Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (660 page)

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Fine particles of between 0.06 and 0.002mm across forming constituent components of natural and anthropogenic sediments and deposits.
Tribal grouping recorded as occupying much of Wales and the Welsh Marches in the west of Britain at the time of the Roman conquest. They are often associated with the prolonged resistance to the Roman forces led by Caratacus .
Soft lustrous greyish-white malleable metal (Ag) usually mixed with harder metals for the manufacture of coin, plate, and ornaments, etc. In antiquity most silver came from lead ore (galena) which usually contains silver oxide as an impurity. Silver was removed by the process of cupellation in which the lead is oxidized leaving the silver unaltered.
simple passage grave
A type of early and middle Neolithic burial monument found widely along the Atlantic coastlands of northwest Europe. It typically comprises a round mound of earth and stone up to about 35m in diameter, within which there is one or more stone-built chambers accessible from the outside of the mound via a short narrow passage. The chambers are usually round, square or polygonal in plan and lack any structural compartmentalization. Burials by either inhumation or cremation were made within the chambers.
simple random sampling
A type of probabilistic sampling where the points to be sampled within a defined area or population are each assigned a unique number, the cases selected for analysis being determined using a table of random numbers.
The formulation of dynamic models or schemes that can be implemented by experiment or by being run within a computer.

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