Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (379 page)

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late Tutishcainyo Phase
South American farming cultures found in the Rio Ucayali area of Amazonia and tentatively dated to
1500–1000 bc. Characterized by their ceramic assemblages which belong to the Zone Hachure Horizon Style of the Amazon Basin.
Lathrap , Donald Ward
American archaeologist working mainly in South America. He showed that Amazonian regions were the focus of complex societies rather earlier than had previously been thought, and argued for the pre-eminence of the Amazon Basin and Pacific Coast cultures.
Anthropology Newsletter
, 31(8), 5]
Iron Age communities of southern Latium, the area south of Rome in central Italy, in the early 1st millennium
. The Latians are thought to have developed from the Pianello regional variant of the
, and certainly cremation burials in Latian contexts were widespread in the Alban Mountains and around Rome itself. The Latians were the ancestors of the Romans and were responsible for the construction of houses on the Palatine Hill during the 9th century
Large planned agricultural estates geared to efficient production and high profits through the use of cheap, often slave labour. Although strictly a Roman term, its use extends to agricultural estates in general where production is at an industrial level.
Latin term for lavatory.
lattice decoration
Ornamentation formed by a criss-cross of diagonal lines, described as acute-angled if the angle to the horizontal is more than 45 degrees and obtuse-angled if less than this; also known as

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