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Authors: Anne McClean

BOOK: Covet
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Chapter 6


During lunch they discussed the M.E.’s findings prepared for the teleconference with the deputy mayor, and laid out a plan of action. She tasked Brian with getting the captain all caught up and mentioned that she would be a no show at the meeting with Merrick later.


When they got back to the office it was business as usual. Giving the brutality of the congressman’s death they both predicted that the killer was just getting started. The killer took time with the congressman.


The M.E. estimated the time of death somewhere between 12:00am and 1:30am. The hotel records showed the congressman arriving to his room at 9:00pm.


That gave the killer a lot of time. Brian worked on getting the warrants to pull all the hotel security footage, guest information and credit card records of all the guests after lunch.


Meanwhile, she would have to meet with the asshole politicians and media heads to keep this out of the press for a few days. She really loathed the media.


She hadn’t fully recovered from the way they handled the “affair” between her and the former D.A. They portrayed her as a home wrecking whore. She didn't get a moments peace and her privacy was completely violated.


Since then they made attempts to smooth things over. One paper made gainful attempts to repair her image but she held a grudge. It was too little too late once words are spoken or in this case printed they can ever be retracted.


Luckily she was tough she bounced back and kept pushing forward. By continuing to focus on her career and surrounding herself with competent staff she excelled.


She managed to not only be the youngest D.A. ever appointed but she also had the highest conviction rate. Those were her accomplishments and fake affair or not she earned her title.


After lunch they headed back to the office. It was going to be a long day. The day progressed a lot busier than usual. The congressman’s death prompted a lot media and political attention.


The phone rang literally off the hook all day, Karen was so overwhelmed that eventually she left if off the hook just so she could catch up with the scheduling from the previous calls.


Not to mention the slew of unscheduled visitors that showed up trying to see either the A.D.A or D.A.  Unfortunately for them Mya was a fair person and she did not see unscheduled visitors regardless of their title.


The schedule got booked really fast and there was nothing available for the rest of the day. Merrick had the only available appointment for the afternoon.


The conference call with the deputy major went well. The discussed the untimely death of the congressman and what details would and could be issued to the press.


Notifying the family was the first priority and that “privilege” was given to the police commissioner and deputy mayor. The “meeting” took over two hours but it was eventful.


Mya anticipated running late and instructed Karen to escort Merrick to her office when he arrived and offer him libation.  As predicted the meeting went way over and Merrick and Chris arrived punctually.


After Mya left in the elevator he was jolted. This was unusual since women never had that effect on him. The long walk back to his office helped clear his head or so he thought. What was it about this woman that bothered him?


There was no disputing that she was stunning but there was something else. She intrigued him another first when it came to his interactions with women. When he returned to the station there were a lot of “loaded” looks from people that watched the interaction between him and Mya.


He didn't care what anyone thought and it was obvious. His lack of interest was obvious by his body language. He calmly walked back to his office avoiding direct eye contact with anyone and closed the door.


He never subscribed to workplace gossip and he certainly had no intention of starting. As soon as he got to his desk Chris knocked and he waved him in.


“I pushed our meeting with the captain back a few hours. I saw you leave with Ms. Anderson word is she looked pretty pissed. How screwed are we… by “we” of course I mean you?”


I’m not screwed at all unfortunately that will take time with her, but the anticipation will make it all worth the wait.


Merricks tone was gruff, “I thought she was supposed to be the ball buster? If she was upset I couldn't tell, she swung by on her way to see the M.E. so we went down together.”


With a disappointed look Chris replied, “Damn I missed that. I don't recall her ever coming down here…wait maybe once or twice. Do you need a minute or are you ready to head down?”


No, I’m good let’s go.”


Ironically, Merrick’s day pretty much mirrored Mya’s. It was a host of impromptu meetings, phone calls and briefings but he got through all of it without skipping a beat. He knew there was light at the end of the tunnel; his last meeting of the day was with the unforgettable Ms. Anderson.


