Cord SEAL Team Seven (Book 5) (2 page)

BOOK: Cord SEAL Team Seven (Book 5)
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ord!” My hand came down on the fleshy side of her ass. “I didn’t give you permission to speak.” She tugged against her restraints, her little show of defiance. “You always have to push it don’t you my Little Gem?” Her head jerked up and around at the tone in my voice, but she couldn’t see me.

For the last day or so I’ve noticed a slight change in her. I’d had to spank her ass a few days ago, not one of the playful spanks I’d introduced her to. This one had been for outright disobedience. I knew she knew better, that it was just part of her game, but this early in her training I couldn’t let anything get by me.

I was no longer worried about her ability to keep up with me in bed or give me what I needed from our bond. But whether she realized it or not I knew there was more at stake here. I was trying not to push her too far too soon. With her natural bullheadedness and my need to dominate, I knew there was going to be a tussle, but one I planned to win at all cost.

I’d warned her of the consequences if she ever disobeyed me. I’d made it plain that if she did, the spanking she got, wouldn’t be a fucking game. She didn’t listen so she’d paid the price.

I’d stayed away from her ever since then, as part of her punishment. Even going so far as to sleep away from her. In that time she’s done everything in her power to get my attention. Everything short of making the same mistake again that is. Then she’d come to me this evening after we’d left the others, after I’d treated her to days of coldness. Still with a sulk on her face, but she had calmed her little ass down.

“I’m sorry.” Oh really?

“What exactly are you sorry for?”

“For not doing what you said.” She said it grudgingly but I took heart. I knew when we started that she was gonna need time to learn. I had to be patient.

“And will you do that again?” She shook her head no, stubborn to the end.

“Answer me.”

“No, I won’t do it again.”

Now I was about to push her to the limit, not only because it was time to move forward, but also because I needed it. I’d missed the fuck outta her the last few days during the cold war. And now I needed to reconnect.

I had her on her hands and knees in the middle of the leather-covered divan in the dungeon. Her hands were chained to the wall and there was a fetter around her neck, limiting her movements. Her feet were attached to shackles in the floor that kept her spread open for my pleasure.

Today she wore the red mesh panties that showcased the perfect globes of her ass beautifully. Her tits were clamped, the nipples stretched taut by the chains that held them in place. “Let’s see how well you’ve learned.” I ran the riding crop up between her thighs until the strip of leather at the end tickled her pussy through the sheer material of her underwear. She barely bit back the moan of pleasure as I went after her clit rubbing back and forth until her pussy juice stained the leather.

I tapped her pussy with the end of the crop until her juices flowed, and stopped. She bit down on her lip to hold back her moan of frustration and I smiled behind her head. Only two days ago she wouldn’t have been able to keep that sound behind her teeth. Progress. Thank fuck!

I’m about to lose my mind. I’m caught between a rock and a hard place. I want her so much I can taste it, but I know I can’t rush this. Not if she’s going to be what I’ve already come to accept that she is to me. My heart and soul!

It’s for that reason I can’t treat her like just another piece of ass. But it’s killing me. She’s so fucking innocent, for all her bravado. No way she could’ve dealt with all that I wanted from her without me taking the time to bring her along. If I unleashed the real me on her ass without first preparing her, she wouldn’t last a week. That’s why I have to keep my lust in check, for her sake.

Lust! If only it were that simple. Lust I can handle. Lust is something you slake between a woman’s thighs and move the fuck on. This girl has me by the balls. Ain’t that a fucking kick in the head? The big bad SEAL, taken down by a pint sized hellion.

She breathes and I get hard. She gives me that lip of hers and I want to bend her over the nearest hard surface and fuck her until she can’t walk straight for a week. But I have to rein it all in and my poor dick has been paying the price.

