Consumed (Dark Protectors) (19 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Zanetti

BOOK: Consumed (Dark Protectors)
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Agony consumed her. Her cry echoed through the storm. She bowed her back, struggling, fighting against the incredible pain. He held on tighter, pounding harder.
Oh God. The shared, secret, twisted smiles of the female felines who had mated became clear to her. It wasn’t the fact that they’d found their mates—it was the fact that they’d survived the damn mating that they wore like a badge of honor. Katie coughed out a sob.
Jordan released her hips, sliding both hands beneath her to cup her breasts. Fire flashed past the pain to her core. She moaned.
He tweaked her nipples, shooting electricity to her sex, his pumping somehow increasing in force. Then he pinched. She exploded. The forest receded as waves of raw pleasure shot through every nerve in her body.
Inside her, he swelled even more. The hold on her shoulder tightened. She closed her eyes, unable to fight the whimper that escaped.
Jordan paid no heed, a lion claiming his mate unequivocally. No mercy, no second thoughts ... no turning back. Ever.
With his jaw only, he shoved her upper body down on her hands, those sharp fangs remaining locked in place. His strong legs braced hers, keeping her open to him as he gave her everything.
Katie’s heart swelled. Humans would never understand it, but the harder he thrust, the more he cemented his claim, the more she loved him. He’d do everything in his power to stay with her, to protect her, to kill and even die for her. A lion mating was absolute.
Harsh pants heated the skin at her shoulder. The hands still on her breasts tweaked, then one slid down to tap her clit.
No way could she come again.
He pinched.
Her scream rivaled the lightning flashing across the sky. The orgasm tore through her more dangerous than any tornado, sending pleasure so intense ecstasy flashed to pain and beyond. Her sex tightened around his shaft. With a howl, he held tight against her, coming hard, his entire body shuddering.
He slowed and then stopped, still inside her, fangs embedded deep. The storm returned, whipping rain into her face. She blinked, dazed and seeking reality.
Jordan didn’t move.
The pain in her shoulder screamed for relief. At least she still had a shoulder.
She slowly turned her head to see just his eyes. Hard, determined, lacking any leniency. The vow shone deep and bright. He’d stay there forever.
With a shudder, she gave him what he silently demanded. Her heart beat wild and true. For him. “I love you, Jordan.”
He blinked, triumph filling his gaze. The fangs slowly retracted, and he licked the wound, sealing the mark forever.
Her shoulder was on fire. She protested when he withdrew from her body. Grabbing her around the waist, he shot to his feet to cradle her in his arms. Without a word, he headed back toward headquarters.
Chapter 20
aggie ventured into the storm, wandering toward the edge of the cliff. The almost full moon tried to cut through clouds without much success, every once in a while succeeding enough to pierce the churning gray sea. She’d heard Jordan and Katie return to Jordan’s quarters. Had they finally mated? Hopefully they knew what they were doing. As much as she wanted her best friend to be happy, she sure didn’t want the virus to kill them both.
Rain cut into her face, matting her hair. Man, she loved a good storm.
“Go back inside.” Dark, stealthy, Terrent Vilks appeared at her side.
“Don’t make me kick you again.” She kept her gaze on the ocean, trying to refrain from smiling.
His chuckle cut through the storm. “Don’t worry. I’ll know to be on guard next time.”
The tone held humor and warning. She responded to both, her smile widening and her shoulders going back. “I have the feeling most people just follow your orders.”
“All people follow my orders—even pack Alphas.” He yanked a Dodgers hat off his head and plunked the cap over her wet hair. “At least protect your head.”
The hat covered her eyes. Reaching for the fastener in the back, she tightened it and tucked her hair behind her ears. Living in a world where everyone did as you ordered? How could you ever know who to trust? “You seem like an Alpha.”
“Yes. But as a member of the Bane’s, I don’t have my own pack. There isn’t time to hunt and also protect a pack.” While his tone stayed matter-of-fact, there was an underlying tenor of ... what was that? Loneliness? “We’re honorary members of all packs.”
“What about when you retire?”
He threw back his head and laughed. “Well, theoretically, I’d form my own pack.”
“Ah, yeah. Members of the Bane’s Council don’t usually reach retirement.” Amusement wrinkled his brow.
Something warmed inside of her. The guy embodied danger, yet once again the humor lurking within his huge form surged forward. A big guy who could laugh—even at death. Intriguing.
Her mind tried to understand the concept of his life. “So, as a roaming Alpha, everyone follows your orders. That must get so boring for you.”
“Actually, order makes life smooth.” The rain smashed down, turning his hair all wild and dark. Sexy and dangerous.