Merrick arrived at the D.A.’s office a few minutes early but decided to wait until the last second to head up. He wanted to be punctual not appear anxious even if thoughts of her plagued his mind all day.
Stop behaving like a horny teenage boy. You don't even know if she will be there. Of course she will be there, the last thing she said before leaving was “Until later lieutenant”, she knows your name but still insists on calling you by your fucking title. I can make her say my name… over and over until… Shit! Its time to head up.


He arrived to find Karen looking exhausted. “Hello Merrick, they are still in a conference call, Ill take you to Mya’s office. Would you like some coffee, tea or water while you wait?”


“Coffee please black no sugar.”

“OK coming right up. Please make yourself comfortable they will be with you shortly.”

“Thank you Karen.”


“Oh can I take your jacket?”, she added.


“No that's fine, thanks again Karen.”


She turned closing the door behind her.


Merrick sat down on the brown leather sofa in Myas office. He took his jacket off and put on the couch next to him. The office was sparsely decorated with high-end office furniture.


A large mahogany desk was the center of the room complete with a matching high back plush leather office chair. The desk was neat unlike any other D.A.’s desk that he could remember. There were no pictures of family or a boyfriend anywhere.


As he surveyed the room he spotted the shoes she had on earlier under her desk. The bookcase was filled with legal books and a sculpture on one shelf standing alone, the Kiss by Rodin. There was one painting on the wall a rendition of the Gates of Hell also by Rodin.


You can tell a lot about a person from the way they kept their office. So far what he was able to ascertain about Mya was that she wasn't gay…bisexual maybe, reserved definitely, in need of a long ass hard solid dick down… absolutely.


He heard voices in the hall right outside the door, it was Mya’s voice and another male probably ADA Smith.


Mya walked in the room first and looked directly at Merrick. “Lieutenant, sorry to keep you waiting, we had a meeting that ran a bit over. Did Karen, offer you something to drink?”


Smith walked in second and stood directly next to Mya, she introduced him. “Lieutenant this ADA Brian Smith. Brian this is Lieutenant Merrick Boivin from One Police Plaza, Major Case Division if I might add he is moonlighting, his actual title is senior special agent Merrick Boivin from the F.B.I’s violent sexual crimes task force.”


Shit, she found out…this lady is good at her job.


The men exchanged pleasantries and handshakes. Merrick fessed up, “My apologies for not identifying myself honestly earlier but it was necessary to maintain my cover.”


“It’s quite alright lieutenant it’s our business to know who’s who regardless of their cover. We had a conference call with the deputy mayor and the senior agent in charge they briefed us about the parameters of your business here and the need for discretion”, Smith made a genuine attempt to ease the tension.

Chapter 7


Mya sat down on the chair facing the couch. It was deliberate she almost sat on the couch but redirected when she saw Merricks jacket.


“Well now that's out of the way we can get down to the reason you are here”, Brian gestured toward the couch and sat on the other chair giving Merrick the couch for himself.


“Excuse me gentlemen, I have some paperwork to go over I’ll let you two talk.” When she got up from her seat Merrick watched her walk away. Brian watched him closely. That was the normal reaction men had around Mya so he wasn't surprised.


Moments later Karen knocked on the door with Merrick’s coffee. “I’m sorry to interrupt, Merrick here is your coffee, I’m sorry for the wait but we were all out so I had to brew a fresh pot.” Her voice was apologetic.


As she handed him the coffee she exchanged guilty glances with Brian. Merrick took note. There was obviously something going on between them, he looked over at Mya but she was heavily preoccupied with paperwork or at least appeared that way.


“Would you like a cup of coffee Brian?” Purposely avoiding eye contact with Karen he declined but thanked her for offering. She walked out closing the door behind her.


Brian and Merrick spoke for an hour or so. They agreed to keep in close contact regarding the investigation into congressman Macalister’s death.


By the end they seemed comfortable with each other. Mya listened to the chatter from her desk. She felt eyes on her many times but never looked up.


It was fresh hell for Merrick to keep his focus on Brian and not look at Mya but he had a job to do and he certainly didn't want to give away anything to Brian. They were there until 7:00 pm, Karen came in and said good night an hour ago but no one really noticed the time.


