Connected (Twists of Fate #1) (18 page)

Read Connected (Twists of Fate #1) Online

Authors: Jolyn Palliata

Tags: #Paranormal;Romance;Rock star;Rock band;novella;Twists of Fate;Souls

BOOK: Connected (Twists of Fate #1)
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Martin Rose
for his addictive enthusiasm and gentle teachings in honing my skills. Without him, I’m not sure the i’s would’ve been dotted, or the t’s crossed. And
would have been a whole other type of reading experience. (We’re talking somewhere along the lines of nightmare-inducing proportions.)

And to
Rock bands
everywhere. Your music drives my words. Without your talent and hard work, I wouldn’t be writing and living my dream. Thank you for your continued inspiration!

About The Author

Jolyn Palliata writes romance for adults, but has dabbled in young adult and crossover as well. She lives in the Midwest with her highly patient husband and insanely energetic son. For more information, or to contact Jolyn directly, please visit her website at
or email her a
t [email protected]. S
he loves the interaction with her readers!

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