Maggie had the oddest urge to run her fingers through the thick strands, seeing how long it would take to get entangled. “Smooth is boring.”
“No. I insist on smooth.” He shook his head, sending droplets spraying. “Females infected with the virus show a more volatile temperament. I’m willing to allow some leeway for your actions the other day.”
“That’s kind of you,” she muttered, rolling her eyes. “I’m thinking I should’ve kicked you harder.”
“I’m glad you said that.” He grasped both her hands and pivoted her to face him. “Why don’t you try kicking me now?”
Even the storm seemed to rage around him, leaving him solid and alone. He loomed over her, curiosity and challenge on his hard face. But something else lingered in those too dark eyes. Interest.
Great. Kicking the wolf leader in the sack had gleaned his interest. Just what she needed. “I figure once a week is enough.”
“You’re awfully brave now that I’m ready for you.”
“I bet most people are scared of you.” She tilted her head back, allowing the rain to coat her neck in order to see him better.
“They are.” He frowned. “You don’t seem to be.” Puzzlement twisted his lips. “Interesting.”
Fantastic. The guy was probably chalking up her lack of fear to her viral infection and ensuing craziness. She sighed, her gaze holding his. The storm stopped raging, mellowing to a soft rainfall. “Believe it or not, you’re not the scariest thing I’ve seen.” In fact, after spending who knows how much time in a Kurjan research facility, her anxiety attacks came from the past, not the present. Her nightmares were scary and grounded in reality.
“Well”—he released one arm to run a finger down her wet neck—“you haven’t really seen me in action, now have you?”
Desire slid from his finger down to her abdomen as if he’d traced her naked body. Fire flashed hot and bright inside her. “No.” Man, she bet he was magnificent in wolf form. “I guess if you try to kill Jordan, I’ll see you, huh?” She’d meant what she’d said—if standing in front of the lion would help, she’d do it. Though the idea of actually hurting Terrent, maybe killing him, made something around her heart hurt.
Irritation flashed across Terrent’s face. Fire burned deep in his eyes. “If you think I want to kill one of my oldest friends, you haven’t read me right,
She sighed. “You don’t have to kill him. We can find a cure.”
“No. There’s no cure once someone turns into a werewolf.” Absolute conviction lifted his chin.
“Well. We’re at opposing ends, then.” Too bad. She would’ve liked to get to know the wolf better. “What does
“Beautiful. In the language of your people.” Apology filtered along his slight smile. “I’m trying to be accommodating, but you need to understand when the Bane’s Council requests your presence, you make yourself available. Whether or not I have to kill my oldest friend tomorrow night.”
“You don’t want me for an enemy, Terrent.” Somehow, she didn’t figure the guy would care who his enemies were—he’d just cut them down and move on.
“You’re far from my enemy.” His hands framed her face, smoothing the rain away. “I appreciate Jordan offering you sanctuary and protection, but you’re one of my people and you belong with wolves—especially now that the demons want you dead. I can protect you. Life will be much easier if you come to that conclusion on your own, Maggie.”
Tingles set up in her skin from his warm touch. Irritation battled down her spine from the threatening words. Instinct kicked in. Pivoting her hips, she shot a knee up.
And found herself plastered up against an incredibly hard body two feet off the ground. Man, he had fast reflexes.
His smile lacked warmth. “Wolves don’t play like kittens, sweetheart.” With a dip of his shoulder, she was upside down looking at his ankles as he stalked toward headquarters. “It’s been a long night. Get your stuff packed, and we can head out after the full moon tomorrow.”
Whistling a cheerful tune, the prolific werewolf killer headed into headquarters with her ass over teakettle.
Katie woke up alone in the big bed, her shoulder a dull ache. She stretched her legs, wincing as bruises flared to life. Jordan had quickly washed them both off in the shower upon returning to headquarters before meeting Emma in the lab. The queen had taken blood, and Jordan had squired Katie to bed.
All in silence.
She’d slept for several hours. The masculine scent of cinnamon and oak filled the room, for once not providing comfort. Scooting over, she wearily yanked on sweats and a T-shirt, searching for socks. Not finding any of hers, she tugged a pair of Jordan’s on, rolling the tops over several times.
Who the heck cared how she looked? The full moon was hours away, her friend Jase had been taken by demons, and Jordan hated her.
The last thought had her biting back a sob as she dodged down the hallway toward the lab to find Emma muttering while peering in a microscope. The scent of lemon cleanser and bleach hung heavy in the room.
Katie cleared her throat, fighting an unwilling laugh when Emma started, dropping her pen.
The queen whirled around, blue eyes widening. “You look terrible.”
“I was mauled by a lion last night.” Katie stretched her neck, wincing as her blazing shoulder protested.
