Conjuring Darkness (14 page)

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Authors: Melanie James

BOOK: Conjuring Darkness
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Ryan held her firmly in place, nudging her feet apart. His hard cock throbbed against his palm. He slid his hand up and down the length before rubbing it against her wetness, covering the tip in her moisture. He teased and tormented her by sliding just the tip in and then quickly retreating. She pressed back against him, trying to get him to focus on where she needed and wanted the attention the most. He wouldn’t give in as he continued rubbing himself against her swollen nub, over her core, and back to the tightness of her ass.

He loved the way she begged and pleaded for him. Tonight his passion was strong and it made him feel wild. He knew that Lexi felt his animalistic presence, and it excited her as much as him. He wanted her wild beneath him, clawing and screaming for release. He had no intention of being easy on her. He could sense that was perfectly fine with her. He fully intended to make sure she knew, only he could bring her this much pleasure. A tiny voice in the back of his mind screamed
. The voice demanded that he claim her as his.

With one last sensual sweep of his cock over her wet folds, he plunged deep inside of her before quickly withdrawing and repeating the motion. Her body shook from the force of the impact. “Mmmmm, that’s it, Lex. I love the way you feel wrapped so tight around me.” He watched as her head tossed from side to side and called his name.

Lexi gasped with the pleasure she received from the long hard strokes. He picked up his pace as he sensed her orgasm building stronger. Her climax mounted. She felt like she was going to burst at the seams. He rolled his hips at the key moment, making sure he was firmly planted deep within her luscious folds.

He felt a sudden primal urge and pulled out. He wanted to see her face. He quickly spun her around. The action delayed her climax. Lexi was desperate to get him back inside of her.

Ryan lifted her up and she wound her legs around his waist like she had done in Colombia when he carried her to his bed. She cried out with surprise and pleasure, because this time he didn’t carry her away, instead he impaled her on his pulsing length.

His powerful muscles lifted her up and down his engorged shaft as he slowly worked his way off the balcony and into the suite. He laid her down on the thick plush carpet, and continued his pace.

She cried out in bliss with each pounding thrust. He brought his mouth down on her neck and then onto her breasts, taking her hard nipples into his mouth one at a time. Ryan didn’t slow from his long deep strokes. He licked and kissed her lips. His tongue plunged deep into her mouth, their tongues dancing wildly together.

He quickly flipped her over on to her hands and knees, before slowly inching back into her tightness. Ryan could feel every pulse of blood surging through him. He felt as if every bit of his energy was being focused on penetrating Lexi. She cried out with an orgasm that didn’t seem to end.

The sight of her bent over before him as she took his pounding thrusts with moans of sheer ecstasy, only drove him wilder. His eyes were drawn to the curves of her body, not to mention the way she tossed her head back as she called out “Yes! I love it when you fuck me!”

His own excitement sent him to the edge of an orgasm. He felt Lexi’s orgasm subsiding, but he wasn’t quite done with her yet.

He rolled her onto her back one last time. Starting a slow, torturous pace of grinding and thrusting, letting another climax build deep inside of her body.

Ryan could no longer control his urge to fill her with his seed as well as to profess his love to her. “Look at me, Lex.” He urged, nibbling on her lips. She opened her eyes and met his lusty gaze. “I love you, Lex.” He kissed her with more passion than he had ever felt as he exploded deep inside of her.

Lexi was amazed as her body shook with yet another powerful orgasm. She barely managed to breathe out the words “I love you too.”

Ryan collapsed on the floor next to Lexi, pulling her onto his chest. He laid with her heaped on his torso, as he ran his fingers through her hair. He contemplated telling her a thought that came to mind.
Sex is always good, but I swear it has never felt like this.
He thought perhaps, even bringing up any comparison to previous sexual encounters could likely backfire. He decided that keeping his mouth shut was the best course of action as he continued to stroke her hair. Exhausted, she fell asleep on him. He carried her into the bed and held her as they slept.

Sometime during the deep of the night, Lexi awoke. The full moon cast the room in a mystic glow. She looked at Ryan sleeping on his back, and ran her fingers through his thick hair. Her emotions seemed to be swelling up inside of her like a rising tide.
I love you. I am head over heels in love with you, Ryan.

She thought about how they really only met, but in that short time, they had spent every minute together. In a way, she thought she probably had spent more time with him in a few days than they would have if they had been dating for months. She thought about all they had talked about and shared with each other. She had also thought about what they had already been through and what the next day would bring.

