Covet (6 page)

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Authors: Anne McClean

BOOK: Covet
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   Chapter 11


She read the one word text from him and smiled.
One fucking word? Really
? She thought. Sure, When, Where? She typed and hit send. His response was immediate.
My place, @ 7
Is there anything in particular “the lady” would like for dinner? She read his response and laughed out loud. She typed, ‘Yes the “lady” is partial to seafood as I‘m sure you are aware of.


Again his response was immediate,
As “the lady” wishes
don't be late

She stared at the text and contemplated her response, after what seems like a
long time she decided no response was best and headed to the shower.


After reading the text from Mya, Merrick stood in from of his refrigerator with the door opened and frowning. He was missing almost all of the ingredients to prepare the seafood Alfred he thought she would love.


Grabbing his coat and keys he headed out the door to the farmers market. It took him 45 minutes to pick up the ingredients including the red wine. He was nervous a strange sensation for him but Mya, managed to bring that useless emotion out in him. 


He returned home with plenty of time to cook. She arrived right on time. The food was prepared and the wine was chilled, he even had enough time to freshen up. He opened the door and greeted her with a smile, “Mya, I’m glad you could make it come in.”


She smiled back and walked. The smell of fresh thyme and basil filled the air. She loved the smell of fresh herbs. It was a long time since she smelled it in anyone’s home other than her own. “Thank you for inviting me Merrick.”


She removed her coat and handed it to him. To his delight she was wearing a black strapless cocktail dress. It was form fitting and revealed her luscious curves. He was dressed casually in a fitted denim shirt and slacks. She felt overdressed.


He took her hand and led her to the dining room.  The feel of his hand still made her tremble but she didn't mind right now. He took her over to the impressive mahogany dining table. It was already set for two.


With two covered dishes, a bottle of red wine and two lit candles. Pulling out the chair he gestured for her to sit down so she complied. He sat in the seat directly across from her and poured the wine.


“To friendship without handshakes”, he laughed and so did she. “To friendship without handshakes”, she repeated” and they toasted. The wine was sweet red, which happened to be her favorite; it was also perfect with seafood.


He reached over and removed the cover from the plate revealing the seafood Alfredo with a side of herbed sockeye salmon. “As the lady requested, seafood…well seafood Alfredo anyway with fresh herbs, parmesan cheese and sockeye salmon enjoy.”


Mya was impressed. There was something appealing about a man who could throw down in the kitchen.  Merrick continued to astonish her. She took another sip of wine, which was actually more of a gulp. It went straight to her head. She hadn’t eaten since brunch earlier with Merrick and here she was again enjoying a deliciously prepared dinner with him.
Twice in one day, admit it…you like him.
Merrick looked up from his meal and noticed her glass was empty so he refilled it.


“So do you mind if we continued the previous conversation from our last dinner together”?


She looked up from her meal and gave him a flirtatious smile.


“Of course not Merrick, shoot.”


“How is your family? Parents? Siblings?”


“My… father…. Is… Joshua Reed he’s a senator in California and my mother is a pediatrician also in California. I communicate with my mom everyday, as for siblings I’m an only child.  How about you?”


He noticed the hesitation when she spoke about her father. There was obviously some animosity between them. But her face lit up when she mentioned her mother. His turn.


“I’m the oldest of three, I have two younger sisters and my parents are both dead. My sisters and I are really close, they live in Chicago and are both in college.”


“I’m sorry about your parents,” She said empathetically.


“Don't be, you didn't kill them “, he smiled but it didn't reach his eyes.  His family was a sensitive topic just like hers.


“I know that Merrick but I can still be sorry that they are dead.”

“I really appreciate that Mya”. His voice was sincere.

Chapter 12


They finished the meal and the bottle of wine during the banter. Afterward she helped him clear the dishes and they retreated to the living room. Merrick grabbed another bottle of red wine and two glasses.


As he uncorked the wine he watched Mya She was standing in the living room looking around at his record collection. He wanted her badly but he had to tread carefully. He filled the glasses to the top and walked over to where she was standing. After he handed her the glass he continued probing into her life.


“So tell me why no husband or at least a boyfriend? I know you said you don't have a social life but do you care to elaborate?”


She swallowed hard under any other circumstance she would avoid answering but the wine did a fine job lowering her inhibitions.


Still careful to avoid looking directly into his eyes she answered, Well…Um, its pretty self explanatory, I’ve dedicated myself to my work, being a D.A. was my dream since I was a little girl and as a female I have to work a lot harder than a man to be taken seriously, having a
. Mya would be a distraction so I avoid relationships and commitment.”


