Consumed (Dark Protectors) (25 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Zanetti

BOOK: Consumed (Dark Protectors)
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Chapter 26
atie snuggled her nose into the pillow, the masculine scents of cinnamon and oak bringing a smile to her face. “Jordan?” She sat up, her breath stilling as her arm caught on metal. In slow motion, she glanced down at the handcuff around her wrist. Confusion had her following the other side to see it secured around the metal bedpost.
Surprise had her glancing back and forth from the post to her hand.
Then anger flashed through her so fast her cheeks burned. He’d handcuffed her to the bed.
Humor, unexpected and absolutely inappropriate, bubbled up from her stomach. She gave one short laugh. He’d actually handcuffed her to the bed. “What a moron.”
Stretching, she enjoyed the odd flair of intimate aches. Even making love, even so very gentle, Jordan had left small bruises on her hips. Bruises from the pads of his fingers. Reality smacked her in the face. Spent candles lined every surface in the room. The clock on the wall promised the moon would soon be rising. She needed to get to Jordan and fast.
Biting her lip, she checked out the area. Not much was around. With a shrug, she snarled, shooting her canines down. Pleasure burst through her at the simple act. She’d missed it so much.
Ducking her head, she angled a fang into the lock of the handcuffs. A couple of twists, and the metal released her. How silly of Jordan to have forgotten her fangs. Of course, she hadn’t had fangs in a decade.
She yanked up her jeans, quickly yanking on her bra and shirt. What if Jordan didn’t survive the moon?
A folded note on the table caught her eye. She grabbed it.
I know it probably took you two seconds to unhook the handcuffs. I couldn’t help myself. Seeing you cuffed to the bed has been a fantasy of mine for quite some time. Please stay down in safety tonight. It isn’t because I don’t trust you. I do. You’re a fighter, and you’ll be an amazing leader to our people. But there’s a chance, if the beast gets loose inside me, that I could hurt you and our cub. I’d rather die. In addition, I’d prefer you didn’t see me descend into a beast. Please. Remember me as we were tonight. I love you. Always. J.
She took a deep breath. He was trusting her and asking her to understand. Asking her to let him deal with the moon. One last request from her mate.
Ten years ago, she would’ve heeded his wishes. Wanting to please him, to make him happy, to show her trust in his decisions, she would’ve stayed below.
She wasn’t the same woman.
Stronger than even he knew, she’d fight for him. She’d fight with him. Telling Janie to follow her instincts had been the right advice. Katie would follow hers, regardless of the consequences.
Panic had her struggling to focus as she slipped on her shoes. If nothing else, she’d throw him under the moon. If werewolves could evolve, then maybe he’d have a chance. The scent of spent wax and hopeless dreams filled the living area of the quarters as she dodged around the couch and ran into the hallway, smack into a strong chest.
Bouncing back, she gave Baye her meanest glare. “Making sure I stay inside?”
Lines of stress cut beside his mouth. “Jordan ordered me to guard you. I said you’d make it outside somehow.” Baye glanced down the empty corridor. “What’s your plan?”
“I’m going to find him ... hopefully save him.” She put both hands on her hips, her lungs compressing. The moon would be rising within the hour.
Baye nodded. “I’m so damn sorry about Lance. I mean, I knew he had a small crush on you, but I had no clue ...”
“That he’s freakin’ crazy?”
Apology and sorrow turned down Baye’s mouth. “I’m so sorry.”
Katie grabbed his arm. “Not your fault, Baye. I didn’t see it. Nobody saw how crazy Lance is—though we’re gonna need to get him help. We’re good.” Something to worry about another day. Time was running out. “I need to get to Jordan. Are you and I going to fight?”
“No.” Baye grinned, but his eyes stayed somber. “Go for it—I’ll head to the armory and finish suiting up. We have a real fight coming.”
Talk about an understatement. She began running up the stairs, through the wide underground hallways, searching for her mate.
Instead, she came upon Dage and Talen issuing orders to vampire and shifter troops in the large conference room on the top floor. Dodging to the side, she allowed the soldiers to exit the room before approaching the king. Noah tugged her hair, and Max patted her shoulder as they passed.