It seemed to her that she had met so many girls in college who fell in love and then suddenly they acted as if they had roped a wild bull, marking them with their branding iron. As she let her feelings for Ryan run through her, she knew those girls had no idea what love really could be. Lexi ran her fingers over Ryan’s strong shoulder, her bare breasts brushed his well-defined biceps. She loved every inch of him.

Even though she found him to be incredibly attractive, he didn’t carry himself with a conceited air. She often found that guys with great bodies and hot looks were incredibly rude and hilariously vain.

He was just himself and that was fine with her. Ryan, uncomplicated, but still a deep, thoughtful, and completely confident man. She would never want to change anything about him, unlike the girls she thought about that were settling for guys that often became do-it-yourself projects, dripping with disappointment.

Her hand continued to roam over his broad chest and well defined pecs. She continued her exploration as her fingertips slid across his incredible six pack abs, pulling back the sheet to gain a full view of the man before her.

It seemed to Lexi that because Ryan felt the same about her, there was the possibility this could very well be the start of their lives together. She hoped so, but the last thing she wanted to do was to bring it up to Ryan, because for now, things were beyond good. They were absolutely spectacular.

She wondered about the day ahead, but she was distracted by the fact that she could still feel the twinges of Ryan inside her.

Her hand ran down to one of her favorite places to look at, the well-defined lines that ran over the outer part of his hips. She took his cock into her hand and felt it, all of it. She loved how soft the tip felt as she massaged it in her hand. He seemed so thick. She continued her massage and felt it begin to harden and grow in her hand, while her other hand danced over his chest.

He stirred in his sleep as she straddled his legs and stroked his now rock hard erection. She lowered herself down on him, trying to take every inch of him inside of her. She loved the way he filled her core. She rocked back and forth, grinding herself on him. Both of her hands pushed against his muscular chest. She looked at his face and his perfect features. He opened his eyes slightly and whispered, “I was just dreaming about you, Lex.”

He brought his hands up toward her only for her to push his strong arms back. “Shush…” Lexi told him as she kept her hands on his arms and continued her slow, yet steady pace. She felt his entire length move through her again and again, only interrupted by the act of grinding down on his long shaft.

She was making love to him and didn’t stop until they both climaxed together. With one last kiss, they finally slept until morning.

Chapter Nine


Lexi loved the feeling of the morning sun warming her skin, and how it felt to have Ryan take her hand as they walked to the neighborhood of Doctor Jakub Meier. They came to an overlook perched high above the sea below. The location gave them an incredible panoramic view of the area. The sky was colored in a beautiful blue, with wisps of white clouds that streaked near and far.

Lexi held Ryan’s arm and gently urged them to stop for a few minutes. A warm breeze scented from the aromatic flowers blanketed the gardens of Mount Carmel, lightly tossed her hair, and filled her senses with the fresh new day. A shimmering blue sheet adorned with diamonds and gold unfurled in the distance as the Mediterranean Sea reached out to the horizon.

Ryan pulled Lexi close and kissed her. She couldn’t get enough of the way Ryan spontaneously took her into his arms. It was a magical feeling that she wished would last forever. “It’s so beautiful up here. Just look at this view. I wish we could just make time stand still.”

“Yeah, I feel the same way, Lex. You know I’ve been thinking about something.”

“About what?”

“Just about when we are done with this trip.”

“And?” Lexi anxiously waited for him to continue.

“Nothing really...just thinking.” Ryan kissed her again. “Hey, we better get going, in case his place is hard to find.”

Damn! I wonder where that was going. Is he trying to drive me insane?
Her head and heart filled with hope that he might possibly want the same thing she did.

It was only a few blocks farther, until they came to the address listed for the doctor. The house was a grey, stone building nestled between similarly designed structures on either side. Weathered, grey stone steps that bordered with rocks and sand led them up to a small landing. Lexi and Ryan stood before a heavy wooden door. They noticed how small and plain it looked, not at all like the doctor’s office that they had come to expect. A tile placard written in both Hebrew and English hung on the rough plaster wall by the door. Lexi took a close look at it and read the name out loud.

“Yep, this is it all right. It doesn’t look like any doctor’s office that I’ve ever been to, and not like one I would want to go to either.”

Ryan carefully looked over the building. Every detail was significant to him. His mind instantly catalogued the number of windows and their size—along with the number and type of utility lines running to the roof. He looked for evidence of any foot traffic around the side of the building, and any type of security system. He guided Lexi behind him before he knocked on the door.

Lexi looked at Ryan from behind, admiring how his broad shoulders filled his t-shirt and his jeans hugged his ass. She smiled as she still felt her body ache from their passionate night. Lexi ignored Ryan’s cautious approach and moved up behind him.

