Cord SEAL Team Seven (Book 5) (13 page)

BOOK: Cord SEAL Team Seven (Book 5)
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“Kat we gotta do something.” He actually looked distressed when he plopped down on the mattress next to me. “Aww poor baby, you know she’s just a little more curious and just a tad bit smarter than the others, but there’s nothing to worry about.”

“You won’t be saying that when we’re knee deep in teenage pregnancies, what the fuck have you and Elena been doing around that kid? I find it strange that Caitiebear who was practically raised by me doesn’t do any of that shit, but the one I left to you and my mother is twisted as fuck.”

What could I say to that enlightening piece of logic? There was no talking him down when it comes to her anyway so why bother? “Poor Colton, she scares you doesn’t she?” I dared not laugh because that would just send him off on one of his tangents again.

“You think this shit is funny, don’t you? Well we’ll see how funny you find it when you’re collecting her ass from Juvie in a few years.” He hopped off the bed mumbling something under his breath about Mengele’s experiments or some other such thing.


I stood in the doorway smiling and waving all the while formatting my words in my head. As soon as he cleared the street and I heard the last engine disappear I hightailed it to the nearest phone. I had to be careful though because I didn’t want anyone to hear.

This has got to stop. For weeks, things have been crazier than usual around here, and since meeting the other women, I knew something was definitely up, but their men were no more forthcoming than Colt was. I knew enough to know that whatever this was, it had more to do with us as a family than Colt was letting on. Now Caitie was getting strange emails and I knew that more than anything else would send my husband over the deep end.

I checked on the baby one last time before sneaking into the walk-in closet with the cordless. “Law, where’s Colton going?” No sense in beating around the bush.

“What do you mean what did he say?”

“He said he had to get parts in Arizona.” His ‘oh fuck’ did nothing to ease my suspicions and his next volley of questions didn’t do any better either.

“How long ago did he leave?” I gave him all the information I had growing more anxious by the silence on the other end. I guess I was expecting him to tell me not to worry, but I knew that whatever was going on had started at Law’s place and this wasn’t looking good. The last thing I heard after he told me he would take care of it was him whistling for his men.





“Creed, Law here, we’ve got trouble.”

“What’s up bro, the fuck is going on now?” We’ve been pretty much on alert ever since the little powwow a few weeks ago. I was trying to get shit cleaned up in my own backyard before heading to Georgia, but it looked like Colt, the fuck, wasn’t gonna give me the chance.

“Colt’s on the fucking loose is what’s going on. Just got a call from Katarina and he’s headed to the desert.”

“Oh shit.” Brandon, Travis and Clay joined me just in time to hear that last part.

“We’ve got to head him off and we don’t have much time, he’s on the move.” I need this shit. Dana Sue hasn’t stopped throwing her guts up in three fucking weeks, the asshole sheriff has been making noises since we burnt out the fuckwit hate brigade and now this.

“Fuck, do we know which way he’s headed?” There were a few routes from his neck of the woods to Arizona but only one that would take a lot less time. I gave Creed the particulars before deciding on the best place to meet so we could head this fuck off.

“I’ll be there. This shit goes back to us doesn’t it? The shit we did when we were in.”

“It looks that way, only I don’t see why he’d go after the women. As far as I know Khalil has always gone for more of a direct attack.”

“That’s just it isn’t it? We don’t know what the fuck this is.”

“Does it matter Creed? We know enough that we have to protect our own. Let’s go get Lyon and then I think it’s time we head down south. I don’t think those boys wanna wait around any more than we do.”

“Sounds good to me. Let me make sure my woman is safe and I’ll head out.” After hanging up with him I turned to my cousin and our friends.

“What’s the deal Law?”

“Lyon has decided not to wait, he’s headed to the desert.”

“We knew that was coming, I’m surprised he held back this long.”

“Yeah Travis you’re right, but this might throw shit off. Hardheaded son of a bitch.”

I barely had time to set shit right on my end, making sure my place was secure before heading out. I should’ve been prepared for this, should’ve known that Lyon wouldn’t be able to hold his shit in. But the last time we saw him, he gave his word. Something must’ve happened. I guess I’ll have to wait until we meet up to get the particulars.

I wasn’t even sure if he’d taken the route I’d chosen, but it was my best bet. I didn’t try calling him because I knew there was no point. With my crew behind me, and my place on lockdown with orders to shoot any motherfucker that didn’t belong on sight, I headed out to meet my friend.

I saw Creed from a distance two hours later. We didn’t have time to do more than nod at each other as his crew fell in with mine. I tapped my helmet when I got next to Creed and he turned his shit on so we could talk.

“So what’s the plan brother?”

“I’m not sure. We can try talking him down but according to what mood he’s in we might end up doing a ride along.” I’m pretty sure we were heading for the latter. Lyon isn’t known for taking instruction well.

“What the fuck set him off? Two weeks ago, he was fine with waiting.”

“I can’t say, Katarina didn’t seem to know but whatever it is it can’t be good.”

“Damn, we’re not set up to move now.”

“I know it, but we gotta have his back either way.”

We rode hell bent for leather to catch up to Lyon not even sure if we were on the right track. There was no point in trying to second- guess why he’d veered off from the plan, the man plays by his own rules. Having taken matters into my own hands not that long ago to avenge my family, I had no issue with him doing the same. I just wish like fuck he’d given me a heads-up.

“Creed up ahead.”

“Thank fuck I thought we were gonna have to follow that boy all the way to Arizona.”

I sped up and moved ahead of the others as Lyon and his crew came at us from the opposite direction.

I cut him off by pulling across in front of him and he didn’t look too pleased until I removed my helmet and he recognized me.

“What the fuck?”