It wasn't until Mya got up from her seat and grabbed her bag that Brian looked at his Rolex. “Shit! He exclaimed I have to go meet the fiancé for dinner.”


“Merrick, it was good talking to you let’s do it again soon I mean like everyday until we solve this”. Reaching into his pocket he handed him a business card.


“Just give me a call before you stop by. Of course if I’m not available you can call Karen to make an appointment.” He said his goodbyes to Mya and left quickly leaving Mya and Merrick alone.


Merrick walked over to the door and watched Mya grab her coat. He noticed that she purposely averted her eyes.
I’ll have none of that now that we are alone again.


“So, Ms. Anderson is it uncommon for the D.A. to have dinner with a “cop”?


Mya looked at him and smiled. “I wouldn't know lieutenant I’ll ask a D.A and a
when I get a chance.” Her derision made him smile. Normally he hated that shit in his women.


What the fuck? Your woman? Pump your breaks, she’s not yours just yet, and it’s slim to none that she will ever be.


“You aren’t much for subtlety huh? Ok. Well I didn't have lunch today so I’m starved, would you like to join me for dinner? Assuming you don’t already have plans.”


She responded without thinking, “Well…As it turns out I don't have plans so yes, I’ll join you for dinner”, it was the truth she hadn’t really eaten much at lunch and was feeling hungrier than usual.


Merrick hid his delight. As they walked out of he office he held the door, “After you Mya.” It was the first time he used her name and hearing him say it made her feel uneasy but she didn't let it show.







Chapter 8



The drive to the restaurant was cordial. They talked about the horrendous traffic, and decided on a place to eat. They settled on a the upscale Aurora Bar & Grill near Parke Avenue. Since his arrival several weeks ago it became his favorite place. The atmosphere was friendly and the food was superb.


He figured it would make a good first impression on Mya. He parked and walked around to get the door for her. In true Mya fashion, she had already grabbed the door handle and was about to open the door herself.


Merrick laughed inwardly, he didn't expect anything less from her. She obviously wasn’t accustomed to going on dates. Opening the door he held out his hand to help her out of the car fully expecting her to decline, to his surprise she allowed it.


The feel of her hand in his sent a jolt through her body and his. They both felt it and this time it was obvious. Merrick held onto her hand a lot longer than necessary before letting it go. He noticed her hand began to tremble.


When he released it he noted that she balled it into a fist at her side.
What the hell, why is she so uncomfortable and trembling? Maybe I can delve into that during dinner.
He held the door to the restaurant and they walked in.


The maître d noticed Merrick and seated them right away. When they reached the table Merrick pulled the chair out for Mya. She was gracious about it, allowing him to help her remove her coat and hand it to the maître d along with his. “Ill send your server right over Merrick.’”


“Thanks Nick”


“I take it you come here often lieutenant,” her tone was cool.


“Yes, I do and Mya, you can call me Merrick. Neither of us are at work right now.” He did it again…said her name knocking the wind out of her.


“Duly noted, Lieutenant…I mean…Merrick.” She still wouldn't look at him.
Finally, damn that sounded sweet at least I got her say my name and it only took two fucking days.
He sat down across from her.


The tables were cozily sized which meant they weren’t too far apart. He could reach out and touch her if he wanted. The waiter came over with menus and wine.


“Compliments of the house.”  He said, as he placed two crystal champagne glasses in front of them and poured until each glass was full. He left the bottle in the middle of the table.


Giving them his most courteous smile he could muster, he went down the list of specials. Mya opted for the grilled salmon and Merrick ordered the braised quail with wild mushrooms.


After the waiter left Mya finally looked at Merrick and smiled before speaking, “So Merrick now that you have me all to yourself what would you like to talk about?”


He glared at her momentarily before answering. That was a loaded question. If he had her all to himself they certainly wouldn't be talking that's for sure.


If he didn't know better it would appear that she was flirting with him. Not a good idea at all. He had no problem taking her to the bathroom and fucking her into a stupor right now. These past two days had been stressful for both of them and they both needed some release.