He jumped with surprise as Lexi cupped his ass with her hands and gave him a firm squeeze. “You sure are cautious.” She whispered in his ear. “What are you looking for?”

“Anything and everything. I don’t like surprises, and I want to have a good idea of what we could be going into.”

“Do you see anything unusual, Sherlock?” Lexi teased.

“Well, this place isn’t used much. I doubt that more than one, or maybe two people could live here. There is no security system. Other than the little plaque on the wall, it looks like the doctor would just as soon be left alone in his little cave. I don’t expect any surprises here other than what he may have to tell us.” 

“I am pretty sure that our doctor likes to cultivate roses.” Lexi observed.

“Wow! How can you tell that?”

Lexi smiled and pointed to a white canvas bag of gardening tools that had a magazine laying on top. The magazine cover had large lettering that she read out loud. “Cultivating the perfect rose. A lifelong project.”

“Very observant, my dear Watson!” Ryan joked and knocked loudly on the door. They heard the slow shuffling sounds of tired feet approaching from somewhere inside.

“I think I can count at least seven dwarfs coming.” Lexi whispered.

Ryan noticed movement behind the peephole in the door. There was a metallic clicking noise and then the heavy sounds of brass tumblers that came from the lock being opened. The door creaked open slightly and the old man peered out. His voice was deep and gravely with age and his tone was stern. Jakub had a strong accent, but his English was clear enough for them to easily understand. “Who are you?” He growled.

Lexi immediately took charge of their introductions. “Hello, I’m Lexi. Lexi Salenko and this is Ryan Kidd. I have received a letter from-.”

“You’re the Karnstein woman’s sister! I’ve been expecting you. So is this your boyfriend or your guard dog?”

“Both actually.” She happily replied.

“Humph. Before I let you in, do you have it?”

Lexi answered “Yes, if you mean the coin or whatever it is.”

“Then come in.” Jakub opened the door and backed up to let his guests in.

Ryan looked over at Lexi and made a slight mocking bow. With a wave of his arm he said, “After you, my dear Watson.”

“Why thank you, Sherlock.” Lexi playfully giggled.

Lexi and Ryan finally got a good look at Jakub Meier. He was a very tall man, thin and gaunt. There were small brown blotches on his nearly bald head, and the skin of his face was loose and wrinkled. Perhaps ninety years old, they thought. Jakub’s most remarkable feature was his bright, sky-blue eyes. They were impossible to ignore.

Jakub led them inside, and pointed at an old wooden table with four simple chairs neatly arranged around it. Lexi and Ryan walked in as Jakub closed the door behind them. With a series of clicks, he carefully locked the deadbolt. The room was dimly lit by a couple of tiny rays of sun that snuck past the closed shutters on two windows. The table was in the center of a small kitchen with an adjoining living room next to it.

The living room was a hoarder’s dream. The couch and chair looked like they had not been used in decades, except as repositories for the stacks of magazines and newspapers that made precarious leaning towers. The rest of the room was a cluttered mess with books and old newspapers covered in the dust of many years gone by.

Jakub flipped a switch on the wall, then turned on a small light fixture above the table. Jakub held his hands on a chair and waited for them to sit down, before taking a seat across from them. Lexi was troubled by Jakub’s expressionless stare that lasted an uncomfortably long time.

What the hell is wrong with him? Is he waiting for me to say something? Why does he keep this place so dark that he has to turn on a light on a day like this?

Lexi began to shift in her seat when she felt the penetrating gaze that she got from the old man. Ryan noticed her unease and he took her hand. “Lexi, why don’t you show the coin to Jakub.” She let go of Ryan’s hand and reached into her backpack to remove the coin.

The palm of his outstretched hand signaled her to stop. “No! Keep it put it away for now. Please. I’m not ready to look at it yet.” He said.

Lexi looked at Ryan and raised her eyebrows. She pursed her lips and then silently mouthed her words. “Okay then.”

There was a knock on the wooden door. Ryan immediately rose from his seat and looked through the small lens of the peephole. He turned to Jakub and said, “Were you expecting anyone else? There is an older man at the door. Curly gray hair, fuzzy beard, and glasses.”

“Ooh is it Doc? Or Grumpy? I could never get them right.” Lexi quipped.

Ryan noticed it was the little traits they had in common that made them feel so comfortable. He laughed at Lexi’s wisecrack and thought about her for a second.
God I love that girl!
Clichés came to mind when he considered how they got along. They were on the same page. Her habit of joking around to take the tension away from an awkward situation was yet one more thing they had in common.