“You don’t mind a little company on this little jaunt into the desert do you Lyon?”

“What are you doing here brother?” I asked him tongue in cheek.

“I could ask you the same…fucking Kat.”

“Hey, don’t blame her, I thought we had a deal.”

“Yeah that was before they sent my kid an email about running away from home and before three fucks showed up at my door.”

“They did what?” Creed had caught up by then and the three of us stood next to our rides in the middle of the street. This time of night wasn’t anyone out here unless they were up to no good.

“Yeah, so if my woman sent you to reel me in you’re fuck outta luck.”

“What do you mean they came to your door? Is your family okay?”

“Yes they are, and I’m going to end this shit so they stay that way.”




I should’ve known she was up to some shit. I didn’t stand around any longer than it took to fill them in, but I wasn’t about to be deterred. I got back on my ride and left them to decide what they wanted to do. It didn’t escape my notice that neither man even tried to talk me out of going, I’m pretty sure they knew it wouldn’t have worked.

I can’t say I was surprised when they flanked me two minutes later, but I wasn’t sure how I felt about them coming along. I knew what I was going there to do, and though I knew these boys lived by the same creed, I wasn’t too sure about all the extra eyes and ears that I now had on my ass.

No one said anything for the rest of the ride. My mind was focused on what laid ahead. The last time I was here I had a plan in place, this time I was playing this shit by ear. All I knew was the end result.

When we were about half an hour out I was struck by an idea. I held my hand up and made a turn into the parking lot of the chain retail store we came up on. “I’ll be back, we don’t want to scare these people by all going in there together.” Plus I didn’t want anyone knowing what the fuck I was up to.

I got the shit I needed and left without too much fuss. The guys were stretching their legs until I returned and all eyes went to the bags in my hands. I ignored them and climbed on my ride after putting the shit away.

Now that we were almost there I cleared everything else from my head. I didn’t let myself think of what could go wrong, didn’t think of consequences or repercussions. It needed doing and that’s all there was to it.

I held my hand up once more when we were five minutes out. I waited until everyone was standing in front of me before saying a word. “We can’t all go in there, I didn’t plan for all these bodies.”

“I’m going in.” That was Law then Creed raised his hand, which meant he was in too. I knew my boys wanted in which would mean seven bodies altogether.

“Fuck guys it’s a hit not a fucking reunion.”

“You got the blueprints, how do you know they’re in there? What about servants and shit, how much recon did you do?”

“The fuck Law, it won’t take all that to off these fucks, I’m in and out in five. Look it’s coming on dark now, I timed the ride to get here about this time. There’s only one maid in the house and she’s not in the same wing as the fucks.

They go to bed early, that’s where I’m expecting to take them. If they’re not there I’ll improvise, but I plan on getting in and out no muss no fuss.”

“What about security alarms, how do you plan to get by those?” I showed him the neat little gadget I had with me that would make mince meat out of any security system in less time than it would take to blink.

“Fine, the place is far enough from the neighbors that we might not be detected?”

“Yeah Creed and with that said, what are we gonna do with all these extra bodies? We don’t want any reports of strange bikers in the area when these fucks went missing.”

“Don’t worry about that, my guys know what to do we’re not green. Now are we gonna stay around here gabbing all night or are we gonna do this? I’m a newly married man. I need to get home to babygirl.”

Fucking Creed, I guess he forgot I didn’t invite his ass. All this talking was cutting into my time. I had this shit mapped out in my head and barring some unforeseen fuck up all should go well.

I had to make a judgment call since no one wanted to be left behind. I took Jared and Tommy. Law and Creed left their crew behind. We were gonna meet up at a bar outside of town, the same bar my guys and I had gone to that night sixteen years ago. Ain’t life a bitch, we’d come full circle.

“So how are we doing this?” Law walked next to me in the darkness. The house was sitting on a hill with a pond in front. There was a barn off in the distance but I knew from my research that it housed horses. There was no wall but a hedge of trees lined the property with a rock drop off in back. The only light came from the moon and it was hot as a bitch for December.

“Follow me.” It went without saying that the kill was mine and they were just here for backup. I pulled up the layout of the place that I’d downloaded on my phone and showed it to them.

“These are their rooms here. There’s a balcony with sliding glass doors, the bed is a good thirteen feet from the bedroom door so we gotta move fast once we get in.”

“You planning on having a conversation with these fucks before you off them?” Creed asked as he moved up beside me.

“No.” The fuck I have to say to them, I knew what their deal was. They would’ve been better off forgetting their deadbeat son and moving the fuck on. Now they can join him in hell, I give a fuck.

I made short work of the security system and waited until Jared slipped down the stairs to the left headed off to the maid’s quarters to make sure she remained contained. I didn’t want her leaving her room for a snack or some shit. I wasn’t looking forward to having to hurt anyone but the two I’d come here for, I’m not an animal after all. I left Tommy outside to keep an eye out just in case.

I didn’t hear Creed and Law behind me as we made our way up the stairs. The fucks barely cast a shadow on the wall. They’d gone into combat mode or some shit.

My only problem was getting the heavy oak doors open without making a sound. I didn’t know if the Porters were light sleepers or not, didn’t know who slept on which side of the bed but I didn’t really care. I was here to do both of them, didn’t much matter to me who got it first.

I might’ve had a slight pang of unease about doing a female but my kid was female and that didn’t stop them from getting her involved in this shit. Plus from what little I’d gathered, she was the driving force behind seeking revenge for her asshole son. Fuck her.

Law put his hand on my shoulder when I reached for the door and held his finger up to his lips. He did some hinky shit to the door and stepped back. The shit was open. The army sure does teach these boys some illegal shit.

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