Compromising Positions (An Erotic Romance Novel) (21 page)

BOOK: Compromising Positions (An Erotic Romance Novel)
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No sooner did they step into their room, than Gabe had his mouth on her neck. She tipped her head back, relishing the goose bumps erupting on her arms and legs, and slid her hands down to the bulge in his pants. She rubbed up and down, wishing he’d get rid of the tux.

His fingers fiddled with the back of her dress. “Damn if this isn’t the most impossible dress!”

She giggled, having forgotten that the dress she’d chosen from the ship’s large stock had a row of tiny buttons running from mid-back to the small of her back. “Do you need some help?”

“Nope. Are you kidding me? The struggle is half the fun.” He flipped on the light. “That’s better. I like to see…everything.” The dress was off in seconds.

Then her bra, panties and stockings. He removed her garter with his teeth.

“Now, this isn’t fair. Off with your clothes. I like to see everything, too.” She slid her hands in his jacket and pushed it off his shoulders, then worked each button on his shirt. He helped her by getting rid of his shoes, socks, pants and shorts.

Finally! That gorgeous body was hers for the taking. She pushed his chest, until he was leaning back against the bed. “You made me wait for two long days—“

“Well, I’m yours now. Take me.” He dropped flat on the bed, his arms spread wide. “Do what you will. Be tender.”

She crawled on hands and knees over him and began at his neck, kissing, sucking, nipping his skin. He smelled good and tasted even better. A rush of heat settled between her legs and her arms trembled.

She moved lower, over a wide chest and flat stomach and followed the line of hair to his thick cock, erect and ready for her. It would be so easy to slide right down the length, take him inside. But not yet. She wanted this time to be special, different.

Instead, she took him in her mouth, opening wide to take him down deep in her throat. He groaned, and her pussy throbbed. Damn, she wanted him. She slid up, flicked her tongue over the pink head, followed the ridge around it and gripped the base in her hand. When she slid her hand up and down, in unison with her mouth, his hips started rocking.

And then, rolling onto his side, he pulled her off. “You keep doing that and I’ll come.”

“Would that be such a bad thing?”

“Yes. I want my seed in you. I want to have a baby with you.”

Those words sent a rush of tears to her eyes. “A baby?”

“You meant it when you said you want to have kids, didn’t you?”

“Oh, yes!”

“Good!” In a stealth move she hadn’t seen coming, he flipped her on her back, opened her legs wide and teased her clit with that wonderful pierced tongue of his. Waves of throbbing heat shot from her pussy out, warming her from head to toe. She could feel herself getting closer, nearing that crest.

And just as the first pulse of her orgasm shot through her body, he plunged inside. He pulled out slowly then slid in, burying himself deep. Her muscles clenched and unclenched around him, and as she opened her eyes, she saw him tense as he found his own release. His movements quickened as he thrust inside, planting his seed deep in her womb. She found a second crest as he drilled into her in a frenzy, screaming out the only words that could reach her lips, “I love you.”

And as their bodies relaxed, her heartbeat returning to a normal pace and her breathing slowing, he held her tight.

“I love you, too, my wife. Fate brought us together that first day in college. And fate brought us together again now. I will never take fate for granted again.” He kissed the top of her head. “And I will never stop loving you.”

“So, tell me.” She stroked his chest, her insides burning for more of him. “How did you take care of the house?”

“I told them I was your husband.”

She laughed. “Seems you gave fate a little shove.”

He smiled. “Well, I couldn’t leave it all to her whim. After all, half the fun in life is tempting fate.”

The End

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Please turn the page for a special sneak preview of DARKEST FIRE, the first book in Tawny Taylor’s new Black Gryffon series. Available March 29, 2011

An Excerpt From: DARKEST FIRE

Copyright © TAWNY TAYLOR, 2010

All Rights Reserved, Kensington Publishing Corp.

Chapter 1

Sin in stilettos hunted him.

In Drago Alexandre’s lifetime, lust had worn many masks—fair and sweet, dark and exotic, male, and female—but whatever form it took, it always, without fail, seized its prey. There was no escape. Yet, like the quail in Drako’s favorite sutta, The Hawk, Drako knew he would eventually break free from the predator’s grip…and shatter its heart.