Dage gave her a nod. “We got about half of the werewolves earlier when we chased them ... but not your furry friend. I’m assuming they’ll be back during the full moon.”
Katie slowly nodded. “Yes. Brent won’t be able to help himself. But he’s injured, the moon will distract him, and he won’t be thinking clearly.” As an animal, the bastard would just attack. He wanted her, but he wanted Jordan more. The idea of Jordan going up against Brent while trying to fight the moon made something ache deep in Katie’s gut.
Talen unfolded schematics and pointed out vantage points. “I have snipers set up along the perimeter—no fighting, just take them down hard. A second force is along the tree line, and that’s all we can spare. Considering we sent ten soldiers to the hospital in Canada ... and buried ten more, we’re spread thin right now.”
Hurt smashed into Katie’s stomach. Three of those buried had been from her clan. She ignored the pain ... sorrow would have to wait. “What about flying the kids and nonsoldiers to safety?”
Dage’s eyes swirled a pissed-off blue. “There is nowhere safe.”
Sad, but true. Katie shuffled her feet. “That’s scary.”
He nodded. “The contingency plans are in place if Max needs to get them out of here.”
Talen rolled up the stack of papers. “This is our headquarters, and we’re better able to stand and defend here. Though I want every trained person over the age of fifteen to be armed and ready—even in the secured sections underground.” He sighed. “And Garrett. That kid is young, but he can fight.” Obvious pride coated the vampire’s words.
Dage nodded. “Janie is well enough to move to level ten.” He glanced outside the darkening opening. “At least werewolves will hit hard and fast. No real battle strategy for the beasts.”
“Keep in mind the werewolves are getting smarter.” Katie had better hustle before the moon began to rise. “Any word on Jase?”
“No.” Talen checked his watch. “Kane and Conn should be checking in soon. They’ll find our brother.”
Hopefully. Katie faked a confident nod. “I’m sure they will.” She glanced around the utilitarian conference room. “Where’s Jordan?”
“Securing a room toward the entrance.” Doubt and anger filtered across Dage’s handsome face. “You probably shouldn’t be there tonight.”
“I’m going to be there tonight.” She lifted her chin.
“I figured. I’d give you a dart gun, but ...”
A tranquilizer would be harmful to Jordan in lion form. He wouldn’t be able to think much less fight the moon. “A dart gun would only end up in my being tranqued.” Katie flashed a real smile.
The king dropped a quick kiss on her brow. “Good luck, Kate.”
“You, too.” With a nod to both vampires, she headed out to meet with Maggie, finding her friend preparing in the armory with a dart gun.
Maggie snapped a green dart into place. “I talked Charlie into flying the helicopter.”
Katie shook her head. “You charmed a teenaged shifter to do your bidding?”
“No. I asked Janie to charm him and she did.” Maggie tucked a smaller dart gun into her boot. “The panther flies like a pro, according to Kane.”
Reaching out to grab Maggie’s arm, Katie struggled to find the right words. “Thank you for doing this—and thank you for being my friend.”
Maggie nodded, brown eyes going serious. “Thank you right back.” She patted Katie’s hand. “We’re all going to make it through tonight—I just know it.” Her voice came out bright—too bright—but Katie appreciated the attempt.
“No matter what happens, I’ve enjoyed the last ten years living with you.” Katie forced a smile. Maggie had been a constant support during the last decade of werewolf hunting, virus fighting, and Jordan pining.
“You, too.” Maggie shoved back her unruly hair. “And tomorrow, when this is all over, I want full details of the mating in the woods. Full details, girlfriend.”
Heat climbed into Katie’s face. She’d share, but no way would she tell all. “You got it.” Giving Maggie a hug, she ventured in search of her mate.
She found him in a small control room near the west exit. Mere feet away from where the moon would call. Everything had been stripped from the space save for a twin bed bolted to the floor and covered with a wool blanket. A chain with ankle clasp hooked to the left leg of the bed, solid and unyielding. A quick glance down confirmed the ultra-strong dead bolt.
Her hands settled on her hips. “Nice lock.”
“I’m not turning into a werewolf.” Jordan pivoted, his tawny gaze on her. Tall, broad, so strong, he stood before her better than any fantasy she’d ever had. Faded jeans hugged long legs while a dark T-shirt outlined impressive muscles. Lithe and lean, a true lion.
