Coveted - Book 3 in the Gwen Sparks Series (32 page)

BOOK: Coveted - Book 3 in the Gwen Sparks Series
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“That’s not possible,” I breathed. My senses came rushing back, snapping into place and making me dizzy. Ian Despereaux was standing in front of me. Well, his sprit was. The old man flashed through my head. His eyes had been so familiar, and now I knew why.

“You don’t look happy to see me,” Ian said. “That hurts my feelings.”

“You’re dead,” I mumbled, looking up at Dorian. I don’t know what I was thinking when he’d said he had taken care of Ian’s soul. Somewhere in my mind I thought meant he had destroyed it.

“Hence the see-through body,” Ian replied. “Now, should we be on our way?”


“You’re bound to this realm,” Dorian said. “There’s no leaving for you, but Gwen and I are out of here.” He grabbed my hand and said, “Come on.”

“Wait,” I said, digging in my heels when Dorian tried to get me to follow him. “How are you supposed to help me find my sister?”

Ian cocked his head to the side, his eyes devilishly amused. “That’s right, dear ol’ sis is counting on your success. It’d be a shame to let her down.”

“All right, enough riddles,” Dorian snapped. “You either tell us what we’re supposed to do, or stay here and rot. We’ll find Rebekah on our own.”

Ian tsked, shaking his head from side to side leisurely. “I’m afraid we’re on my terms, so it’d be best if you remembered that, Death.”

A gust of wind whipped across my face, stirring my hair. Ian took a step forward and reached out to brush the unruly strands away. Dorian’s hand snapped forward, his fingers curling around Ian’s wrist and solidifying his body before he could touch me.

A smile bent Ian’s mouth up. “I see another man has fallen at your feet. I wonder what it is about you, little witch, that turns wise men to fools?”

“Cut the shit, Ian, and tell us what we’re supposed to do.” Time was running out, or maybe that was his plan: wait until the last possible second before giving instructions so that he would get what he wanted, but I’d still lose my sister.

He took an exaggerated breath, his shoulders rising and falling dramatically. “Oh, very well. First lover boy must lift the ban. As soon as I’m on the other side of this hell hole, you’ll get the next set of orders.”

“So you lured me here so we could spring you? That doesn’t make sense, you were already out. You were the creepy old guy, right?”

“Not going to happen,” Dorian added. “As soon as you’re out, what’s to keep you from vanishing?”

Dorian had a point, as always. And we didn’t have time to track down Ian’s fleeing spirit when my sister’s life was measured by the tick of the clock.

“Then Gwen’s sister dies,” Ian said to Dorian. “Would you really cause her such pain simply because you refuse to give me what I want?” Shifting his gaze to me, he said, “My escape was temporary.”

I looked to Dorian. He glared at Ian, and Ian smiled at both of us. I knew whatever he had planned couldn’t be good; it never was where he was concerned. But our hands were tied, and he knew it. If Dorian refused to lift the ban so that Ian could escape the realm of the dead, then Rebekah died. And if he gave Ian what he wanted, then there was bound to be a whirlwind of chaos to follow. My memories flashed back to that night I’d driven the stake through his heart. He smirked at me—not the natural expression of a dying man. I had celebrated a fake victory.

I snorted. “You had this entire thing planned from day one, didn’t you?” Say what you will about Ian Despereaux, but the man was an evil genius. He had survived eight hundred plus years, until, that is, he met me.

His only response to my question was a smug smile. “Time is ticking away,” he said to Dorian. “Tick, tick, tick…Little Rebekah’s life is slipping.”

“How do we even know you have her?” I questioned. “This whole thing could be a trick.”

“You don’t have the luxury of chancing it. You would never forgive yourself if you had the opportunity to save her and didn’t.”

Dorian leaned over and whispered, “I can wade through truth and bullshit from spirits, Gwen. He’s telling the truth.”

I nodded, biting my lower lip to keep from crying. I’d clung to hope that the entire thing was one big ruse, but somewhere out there Rebekah’s life
in danger. And the only person capable of leading me to her was the one man I absolutely hated.

“Then we have to do it,” I told Dorian. “We’ve already been here way longer than we should.”

“We need to know where we’re going,” Dorian said to Ian.

