Suddenly, it turned into a small testimonial session. The room was silent as a girl stood up and talked about her experience of being a Katrina refugee. Tears filled her eyes as she recounted waiting days for aid. She watched an older woman die because she couldn't get her medicine.
Tears rolled down Lena, and Carmen's faces. Lena made a mental note to have Brandon donate to Katrina victims.
Others discussed the poverty in Memphis.
They took up a collection to raise money to feed the homeless. Lena pulled out two hundred-dollar bills and handed them to the gentleman in the front.
“Thank you, my sister. She has just donated two hundred to our fund. You are a blessing, Nubian queen.”
Lena smiled as the crowd clapped.
The guy turned the show back over to the MC.
A tall, slender, dark-skinned guy with long locks walked to the stage. “We want to thank everyone again for coming out to Rhyme and Reason. We took a pause for the cause, but now we are going to get back into the rotation. Let's bring up my niggaâI mean, sista.”
Everyone laughed. “Y'all, I can play with her like that. She's like a little sister to me.
Y'all give it up for Neo.”
Carmen and Lena clapped as Neo walked to the stage.
“I was going to do a different piece, but since there is someone special in the crowd, I'm going to read something else I have been working on. It's a work in progress, but y'all know how it is.”
I wonder if she knows
How intense my
Infatuation with her is
I wonder if she knows
I'm watching her every move
I wonder if she knows
The slightest touch sends
Chills up my spine
And that infectious laugh
I hear in my sleep
I wonder if she knows
The curves of her smile
Like I do
I wonder if she knows
I like a woman with a little
Meat on her bones
I wonder if she knows
Her scent gets me
A little wet
I wonder if she knows
When she looks at me
That my
Whole body starts to shake
And I can't shake this
The feeling of being on cloud nine
Every time she passes by
I wonder if she knows
I could be the one
I can be the one who
Sends her to her highest level
Without sex
I wonder if she knows
I adjust my day for her
Just so I can get a fix
Cuz I feel like an addict
Addicted to her touch,
Her smile, her laugh, her style
She's the one for me
I wonder if she knows ...
Carmen couldn't believe what she was hearing. Neo had stared at her almost exclusively while reading the poem. Lena was in shock. She didn't know if she was supposed to be happy or concerned.
The crowd snapped and clapped as Neo left the stage. She looked at Carmen and walked off to the bar.
“Um, if that wasn't a
Love Jones
moment right there,” Lena said. “And you thought no one wanted you.”
“You really think that was for me?” Carmen said.
Lena gave her a sarcastic look. “Girl, if that poem wasn't about you, my name isn't Lena.”
The crowd began to disperse after the last poet. Soft Neo Soul music played as people chatted with each other. Lena and Carmen stood up to leave.
“So, you leaving?” The sound of Neo's voice gave Carmen goose bumps.
“Yeah, we have to get back to campus,” Carmen said. “Um, that was a very, um, interesting poem.”
Neo smiled. “It was interesting? That wasn't the response I was hoping for. I was hoping to get a date out of it.”
“Um, Carmen, I'll meet you at the car.” Lena quickly walked out the door.
“Neo, I like you as a friend, but I have a woman, and you know that.”
Neo lowered her head. “Yeah, I know, but things like that could change, right?”
Carmen shook her head. “Not things like this. We are very happy and moving to California after graduation. I'm sorry.”
“I am the one that's sorry. I guess I'm a little too late. Well, I will see you around, Carmen. Hope you liked the poem.”
“I loved the poem. See you around, Neo.” Carmen turned around and walked out the coffee shop.
“Well, look at you, wit' your bad ass,” Lena teased.
“Whatever, girl.”
“Whatever, my ass. How does that make you feel? That girl was a cutie.”
Carmen smiled. “I feel pretty damn good. Now, get me home to my woman.”
They laughed and headed back to campus.
Chapter 9
Cooley knocked on the thick dorm room door. She had been messing with Lynn for weeks and still was sexually frustrated. Misha opened the door. Cooley felt her pressure rising at the sight of Misha in her boy shorts.
“Cooley, what isâ”
Before she could finish responding, Cooley began to kiss her. She slammed the door with her foot as she held onto Misha and made her way to the bed. Cooley fumbled with Misha's boy shorts, until she decided to just rip them off, out of sexual frustration.
Misha didn't know what was up with Cooley, but she didn't care. She let Cooley take full control of her body. It was some of the most intense sex they had ever had.
Cooley fucked Misha until she got all of her tension out. She sighed afterward. That was how sex was supposed to be.
Afterward Cooley lay in Misha's bed as Misha got up to get a new pair of underwear.
“You know you are buying me another pair of those, right?” Misha said as she threw away the torn panties.
“I got you,” Cooley responded. She laughed when she thought about ripping the boy shorts.
“Good. So now you want to tell me what that was all about?” Misha looked at Cooley.