Since she arrived they both made it a point not to stare at each other for very different reasons. She felt lost when she looked into his eyes. As if she had no willpower. Merrick realized that it made her uncomfortable and that's not what he wanted during dinner. He wanted to keep her relaxed and talking….But now that dinner was over, he grew bolder. Time for the really uncomfortable questions.


He maneuvered himself so that he stood in front of her. There was no way he was missing a second of her reaction to this next question. She looked at him for the first time this evening.


“So if I may ask, Mya what do you do for pleasure all these years…random guys..girls…toys?” his tone changed, it was low.


There was genuine shock in her face. She wanted to laugh. He was bold!  This arrogant motherfucker! OK, lets play this game Merrick she thought.


“Well….Merrick…my job is my pleasure. I don't
anything especially men…As a matter fact, I don’t
guys at all,” she replied smiling inwardly feeling triumphant. The comment made Merrick pause; he regarded her statement for a minute. Was she trying to bait him? No way she was a lesbian.


He affected her or so he thought at times. It would explain a lot, the lack of interest in men, the solitude, the smoking hot body, and the cold exterior.
No fucking way, what a waste…although the thought of her with another woman was appealing…threesome. Nice
. Then jealousy swept over him.


He decided to call her bluff. He moved closer so they were inches apart then he probed, “you’ll have to be more specific Mya, what do you mean, you don't do guys


Suddenly, she regretted the statement because now she would have to either explain or walk away. She chose the latter. She had to leave now! She needed to put some distance between them before…. Quickly she turned to retreat but Merrick was too quick. He grasped her wrist in a firm yet gentle grip forcing her to turn and face him. “Well, do you care to elaborate, Mya?”


She was visibly flustered, his hand on her bare wrist made her tremble. It didn't go unnoticed.

, the response he wanted. He called her bluff and won. No way she was into women. He affected her.


Continuing his gamble, Merrick pulled her into his arms, she didn't resist, and she couldn't. Familiar feelings of fear and confusion begin to creep into her psyche.
You have to get away; don't let him do this!
But the draw was too powerful, her legs turned into boulders.


Lifting her chin so he could look into her eyes he whispered her name,
Then his mouth claimed hers. Gently his lips probed her mouth. Running the tip of his tongue over her bottom lip asking for permission to enter. She parted her lips in response revealing her tongue. Invitation granted.


He kissed her deeply she tasted sweet like red wine. Mya, felt lost unable to pull away yet unable to return his kiss. When she didn't return his kiss he sensed her uncertainty and stopped abruptly.


When he opened his eyes hers were still closed. She was trembling. But why? Was she really into women? Was that the first time a man kissed her? He felt a sense of pride and flattery at the thought of being her first kiss.


Maybe…just maybe…he could also be the first real cock that gets to be inside her. “Mya? Do you want to stop?” When she didn't respond, his subconscious took over.
Fuck it, don't stop, she didn't pull away.
To hell with it, pulling her back into his arms, he brushed her long raven hair back and lifted her chin again.


Her eyes were still closed. She felt his eyes on her so she opened them. When their eyes met this time it was with the understanding of what was about to happen. They needed each other. Pulling her warm body against him he kissed her again more passionately this time


Like before, she opened up giving him full access to her mouth. Instinctively lacing her arms around his neck she returned his kiss. That was it; he wouldn't stop again unless she asked him to.


Their lips melted together like warm wax. As they kissed, Merrick’s hands traveled down her back to her ass pulling her onto his hardness. Without breaking the kiss he lifts her into his arms and carried her up the stairs to his bedroom. She couldn't talk or breathe.


She knew she should stop this before it was too late but she couldn't. She wanted it…She needed it. Being in Merrick’s arms made her feel more alive than she ever did.


When they reached his bedroom he placed her on the bed. Flashing back to the last time she was there. Inebriated…Naked…Unconscious. Her reaction the next day and the days that followed. Her failed attempts to avoid him. It only made him want her more. Having his cock sucked by Elizabeth was a mere distraction.


Every time she swallowed his cock it was Mya’s face he envisioned. Now, she was his for the taking. The room was dimly lit. His eyes never left her as he began removing his cloths.


He unzipped his pants and let them fall to the floor, then unbuttoned his shirt rather impatiently missing several buttons at first and removed it from his shoulders and let it join his pants on the ground.


He left his boxers for last; putting his thumb in the waistband he pulled them down past his hips and let them fell to his feet. His massive cock bounced free.


Mya watched him from the bed with apprehension. Her mind screaming.
You have to stop this
before its too late. He’ll find out.
Her body was not agreeing. It wanted him. The wetness between her legs told the truth. When she saw his massive cock spring free from his boxers her mouth went dry.
Shit, it wont fit there is no way!
  She bit her bottom lip in apprehension.