“I know. Try being branded by a vampire king.”
Katie had never really thought about it. When the Kayrs family found their mates, an intricate marking appeared on their palm, transferring during sex. “So much for wine and roses.”
Emma ground a palm against her eye. “No kidding. But I figured you’d look better after sleep.”
If anything, Katie felt worse. “Are those the test results?”
“Yes.” Emma shoved a stray strand of black hair away from her face. “Jordan’s results show no change from your mating.” Sorrow and irritation mixed in her eyes. “Neither do yours. I’m so sorry.”
Desperation had a rock slamming into Katie’s gut. The last night couldn’t have been for nothing, especially since she might have lost Jordan forever. “But the results could change, right? I mean, it’s early.”
“Sure.” Emma’s eyes darkened to match the circles under them. “You really look bad.”
“So do you.” The king wasn’t there to make sure Emma got rest, so she wouldn’t rest. Katie bit her lip to keep from crying. “Jordan is mad at me.” At least, she assumed he was mad. It wasn’t like the guy had been talking to her.
Emma blew out a breath. “Why?”
Katie lifted her good shoulder in a shrug. “I don’t know. Maybe because I manipulated him to chase me through the woods and mark me?”
Emma barked out a laugh, wiping a hand over her eyes. “Please tell me you didn’t take relationship advice from my sister.”
Katie’s temples began to pound. “Well, kinda.”
Emma shook her head, reaching down to retrieve the pen. “Cara and Talen have their own dynamic.” Both dark eyebrows arched in her classic face. “But you got what you wanted, right?”
Did she? If so, why did she feel so crappy? “I guess.”
Emma’s lab coat swished as she stepped forward and tugged Katie’s shirt to the side. “That’s not healing very quickly.”
Katie twisted her neck to see the back of her shoulder. Jordan’s mark flared swollen and sure. “Maybe because he didn’t want to bite me.” The whine in her voice irritated her even more.
Emma released the material. “Don’t be silly. No matter how much you tried to manipulate him, no way would Jordan mark you unwillingly. Whether he admits the truth or not, he wanted to mate you.”
Hope caught in Katie’s chest. “Maybe.” She shoved her hands in her pockets. “Do you need my help in here today?”
“No.” Emma tilted her head toward the door. “Go find Jordan and make things right.”
With a nod, Katie loped out of the room, aiming for the gym. She needed to work some angst out of her system before facing Jordan.
Alone in the massive room, she jumped on a treadmill, trying to relieve the aches in her legs. Unfortunately, the pain came from bruises and not muscles. Five minutes into the run and she couldn’t see. It took several seconds for her to realize she was crying, tears streaming down her face.
Reaching for the side bar, she missed it and tripped.
Two loud thumps later and she sat on the ground, hugging her knees, shaking silently with sobs. Now her butt hurt from falling off. The treadmill continued to run next to her. Jordan would never forgive her.
Oh God, what had she done?
She’d finally gotten exactly what she wanted, and she’d never felt so alone. Jordan was her safety net, the one place she could go. Now she needed him and couldn’t go there. Her sobs increased.
Several minutes later, air whispered around her, and the treadmill clicked off. Strong arms lifted her onto a warm lap as Jordan sat down. With a muffled sob, she snuggled into his chest like she had when young, letting his masculine scent surround her.
She flattened her hand against his heart, which beat strong and steady. “I’m sorry I manipulated you.”
His sigh parted her hair. “I’m not that easy, kitten. I marked you because I wanted to.”
“But you’re still mad.” She sniffed into his dark T-shirt.
Muscles shifted as he settled her. “Yeah, I’m still mad. But not at you.” Tugging her thigh, he moved her to straddle him, lifting her chin with one knuckle. “I’m mad at myself—and the virus—and fate.”
She met his gaze through wet lashes. “You talked to Emma.”
“Yes.” Sorrow and anger mingled in the lion’s topaz eyes. “There’s no change.” He tugged her T-shirt aside, rubbing a finger across his mark.
Fire ripped straight to her core, and she gasped, arching against him.
Dark amusement lifted his lip. “I would’ve loved to have explored this with you.” Leaning down, he ran his tongue over her shoulder and across the bite.
Her entire body went rigid. Electricity shot through every nerve ending. She moaned, fingers clutching into his chest.
He leaned back. “Very nice.” Framing her face with both strong hands, he placed such a gentle kiss on her lips that tears spiked behind her eyes again. “I love you, Kate. No matter what happens, every good memory I have is filled with you.”
Her nipples peaked while her heart warmed. “I love you, too.” Determination straightened her spine. “We’re not giving up, Jordan.” They had at least twelve hours until the full moon rose high in the sky.

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