The ghostly realm was a bizarre place. Within it lay what Dorian called ‘shimmers’. They were used as safe zones and transport areas. We could go in one to escape a demon, or pop through to another location using the existing energy fields in the natural dimension. And yes, it was as confusing as it sounds. Dorian hadn’t taken the time to teach me a lot about it.


I knew I should have been surprised, but I wasn’t.

Without another word, Dorian held out a hand toward Ian. The dead vampire became a mist floating toward the angel of Death, the pieces separating to form one scattered mass of fog. As Ian’s spirit drifted closer, it was vacuumed into Dorian’s awaiting palm, just as he’d absorbed my soul. When the last wisp was soaked up, Dorian grabbed my hand and together we began hiking down the hill, on a race to beat the clock.


* * *


Once again I was looking up at the NAWC’s castle. It was nightfall, the stars already glittering against the obsidian sky. Neither Dorian nor I uttered a word as we began up the cobblestone road, but I knew we were both wondering if we had made it in time. The closer we drew to the castle’s front doors, the more I feared what I’d find behind them. My heart thudded in my chest as adrenaline raced through my veins.

Rebekah will be fine
, I told myself.
Everything is going to be okay.
My pep talk did nothing to ease the knots in my stomach or the panic consuming me. Being in Moon could only mean one thing: the NAWC was just as dirty as Holly.

When we reached the large, arched doorway Dorian and I stopped and stared at each other. Though I couldn’t see his eyes, I knew they held the same emotion I was feeling—determination. This was it, the final countdown. The curtain was rising, and the show was about to begin. My only question was, would I be there at the end to take a bow?

The front doors opened of their own accord. Dorian tensed beside me, his arm stretching out in front of my chest for protection. Though tense, I had to smile at the gesture. My parents used to do the same thing when we were in the car and they had to slam on their breaks.

Music spilled from the entryway, the same beautiful instrumental that I had heard two times before. We walked inside with caution. The piano melody was already affecting my focus. My steps became slower as if I was pushing through quicksand instead of air. My eyelids fluttered and my shoulders drooped. But Rebekah was here somewhere, waiting for me and terrified. That thought helped me shake off the sleepiness.

The entryway was an enormous room. Its limestone walls stretched a good twenty feet high, while wrought-iron chandeliers hung from the ceiling. Hallways jutted in every direction, leading to various parts of the castle. Directly in front of the door was a wide staircase and toward the left was the ballroom. It was bland with its various shades of gray, reminding me of the realm of the dead. And just as desolate.

“Where is everyone?” I kept my voice low.

“They’re in the ballroom, and it’s not just the witches. There are vampires too,” Dorian said. “I can feel the malice of their souls.”

I reached my senses out, calling death to me. Sure enough, a frigid wave came the direction of the ballroom. I wasn’t as good as Dorian; I couldn’t tell you who was beyond the icy air, but I trusted his judgment.

“The NAWC is working with the VC?” I said more to myself than to Dorian. I really needed to stop being so surprised by the ruthlessness of these two governments.

“I don’t know, but it doesn’t look good.”

We headed in that direction, stopping at the entrance. Sure enough, the VC was here. They sat in winged back chairs in the center of the room, facing the front. My eyes followed their line of sight, and I scowled. Sitting on the stage, in a throne-like chair, was the only other person I hated—Holly. She was dressed in a long emerald gown. Her auburn hair was pinned up in a French twist. It looked like she was hosting some sort of bizarre dinner party, not expecting a fight. She beamed when she saw us, her white teeth gleaming in the flicker of candlelight. A black velvet curtain that hadn’t been there before hung behind her chair. And that wasn’t the only unusual thing; it seemed every resident of the castle was there too, lined up against the wall, hands clasped in front of their bodies and their heads down. I spotted Fiona, taking a step forward to rescue her. Dorian gripped my arm to stop me.

“Don’t be brash. That’s what she’s expecting. Keep a level head.”

I nodded, fisting my hands and focusing on the bite of my nails digging into my palms.

Hands seized us from behind, gripping onto our arms and shoving us further into the room. Dorian did not react to being held captive, so I followed his lead and allowed the two men lead us up to the stage.

