Consume Me (A Burning Desire Novel) (36 page)

BOOK: Consume Me (A Burning Desire Novel)
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She was one of the beautiful redheads I’d
seen on the internet; with bright green eyes. One of the photos was on a beach;
they were all over each other while having lunch. There was also another
couple, I recognized Evelyn in a very red and transparent swimsuit.

The article was on a tabloid website, it
talked about how Evelyn was a strong woman facing her ex-boyfriend and current
business partner in the arms of the gorgeous Amelia Gold.

The other man was Alec Avery.

He was just as handsome as his friend, but
in a totally different style.

I didn't think I would ever be able to get
used to the fact that my boyfriend had a database on his own.

I spent what seemed like hours looking at
pictures, with women, men at galas, in public places. There were videos of him
talking to the press and portraits.

I couldn't believe I didn't know who he

Weirdly, none of the photos affected me. I
listened to another song
de Pirate’ ‘Comme des enfants’
and felt as much in love as the singer was.

Just when I was about to get to sleep, my
phone buzzed.

 It was Landon.

"Hi Baby."

I said, smiling sheepishly.

"Oh, how I love it when you call me

"I thought you went to sleep."

"No, I was in the shower. I miss

"I miss you too, I hate my empty

I pouted, because, in truth, I hated it.

"I could come spend the night, or
pick you up. Just say the word."

He was very eager. It was a pity that he
came for me and ended up sleeping alone.

"Don't tempt me Davis, my mother is
in the next room. She doesn't need another shocking revelation tonight."

"I'm sorry? Is this high school?"

I could hear the laughter.

"No, but it's complicated. Let's wait
for tomorrow."

"But I want wake-up sex; I could
leave before she wakes up."

He’d suggested jokingly, but I could tell
he would do it.

"Stop it; it's hard enough as it

"Ok, but just so you know. I can't
wait for tomorrow."

"Oh yeah, and why is that Mr.

I teased him, but it was me, who was
rather teased by his voice.

"So I can see how many times I can
make you come."

His voice was defying, hot, and

My insides melted and unfurled and I fell

"Sleep tight baby."

I could hear the chuckle behind every


Was all I could manage before he hang up.

It made me mad, it seemed like, every time
he managed to provoke me and get the upper hand on me.
Not this time,
thought. I wanted to get back at him. It might've been almost two in the
morning, but it didn't stop me.

I purposefully strode to my closet and
pulled out one of the new lingerie that Jenna had offered me. I chose the one I
intended to wear the next day, took off my pajama and put the lacy pieces on. I
snapped three pictures, teasing him, showing just enough for him to go crazy.

In one of the three, I placed my thumb
along the hem of my panties with naked breasts while laying on the bed.

I texted him with a note:

“We’ll always have wake-up

But not tomorrow…


I hit send.

There, that will give him something to
think about.





next morning, lights filled the room coaxing me into life. I loved the autumn sunlight.
I stretched in my bed; I had a dream about Landon. I just grinned.

I truly was in love.

The aroma of fresh crepes was a calling
for my senses. I haven't had crepes in a long time; it was my most favorite

I pushed to my feet and walked to the
bathroom, there were giggles coming from the kitchen. I took a quick shower and
prepared a bag for later.

 I wore  my “I love London”
sweat with yoga pants and sneakers. I knew Jenna’s crepes would call for a run
and I was prepared.

I walked to the kitchen, and found yet
another surprise.

Uncle Keith was standing in my kitchen,
kissing my very beautiful mother.

I needed to get used to it.

Once I was in their eyesight, they froze.
I thought it was funny, but I hated that I could make them uncomfortable.

"Please, don't stop on my behalf.
It's refreshing."

I grinned at them and they instantly

I walked to Keith and took him in hug.

"Hi Uncle Keith, I'm glad you're

"Happy birthday bunny."

He said tightening his embrace.

"Missing last year was enough."

"When did you land?"

I asked.

"Around six."

"You should've told me, I would've
sent a car or something."

"Nonsense. I might not be a fellow
New Yorker, but I know my way around the city."

"Well, it's great to see you."

"Ditto, kid."

"Bonjour maman.”

I turned to her with a grin and a knowing

"Happy birthday baby, crepes?"

