Consumed (Dark Protectors) (29 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Zanetti

BOOK: Consumed (Dark Protectors)
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Chapter 31
he sun rose slowly, out of sight, shoving the remnants of night to oblivion. Katie came awake with a sigh. “Ow.” Her entire body pulsed like a deep bruise. She pulled stiff arms from Jordan’s neck, lifting away from him. Her shoulder popped back into place. “Ouch.”
Stubble lined his stubborn jaw. Dark circles cut above his cheekbones. But his topaz eyes were clear and strong. A smile slid across his full lips. “Mornin’.”
Warmth slammed into her abdomen. “Ah, morning.” Her face heated.
“That’s a pretty blush on you, sugar.” He ran both hands down her arms, springing tingles to life. “It’s cold. Let’s go in.”
“How are you feeling?” She pushed off his lap with a groan. Every bone she owned popped as she tried to stand.
“Like myself.” He stood, stretching and popping vertebrae. “Let’s not sleep on the ground again.” Rubbing his jaw, he surveyed the destruction outside the gaping hole. A series of loud boots clomped in the hall. Dage appeared in the courtyard followed by the shifter enforcers and several vampire soldiers.
Dage and Noah approached the room. “Everyone all right here?” The king surveyed them, sending shards of electricity up Katie’s neck.
Jordan snarled. “Get out of my head. We’re fine.”
Katie frowned. “Seriously. You’re not supposed to mind read.”
Dark shadows lined the king’s eyes. He winced. “Just making sure.”
Jordan tugged Katie into the meager sun. A soft breeze wandered across the grass. “Was headquarters breached?”
“Yes.” Power and anger danced along Dage’s skin. “We’ll fix the security problem. Most of the Kurjans are down ... a couple escaped, including Kalin. We’ll need to step up efforts to take him out.”
Jordan nodded. “We’ll do what we have to do.”
Katie smiled. If nothing else, the guy had found peace with his past. Hopefully with their future, too.
Dage frowned. He turned to face her fully, gaze dropping to her stomach and then back up. A smile lifted his lips. His metallic eyes shimmered vampire silver. Then he tossed back his head and laughed, a deep, genuine bellow. Winding down, wiping his eyes, he grinned. “Twins. Girls. This is fantastic.”
Jordan grinned, turning the warmth of his smile on her. He tugged her into his battered body. “Yeah, it is.” He dropped a gentle kiss on top of her head. “Why don’t you go check on Janie and I’ll help clean up? Be in soon.”
Not one bone in her body wanted to help clean up the dead bodies, whether she was ready to help him lead or not. “Good idea.” Squeezing his hand, she shuffled through the main doorway, winding down several flights of stairs and getting caught by the queen.
“Oh, good.” Emma pushed unruly black hair off her face. “Come into the lab. I need a blood sample.” She all but shoved Katie into the room. “Then I need to get Jordan’s. I knew he’d survive the moon. I think his blood will be the key to curing the virus.” Excitement flushed her classic face.
Katie dutifully jumped on the examination table. “Is everyone all right?”
“Yep.” Emma scratched her chin, reaching for a syringe. “Though Janie had a run-in with a Kurjan. Brave little girl.” She sighed. Quick movements had Katie’s vein swabbed. Emma took blood, slowly removing the needle and gently placing a bandage over the small wound. “I wish we could end this war now.”
A chill swept down Katie’s spine. For once, she was very glad she didn’t have the queen’s psychic abilities. “We’ll end the fight, Emma. I know we will.” Tucking her arms around her stomach, she reassured both herself and the cubs resting there. “We’ll make the world safe.”
Nighttime had fallen, bringing a quiet sense of peace to the Realm underground headquarters. Emma Kayrs stretched her legs out on the bed and tossed the stack of papers on the table. Everything had gone fuzzy, her eyes were so tired. “Come to bed, Dage.”
The king stood tall, shirtless, staring at a wall screen depicting battle plans. Bruises marred his back from the fight the previous night, but with his abilities, they’d disappear by morning. Their bedroom looked more like a combination of war room and laboratory than an actual place to rest. “The plan is good. Conn and Kane should have Jase home by tomorrow night.”