“Ah, the guest of honor has arrived, and not a minute to spare.” Holly’s arms were stretched out along the chair, her legs crossed. Her eyes blazed with her amusement. “Shall we get started?” She nodded to one of the men behind us, and the one holding me released his grip and walked over to the wall. He grabbed a man, shoving him forward. The man, whom I didn’t recognize as one of the witches’ I’d seen around Moon, stumbled forward. His hands were tied together, his clothes torn and dirty. Droplets of blood stained his shirt. When he looked up, I could see multiple abrasions marring his handsome face. A long gash ran from his eyebrow to the middle of his cheek as if a whip had sliced the flesh open, blood still trickling from it.

As the sentry rough handled the man, Holly said, “Do you like the music?”

My eyes snapped to hers. I was not going to engage with her until I absolutely had to. I was struggling to fight off the effects of the music and keep a level head. Both required too much of my attention, and in a room full of sharks that was dangerous.

“It’s so lovely and makes my subjects so manageable. I was a bit surprised to see it didn’t consume you the way it did them.” She nodded in the direction of the witches’ lined against the wall. “Though you’re not completely immune to it, are you?” She studied my eyes, my lax stance and smiled. Perhaps the NAWC wasn’t dirty after all. They were just under a spell.

The guard led the man up the stage steps, shoving and pushing unnecessarily. The man fell to his knees after losing his balance, and the guard wrapped a meaty hand around his nape to pull him to his feet again. Once they were situated up top, the man stood behind the prisoner and waited for further instruction.

Holly took a couple steps down so that she was standing directly in front of me. Her head tilted to the side as she appraised me with a look that reminded me that of a snake sizing up its prey.

“Do you know what the most precious gift is?” she asked me.

“A life without psychopaths like you?”

“Time, my dear Gwen,” Holly said, turning to walk back up the steps. She stood beside the throne, draping an arm along the back. “Weren’t you racing against the clock to save your sister? Didn’t you pray for just one more minute, one more second?”

“Speaking of my sister,” I said, “where is she?”

“She’s safe…for now. Of course that depends on how well you follow orders. Ian?”

I looked to Dorian as he spoke. “He’s safe…for now,” mimicking Holly’s words. “Show us Rebekah, and we’ll see if he stays that way.”

Holly smiled, unfazed by Dorian’s subtle threat. She brought her gaze back to me. “I admit that having Death on your side put a chink in my plan. Imagine my surprise when any rogue who dared to harm you came up against the ultimate weapon.” She pursed her lips. “But, things have worked out much better than I expected.”

“Spare us the dramatics,” someone behind me said. I looked over my shoulder to see Pernis standing. “Our time is precious. Let’s get this over with.”

“Vampires,” Holly said. “So self-absorbed, though you know all about that, don’t you, Gwen?”

I turned my attention toward the front again, sneering at Holly for bringing Aiden into the conversation.

“Holly,” Pernis warned.

Holly clucked her tongue, sighing dramatically. “All right, all right. It seems the VC is a bit impatient.” She turned and nodded toward the two guards standing beside the curtain. Together, they tugged thick ropes and the curtain opened halfway to reveal a stone altar. Holly held out a hand towards the stone and the guard holding the prisoner escorted the beaten man forward.

The prisoner was tied atop the altar, his legs and arms bound by leather straps. He struggled, fighting to free himself and awarded with a backhanded slap across his face. I flinched as blood spilled from his mouth. Holly walked across the stage, reaching up and pulling a dagger concealed in her hair. The action caused her auburn hair to fall in waves against her shoulders. She moved around the altar, clasping the dagger in both hands and raising her arms above the man. His pleading sobs were cut short as Holly drove the blade into his heart. Miserable gurgles sounded from his throat, blood spraying on this face as he coughed. All the while, Holly stood over him, unfazed as she committed murder.

Within seconds, the man stopped moving, the room growing silent except for the beating of my heartbeat reverberating against my eardrums.

“Release Ian,” Holly ordered.

Dorian snorted. “Release Rebekah.”

Holly snarled, her eyes crinkling as she glared at Dorian. She held up her hand and bent her fingers, wiggling them to signal to one of the guards. Time slowed. My heart beat faster still as I watched the man disappear behind the curtain. Someone placed their hand in mine; I assumed it was Dorian, but all I could do was stare at that damned curtain. Seconds seemed like hours as I waited to see my sister.

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