"Yes, please."

It smelled absolutely heavenly!

I walked to the sideboard and poured
myself a coffee. Jenna joined us after her morning run and we dug into mouthwatering

We talked about Keith's restaurant; he was
doing well; which wasn't surprising. He was gifted around a kitchen. We also
discussed their wedding plans, they settled on a Christmas wedding in San
Diego, a small ceremony with family and close friends. I was very happy for my
mother, also a little sad, because she had doubts about me not approving of her
happiness, and it made me hate myself.

Brandon had known for a long time.


I got
back from my run just in time; the boys were waiting for me in the apartment.
Uncle Keith had somewhere to be, so mom joined us for the afternoon.

Outside my building, I found Maria walking
her dog and taking a smoke. She had been in Florida visiting her mother. I
forgot to pick up a package that I got when I was in Chicago and she said
she'll bring it up later.

Jude was talking on the phone, when Jude
came to me.

"Where's your phone, Boo."

He asked.

"Upstairs, why?"

"Landon has been calling you."


"He couldn't reach you so he called Jude.
He says Calvin is on his way to drive us to the spa and you need to call him
from the car."


"He's pissed."

Jude announced.

"Urgh... That man needs a

Jenna joked.

"Dancing to Private eyes in the
morning wasn't chill enough for you?"

I asked referring to that god-awful

"Yeah, I forgot about that."

Five minutes later, Calvin was getting out
of the limousine and walking to me extending his phone.

"Good morning Miss Clea, Mr. Davis
for you."

"Thank you Calvin."

I beamed at him and rolled my eyes at my
stubborn man manners.


"Happy Birthday kiddo."

"Oh, hi Uncle Robert. Thank

"I've been calling you on your phone,
but it went to voicemail."

He explained.

"Yeah, I forgot my phone in the midst
of so many surprises."

"Good for you Kiddo, I just landed in
New York, so I'll see you tonight."

"Good, Mom is here, she can't wait to
see you. Also, there's another surprise for you, you'll like it."

"I'm very much looking forward to it,
and to see Helen of course. Enjoy your day Clea."

"Thank you Uncle Robert. See you


drive to the spa facility was fun; we had some champagne and strawberries,
courtesy of my very generous and handsome lover. We chatted a lot about wedding
plans, dresses, and shoes. Jenna was passionate about her job;

She'd been working on another article
about immigration rights and new legislations.

Jude was flying for the first time next
Thursday and was excited about it.

Jenna and I decided on a Turkish bath
first, we left my mom get to her full body massage with the boys.

I loved Turkish baths.  They’re very

While we need to afford it in the city, in
other countries, close to the Middle East, it was very cheap. I used to get one
every week, it was refreshing and relaxing.

I loved the process, but mostly the way my
skin felt after, all smooth, healthy, and flushed.

We hung out a little longer in the sauna;
Jenna told me all about her latest adventures with some guy she liked.

I didn't get my hopes up, she'd forget about
him in a day or two, but she invited him to the party.

A party I had no clue about, they all had
been very secretive about it.

I hadn't celebrated my birthday with Jenna
in a while, but for the past five years, we either went to a club or had a small
gathering at the apartment.

It always included karaoke; it was the
only chance I had to sing a little, since I stopped music lessons and got
sucked into college life and everything that came after it.

I missed singing, Jude and I used to sing
a lot, at some point, he had a singer phase, so he dragged me along for

I chose guitar, but the things my boy does
with a violin and a harmonica, it was mind blowing.


An hour
later we all gathered in a common room for seaweed facials, we weren't allowed
to talk so I ceased the opportunity to indulge in some music. I plugged in my
earplugs and relaxed with some ‘
Lana Del Rey’
soothing my senses.

I loved her melodies, and her voice, but mostly
her music. She seemed to always fall in love hard, and always with complicated

Fancy for me, I fell in love with the most
complicated man, richer than Bill Gates, as famous as a rock star and built
like a god.

And like Lana was singing, He was no good
for me, but I wanted him.


As soon
as they removed the mask, I was called for my massage. I chose a short one, but
full body, and I didn't want to miss on group mani-pedis with the others.