“Yes, let him in. That is Rabbi Abraham Pearlman. He’s a specialist in archaeology and history.” Ryan opened the door, and a smiling man entered. He was short, portly, and about sixty years old. His glasses were round wire frames over smiling blue eyes. Lexi looked at him and thought, if he traded in his black suit for something red, he would have made an excellent Santa Claus.

“Welcome, Rabbi Pearlman!” Jakub said loudly. “Please meet Lexi Salenko, she is the sister of Kate Karnstein and this is either her boyfriend or bodyguard, Ryan Kidd.”

“Hmmm. Bodyguard and boyfriend to such a pretty lady? Not a bad job to have my boy. From the looks on their faces I would say that he really gets into his work.” Abraham laughed at his own crusty demeanor. “I’m sorry. Forgive an old man.” He smiled and shook his finger at them. “I recognize you from last night. I was walking through the plaza and I remember seeing you both. I thought to myself. Ah to be so young and in such love. It makes me happy to see that, you know.”

Ryan shook hands with Abraham. Lexi started to get up, but Abraham put his hand on her arm. “Please, don’t get up for me.” He smiled at her. “You look like a younger twin of your sister. Although with those eyes, my dear, you certainly are your mother’s daughter.”

Lexi stood up anyway and excitedly asked, “Rabbi Pearlman! You knew my mother?”

“Yes, yes I certainly did. I knew both of your parents. We first met before you were born. I think it was at a conference in Ankara, Turkey. After that, I would occasionally run into them at various archaeological digs as well as some lectures. We corresponded on our research as well. As a matter of fact, I also met your sister at a lecture I gave. Duke University, I believe. I was on a lecturing circuit about Babylonian archaeology and mythology at that time. In any case, please dispense with calling me Rabbi and just call me Abraham. Jakub insists on calling me Rabbi, although I have extensively studied Hebrew texts, I was never a rabbinical student.”

Jakub immediately refuted his dear friend, “Yes, you are certainly a Rabbi. You are a teacher, and you have dutifully kept on with your Hebrew studies well beyond what many people have. Close enough for me. Besides, it makes me feel better when I can brag to people that my friend the famous Rabbi was here.” Jakub surprised Lexi and Ryan with a laugh.

Ryan chimed into the conversation in order to glean more information about how Jakub, and the archaeologist that knew Lexi’s parents had met. “So, how do you and Jakub know each other?”

Abraham looked ever at Jakub and they both appeared cautious about how to answer Ryan’s question. Finally Abraham spoke out, “Yes, well Jakub met me a number of years ago when he approached me about learning more about an old amulet that had come into his possession. He was with the Mossad at the time. He said that much of the story surrounding it was classified as secret. I looked at it briefly, but because I couldn’t take it to study it, I really had nothing to offer in regards to it. All I can say is that it is very old, and I have seen nothing else quite like it. He recently contacted me and told me that Lexi Salenko would be visiting him with the amulet. So of course, I had to see the daughter of my old friends as well as to see this amulet again. Jakub promised that he would be spilling all of his secrets. I am intrigued! Perhaps we should let Jakub tell us the very interesting story associated with it.”

“Forgive me, but I am very old. With age I have realized that it is time for me to say what must be said, and to do what must be done. I also believe it is time for me to tell my entire story, as I never have done that before. I feel that I must do this, before I leave this life.”

Jakub addressed Lexi directly. “So, if you would like some water or tea please, there—the kitchen, you may get those. It is rather difficult for me to move about and be a good host.”

Lexi looked at Ryan, who smiled back at her as they acknowledged Jakub’s old fashioned personality. Of course, it would be the woman’s job to get the drinks. Lexi walked over to the little kitchen counter and while she looked around she asked, “Jakub, would you like something? Ryan, Abraham?”

Jakub made a slight smile, “Thank you Lexi, tea for the Rabbi and me.”

“Just water for me Lex, thanks. Doctor Meier, forgive me for asking this, but we would like to know about how you knew Kurt Karnstein. We know that he visited you in the past.”

Jakub answered, “Yes, I met him and I will tell you about that after I give you my story.” Lexi returned to the table with the drinks.

“Thank you, Lexi. I want you to be comfortable, because I am going to tell you a story now. Your sister was here. You could say that I compelled her to write the letter to you. I needed her to have you bring the amulet here. That thing she called a coin is actually an ancient amulet.”

Everyone eagerly awaited Jakub’s tale.

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