“Sorry, baby, I just had to have you.”
“What about Lynn? Isn't she giving you enough?” Misha asked. She knew that Cooley had been seeing Lynn pretty much exclusively, except when she was with her.
Cooley sighed. “The sex with that girl is horrible, Misha. She doesn't know what to do at all.”
“Damn! Are you her first or something?” Misha said, trying to hold back the laughter.
“You know I thought I was, but I asked her, and she said she has been with, like, three girls before me. But I swear that girl fucks worse than any straight bitch I have turned out.”
“Well, Carla, you should talk to her about it. Maybe she doesn't know she isn't doing a good job. Put your shirt on,” Misha said as she threw Cooley's shirt at her.
“Whatever, man. ”Cooley looked at Misha. “Hold up. Are you kicking me out?”
“Pretty much. I have somewhere to go,” Misha said as she grabbed her robe and towel.
“Where you got to go?” Cooley felt herself getting heated.
“'Cause I asked, that's why. You sitting up here trying to treat me like a booty call and shit. Where you have to go that's soooo important that you kicking me out?”
Misha sighed. “If you must know, I have a date.”
“You got a what?” Cooley felt jealous. “Wit' who?”
“I'm sorry. When did you become my mother?” Misha said sarcastically. “Damn, with this chick I met. You don't know her. Why you trippin'?”
Cooley stood up. “I'm not trippin'.” She looked at the wall. “Who is the girl?”
“I said you don't know her, and you are trippin'. So what's the deal?”
“You a trip, Misha. I thought we were being honest with each other. I just get finished fuckin' you and you 'bout to go be wit' some random bitch and shit.”
“I have been honest with you. Hell, I just met her. I don't even know if I like her yet. Damn, chill out.” Misha looked at Cooley, who was fuming.
Cooley tried not to look at Misha. She didn't like how vulnerable she felt. Her feelings for Misha were making her weak. Cooley began to pick her hair. She always picked her hair to relax. “You know what? Dig that. Do you then, Misha,” Cooley said as she headed to the door.
“Cooley, what is up with you?” Misha said as she grabbed Cooley's arm. “Aren't you seeing Lynn? Why are you tripping over this, girl?”
“I'm not. Just let me go.” Cooley tried to open the door, but Misha stood in front of it.
“No, Carla, talk to me. What is really wrong?”
“You really want to know. Well, I don't want no one touching you!” Cooley felt herself losing control. “Damn, Misha, this shit is not working out. I can't just fuck with you like this.”
“Fuck! You got me buggin' for real.”
“But we had an agreement,” Misha said.
“That's not working.”
“'Cause I am still in love with you!” Cooley paused. She finally said the words she had been tryng to hold back.
Misha's eyes brightened. She couldn't believe what she heard. “Carla, talk to me.” She wrapped her arms around Cooley's neck.
Cooley knew she couldn't fight it anymore. She took a deep breath. “Misha, I love you. I have always loved you. I don't just want to be your friend. I don't just want to fuck on occasion.”
Misha looked down at the ground. She looked back up into Cooley's grey eyes. “Cooley, I hear you, but I am not ready to commit back to you. Maybe we need to take a little more time apart. Make sure this is what we both truly want.” Misha looked Cooley in her eyes. She had never seen Cooley so vulnerable.
Cooley tried to maintain her composure and not show her face breaking. She sighed. She never had to try so hard to be with a girl in her life. “Fine, Misha, whatever.”
“Carla, don't act like that. I'm not saying never. I'm just saying I'm not ready yet.”
Cooley knew this was a battle she wasn't going to win by pressure. She pulled Misha close to her. She could feel Misha's heart beating. Cooley looked into Misha's eyes and planted a sensual kiss on her.
“Misha, you know where to find me when you want to.”
She opened the door and walked out. Cooley hated what she was becoming; she knew she had to do something about her feelings.
“Great job, ladies. See you all later,” Carmen said to two of her sorority sisters. They had put the finishing touches on their informational display in the University Center. “I will see you all later, OK.”
They walked off as Carmen looked over the display one more time.
Carmen felt a strange feeling come over her body. She knew something was not right. She turned and looked around the U.C. but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. However, something was telling her she needed to leave.
Carmen grabbed her bags quickly and headed toward the door. “Shit,” she said as she realized she left a bag. She walked back into the center and felt her heart drop. She saw her ex, Tameka, standing in front of the Chi Theta board with a girl. Carmen soon realized it was the same girl that she'd caught Tameka with last year during the sports ball. She decided to leave the bag, but it was too late. Tameka spotted her.
“What's up, shorty?” Tameka said as she flashed a devilish grin. “Hey, my girl is thinking about Chi Theta. What does she need to join?”
Carmen grabbed the bag from off the floor. “She needs class,” Carmen said as she turned to walk away.
“They didn't require that when they let your stupid ass in!” the girl snapped back.
