Pleasure Bound - Complete (5 page)

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She didn’t make it far. He caught her arm and tugged hard. She couldn’t believe his strength as she whirled around and was slammed into his hot naked length.

Instinctively, she twisted in his arms, and tried to break free. But his arms were too powerful. His chest a wall of cement.

She couldn’t break loose!

“Please, let me go. Don’t hurt me!” She pleaded.

“Calm down! I’m not going to hurt you.” His voice was low and soothing but did nothing to squash the fear rampaging through her. She continued to struggle.

Suddenly, he gripped her chin. In an instant his mouth brushed against her lips in a soft caress that sent a whisper of desire ripping through her terror.

Startled by his tenderness, Annie couldn’t help but hope she was wrong about him. A vague memory of his mouth sucking at her breast pushed its way into her mind. He could have hurt her then. He hadn’t.

The tenderness in his lips as he sipped her mouth, slowly turned to a desperate fierceness. Sensations rippled through her. It devastated her self-control. Made her feel as if she were sinking into a whirlpool of sexual cravings.

Dark and dangerous cravings.

Ignoring the warnings in her head, she allowed her mouth to melt against his lips. He tasted mysterious and delicious. Of dominance and power. Of male.

Hot desire pounded through her veins, setting her body on fire. She pressed her breasts against his muscular chest and arched against his sturdy penis. She wanted him desperately. So much that it hurt.

He broke the kiss and pressed his lips against the column of her neck.

“Now that I have your attention, how about you cutting me a slice of bread? I’m starving,” he whispered.

Confusion seared a path through her desire. He wanted her to serve him bread? Serving a male was against the law. It was a sign of dominance. His over hers. A very bad thing.

To her surprise he let go of her, stepped away and handed her the knife.

A gesture of trust?

Trust she wished she could give him, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t. She’d never been around a male who hadn’t been restrained in some way. Or a male who could speak more than one or two sentences at a time.

Blue Eyes was dangerous. In more ways than one.

He wavered slightly and slumped into a chair, all energy seemingly draining from his body. Concern washed over her at his pale appearance.

“Are…are you all right?”

“I’m afraid I’m not up to full par. If I was…” He let his words trail off, leaving a hot promise in its wake.

Annie nodded numbly as the full impact of his words set in. He wanted to fuck her. She could see the lust in his eyes. Had felt it in the way he’d held her so closely. In the way he’d kissed her.

He craved food so he could gain strength. To gain power over her. To do with her what he wanted, instead of the other way around. And she would be powerless to stop him, just like the women of the hub had been powerless during the Slave Uprising.

She should attack him with the knife, wound him enough so she could subdue him. But he was expecting that. He would be on his guard.

On horribly trembling legs, Annie kept a wide berth from him and walked to the steaming bread she’d set on the counter only minutes ago.

Heart pounding against her chest, Annie lifted the knife and began to cut the bread, her mind awhirl with ideas of how to subdue him.

“Do you have any jam? Butter?” His strong voice curled over her shoulder and she tensed. He’d come up behind her and she hadn’t even heard him.

“We don’t use butter. Not good for the heart. Berry Jam is in the cooler. Open the door. It’s just inside.”

She nodded toward the trap door in the floor in a corner of the cabin.

He walked over to where she’d indicated. His back was toward her. He bent over and grabbed the small rope handle for the trap door. His firm buttocks jut out in a way that made her wish she could reach out and caress them. But she couldn’t. Not as long as he was free.

He tugged on the handle and Annie grabbed the nearest pot and crashed it over his head.


Chapter Six


Joe woke up to find the first rays of gray light seeping through the windows of the tiny one-room cabin. From a nearby open window, mild air spilled inside and curled over his body.

He wasn’t surprised that the temperature was warm. He and his brothers had been on this planet about a week and it had remained a steady seventy Fahrenheit during the night and wavered between eighty and ninety Fahrenheit during the day. Sunny days appeared to be the norm and from the look of the lush vegetation, it rained enough to keep the trees green.

The soft sound of someone breathing caught his attention and he found Annie sitting in the chair beside his bed.

Damn, she’d hit him over the head and knocked him out cold. He had a slight headache, and surprisingly nothing more. He made a note not to turn his back on her anytime soon. The chick was dangerous. A direct contrast to her beauty.

Lovely black lashes framed her closed eyes. To his disappointment she was still fully clothed, but her see through top left little to his imagination as he watched her full breasts rise and fall with her every breath.

The things he wanted to do to her made his blood run hot through his veins and made his shaft harden. He craved to fill his palms with her plump looking breasts. Ached to kiss her nipples until her sweet gasps of delight filled the room.

Man! He was turning into some kind of a sex zombie. He sighed in frustration. Whatever the reason for his intense reactions to her, he needed to get out of here. Before he ended up making love to her again.

Unfortunately he couldn’t escape because his wrists and ankles were retrained to the bed’s railings. And he was totally nude.

At least this time he wasn’t in the clinic or a sterile cubicle in the Sperm Bank where anyone could walk in and do with him what they wanted. This place smelled clean and fresh like Annie, not of medicine and stale sickness.

He studied the brightening room and the sparse furnishings. Two sturdy twig chairs were pushed beneath a solid pine planked table. A coarse brown rug lay beneath it. A simple kitchen was nestled toward the far wall. Cabinets were made of knotty pine. A gray slate stone was being used as a countertop and the floor was planked wood. The walls consisted of squared logs and chinked with dry moss.

Everything appeared to be handmade, including the charcoal drawings that hung on the walls.

