Confessions Of A Vampire (8 page)

BOOK: Confessions Of A Vampire
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Our wedding night lasted well into the next day. There are perks to being supernatural, the best being that we don't tire out nearly as fast as breathers. Every waking moment was spent in each
arms. To be married to
man I loved seemed the most exhilarating perk of marriage to me.



“Marrying you was the smartest decision I've ever made, babe.”


My face lit up with a smile that rivaled the sun when I heard his voice. I was up and out of my chair at a speed humans often couldn't comprehend. I was in his arms and kissing him in the blink of an eye.


The young man sat watching us and I saw him furious
ly scribbling notes. It didn’t matter
what he was writing because I rarely paid much attention to what anyone thought, much less a human. It was one of the things my husband claimed to love most about me.


Excusing ourselves a moment, Severus and I stepped out into the hall to discuss where he'd been and why. He kissed my forehead and I knew
in an instant that
he was leaving again, much to my chagrin. He was very schooled in my looks of disappointment and I was positive he knew that I wasn't happy just by his demeanor.


Holding me close he whispered words of love and devotion into my ear, hoping to placate me enough that I wouldn't flip out on him for leaving again. With the young man in the other room, within hearing distance, my husband felt more assured that I'd keep up the appearance of a happy little wife.


Shooting him the dirtiest look I had, I backed away from him and pouted. Sticking my bottom lip out, I let out a deep sigh and Severus laughed out loud.


“Sunshine, you look adorable when you do that, but whisking you upstairs and spending the day making love to you is not a viable option at this time. You have a guest, if you remember.”


Stomping my foot for dramatic effect, I tried to hold back a giggle and failed miserably at it.
I never could stay mad at him for long
but I was still upset
“And you have to leave again, don't you?”


His nod was barely perceptible but I didn't need the visual confirmation, I could read his thoughts. Without a word, I turned from him and stepped back into the room, closing the door behind me to signal just how upset I was that he was going again so soon.


I paid no attention to the young man as I rested my back against the door and
to Sev's steps falling softly down the hall. I heard him talking to the twins, smiling sadly at how excited they were to have him sit down and play tea party with them. It was a rare treat for them that Daddy took the time to make himself available to play with them.


Vivienne and Vivica were both Daddy's Girls and it was well known
that he adored his daughters
. I'd have given anything to be in that room right then, just to watch them interact
, but I had other obligations and I knew that the twins needed this time alone with their father


To his credit, the young man, whose name I still didn't recall, remained silent. My tears fell
down my cheeks. We'd never be a normal family and most days that didn't bother me, but today, I would have traded all the powers I had for the chance to have my husband home all the time.


He jumped when I spoke. I couldn't be sure if it were from fear or surprise that I'd actually done so
but jump he did.


“He's hardly ever home anymore.”


“I'm sorry, Mrs. Severus.”


I gave him a sad half smile and pushed myself off the door, taking my seat again. “What's your name again, my dear?”


“Aaron, ma'am.”


“Are you married, Aaron?”


“No ma'am.” The scent of citrus permeated the air as he shook his head and I felt an overwhelming urge to taste his blood.


Controlling myself
I nodded and crossed legs that were clad in ripped jeans. “We weren't always like this. There was a time when we did anything possible to be together.”


The memory opened before my eyes as if I were watching a movie, an old, black and white classic film that always ended happily. Only this one had more twists and turns than a Patricia Cornwell novel.




Severus and I'd been together for only a few months
after meeting up again at that pool party,
when I decided I needed more from him. I broached the subject one night while we lay satiated from a passionate love making session. Without fear or hesitation I told him that I was falling in love with him and wanted more than just a casual relationship. That was the first time that Sev told me that he couldn't love. He explained that demons were incapable of that emotion.


I was livid and threw the sheet off of us and rolled away from him. Yanking on the shirt he'd tossed on the floor when we'd begun, I stormed down the hall without a word in search of the bottled blood I kept in the fridge.


His hand was hot on my stomach, even
the shirt, and I did my best to ignore him.


Sun, why does it have to change? Things are going good as they are.”


He sounded convincing but I needed more. I wanted him. All of him, not just the parts he'd reluctantly shared with me.


No, they aren't. Not for me. I am in love with you and I need to know that this is going somewhere. I'm no one's one night stand.”


Sweetheart, you're not. You're special to me, but I can't give you what you want.”


Keeping my back to him, I fought the tears that welled up. As the microwave beeped, I snatched the bottle of blood and took long, angry drinks before speaking again.


And you want to continue being able to fuck any little whore who will spread her legs for you, right? That's not good enough for me. I should be all you need, Severus.”


