Consumed (Dark Protectors) (14 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Zanetti

BOOK: Consumed (Dark Protectors)
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Chapter 14
ordan’s body ached. The wounds had healed by the time he broadcast scenes of the bloody clearing, showing the dead shifters. He’d ruled for three centuries with fairness and mercy ... unless challenged. Then whatever beast was living beneath his chest had roared. Being the last of his line, he’d been challenged more than others, considering there wasn’t anyone who could easily step up if he died.
He eased through the underground hallway lined with priceless western oils toward his quarters. Still nighttime, the moon pulled him, causing an itch just under his skin.
During the fight, the animal inside had recognized Katie and wanted her. He’d send her away so she wouldn’t see his death, but Realm Headquarters was the safest place for her. Maybe he should just leave like a wounded dog to die alone.
Shoving his door open, he stopped short. “Katie,” he sighed. “Enough. Go away.” Only the back of her head remained visible. She sat on his couch watching a rerun of
. Allowing the door to shut behind him, he shuffled toward the refrigerator and yanked out a beer.
“No.” Soft, angry, her western twang wrapped around his heart. The television clicked off. The leather protested as she must’ve stood. “I’m here to finish what we started earlier.”
Cool beer calmed his throat as he tipped back his head and emptied the bottle. Setting it on the table, he turned around to face her.
Holy shit.
The woman had come prepared this time. A sheer baby-doll negligée left nothing hidden. High breasts, hard nipples, tiny little waist—all visible through the fabric. He would not look lower. “What are you wearing?” he choked.
Feminine and dangerous, a smile slid across her pretty face. “Not much.”
Heat rushed to his groin. His balls tightened, and he hardened in his jeans. The teeth from his zipper were going to be permanently indented on his cock. “This is a bad idea.” His voice fucking cracked.
Lifting an eyebrow, she circled the couch. Barefoot, bare legged, he could have her stripped in seconds. Those tan, nicely muscled thighs belonged wrapped around his hips. Temptation swirled through his blood.
Reality smacked him in the face. He’d protected her for decades—he’d do so until he died. Panic had him settling his stance. The sigh he gave came from his soul, truly hating what he had to do. Wiping all expression off his face, he stared her down. “You need to understand. There’s never been anything between us.”
She lifted an eyebrow, tilting her head to the side. “What do you mean?”
Hurting her would cut out his heart. But it was the only way she’d move on. “I’ve never felt more for you than friendship, Katie.”
Her eyes widened. Something choked in her throat.
He stepped forward, then stilled. Offering comfort wouldn’t help.
Gorgeous hair flipped when she threw back her head and ... laughed? A deep, sensual chuckle that moved her entire body. Tawny eyes filled with mirth, and her focus returned to him. “You’re such a complete asshole.”
Yeah. He was. Apparently he’d gotten his point across. “You need the truth.”
Her stubborn chin lifted. “Then why don’t you actually give it to me?”
Irritation warmed his lungs. She wasn’t making this easy. “I just did.”
The woman snorted. Actually snorted that delicate nose. “Bullshit. You just gave me a cockamamie evasion so I could move on without you. Do you really think I misunderstand your feelings?”
The sudden urge to flee fully pissed him off. “Excuse me?”
“You want me. Have for quite some time, Jordan. Deal with it.”
He lowered his chin, taking a good look at the woman. And a woman she was. The little girl he’d saved, the teenager who’d dogged his every step with adoration in her eyes ... was gone. In place stood a fully confident, courageous as hell warrior with challenge lifting her chin.
His belly warmed. Hell. His cock began to pound. “Well, now.”
She slammed her hands on her hips. “You can stop worrying. I’m not going to follow you into the afterlife. I’ll move on.”
He growled low. “That’s nice to hear.”
Full lips bowed as she shot a hard smile his way. “In fact, I fully intend to go on. Maybe with Lance. Or Noah, our new leader.”
The growl turned to a snarl. Possessiveness clenched his hands into fists. The idea of Katie—his Katie—with any other shifter shot his beast to the surface. “Your point?”
“My point?” She stalked three steps forward, putting herself in range. “I choose my life, Jordan. Stop being a damn coward and take a chance.” Slim fingers jerked the filmy covering over her head, leaving her in a tiny thong. “Mark me.”
Pert breasts, flat stomach, and toned thighs ... all covered by skin smoother than silk. Perfect. She was so fucking perfect. His lungs compressed. Heat roared into his head. Inevitability shuddered down his back. The beast inside him rattled hard against the chains, wanting to leap and take. The man shoved the animal aside, needing reason. Needing to protect her. “Katie—”
“No.” She took the final step forward, her scent of wild orchids wrapping around his heart and squeezing. “I want you. Even if this is our only chance ... our only time ... I never want to look back and wish.” Both small palms pressed against his abs, sliding up and over his chest to his neck, finally reaching his hair.
Even with her height, she had to lever up on her toes to get ahold of him.
Her grip was determined, sure ... and meant to keep him in place. But it was nothing compared to the look in her amber-colored eyes. Need, fear, total determination.
No force on earth existed strong enough to make him turn away.
One long shudder moved his shoulders, winding down his back as he gave in. If they only had one time, he wanted it, too. She’d always been fragile, even before the virus took hold of her. Now she was breakable. He’d have to be so very careful.
Lowering his head, he captured her lips in a kiss meant to convey everything. Tears pricked the back of his eyes, shocking the hell out of him. He deepened the kiss, tasting honey and Katie.
All wild woman and desperate promises.
She groaned, pressing against him, her hands lowering to his shoulders.
Ducking, he released her mouth and grabbed her behind the knees, sweeping her up. Gentle. He needed to be gentle. Long strides had them in the bedroom. She peppered hard kisses along his neck, sending demand straight to his cock.
