Cooper (4 page)

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Authors: Liliana Hart

BOOK: Cooper
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Chapter Three



Claire felt frozen inside.

She’d known from the moment she’d set eyes on Cooper that he was supposed to be hers. And when an innocent crush had matured into the love only a woman knows, she knew it was time to act. She’d dated other men, but she’d never given them her body. Her body belonged to Cooper.

She hadn’t come here tonight expecting Cooper to declare his love and pledge himself forever. But she hadn’t expected him to take everything that she had to give him—the love and the passion she’d held inside for so long—and tear it to shreds with a few careless words. He would accept her body, but nothing else she had to offer. No genuine affection. Just sex.

The childhood hopes she’d once dreamed had been turned to dust, as if they’d never existed. If Cooper only wanted her body then that’s what she’d give him. He’d been the one she’d been saving it for after all. And once he ridded her of her pesky virginity and she’d slaked him from her system, she’d be free to get on with her life and find a chance at happiness elsewhere. And she very much wanted happiness—she didn’t have to be married or have children like her friends were starting to do. All she wanted was the chance for something special. She wanted the companionship. The laughter. And eventually that might turn to love. But Cooper had made it very clear that she wouldn’t find any of those things with him.

Fine. She was a big girl now, and she could play this game.
Just sex

Cooper turned and gave her one last, worried look, and she got control of her composure. She could be just as cold as he was for the time being. She’d save her pity tears for the comfort of her own home.

Cooper opened the door just as the man on the other side was lifting his fist to knock again. She recognized him immediately, though she’d been thrown off by his long hair. The last time she’d seen him it had been buzzed close to the scalp. The tattoo was also new. Or maybe she’d just never seen him without his shirt off. The MacKenzies always seemed to have their shirts off in the summer, so she couldn’t remember exactly. An intricate design was inked over the left side of his chest and over his shoulder, and it ended at the bulging bicep of his left arm. He was huge. And he looked like a complete reprobate at the moment, though she knew he was anything but.

“Hello, Cade. I didn’t realize
Club Dominique
was where the MacKenzies had started having their family reunions.”

“It’s good to see you again, Claire.”

“I didn’t realize you two were on a first name basis,” Cooper said, narrowing his eyes as his cousin.

“Unlike you,” she said, “The other MacKenzies I see in town don’t run in the opposite direction whenever I walk down the street. And since Cade’s been spending the summers in Surrender since he was a kid, I actually know him pretty well. And just so there’s no further confusion, your sisters-in-law are some of my closest friends, and your brother is my personal physician.”

Cooper frowned. It was obvious by the look on his face he hadn’t been aware of those facts.

Cade coughed to fill the awkward silence. “I apologize for interrupting your evening, but I needed to speak to both of you. That’s why I told Cooper to bring you in here.”

Claire flinched as if she’d been slapped, and she couldn’t bring herself to meet Cooper’s gaze. So he hadn’t really wanted her after all. Sure he’d seen her and singled her out, but only because he’d been given orders. Cooper must have thought she was a complete idiot. To think the desire in his eyes had only been for her. She’d just been the one to fall into his path.

Despite her idiocy at relationships, she was smart enough to know something big was going on. She knew Cade worked for the DEA, and it was clear by Cooper’s lack of surprise at seeing him that he was in on the plan. Obviously, there was some kind of operation going on in the club that she’d stepped in the middle of, and she had a feeling it had everything to do with the Neanderthal she’d been sitting on earlier.

God, she was such a fool. To think she could ever be the kind of women who could catch and keep Cooper MacKenzie for good was almost laughable. She stared at Cooper until he flinched at her accusatory stare.

“You’re not interrupting anything,” she said, turning back to Cade. “I was just on my way out. What do you need from me, Cade.”

“Did you overhear any of Rafael Morda’s conversation while you were…ah…”

“Sitting on his lap?” Claire asked. “I didn’t realize that was the man’s name. He didn’t bother to introduce himself when he dragged me there.”