Maybe this was Annie’s home? But he didn’t think so. He pictured her as having wildflowers in a vase and colorful drapes and cozy furniture. And no clothing on her gorgeous body. Yet it was the other way around. She wore the clothes and he wore nothing.

Misery at being chained gripped him. Not being able to roam freely or to touch her was getting on his nerves.

Yet, Annie slept as peacefully as if he wasn’t even in the room.


Earlier when he’d awoken to find her silky fingers wrapped around his aching shaft, his simple comment about how they kept meeting like this had sent a wave of terror washing over her pretty face. She had run from him and when he’d grabbed her, she’d begged him not to hurt her. He’d been stunned by her reaction and had tried to quench the panic by giving her a reassuring kiss. He’d hoped to remind her of their fantastic sex in the clinic. He’d given her the knife as a show of trust.

It hadn’t worked. The instant his back was turned, she’d whacked him right over the head. Now he was back to square one. Cuffed helplessly to the bed and with a sore-as-hell shaft aching for her tender touch.

Dammit, he wanted out of this bed!

In a sudden burst of anger he yanked at the handcuffs and moaned as pain sliced through his wrists.

“What are you doing?” Annie blinked from her perch on the chair. Fear clawed at her face.

“I’m getting pissed off, Annie.” He growled, truly getting ticked at her being afraid of him.

“I don’t know why you hit me. Or why you’re so scared of me. Quite frankly at this point I don’t give a rat’s ass. I just want to leave, okay. Just cut me loose so I can leave.”

“I can’t do that.”

“Why the hell not? Isn’t that why you got me out of that madhouse? Or…would you prefer that I fuck you first?”

The soft inhale of her breath gave her away. “You make it sound so harsh.”

“So that’s what you want. You snap your fingers and expect a man to begin fucking you. You say stop, he stops. Where’s the fun in that? How about switching roles?” At that suggestion, her eyes widened with shock.

“That’s illegal!”

“Just like a man speaking his mind is illegal. What the hell kind of world is this anyway?”

Realizing he’d given too much away, he clammed up. He needed to rein in his anger or he’d be spilling all the beans. The last thing he wanted was for her to find out he was from another planet.

A pretty little wrinkle burrowed between her eyebrows as she watched him with curiosity.

“Educating males hasn’t been done in decades. Which outlaw female taught you?”

Outlaw female

“Just let me go and pretend you never saw me.”

“I can’t. You belong to the Queen now. You are a slave.”

“Fine. I’m a slave. Just untie me and I’ll do what you want,” he lied. The minute she untied him he was out of here.

She shifted uncomfortably in her chair and avoided his gaze.

That pretty pink blush stained her cheeks again and a large part of him wished she’d climb on top of him and sink her heat over his sore penis, like she’d done in the clinic. Another part of him wanted her to trust him. Wanted her to undo the cuffs, so he could make proper love to her, like a man should do to a woman he cared for.

Joe cursed inwardly at that thought. Caring? How the hell could he care for a woman who was afraid of him? A woman who cowered away from him when he was free to be a man.

“You think I’m dangerous when I’m free, don’t you? That’s why you knocked me out.”

“I…I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have hit you so hard.”

“You shouldn’t have done anything, Annie. I’d never hurt you.”

Her frown deepened and her fists knotted in her lap.

“Untie me, Annie. I’ll prove to you I won’t harm you.”

“I can’t.”

“You don’t trust me.”

She hesitated. That was a good sign.

“The other day. At the clinic. When we…made love. I could have hurt you then. But you trusted me with your breasts. You let me bring pleasure to you with my mouth. I showed you then that you weren’t wrong to trust me. Let me go and I’ll show you again.”

“It’s against the law to allow a male loose without restraints.”

So that was the problem. The women ruled the roost around here. That answered his question why he hadn’t seen any men walking around.

“But you almost undid my restraints in the clinic the other day. You almost let me go. Why?”

“I…I lost control. It won’t happen again.”


“Okay, okay. Have it your way. But how about some food? I’m starving. I haven’t eaten a decent meal since I got caught. And um…I need to use the bathroom…or the outhouse…or the nearest tree.”

“You’ll have to use this basin for your…personal care,” she said as she dug under the bed and brought out an odd looking ceramic basin with a hollow pipe sticking out of it.

Joe clamped down on his suggestion of what she could do with that basin.

When her warm fingers intimately wrapped around his hard shaft he grit his teeth to prevent himself from moaning at the desire her touch created.

His face flamed with embarrassment as she guided his flesh into the large pipe. A pink flush blazed across her cheeks while he urinated into the basin. When he was finished she even tapped his rod for him.

Man! When he got out of these cuffs, he sure as hell was going to exact some sort of sweet revenge on her for putting him through this humiliation.

He watched her open the door and step out into the early morning gray. A moment later she came back in without the basin.

In the kitchen she washed her hands using a pitcher and bowl and then went to work. Pots clattered and she hummed in a low tune as she worked on a meal for him. Soon the delicious aroma of bacon and eggs drifted beneath his nostrils.

Over the last few days, he’d observed the similarities to Earth on this planet. Who had taught these people who to speak English? Who had supplied them with the guns that looked oddly similar to the ancient weapons produced on Earth?

He’d noticed something wasn’t quite as it should be when he’d been shot and then awoken to find the women giggling and fondling his penis.

He wondered how his brothers, Ben and Buck, had fared. Had they been captured too? Is that why they hadn’t returned to the spaceship? Heaven help him if anyone hurt his younger brothers in any way. He’d kill them first and ask questions later.

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