She settled her stance. “Nice try with the handcuffs.”
“Thanks. I can concentrate better on this if I’m not worrying about you.”
“I’m not letting you die. If you need to turn into a werewolf to survive, you’re going to do so.”
“Damn it, Katie. I have Terrent on ready ... he’s coming to kill me no matter what happens.” Frustration and an odd acceptance filtered along Jordan’s sharp face. “We have no choice here.”
That’s what he thought. “You’re wrong. On so many counts.”
His canines flashed. “What if I become all beast?” His eyebrow lifted. “Determined to destroy everything you’re about to vow to protect?” Stalking two steps closer to her, he brought cinnamon and oak with him. “Think you could kill me, kitten?”
“In a heartbeat.”
His smile rang with pride and something else. Pure, raw lust. “I’m proud of you.”
Yeah, well, his pride didn’t mean shit if he was dead. “Then you should fight for me.”
“I will.” He stretched his neck, nostrils flaring. “You need to go—we’ll have to postpone this little discussion until later. The moon ... is coming.”
Yeah. Katie could still feel the pull. Maybe the moon would always have a purchase in her soul. But the bitch would only get Jordan as a result. Pivoting, Katie kicked the door shut, reaching to engage the lock.
Irritation curled Jordan’s lip. “Open the door and go underground, Kate. Now.”
“No.” Part one of the plan formulating in her head included keeping him occupied as the moon rose to full height.
Fire flashed in his eyes. “At this moment, I’m still Alpha of this pride, and you’ll damn well obey me.”
Interesting that he played the Alpha card and not the mate card.
“I’m also your mate. Get your ass downstairs.”
Ah. There it was. Katie allowed a small smile to scream challenge across her face. “Make me.”
Chapter 27
ordan stilled. The beast shimmered to the surface, deadly and dark. “How about you don’t play games with me right now? I’m not exactly in control here.” He twisted his neck, agony exhaling on his sigh. “The moon is coming.”
“I know.” Duty pulled her in several directions. Their people needed a leader—if she and Jordan both died, chaos would ensue. The cub hidden in her belly needed to survive. But above all, at the very core of everything Katie would want to be, lay Jordan. The people, the baby, and Katie all needed him to survive. All or nothing.
Reaching down, she tugged her shirt off. The cool air hardened her nipples. Goose bumps sprang along her stomach.
Jordan gave a low snarl, his gaze on her breasts.
Licking her lips, she kicked off her shoes and shoved her jeans to the floor. A tiny scrap of lace covered the rest of her. Standing tall, she lifted her head. “I thought I could occupy you.”
“That’s quite an offer.” He tucked his thumbs in his belt loops, heat pouring off him. His eyes captured hers. “Disobedience is a bad move for you.”
“Kick off your boots.” She reached for the bottom of his shirt to yank over his head. Both hands went to the snap on his jeans. “I never planned to obey you—as either a subject or a mate.”
Holding her gaze, he moved, his boots sliding to the side. A lethal smile crossed his lips just before he flipped her around to face the door. Brushing his lips across her neck, he licked her marking.
Her knees went weak. Hunger flashed from his mouth straight to her sex. The feeling was more powerful than any dream. He slid an arm around her waist, tugging her into his hard body. Heat and strength surrounded her, all male, all powerful. He licked her again, his teeth sliding into alignment.
A slight pain echoed, but passion overcame it.
Her mind buzzed with both need and curiosity. The bite didn’t hurt, but there was no question his fangs were embedded in her flesh. He growled and slid those deadly points deeper.
She exploded.
The room flashed into nothingness as an orgasm slammed through her so heated her breath caught. Only Jordan’s forearm around her rib cage kept her standing. He let her ride out the waves and then slowly retracted his fangs. “Disobedience gets you bitten, little one.”
“Damn it, Jordan,” she sighed, coming down from a truly amazing orgasm. “You can bite me anytime.”
His chuckle dropped dark and low. His hand followed suit, sliding down her abdomen and inside her silk panties. “I wanted our last time to be gentle. This can’t be.”
She shrugged back against him, her mind still spinning. “I’ve never wanted gentle.”