“I know.” Emma kept her voice soft, reassuring. “Jase will be all right.”
Dage turned, blue emotion shimmering in his silver eyes. “He has to be, though I wish we could find a demon destroyer.”
Sounded like a special type of weapon. “Demon destroyer?”
“Yes.” The king rubbed his face. “Enhanced female—psychic like you but with the ability to deflect the demon mind powers. Maybe even turn it against them.”
Intrigue had Emma sitting up. “Human female?”
Dage shrugged. “Rumor has it. I’ve never seen one ... they’ve probably died out if they ever existed. I’m sure the demons went after them, unless they’re just a myth.” He growled low. “I should’ve found the truth about them before sending Jase into danger.”
Worry and hurt for her husband mingled with concern for Jase. “He wanted to go on this mission, Dage. He’s a soldier, and he was ready.”
“He’s my brother.” Simple words, yet a true indication of what the king faced every day in balancing family and duty.
“You trained him well.”
“Aye, we all trained him well.” Dage stretched his neck, all powerful male animal. “Jordan is all right?”
Hope caught Emma’s breath in her throat. “Yes. I think his blood will give me the cure for the virus. As soon as Kane gets back, we can really get down to business.” Though she’d do everything possible before then.
Dage nodded. “Jordan’s results show no sign of the virus?”
“Not yet. There are still markers in place, but I’m hoping it’ll disappear. Or become irrelevant, like mononucleosis after someone survives infection.” Emma stretched, purposefully flashing a bit of leg beneath the shimmering blue negligee. “When Katie bit him, she, in effect, mated him. He’s back to the arrogant lion leader we’ve always known.” Emma grinned.
Dage quirked a lip. “Arrogance in a leader? What shall we do? Good thing I lack such baser emotions.”
She couldn’t help the snort of disbelief. Then she took in the king. Broad chest, wicked tattoo of the Kayrs marking winding over his shoulder to his back, a truly sexy vampire. Long legs, so much power for one man. A slow smile spread across her face. “You seem to have quite a lot of energy although you just fought all last night.”
One arrogant eyebrow lifted. “I always have enough energy for you, love.” Two steps and he perched a knee on the bed, sliding forward to trap her beneath him.
“Prove it, king.”
Several quarters down, Talen Kayrs growled low, his gaze on the food before him. Pressing his elbows into the table, he frowned again.
Cara rolled her eyes, shutting the refrigerator door. “Stop growling. Janie wanted to stay with Maggie tonight, and I figured she needed the normalcy of a girl’s night. Well, a fun night, considering Garrett went, too.”
“She should be here.” Rough, pissed, his voice caressed right down Cara’s spine as if his finger traced every vertebrae.
Desire slid through her veins like a good wine. “Our daughter is fine, Talen.” Cara flipped around, hands on hips. They’d faced a serious threat the previous night, now finally had a night alone, and the damn vampire wanted to pout? Not on her watch.
“Fine?” Talen shoved away from the table. “Janie has been in a coma, been threatened in a dream, and then threatened in reality by a Kurjan leader who breached my security.”
Cara sucked in air, searching for patience. Or maybe a bat. Yeah, she’d clock him on the head with a bat. “Yes. But you saved her from the Kurjan.” Pride filled Cara for a moment. “Or rather, our girl was in the process of saving herself. You’ve trained her well.”
Talen scrubbed both hands down his face. “When the werewolf grabbed her ...”
Cara shot the horrendous images out of her head. “Are you sure Kalin wasn’t at the bottom of the cliffs?” More than anything, she wanted the Kurjan leader dead. Dead and gone.
“He survived the fall.” Talen’s eyes burned a sharp green through the gold, a true sign of a vampire’s temper. “We scoured the rocks, the cliffs, even out to sea. Several werewolves were found and we finished them off. But, while no doubt he’s injured, Kalin lives.”
“I figured.” Kurjans were stronger than werewolves. Cara shook her head. “I want him dead, but I can’t help but feel sorry for the kid he was. I mean, when his father kidnapped me, I saw evil and crazy up close. Can you imagine being raised by someone like that?”