What he really wanted to say was,
If I wanted to talk I would have dinner with one of my sisters, I want you ass up head down now on my bed…Cool it… All in time…


He smiled, that wicked smile that said more than words ever could. It told her that what he was thinking certainly wasn't G rated.  She had seen it since they met yesterday during all of their interactions.


“Well, Mya I would like to know more about you anything you would like to volunteer. Is there a Mr. Mya at home or a potential one? I ask because I’m strangely attracted to you and I think you feel the same way about me but you go to extremes to hide it.”


Oh shit, yep you just said that.


Again with the shock and awe. She certainly wasn’t expecting that.
Fuck it
she thought,
Ill bite.


“To answer your first question, No there is no Mr. Mya at home or a potential Mr. Mya in the works. As to your next statement, I find you intriguing but black holes, unicorns and big foot also intrigue me.”


“Do any of those things make you tremble?”, he quickly retorted.


Her response was just as quick, “I work a lot Merrick, I don't have time for a social life, and I never had. As I already told you, I don't shake hands so when you touched me it was a bit of a shock.”


Nice deflection he thought. “Well I guess that's understandable but… I still think you like me.” He smiled.


Damn him and that fucking smile.
She decided not to answer keenly aware that no answer was an answer. They stared at each other neither backing down.


The waiter came and broke their tension placing the meals in front of them. “Enjoy, your meals please let me know if you would like to see the desert menu afterwards.”


They ate in complete edgy silence and then declined desert. They both however, agreed to more champagne. When Mya attempted to pay for the meal, Merrick told the maître d to put it on his tab.


He offered to see her home afterward and she hesitantly allowed it but only because he insisted. They had downed two bottles of champagne and he didn't want to put her in a cab. He left his car parked at the restaurant. It wasn't far from his place so he could easily pick it up the next day.


The cab ride was silent the only time Mya spoke was to tell the cab driver her address. When they arrived Merrick asked the driver to wait so he could see Mya safely inside.


She stumbled a bit but he managed to keep her steady. When they reached her front door she dropped her keys. Merrick picked them up and opened the door for her.


When she nearly stumbled through the door he caught her, picking her up in one swift motion and carried her to the couch. She was passed out by the time he put her down. He looked at her and smiled.
Soon Mya but not tonight.
He turned and left shutting the door behind him.


The next day, Mya sent Merrick a text thanking him for dinner and for getting her home safely. He replied, with three words, “My Pleasure, Mya”.

When she read it her heart skipped a beat even via text he affected her. In the days that followed Mya purposely stayed clear of him. They went about their days as usual.


He actively investigated the congressman’s murder and reported to Brian via E-mail or phone call. She performed her job as D.A. as effortlessly as usual. Meanwhile they longed to see each other.


One Friday after work, she decided to head to the Aurora Bar and Grill for a nightcap which turned out to be a huge mistake. One drink led to another then before she knew it she was downing whiskey shooters.


The bartender who doubled as the maître d during regular hours recognized her and called Merrick.


After getting in from work Merrick made plans to see Elizabeth. He wanted Mya but the wait was killing him. The forced celibacy was cruel and unusual punishment for a man like him.


He was a virile man accustomed to fucking at least three times a day. Since meeting Mya that had dropped to zero. Fucking Elizabeth lost its appeal. He did let her suck his cock a few times but that wasn't satisfying. It was more for her benefit than his.


He found himself making excuses not to fuck her but he threw in the towel tonight. After a quick shower he got dressed to head to her place. He grabbed a handful of condoms shoved them in his jacket pocket.


Just as he was about to grab a bottle of wine from the fridge his cell rang. He picked up to find a vaguely familiar voice on the line.


“Hey Merrick, you know that lovely lady you were with the other day?”


It took him a minute to realize it was Nick from the Aurora.


“Hey, Nick what’s up? Yeah, Mya why what’s up?” He felt a twinge of panic at the though of something being wrong with her.


“Well that depends, she’s been here for a few hours and I think maybe she’s had enough to drink.”


“I’ll be there in 10 keep an eye on her.”


“Will do Merrick.”


Grabbing his keys and coat he headed out the door.


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