His fingers parted her, and her knees gave out again. She began to struggle in an effort to turn around. Her fingers tingled with the need to touch him.
In response, he shot them toward the wall, slapping his bandaged hand against the solid rock. “Hold still.”
“No.” She threw a shoulder back.
Three fingers plunged inside her. She gave a short cry, freezing in place. It was too much.
“I said to hold still.” The hard line of his erection dug into her hip, even through his jeans. His bare chest warmed her back. His fingers began to play, sliding through wetness to circle her clit. His other hand abandoned the wall to cup her breast.
Hotter than any sun, his mouth brushed her ear, and one fang nipped her earlobe.
Her mind spun. The quartz wall swam before her eyes. With a soft whimper, she gyrated against his hand.
“Ah, kitten. That’s the sweetest sound.” His breath panted out at her ear, hot and out of control. “Let’s hear it again.” He tweaked her nipple.
The next sound was more of a cry than a whimper. “Jordan.”
His body shuddered behind her. “The moon is coming.”
Katie took advantage of his distraction and flipped around, quickly yanking down his jeans, which were kicked to the side.
His gaze feral, his eyes more midnight than dawn, he lifted her. Plunging forward, he impaled her against the wall. Pain caught her off guard. A cry strangled in her throat, her eyes opening wide.
Hunger dancing on his face, both beasts clearly battling beneath his skin, he yanked her leg up higher in a silent command.
She relaxed against the wall, her body accepting him. Clasping her ankles at the small of his back, she followed the order. Curling her hands around his shoulders, she exhaled softly. “I love you, Jordan.”
Triumph lifted his chin. “I love you, too. No matter what.” His eyes began to glow an odd light. “While I still can, I have to tell you. You were right. We belong together.” His face grimaced as the beasts within him fought for dominance just under his skin. “I shouldn’t have locked you downstairs.”
She struggled to remain still but ultimately ground against him. The feelings were too powerful to ignore. “We are together.”
At her movement, he began to pound. The animal within surged to the surface, no humanity left on his hard face. Digging his fingers into her butt, he thrust into her, holding her in place. A harsh spiraling started deep inside her. Need rippled along every nerve ending. Her teeth slashed down with a craving for his flesh.
Even as he hammered into her, lighting nerves on fire, whispers of thought echoed through her brain. Something there. A thought she needed to capture.
His hands bruised her hips. A snarl lifted his lips. The animals within him shimmered beneath his skin, both fighting to get out. His fangs dropped low.
Their sharp glint shot her into awareness. The idea hit her so hard her head snapped back.
Of course.
With a snarl filled of desperation and determination, she struck his neck, fangs digging past muscle and tissue until planting in bone.
He jerked back, a lion’s displeasure roaring through the room. Yet she held on, closing her jaw, making sure her teeth met in the middle. Tightening her legs, digging her ankles into his back and her arms circling his neck, she held on with every ounce of determination she owned.
Pumping faster, he tangled one hand in her hair to yank her head back. She snapped her jaw harder, ignoring the sharp pain.
Fighting her hold, pounding harder than possible, he angled over her clit.
She broke with a scream. The flesh and blood filling her mouth muffled her cry, but it echoed loudly through her head. An energy traveled throughout her body to flow into the wound she’d created where his neck met his shoulder—strong and pure. Tremors ripped along her veins, flashing stars behind her eyes.
His body went rigid. He shoved her harder against the wall. All animal, he pummeled into her, his teeth striking fast and deep in the marking.
Her orgasm grew in strength, taking over, taking everything. Images flashed inside her brain. Jordan when he’d saved her. Jordan teaching her to fight, Jordan teaching her to survive, Jordan marking her for all time. Finally an image of two identical cubs with Jordan’s eyes and her spirit. Twins.
Coming down, facing reality, she could only hold on as he hammered into her. Finally, with a hoarse shout, he came, his entire body shuddering with his release.
She retracted her teeth, sighing in relief as he did the same.
He leaned back, still inside her, his strong body trapping her. “What the hell?”
She exhaled, her skin prickling as the moon called from the other side of the door. “I mated you.” But even assuming Maggie was successful in her job, would Katie’s mark beat the moon’s pull?

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