It’s the first time since I became a man that I’ve had to deny myself anything, especially something I wanted so fucking bad I ached. Her scent, her looks, her smile, even the way she snarls at me when she’s pissed makes my beast pull against his restraints. All the control I’ve prided myself on having since I joined the navy has flown the fuck out the window. And I couldn’t tell you where it went. Except maybe in the palm of her little hand.

I never imagined it could be like this. Not even on those rare occasions when I let myself dream that I might one day find someone, there was no way I could’ve envisioned her.

She was the one bright spot in my otherwise dreary world. Before her, I’d resolved myself to a life of loneliness. Oh I’m sure I would’ve found a stray female here and there to spend a night with when the need got too strong. But I never once believed I could have this, this amazing thing we’re starting to build her and I.

It was okay for my brothers, this settling down; they deserved it, every bit of it.

Though it was a huge change from what we’d all expected when we first settled here. I know I for sure had never seen myself settling down with a wife and kids. But I must admit that finding my own miracle wasn’t too shabby. Though my balls stayed full and my dick was in constant agony. She’s making me nuts.

Now these days it’s all I can think about. Just looking at her even with all that was going on around us, all I could think about was the next time I could get her alone. I find myself wanting to spend every waking moment with her. Dangerous! This love shit plays by its own rules.

I knew part of my obsession was because I hadn’t taken her yet. Not that I didn’t want to every second of every fucking day since we met. It’s a wonder my brothers hadn’t taken me out back and put one in the back of my head already. Because wanting her has turned me into an ornery fuck and I know it. Even fucking Tyler the sap shakes his head at me, like he feels my pain. Asshole!

These sessions were for her, but each time I walked away from this room I came closer and closer to losing control. It was her scent. Whenever she goes into heat, which is every time I bring her here to play with her, her scent drives me mad. It’s all I can do not to drive my cock into her, stealing her virgin’s blood, emptying my seed in her cunt.

Like now! She’s in a prime position to take my dick. Her hands and feet are bound, her pussy’s wet; I can smell her from back here. And she wants me. She’s been begging me for a good week now to finish it, but not yet. She thinks she knows, but she hasn’t got a clue.

She still had a little stubbornness in her that could prove dangerous if she disobeyed me. It’s up to me to have the control yes, but I can’t be sure what I would do if she put herself in danger. She has no understanding of the position I’m in. She doesn’t understand what her complete submission to me in all things has to do with our sex life. But I do. I have to own all of her completely or not at all.

And therein lies my quandary. My mind is already made up, but I have to do this for her. This is her life too after all, and until I am sure that she’s ready, we both suffer. I know from things she’s said that she has no idea of my need for her. She thinks my resistance means I don’t want to fuck her as much as she wants me to. Nothing could be farther from the truth

“Remember, not one word or I’ll stop.” I exchanged the riding crop for my favorite whip. I’d had it made especially for her with an exact number of perfectly cut strips of lambskin leather. Soft, but yet painful when administered right.

Each strip was studded with a little silver star on the end. The handle was short, less than an arm’s length, and fit perfectly into my hands for wielding. I trailed those studded leather strips teasingly down the center of her back to her ass and back again. Her pussy soaked the crotch of her barely there panties and the scent was almost unbearable to my senses.

I could feel my cock straining against the latches of my leather pants; these too had been made specifically for this room. “Tilt.” She moved her body just right, dropping her chest and tilting her ass, which made her pussy more exposed.

I shook the whip over her back and ass before dipping it between her legs and sawing it back and forth. She jerked against her chains before settling, but that was just reflex from the pleasure.

I brought the whip down across her ass, not too hard at first. I wanted her to feel the pleasure mixed with the pain, but first I wanted the pleasure to be so great that the pain didn’t matter. She’d already shown her penchant for withstanding whatever I did to her, which meant it wouldn’t be long now.

Five lashes on each ass cheek made her nice and red and her pussy was still juicing. She was close, but she dared not cum without my say-so, she knew the consequences, and I was sure she wanted her reward. If she passed the test!