He approached where he left her sitting on the edge of his bed and kneeled down in front of her. The irony was not lost on him.
Imagine the irony, you are kneeling down in front of her.
Picking up her feet one at a time her removed her stilettos.


The toes on her well-manicured feet were already curled.
Good practice for things to come
, he worked his way up her calves to her knees with gentle caresses and kisses. Mya squirmed and moaned as he made his way up her to her legs.


When he reached her knees he stood up bringing her with him. Dazed from his touch and kisses she didn't protest when he pulled the dress up over her head leaving her naked before him. She demurely looked down at her feet, her body shaking. Was she having second thoughts? Merrick looked at her, the last thing he could do now was stop.


He reached for her face tilting it up so he could look into her eyes. Their eyes locked. He saw fear in her eyes. Warnings went off in his head.
She’s frightened and shaking. Maybe you will be the first real cock in her. Do something to reassure her.


The thought made his cock grow harder, so hard it was painful. When his mouth claimed hers this time it was slow and patient. Their tongues danced over each other, sucking and savoring. He pushed her back onto the bed as their tongues continued the sweet exploration.


Mya’s brain finally caught up with her body.
You want this. Say something before its too late.
Turning her head to the side she broke the kiss. Merrick loomed above her, confused.


Her voice was soft when she said his name. “Merrick, I…” He barely heard the words. His mind consumed with wanting her. He turned her face and thrust his tongue into her mouth holding her face in place this time. His hand grabbed her breast and twisted the nipple causing her to moan into his mouth. Whatever she wanted to say was lost. His hand continued down past her stomach to her heated center.


Once there he found her wetness, this pleased him. Her pussy was saturated. His skillful hand found her clit. It was hard.
Yes...She’s yours make it last.
He found the base of her clit and pinched it gently, Mya’s eyes flew open and she moaned loudly into his mouth this time.


He needed to see her face. Breaking the kiss he looked into her face. She was magnificent, her eyes filled with yearning for him.


He gave her what she needed. He placed his thumb on her clit and pushed down gently. She squirmed and grabbed his shoulders as he watched her. He wanted to see her cum and she was close. As his thumb continued its sweet assault as he dipped a finger into her center.


Fuck, she was tight.
This pleased him. The tip of his cock felt like it was about to explode. She screamed at the intrusion and bucked her hips. As his fingers worked in concert he lowered his head to her breast and claimed her erect nipple.


It was more pleasure than she could take at once. She moaned his name repeatedly as her body took on a life of its own. Her hips moved to his rhythm. He sucked and nibbled gently on her nipples taking turns torturing each. Drawing circles around them with his tongue then gently biting the erect buds. The sensation made her nipples so hard they hurt.


Meanwhile, his hand continued its mission. One finger dipped feverously in and out of her core while his thumb placed firm yet gently pressure on her clit. He increased the speed when he felt her pussy quiver.
Yes, Yes, let go.


When he felt her on the edge he brought his face back up to look at her. Her eyes were filled with tears.
He whispered sweet words of encouragement, “Yes, Let go Mya. Come for me”, it was too much, she screamed as she shattered into a billion pieces.


He watched her body convulse as the last waves of her orgasm passed through her and she lay shaking beneath him. Tears flowed from her eyes but he kissed them away.
Don't stop now, his brain screamed.


He wanted to taste her wetness. Moving down her body past her quivering legs, he pulled them apart revealing her bare pussy. The sight made him swallow with unbridled desire. It was beautiful. Enlarged from her recent orgasm and drenched. He wanted to dive in with shear and utter abandoned and worship her pussy with his cock but she was so tight. His mouth will have to prepare her first.


Wasting little time he opened her lips exposing her clit and went to work. His tongue lashed out at her clit giving it a tentative lick. Her juices were sweet but tangy reminiscent of kiwi fruit, his favorite fruit


How lucky could he be? The woman he desired tasted like the only exotic fruit he enjoyed. Pushing back the folds exposing the clit further, he took it into his mouth and sucked while slowly circling the tip with his tongue. The sensations made her cry out and grind her hips pushing her clit even further into his mouth.


He reciprocated by sucking harder sending her over the edge. When he felt her clit grow harder and begin pulsate in his mouth he stopped abruptly leaving her panting and grabbing for him. He needed to sink into her sweet wetness now. She opened her mouth to beg him not to stop.


When she opened her eyes to look at him, he was kneeling between her legs. She got another glimpse of his cock, it was so big, but she didn't care. When his weight came down on her she knew this is what she wanted.

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