Tonight, the hunting ground was one Drako’s favorite haunts and lust was a redhead, in an itty bitty fuck-me dress, her mile-long legs bared to there, her full tits a sigh away from tumbling out of her dress, and a dozen erotic promises glittering in her eyes. She didn’t know it yet, but the hunter would soon be the hunted.

Drako acknowledged her with a hard, piercing stare. In response, lush lips pursed in a seductive pout.

Yes, he’d have this one. But on his terms.

Let the games begin.

Eyes on the prize, expression guarded to keep her guessing, Drako tipped his beer back, pulling a mouthful of bitter ale from the bottle. As he swallowed, the heavy bass of the music thrummed through his body, pounding along nerves pulled tight with erotic need. Red and blue lights blinked on and off, casting everybody in the nightclub, male and female, in an alternating crimson and deep indigo glow.

Her gaze shifted.

His body tightened.

Oh, yeah. He liked this place. A lot. He slowly swept the crowded room again with his eyes. Writhing, sweaty bodies, mostly female, packed the small dance floor. Groups of people crowded around tables, the flickering red tips of their burning cigarettes dancing in the shadows.

“I’ve got the redhead,” he announced.

“That’s just as well.” His brother, Talen, set his empty glass on the bar’s polished top and shoved his fingers through his spiked, platinum hair. “I’m not in the mood for this tonight.”

“Not in the mood? Are you kidding me? Look around, baby brother.” Sitting on the other side of Drako, Malek, shot Talen a bewildered glance. About a dozen women gaped as his shaggy blond surfer-punk waves danced on a breeze.

Drako slid his quarry a heated glance then twisted to flag down the bartender. “Yeah, well, if you spent half as much time working as you do playing, Malek, we’d–”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard it before, big brother.” Malek ordered another beer for Drako then clapped him on the shoulder. “But like I say, life is short. You gotta live while you can.” He slipped from the stool, peeled off a twenty and handed it to the bartender. “Do either of you have a bad feeling about tomorrow’s meeting with the old man…?” Malek stood a little taller, tipped up his chin. “Ohhhh, yes. Talk to you later.” Not waiting for them to answer his earlier question, he headed toward the nearest flock of admirers.

“I think I’m calling it a night.” Talen said, watching Malek gather a small herd of women around him.

“Okay, bro. See you at home.” Drako checked his redhead again. She was still sitting at the table with her friend, but she was looking a little less certain of herself now. One hand was wrapped around a wineglass, the other nervously tugged at a lock of hair.

That was better. An aggressive woman did nothing for him.

Letting the corners of his mouth curl slightly, he lifted his fresh beer to his mouth and waited for their gazes to meet again.

Uh huh. Much, much better.

He held her gaze and everyone and everything else in the crowded bar seemed to slowly drift away, until nobody but his redhead existed to him. Electricity sizzled between their bodies, like heat lightning arcing between storm clouds.

Her tongue darted out, swept across her plump lip then slipped back inside. She set her glass down and, breaking eye contact, leaned over to her friend sitting next to her. They both glanced his way. The friend smiled and nodded, and then the pair of them stood.

Their arms linked at the elbow, their gazes flitting back and forth between him and the back of the bar, they hurried in the opposite direction, toward the bathroom.

That was an interesting reaction. Nothing like what he’d expected. Was she playing him? Were they both?

Mmmm. Both. Maybe he’d have two women tonight. Two was always better than one.

He dropped a fifty on the bar. And with his beer clutched in one fist, he walked around the far side of the room, taking the scenic route to the dark corridor at the rear. He’d catch them out there, where it was quieter, more intimate.

His timing was perfect. Just as he rounded the corner, they clacked out of the bathroom on a breeze of sweetly-perfumed air. They halted instantly, eyes widening, one pair a soft grey-blue, the other a deep brown.

Up close, the redhead lost a little of her charm. It was her friend who demanded his attention now. Her features were different, her almond-shaped eyes tipped up at the outer corners, the un-creased eyelids hinting at her Asian ancestry. Her full lips were plump and freshly coated in shimmering gloss. Her carefully applied makeup emphasized a set of picture-perfect cheekbones, and her slightly mussed hairstyle lengthened a slender neck, a tumble of silky blue-black waves cascading over her shoulders.