Talen grimaced. “You can’t go feeling sorry for the monster that’s coming after your family, mate. No matter how crazy his parent may have been.”
“I know.” And she’d kill Kalin herself if she ever got the chance. Protecting her babies had been her number-one priority since day one. That would never change. She focused on the one man who could make her forget her worries, even for just a little while. “Why are you so cranky? I thought talking with Conn would ease your mind.”
His massive shoulders rolled. “I should be there tomorrow—to get Jase.”
“The plan is good, right?”
“Yes.” Talen rubbed his chin, his gaze wandering down her form. “He’ll be home tomorrow. Hopefully without too much mental damage.” The words were calm, but an underlying current of concern lifted the consonants.
“Jase is strong. Smart and strong.” Cara kept her own fears out of her voice. “Plus, we’re all here for him when he gets back.”
Talen scowled. “I know.”
“Then quit your tantrum. Everything’s fine.”
“Tantrum?” He paused, irritation deepening the lines in his face.
Ah, there he was. “Yes. If you’re going to be such a big baby, I’m heading for girls’ night, too.”
“You’re not going anywhere.”
Heat rippled through her body. Her sex softened. “Oh yeah?” They both needed a distraction, and she knew just what would work. “We’ll see about that.” She lunged for the door, yelping when he caught her around the waist, lifting her.
Trying to struggle, shoving down gales of laughter, she bit his shoulder as he stalked toward the bedroom.
He chuckled. “Now I’m gonna bite you.”
Jordan found Katie in the playroom, shooting pool with Maggie and Janie. Garrett sat in the corner playing an old table of Pac-Man. It seemed the young vamp had decided to dog his sister’s every move to keep her safe. The poor thing would never date now.
Katie looked up, a smile spreading across her face.
Warmth settled in his heart, granting peace and a sense of family. Something he’d denied himself far too long. The woman had a strength he’d failed to see for too long, as well. Nobody else on earth could’ve kept him from jumping in to the moon’s warmth the previous night.
He nodded at Janie. “Are you all right?”
She smiled, pretty blue eyes sparkling. “Fantastic. No worries. I don’t even have a headache anymore.” She turned back to study the billiards on the table.
He cleared his throat, facing Maggie. “Terrent Vilks had to leave on an emergency in Canada but made a formal request for you to meet with the Bane’s Council at their headquarters next week.”
“No.” Katie jumped in front of Maggie. “She’s not going.”
Jordan had no intention of forcing Maggie anywhere. “I said I’d ask, but it’s up to Maggie. At some point, the request will probably turn into an order.” He grinned. “Apparently Terrent is rather, ah, irritated with you.”
Maggie blushed a deep red. “I couldn’t imagine why.”
Katie shuffled her feet. “Gee. Me, either.”
Jordan forced the smile off his face. “Really? Hmmm. I believe it has something to do with a missing helicopter and a grand scheme set into motion by my mate.”
“Don’t blame her—it was my fault,” Maggie snapped, tapping the bottom of her stick on the floor.
Katie groaned, rolling her eyes. “I was going for complete denial, Mags.”
“Oh.” Maggie gave a rueful smile. “My bad.”
Jordan tried to look stern. The humorous, unapologetic glances from the two female shifters pretty much guaranteed he’d missed the mark.
Dodging forward, he lifted Katie off the ground, cradling her. “We’re off to bed, mate of mine.” With a nod to Maggie and the kids, he squired his mate out of the room and down the hallway to their quarters. Going inside, he kicked the door shut with one boot. “Helicopter and kidnapping?”
Her tongue darted out to wet her lips, her gaze wandering the line of his neck. “We had to get Terrent out of here in case you turned into a werewolf. You would’ve done the same for me.”
True, and not something he could truly argue against. Now Terrent seemed more determined than ever to get Maggie within reach of the Bane’s Council. A fact Jordan would share with Katie on another day. Plus, they truly needed to find out why the demons wanted the little wolf shifter. “Your plan worked, sweetheart.”

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