He laid her down on the plush bed. His utilitarian quarters underground weren’t good enough for her. Just a bed and dresser filled the room—no flowers or soft touches for a woman. The thought flew out of his head as he took a moment to look his fill. In his long life, he’d never seen anything as beautiful as this woman, nearly nude, face flushed, waiting for him.
A trembling in his hands surprised him as he yanked his shirt over his head. His jeans soon followed. Her eyes widened a little, and he paused. During the last decade, he’d wondered. Sure, she’d dated. How many men had she accepted as a lover? She’d date again, he was sure. She deserved a good life ... when he passed. “I want this night, Kate.”
“So do I.” The smile tipping her full lips promised heat.
Right or wrong, he was taking this moment. Pressing a knee on the bed, he leaned over and ran his mouth along her smooth abdomen. Her breath caught, muscles shifting beneath his lips. The scent of woman and wild orchids shredded his heart.
He traveled a path up her torso, between her breasts until he could nip her chin, his body covering hers. “I’m not going to mark you.”
“Yes, you are.” Satisfaction filled her topaz eyes. Along with trust and love—yeah, love was there. “We both know it’s the only chance you’ve got to live.” Her palms spread over his pecs, her gaze following those clever hands as she caressed him, sliding down his sides to his flanks. “I don’t want this life without you, Jordan. Please take the chance.”
As if on her command, his incisors lengthened. The lion inside him stretched, howled ... wanting to sink deep into her flesh. He shoved back, returning his teeth to human size. “The risk isn’t mine.” If he marked her, she’d never get another mate. Sure, she could find companions, even love, but no mate.
“My risk, my decision.”
Then she reached for him, partially encircling him with one smooth palm.
His balls swelled, the base of his spine sparked. The air in his lungs began to burn. “Brave little kitten, aren’t you?”
“One of us has to be.” She rubbed pinpoint sharp nipples against his chest.
The control he’d tried so hard to keep faltered. He jerked her hand off his dick, pinning it next to her head while he reached for the other one. This was such an incredibly bad idea. But his body had taken over. “I think you’ve misunderstood the dynamic here.”
She arched into him, the scrap of material barely covering her. “Dynamic?”
He lowered his head, scraping his teeth over one nipple. Her gasp of breath and low moan made him smile against her flesh. While he might let the animal out to play, he was still in control—and would remain so. But Katie, on the other hand ... well now.
Pressing her hands flat, he laved her other nipple. Sweetness and salt exploded on his taste buds. His eyes closed in pure pleasure.
Her fingers entwined with his as surely as she was wrapped around whatever heart he still had. An impressive grip the woman had.
“Jordan, let go of my hands.” Husky and soft, her voice caressed his skin.
He’d never heard that tone from her. An instant irritation ripped through him that another man would someday hear the sound. Someday feel her incredible breasts, listen to her soft moans, know her in ways Jordan never would. A snarl rippled up his throat and he quashed the anger. They had this night, and he’d make sure the woman remembered him always.
Faster than cat reflexes had him rolling them both until she perched on his abs, his body flat on the bed. He released her hands and put his behind his head on the pillow. “You want to play, kitten?”
Intrigue and delight lit her pretty eyes. “Yes.” Her gaze lowered to his chest.
Slowly, almost hesitantly, she reached out, her fingers curling over his shoulders. A soft sigh escaped as her palms slid over his clavicles and down to his pecs.
Fire licked down his spine in response. His hands shook with the need to grab her and flip her under him, so he interlaced his fingers to keep still. If Katie wanted to play, no way was he going to stop her.
Her full breasts tempted him, so sweet, so feminine.
Wonder filled her smile as she ran her hands back up, caressing the cords in his neck until tangling in his hair. Her reverent touch, as if she’d been waiting for so long, humbled him in ways he hadn’t expected.
Then she looked up.
Satisfaction lit her gaze as she met his eyes.
For a brief second, time stopped. He forgot how to breathe. She sat atop him, eyes blazing, blond hair wild and mussed, pink lips swollen from his kiss. “You’re beautiful.”
Those eyes widened. “So are you.”
Then she tightened her hold, lowering her mouth to his. A sigh of contentment whispered along his lips before she increased the pressure, stretching out her lithe body.
A muscle spasmed in his shoulders as he held himself in check. She lay on top of him, her sex cradling his dick, her long legs smooth against his.
Her teeth sunk into his bottom lip.
A roaring filled his ears.
Tucking her knees up, she rubbed against his aching cock. Heat cascaded from her, tempting him. She pressed openmouthed kisses along his jawline.
Nothing could prevent the low groan that shot from his gut. “Katie. You’re making it hard to be gentle, sweetheart.”
“Very hard.” Her canine nicked his ear. “Besides, who says I want gentle?” Then she bit.
The animal inside him roared alive. Grabbing her hips, he lifted her, reversing their positions. Capturing her against the mattress, he ripped the panties off.
Slow. Damnit. Slow.
Two fingers found her wet and swollen. The surprised mewling she gave made him chuckle against her neck. His canines lowered.
He played, testing her. She bucked against him.
Searching, exploring, learning her, his thumb found her clit. She gave a high-pitched hiss of pleasure.
Then he forced his canines back up and slid down her body to stop between her thighs.
“No.” Panic filled her voice. Her legs went rigid. Both hands grabbed his head.
“Yes,” he rumbled against her mound. No way in hell would he miss tasting her. His shoulders forced her thighs wide. She started to struggle, to scoot her butt up the bed.
Smiling, he latched both hands onto her buttocks and enclosed her clit with his mouth.

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