A Russian male masseur was waiting for me
inside the room. He was big, really big. I could've sworn he could break me by
caressing me, let alone hot oil, slippery massage.

I felt a little self-conscious about
getting naked in front of him, he gave me some privacy to get out of my robe
and get under the sheet.

 I lay on my stomach a plugged my
iPod back and plunged my head in the cradle. Five minutes later, I was more
relaxed, still with Del Rey's voice.

The therapist walked in, I could see his
bare feet through the cradle, and I tensed apprehending his touch.

I was surprised by smaller hands then I
expected, they looked gigantic, but felt soft and celestial.

He poured hot oil on my back, it smelled
like amber and musk; I loved oriental massages and smells. Ironic, it was given
by a Russian man.

I relaxed to the feel of his hands, in
addition to the warm massage table and flannel sheets.

I regretted the short sessions and thought
about extending it once he finished.

I was transported in another dimension. I
didn't believe in the music and ambience much, my music was relaxing enough for
me, and sexy.

For several minutes, I was lathered in
oil, the therapist was about to get the biggest tip of his life.

He moved down from my back and I
instinctively brought my hand behind to keep the sheet on my behind.

He grabbed both my hands and stilled them
back. I freaked out; really went out of my head.

I had no idea what to do, I couldn't even

He took off one of the earplugs.

"I'm glad I came in time, you were
about to let another man put his hands all over your body."

I relaxed as quickly as I’d tensed again.

I was relieved to hear his voice, for a
second there, my mind went all over the place, but the anger in his voice was

"A body that is mine, Clea,


shifted under his hold, until he freed my hands and I sat up. I was flagger
basted and a little self-conscious. Not that I agreed with the fact that my
body was his; that was nonsense.

Yet, letting another man massage me in the
way I was about to let the therapist do it was probably disrespectful to

"I'm sorry, you're right. I should've
asked for a female."

I confessed.

"Why didn't you?"

He insisted.

"It crossed my mind, but I didn't
want to be impolite."

"So you'd rather be polite than
respect our first and most important rule?"

"I guess, yes."

"This is bullshit, Clea. The man was
about to touch every inch, discover every crook in your body. It could've
aroused you. It's unacceptable."

He was frustrating me.

"I said I'm sorry Landon, what else
can I say?"

Once he sensed I was getting angry he took
a moment to relax, and I was thankful he had enough sense left in him to do it.

Truth be told, I would've probably reacted
the same way if the situation was reversed, I would slap any bitch that would
touch him.

He was all mine.

"Just never do it again, promise me.”

I could hear his distress; he really
didn't like the idea of what might've happened.

"I'll never let any man touch me,
ever again."

I stated serious.

"Any man?"

Landon prompted creasing his brows.

"Any man."

I affirmed.

He brought his soft, oily palms behind my
back and stroked me gently.

"I don't know Miss Dane.”

He slid his palm to my waist.

“Correct me if I’m wrong; but I believe
I’m a man, yet I'm touching you.”

He cocked his head and smirked.

“Do you always have issues with keeping
your promises?"

"I said, any man. Key word: 'Any'.
But you're my man."

I said, shamelessly pulling him between my

I didn't have to ask him twice, in a beat,
our lips were sealed together our tongues entangled leisurely in a passionate,
hot kiss.

He ran his hands all over my upper body
and I hated that he was fully clothed. I started to unbutton his shirt, but he
stopped my path.

"Oh baby, you're here for a massage
not an orgasm."

He flashed me a sinful smile.

"Can't I have both?" I whined.

"Greedy little thing. Take your
panties off and lie back on your stomach. I'll be back in a minute."

He walked back out and I slipped out of my
underwear as he asked and lay back on the table.

He walked back inside. I couldn't see him.

"I extended your massage for another
thirty five minutes."

"They will probably be the best of my
entire life."

I teased him, thankful for having some
time with him.

"Would you rather I plug your

"Actually, that would be perfect.
While you were massaging me, I was thinking about you giving me an orgasm while
listening to a particular song."

I admitted.

"You were?”


"What song would that be?"

I hesitate; a little embarrassed by the
silly cliché.

"It's called Ride."

BOOK: Consume Me (A Burning Desire Novel)
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