaning closer. Her full breasts thrust outward at him encouraging him to take a taste.

Her look was hot and intense and unmistakable. She wanted to have sex with him.

The idea brought an abundance of questions zipping through him.

Why did she seem different from the other women? Why didn’t he have the same urge to fight her off as he had with the others? And why in hell was his head telling him to cave in to these chaotic feelings of arousal rushing through his body and simply allow her to do with him whatever she pleased?

His body answered that question quite nicely as he reacted to her closeness.

The warmth evaporating from her skin dissolved his weakness, replacing it with a rip-roaring hum of energy. Energy that would be put to good use giving this woman what she wanted.

She held his gaze with those seductive brown eyes and she said nothing as her hands clutched his naked shoulders.

Her fingers burned into his muscles and she levered one long leg over his lower body.

Slowly she began to squat over his hips and onto his rod that stood at attention like a stiff flagpole. Hissing between his teeth, he watched in awe as his entire hard length slowly disappeared between the swollen hot lips of her clean-shaven pussy.

He slid into her easily. Her pussy was wet and oh so tight as her muscles immediately embraced him.

His heart was on fire from the erotic look splashing over her face. He became lost in her startling beauty, disoriented by the sensuous smile tilting her full lips.

She began to rock her curvy hips. Her sensuous movements made her vaginal muscles contract wildly around his flesh, sending chords of desire roaring through his shaft and straight into his belly.

Amazing, he’d never seen a woman have an orgasm so damn fast.

His heart beat wildly against his bare chest as her pert nipples stabbed into his face.

How could he refuse such a delicious offering? She shuddered as he took one of those luscious pink buds into his mouth, stroking the hot tip with his tongue and giving it a good suck at the same time.

Her screams of arousal intensified, coming from deep inside her chest. The sexy sound encouraged him to suck harder.

Her hands came up off his shoulders and her fingers plunged into his hair, cupping the back of his head, pulling his face into her soft breast. He suckled on her nipple as she continued to gyrate her hips.

Her exotic movements made his penis jerk with pleasure and his cock hardened like a steel rod inside her. He thrust his hips upward and she met his strokes.

Her moans grew and she pulled away allowing him to let go of her breast and grab some air.

She smiled down at him as she rode him. Her look was hot and frenzied. Her short auburn hair bounced delightfully with each movement.

Perspiration dampened her forehead and pink cheeks as she continued to take the pleasure from him, moaning and gasping with each swivel of her hips.

When her vaginal muscles began to shudder violently with another oncoming climax, he slowed his thrusts in an effort to prolong the pleasure.

She frowned prettily. Then he ground his cock upward into her vagina again. He plunged in deep, making her climax in yet another frenzied explosion.

Finally, he could hold himself back no longer. His body tightened and he released his hot sperm deep into her.

When he finished, she collapsed on top of him. Her full breasts flattened against his chest and her hot face buried into the curve of his neck.

“I won’t let them have you. I promise,” she whispered against his skin.

He couldn’t help but sigh in relief at her words. Couldn’t help but wonder why he’d just fucked a woman he knew nothing about.

But it had felt right. And oh so good.

She didn’t move off him, so he kept his cock nestled snugly inside her hot pussy and listened to the lullaby pounding of her heart as it beat in unison to his.

Both of them must have dozed off because he awoke to find her gazing down at him, her eyes wide with terror.

Then he understood.

Voices of women. Excited murmurs intermingled with angry ones. They were heading directly for the room he was housed in.

Annie’s hand immediately flew to his left wrist and the restraint there.

He held his breath as she began to unbuckle it. A knock came at the door.

Joe’s heart jammed into his throat as she stared down at him. Emotions warred in her brown eyes. Fear. Confusion.

She looked to the door and back to him again. Her fingers fought wildly with the restraint. It didn’t budge.

Another round of knocks came at the door.

Defeat ripped into her eyes.

He groaned as her warm softness left his penis as she climbed off him.

With lightning speed she dashed across the small room, making it to a large microscope set on a counter. An instant later the door burst inward.

Joe cringed as he recognized that bitch named Cath, the same one who’d nailed him in the neck with a bullet yesterday. She walked into the clinic as if she owned the place. Damned if she wasn’t naked herself. Obviously the women around here were very sensual creatures and not shy about their bodies.

She took one look at Annie bending over her microscope and grinned knowingly.

“Apparently the slave has regained his health. I hope you’ve been enjoying yourself with him.”

“He’s still not in any condition to fuck, Cath.”

Joe groaned inwardly. No use denying they’d just had sex.

Annie’s auburn hair was all tousled and her lips and nipples were swollen from his kisses. Besides, her face blushed a pretty pink. A dead giveaway she’d just been in the sack.

Cath didn’t look at him, but headed straight toward Annie in a threatening swagger.

The bonds around his wrists and legs tightened as he pulled against his restraints trying to break free to protect Annie.

Annie, on the other hand, seemed unafraid as the woman reached out and cupped Annie’s shaven pussy.

She closed her eyes and arched her lower body into Cath’s hand, evidently aroused by the woman’s touch.

Joe frowned in confusion. What the hell was Annie doing? Why was she allowing the woman to fondle her?

“You are so wet, Annie. No use denying you’ve been fucking my slave.”

Annie bit her bottom lip and said nothing as the two women stared at each other. Messages snapped between the two. Messages he couldn’t decipher.

Terror washed into Annie’s eyes. A red blush of embarrassment stained her already pink cheeks.

Cath’s thin lips curled in satisfaction.

He tried to shout at Cath. Wanted to yell at her to get away from Annie. Nothing erupted from his throat. Nothing except an awful raw pain and a sickly whisper.

Finally Cath uncupped Annie and brushed past her, slapping a piece of paper onto a nearby table.

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