He’d seen her before. Where?

“Hi,” the redhead said, her voice a deep and sultry siren’s call.

He turned toward her again, catching, once more, the sensual promise glimmering in her cool blue gaze. Despite the invitation he read on her face–-or maybe because of it–-he found himself tiring of her already. His attention snapped back to the quiet woman next to him. An old David Bowie song echoed in his head, China Girl. “I know this is the world’s worst line, but don’t I know you from somewhere?”

“I’m not sure.” His China Girl stared at the tattoo on his neck, following the curved line up to his jaw. “I think I recognize the tattoo.”

“My brothers and I have the identical design, a griffin. It’s kind of a family thing. Our mother did the work.”

“Your mother? How interesting.” The redhead inched closer to get a better look, or so he assumed. “It’s very sexy. I’m not crazy about tattoos, at least not most of the ones I’ve seen. This one’s very different. All black, and grey and sorta…what’s the word I’m looking for?”

“Celtic?” The brunette offered.

That brunette was spot on. Their mother had been one hundred percent Irish. There could never be any doubt, with her mane of copper colored hair and freckles. And the design she’d created for her three sons was as Irish as her maiden name, O’Sullivan.

The redhead scowled. “No, that’s not it. I mean, yeah, it is Celtic, but that’s not what I’m trying to say. Men with tattoos are a little…dangerous.”

“Wicked.” Something darkened the brunette’s expression.

“Yes, wicked.” The redhead’s white teeth sank into her lower lip. “That’s a good word.”

Yeah, that was a good word.

He was feeling a little wicked something going on. And he could tell at least one woman was feeling it too. “Can I buy you ladies a drink?”

“Actually,” The brunette shot the redhead a nervous glance, “we were getting ready to leave–”

“But one more drink wouldn’t hurt,” the redhead finished, slanting a smile his way. “Thank you. By the way, my name’s Andi and this is Rin.”

“Good to meet you, Andi and Rin. I’m Drako. Let’s go see if we can find a table.” He motioned for them to precede him out of the dark corridor. He followed them back into the crowded heat of the bar. As they shuffled and wound their way through the throng, his gaze meandered down the back of Rin’s body, from the bouncing curls that tumbled down her back to a nicely-rounded ass hugged in a snug black skirt. When she stopped to let a couple pass by, he leaned over her shoulder and whispered, “Maybe we can figure out where we’ve seen each other before.”

A delicate fragrance drifted to his nose. Jasmine. It was refreshing, compared to the cloying blend of cigarette smoke and cheap cologne hanging heavy in the air and making his nose burn.

“Sure. Maybe.” She hurried around a couple clawing at each other like bears in heat.

He smiled at her expression as she shuffled past them, her lips parting, cheeks flushing a pretty pink.

Damn this was a hot place, in more ways than one. It sure put him in the mood to fuck, with all the gyrating bodies and hard, thumping music. A song he recognized started playing, a slow, sexy number, and taking advantage of the moment, he caught Rin’s slender wrist.

She glanced over her shoulder.

“Dance with me.” He didn’t wait for her to respond, just tugged her gently until her body was flush with his. He looped one arm around her back, splaying his fingers over the base of her spine. He felt her stiffen against him then relax.

She was petite, the top of her head hitting his chest at about nipple level. He liked how small and fragile she felt in his arms, how her little body fit against his.

And how she worked those hips of hers. Damn.

Sparks of erotic hunger zapped and sizzled through his body with every sway. He tucked his leg between hers and rocked his hips from side to side, melting at the feeling of her hips working perfectly with his. Her feminine curves conformed to his hard angles as she pressed tighter against him. He cupped her chin and lifted, coaxing her to look at him, to let him see that beautiful face, to maybe taste her lush mouth.

A second female body crowded against him from behind. A woman’s hands glided down his tight thighs. Breasts flattened against his back. Within a second, his prick was hard enough to bust through brick, his balls tight, his blood burning like acid.

BOOK: Compromising Positions (An Erotic Romance Novel)
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