“Good girl, are you ready?” I stroked the bulge of my cock under the leather, to give myself some relief, and to gain some control. If I hadn’t been wearing leather there would be an embarrassing wet spot going down my leg. As it was I could feel pre-cum oozing its way down my inner thigh as it leaked from the head of my cock.

Her body tensed with anticipation at my words. I dropped the whip and using both hands, gently rolled the sides of her panties midway down her thighs. Her pussy was fat and dewy, the lips pink and petal soft. I swallowed hard and closed my eyes as I inhaled the sweet bouquet. Soon!

I couldn’t resist spreading her open with my thumbs. Her pussy opened up like a peach and my mouth watered. I teased her with just the tips of my fingers until a pearl of her essence coated my nails. Then I pulled back. I licked her taste off my fingers and watched as her pussy closed up again. I’d almost forgotten in my haste to get at her.

“I have something for you first, it’s to show you my pleasure at how well you’ve done.” I moved over to the little table on the wall and opened the drawer. Inside I removed the string of herringbone styled fine gold that I’d had made to order. Walking back to the bed, I leaned over her and clasped it around her tiny waist, locking it in place with the little anchor.

There was an inscription emblazoned on the lock that said, ‘Cord’s sole possession’. The tiny lock could only be opened with the key I wore around my neck. I might not have claimed her in the most primal way as yet, but that didn’t change the facts. In my heart she was already mine. It was just a matter of time before I made it official, before I take her to my bed for something more than sleep. This was my first sign of ownership. The blood of her maidenhead on my cock would be the next.

With her panties just above her knees, I climbed up on the divan behind her. Loosening my cock, I let it hang down to my knee for some much needed relief as I leaned over and sniffed her juicing pussy. The scent went right to my head and places south. It was heady and ripe, her essence calling out to me.

With my cock in one hand and the other in the small of her back holding her in place, I stretched out my tongue for that first taste. Her quick intake of breath and the slight jingling of the chains, were the only signs of her distress. My good little girl had come a long way. I pulled her pussy back and forth on my stiffened tongue, which I used like a mini cock to fuck her. I licked her hymen, being sure not to break it on my tongue. That little beauty was for my cock to destroy.

Pulling my tongue out of her, I went after her clit, sucking and nibbling on that fat pearl until her juices ran down onto my chin. I used my fingers to tease her as I ate at her, but I had to stop when visions of my cock driving into her like a stallion became too much.

If I didn’t stop now I might go too far, but I couldn’t leave her like that, even though my need was such that I thought I would go crazy. She’d endured over an hour of my ministrations and I had yet to let her cum. “Do you want to cum?” She nodded her head vigorously making her chains pull against the wall.

“Tell me.”

“Please, I want to cum, please.” Her voice was hoarse and pleading.

“Then cum for me baby.” I tormented her clit with my fingers and held my mouth open under her pussy as she came in the most spectacular way. Her pussy gushed like an open tap and her juices sprang out and onto my tongue. I drank as fast as I could so as not to lose a drop.

When the flow became a dribble, I licked her pussy lips with the flat of my tongue, cleaning her up. She squeezed out one more little bit of her essence for me to enjoy as her body shook with another orgasm.

“My turn, keep your head straight.” I knew she was dying to turn around, to get that first look at the cock that would bring her pleasure, but the time had not yet come.

I used my finger to tease her tight little asshole as I stroked my cock over her back. I pulled up and down on her ass, making the flesh of her pussy move before slipping my thumb inside her gash.

“Close your eyes. Now imagine that I’m inside you and move against my hand as if I were fucking you. Can you feel me inside you, imagine me covering you from behind, driving into you, harder, faster. Feel how thick I am, how I stretch your pussy until there’s no room left.” Her hips moved frantically as she sought my cock. I slapped her clit with the fat head of my cock over and over. “Cum!” I used the ridge around the head of my cock to tease the inside of her slit as she went up in flames, before pulling out and jerking and spilling my seed in the small of her back.

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