She ran her fingers through her hair in disgust. “I only heard parts of their conversation,” she continued. “It was hard to hear because of the music, and they kept switching from Spanish to English to French, so it was hard to keep up.”

“Can you speak Spanish?” Cade asked.

“Sure. And French. As well as Italian and a little German. I was a linguistics minor in college. They men were obviously talking about some type of business deal, but they never mentioned anything specific, so I didn’t know what the merchandise they kept referring to was. I didn’t hear where the shipment was coming from, but they’re taking the mountain pass across the border into Rollinstown to deliver it. From what I gathered, the shipment has already been rerouted because this club had been compromised, so it should reach its destination by dawn.”

“Shit,” Cade said, kicking at the leg of the chair as he paced back and forth across the tiny room. “I need to find out who leaked our position to Morda. We’ve been here three fucking years and it’s all just going to go up in smoke. It had to be someone on the team.”

“One of the men was using while he was talking to Morda,” Claire said. “You might be able to find something if you shut down the club and did a search.”

Cooper told him about the club closing at midnight, and they waited while Cade called in another team to raid the club just after eleven.

“What do you want to do, Cade?” Cooper asked when he got off the phone. “We can probably beat them to the mountain pass if we leave now and take the back roads.”

“But who do I take with us? I don’t know who I can trust anymore.”

“Well, there’s me and you,” Cooper said. “And if there’s someone else you can trust your life with we’ll add them to the mix. We’ve been hunting in those mountains a million times.”

“Are you crazy?” Claire asked, anger vibrating from every pore in her body. “The two of you are going to try and intercept a shipment of drugs by yourselves? These are professional bad guys. They’re not going to go down without a fight.”

“Well, we’re professional good guys, honey. We can’t let them get across the border with those drugs. Think of how many thousands of lives could be affected.”

“We can confiscate the shipment,” Cade said, “But that still doesn’t give us Morda. It’s all hearsay and reasonable doubt at this point. And it’s obvious that our cover at this club is blown. Maybe we’ll get lucky when the raid team gets here, but I doubt it. I’m going to have to start the whole damned operation over from scratch. With a new team.”

“Is there anything else you need from me, Cade?” Claire asked, wondering what the hell had just happened to her night. It was completely surreal. All she’d wanted was a night of completely amazing sex with Cooper MacKenzie and a chance to be a little bad for once in her boring life.

“No, you’ve been a big help, Claire. Would you mind if I sent one of my agents to take a formal statement from you sometime tomorrow? You might remember something else by then.”

“Sure, now if you’ll both excuse me, I think I’ll head back to Surrender.”
“I’ll walk you to your car,” Cooper said.
“I know the way,” she said and pasted an empty smile on her face. “Don’t trouble yourself.”

She opened the door and stepped into the red lit hallway. The club was still hopping on the main floor, but the hallway was empty.

“Dammit, Claire, you know we have things to talk about. I saw the look on your face in there. There’s no point in trying to avoid me.” He grabbed her hand to keep her from walking away. Damned stubborn woman.

“I’m not going to be able to follow you back to my place tonight. I need to help Cade here. But there’s a key under my mat and you can make yourself at home. We’ll talk as soon as I get back and get things straightened out. Things aren’t always like they seem. We’ll get everything straightened out and then take up where we left off.”

She looked at him with wide-eyed amazement. He really didn’t get it. As far as he was concerned this was business as usual. He was living his entire life by staying detached from everyone but his immediate family. It was just a revolving door of nameless women and forgettable pleasure.

“Cooper,” said, shaking her head sadly at the shame of it all. “Let’s just call it what it is and let it go. I think we both had different expectations of how things would be before I came here, and before you decided I’d just as good of a fuck as the person standing next to me. But unfortunately I’ve recently discovered something about myself—as in the last twenty minutes or so. It’s been a hell of an eye opener, and I completely took it for granted before.”

“You’re attitude is starting to piss me off, Claire.”