Carmen tried to ignore the comment, knowing she couldn't throw down in her letters. She continued to walk off, until she heard Tameka respond.
“Yeah, fuck her, baby. She just mad 'cause I don't want her dumb ass anymore.”
Carmen turned around just in time to see Tameka lay a deep kiss on the girl. Carmen's body began to shake. She dropped all her bags and began to walk toward them, until someone grabbed her shirt.
“Hey, baby?” Carmen turned around to see Nic looking at her. Nic leaned down and planted a deep kiss on Carmen. “Is everything cool?”
“Yeah, everything is fine,” Carmen responded. She turned to see Tameka looking surprised.
Tameka grabbed the girl's arm and headed in to the cafeteria.
Carmen began to pick her bags up. Her body was still trembling.
Nic grabbed her arm. “What was that all about?”
“Nothing, baby,” Carmen said, fidgeting around. “They were trying to start some shit.”
“And it looks like you were going to walk right into it,” Nic said sternly.
Carmen noticed Nic's expression. She could tell she was not happy.
“Nic, it's not what you think.”
“Carmen, save it, OK? Look, baby, I know you are still going to care for that girl, but I am telling you now, if you even think about going back, hell, if you even think about letting her affect us in any way, you can kiss me good-bye for good this time.” Nic picked up the rest of Carmen's bags.
Carmen realized that Nic had a reason to feel that way. She had left Nic alone the year before to deal with Tameka again, but Nic forgave her when things with Tameka predictably went sour.
“Nic, you are right. Even though she treated me like shit, I am always going to care for her. But I love you, and now I know what real love truly is.” She wrapped her arms around Nic's tall torso. “I am not going anywhere.”
Nic kissed Carmen on her forehead. “I hope not.”
They walked out of the U.C. Carmen knew she had a prize that she wasn't going to mess up again.
Denise landed another three-pointer. Nic and Cooley were both out of breath. Denise hadn't even broken a sweat.
“You know. Fuck this. I'm done,” Cooley said, dropping the ball in the dimly lit gym. They would come to the gym late at night to play ball and talk. “It's not fair, playing with your ass.”
“Aww, bruh, don't be mad 'cause I got skills.” Denise laughed.
“Fuck that. I'm a lover, not a jock,” Cooley said, sitting on the bleachers. Cooley noticed the look on Nic's face as she practiced her jump shot. “What tha deal, Nic?”
Nic turned around. “Man, you won't believe who we ran into today. Tameka.”
“Oh, really now? How was Carmen?” Denise asked.
“How was Tameka's face? I was hoping I left a mark last year,” Cooley said.
“I don't know, but I wanted to leave a few this year,” Nic said as she sat down. “I walked up on her starting static with Carmen.”
“Don't tell me no shit like that,” Cooley said. “I already had to do enough community service.”
“You didn't do no damn community service. You had that girlâyou know that own the daycare sayâyou worked there,” Denise said.
“It's the principle of the thing. They said if I get into it with her again I'm out of school.”
“The messed up part was Carmen. It's like she is still affected by the girl. I don't know what to do to stop that shit,” Nic said.
“Carmen loves you, Nic. She isn't going anywhere again.”
“I hope not, but to make matters worse, the girl does not trust me at all. Man, she was ready to jump that girl who tipped me on the show when Oohzee was there.”
“Well, you know Carmen has been hurt real bad,” Denise said. “And she has always had low self-esteem.”
“Yeah, but I haven't done anything to make her treat me like that. I haven't as much as yelled at her.” Nic angrily bounced the baskeball.
“Look, man, you just gotta realize something. Carmen is damaged. She is trying to guard herself from getting hurt again.”
“Well, talk to her for me, 'cause I love that girl. I'm not going to cheat on her. Hell, my biggest fear is that she is going to let Tameka back in again. I don't even want her to consider it.”
“Fuck that. Tameka bet not think about it. She knows I will kill her ass if she comes near C again,” Cooley said as Denise's phone began to rang.
She quickly pressed ignore.
“Now look at this nigga here. One guess who that is. You need to get rid of that bitch.”
“Cooley, don't start,” Denise said.
“I have to agree with Cool on this one. Denise, something's not right with that girl. Have you paid attention to the look she gets sometimes?”
“That's âcause y'all just can't stand her.”
“Now, Dee, that may be Cool and Carmen, but not me. The girl is a little strange. Have you seen the little spacey way she looks sometimes?”
“She is a lot strange. I think the ho is psycho, personally. Dee gon' wake up and be tied to the bed like in
“No, I'm not.” Denise stood up. “But don't worry. I'm not really feeling it anymore anyway.”
“You weren't feeling it from day one,” Cooley said. “You need to drop her for good and let it go. Stop this back-and-forth shit.”
“I agree, Dee. If you leave her alone again, let it stay. A girl ain't gon' take too many times of you leaving her and coming back.”