Don't do this, Sunshine. This doesn't have to end this way.”


Tell me, demon, doesn't it bother you to know that other men share my bed?”


I don't like the thought, but I accept it. We're not in a relationship and you're free to do as you please.”


Well it bothers me to think of other women sharing yours”


I'm sorry, but I can't change who I am.”


No, you won't change who you are. There's a big difference there. I think you should leave.”


His hands pressed tighter to my stomach and his warm breath tickled my ear. “You don't really want me to go, babe. We both know it.”


leave,” was all I could manage
as I turned away from him, trying hard to keep my tears from falling
. As he snapped away, I sank to the cold tile floor and sobbed. I'd just sent away the only being I'd ever truly loved and all because of my pride.


After several hours I somehow found the strength to pull myself up off that floor and wiped away my tears. I was
determined to show him just what he was missing
by letting me go


I spent every night out, laughing and having a good time. It was a few short
Draven walked back into my life and everything turned upside down. I won't lie, it was nice to have the attention and he was more than attentive.
I began to spend all of my free time with my former husband but I wasn’t really happy.


It had been weeks since I'd seen Severus when our paths crossed at a local vampire bar. I was running late as usual and breezed in, scanning the dark crowded room searching for Draven when our eyes met.


I thanked every god known in every realm that I'd dressed carefully that night. The royal blue of my form fitting dress set off my eyes and I knew that my legs looked long and stunning with the thigh high stockings peeking out from beneath the impossibly short hemline.


I tossed my long blonde hair over my shoulder, smirking at h
is reaction as I swayed my hip
on my way
to the bar. Leaning over to give him the perfect view of my backside I spoke softly to the bartender who pointed me in the direction of my companion for the night.


As I casually crossed the room, I saw the small dark haired woman join him, her eyes following his to me. I could feel her hatred instantly and wiggled my fingers at them both. I nearly burst out laughing when she asked him who I was and he informed
I was an old friend. Her envy and jealousy was evident as she shot daggers at me with her look.


As I reached Draven, he bent to kiss my cheek and glanced over at the demon with a smug smile. Rage filled me as Sev flooded the bond with his disapproval of my date. Brushing it off I chose to act as if I'd never felt it and ca
rried on with my night as usual but we both knew that nothing was normal about that night.


It wasn’t long before t
heating up with my former husband and we'd decided to become exclusive. The gossip around town was that Sev and his witch were hot and heavy and the rumor mill was abuzz with the fact that the demon was settling down.


I did my best to ignore the gossip and carry on with my life as if Severus had never meant anything to me at all. But as they say, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry and that was true even for vampires.


A little over three months after our last night together I bumped into him at a party. Both of us were alone, our significant others being otherwise engaged for the night. We were polite and
spoke briefly and
I excused myself before I acted on the urges that bubbled forth when
I was near him.


It wasn't long before I found him standing next to me again and this time I couldn't resist touching him. My hand rested on his arm as we spoke in hushed tones and I could feel that old familiar pull to him. If I'd
had a heart that beat
, it would have been racing.


As he leaned close and his breath caressed my ear, he whispered his desires to me. With a quick scan of the room, I gave a nod and sent him the mental picture of the room I was heading for, and walked away from him without a glance back.


The dark room seemed empty and cold until he walked in. Without a word he lifted me and pressed my back against the darkly paneled wall, kissing me as if he'd die without tasting me again. I clung to him, my legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. His fingers danced up my thigh, his touch electrifying and I gasped when they slid under the lace of my thong and teased me softly.


My fangs ran out when
he growled my name through clenched teeth. I sank them viciously into his shoulder as his fingers pushed past my folds and filled me. Drinking lustfully from him, every inch of my body cried out to belong to him again. I could feel his own need rising and sent him the memory of how it felt to be deep inside of me. As I drank from him, he tore the miniscule strip of lace from me and pushed my skirt higher up my thighs as he fumbled with the button of his pants. Pushing them down, he was inside of me with one powerful thrust.


This was as close to Heaven as I'd ever get and nothing else mattered but him. We were one again, our bodies moving in unison, as if we'd never been apart. His voice was raspy and filled with lust as he murmured words of love in my ear. Each movement sent us both hurtling toward the edge of orgasm and we held tightly to one another.


My nails raked down his back leaving long, bloody scratches I was sure he'd have to try to hide from his lover. His teeth tore into my neck, and he licked the blood that flowed from it. The pull of the bond was all it took to send me over that edge I'd been teetering on since this had started.

BOOK: Confessions Of A Vampire
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