“Cooper, if you had your gun on you I might take it from you and shoot you in the foot. Shut up and listen, please.” She smiled sweetly, though the anger was obvious in her eyes. “Sex should mean something. It should be more than a quick grope in a closet with someone who doesn’t give a damn one way or the other about you. Yes, it should be satisfying. It should be dirty or sweet or standing up or lying down. The how doesn’t matter. But the why sure as fuck does.”

The growl that came from his throat didn’t intimidate her. If anything, it gave her the courage to keep going.

“This was a mistake all around. I know it was my fault for instigating it, so I apologize for inconveniencing you and getting in the way of whatever you guys are doing here.”

She pulled her hand from his grasp.

“I warned you that you wouldn’t like what I wanted from you, but you said I’d never know unless I told you. I can’t change who I am, Claire.”

“No one with a soul or an ounce of self-respect would like what you wanted from me. And if that’s a rule you’re determined to live by then I’m sure as hell not going to try and change you. There’s a lot I can take from you, Cooper, and there were a lot of things I was willing to try, but I won’t sacrifice myself on the altar of your illusions any longer. It’s fine for you to get what you want, but I deserve to get something of what I want as well. It can’t all be one sided.”

Disappointment weighed like lead around her shoulders, and all of a sudden she was just so damned tired. The fight went out of her on an exhalation of breath, and her shoulders slumped in defeat.

“Let me have what’s left of my pride and just let it go, Cooper. There’s no need to try and talk things out so you can try and justify your decisions to yourself.”

He moved closer so he towered above her. “Whatever this is between us isn’t just going to go away.”

“I know that,” she said softly. “But just like with anything, if you ignore it long enough, you can pretend it never existed in the first place. I’ll see you around, Cooper.”

She turned and made it to the safety of her car before the tears began to fall. She didn’t realize until she’d gotten home that she still wore the collar Cooper had placed around her neck. She had no idea how she was going to get it off.





Chapter Four



Leave me what’s left of my pride…

Those words haunted Cooper all through the night, and they distracted him while Cade put a small team of four men together to intercept the shipment of drugs Morda was sending into Canada.

They’d achieved their goal of arresting the men traveling with the shipment—though Cade had taken a bullet to the hand and shoulder, and Cooper had one come close enough to his ribs to leave a burn mark across his skin.

But just like Cade had feared, they hadn’t caught the big fish. The men in the truck were just worker bees, and none of them could give the DEA Rafael Morda. The raid on
Club Dominique
hadn’t faired much better. They’d confiscated enough drugs to shut the club down for a while, but it was still just a small part of the picture.

Cade had found out who’d betrayed their position inside
Club Dominique
. It had been the same female agent he’d seen at the club the night before who’d been getting her boots licked. The Morda’s men had given her up easily enough with a little persuasion.

Once the action ended and he’d seen Cade comfortably resting in the hospital, Cooper found himself headed towards the MacKenzie house instead of his own apartment above the Sheriff’s Office. He’d get his brother, Thomas, to bandage his ribs, and he’d make himself a sandwich. And then maybe he’d get twelve hours of shut eye in the room he’d slept in growing up. It was going on noon, and he hadn’t had sleep in more than thirty hours.

But it wasn’t Thomas he found when he entered the kitchen door. Cat MacKenzie, Thomas’s wife, was behind the stove burning something in the frying pan. Her face was flushed red enough to match her hair and he was surprised he didn’t see smoke coming out of her ears.

“I don’t understand it,” she yelled. “I can scale a hundred foot wall with suction cups and pick a lock with my eyes closed, but I can’t make a grilled cheese sandwich.”

Cooper winced at being reminded of what his sister-in-law had once done for a living. Technically she was still a thief, but since she stole for the FBI it wasn’t considered a crime. She’d had to put a halt to her thieving, though, once she’d found out she was pregnant.

“This is all Thomas’s fault.”

The pure disgruntlement in that statement had Cooper stifling a laugh.

“He told me I needed to find something to occupy my time until the baby gets here. He said I could treat it like school and learn the things I never got to when I was growing up. Clearly he doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about.”

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