Cowboy Country (43 page)

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Authors: Sandy Sullivan,Deb Julienne,Lilly Christine,RaeAnne Hadley,D'Ann Lindun

BOOK: Cowboy Country
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One clipped word—he deserved her wrath.

They drove away, leaving him to sulk.

He couldn’t face the family yet, so he went into the barn to get some carrots for Luther. If it hadn’t been so late, he’d have taken a long ride. Maybe tomorrow?

Leaning over the top rail of the corral, Luther whinnied then came trotting over and took the carrot from his hand.

The screen door slammed. He sensed the arrival of one of the busy bodies he called family.

He turned in time to see his mother step up on the bottom rung of the corral.

Without looking at him she said, “Things will get better.”

“Not likely.”

“Give it some time.”

“I’ve waited long enough.”

“Wrong. Regina is the one who has waited.”

“You too, huh?”

His mom opened her mouth to speak but he stopped her.

“Forget it. I know it’s my fault.”

“Seventy-five percent is your fault.”

“What do I do now?”

“You respect her wishes and give her some time.”

“Can I ask you something?”


“What did Virgil mean in his letter…that you knew what he meant?”

“You know your brother has always idolized you.”

“Yeah, so—”

“When you broke up with Gigi and left, and then we found out she was pregnant, he made it his responsibility to watch over her for you.”

“She didn’t need his help. No one would have been stupid enough to go after my girl.”

“When did you become so arrogant?”


“Don’t act ignorant. You know exactly what I mean. Regina has loved you since the day you two met. And I suspect the same goes for you. You’re both old souls.”

“I don’t see how we’ll ever get past this.”

“You will, but right now she’s upset and hurt. She missed you so much.”

“I missed her too.”

She rounded on him. “Then what are you going to do to fix things?”

“Hell if I know.”

“Why don’t you give her time to calm down and in the meantime you can start working on your new home.”

“What, and be accused of not considering her preferences?”

“Go see that architect your dad talked to. And don’t forget to mention all the things you and she discussed and consider the kitchen as her domain with every modern convenience.”

“You think I should?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Will you advise me about the kitchen amenities?”


“And get started on that stud farm you want.”

“I was going to ask Dad, Pop, and Gramps to come with me to the auction in Austin next week.”

“Good. Do that.”

She climbed down, patted his back, and went back to the house.

Tomorrow was soon enough to plan for his future.

Back in the house he made a list of the things to mention to the architect. Maybe if he showed Regina the plans, she’d realize he meant what he said. He wanted them to be a family and get past this tough spot.

Once he got an estimate on when the house, barn and out buildings, he could plan the trip to the auction.

He had to make things right




Regina was in the middle of refilling Eddie Rogers coffee cup when Sterling came through the door of the café. She asked Mandy to take care of Sterling while she stayed in the kitchen. Sadie offered to take care of him but Regina said Mandy was fine. She didn’t need or want Sadie fawning or pawing at him.

If she served him, she’d cave and end up giving in. She had to be strong for all their sakes.

She’d already made one mistake when she asked to meet with Gage. She signed the contract and it galled her that she’d already put Sterling ahead of her own needs. Now it would take another two years to replace the money she’d already invested.

That would teach her to act before she really thought things out.

She had to promise to keep her deal with Gage in order to convince him not to file charges against Sterling. And look where that got her, a big fat nowhere.

Somehow she had to find a way to keep moving forward.

Charlie the other cook delivered the meals to Regina’s tables so she could stay in the kitchen.

Silver came into the kitchen to say goodbye. “Daddy loved your banana jam crepes.”

“He did, huh?”

“He said to tell you that you were right, and that he’s proud of you.”

Silver gave her a hug, then grabbed her backpack and joined her father.

After she heard the bell tinkling, Regina left the kitchen.

Sterling helped Silver into his truck and they drove away.

She wanted to call him back but he had to make him understand. She had to, if she stood a chance to get beyond this mess.

It would hurt her as much as it did him, but it had to be done. Until he came to his senses and realized she’s his equal, she wanted nothing else to do with him. It was time for Sterling to get one hell of a wake-up call.

When she left work that day, Regina stopped by the market to do the weekly grocery shopping. She took her time, looking for excuses to keep from going to pick up Silver. She couldn’t handle another confrontation with Sterling.

She was so exhausted from work and the stress of things between her and Sterling that as soon as the groceries were put away, she decided to lie down and take a short nap.

When she awoke dusk was setting in. She rushed to change her clothes then head out to the ranch. She wanted to talk to Lena before bringing Silver home.




Silver looked over at her Daddy.

He looked so sad.

Even though her parents were still arguing she was happy. She got to spend time with each of them.

If only they could find a way to make-up so they could spend time together. All she wanted was her family living under one roof.










Sterling and Silver made it back to the ranch and went on a horseback ride. He took her to the property that had been given to them. They walked the property, showing her where he wanted to put the house, the barn, even showed her the tree he picked out for her tree house.

“Really Daddy, a tree house of my very own?” She jumped up and down clapping her hands.

“You bet.”

Silver threw her arms around her father’s legs.

“But we have to keep this a secret for now.”

Silver frowned. “Mommy says I’m not s’pose to keep secrets.” Her bottom lip quivered.

“I understand that. And normally I’d agree with her but— Mom’s upset with me. I want to surprise her.”


“Yes, Pumpkin—”

“Are you and mommy ever going to make up?”

What was he supposed to do? Lie? “Of course we will.”

“What about my dog?”

Sterling chuckled. “How about you and I talk to Darcy and see about one of those pups you mentioned the other day?”

“What about mommy—she won’t be very happy.”

“Leave her to me. If worse comes to worst, I’ll keep the dog myself until she comes around. Okay?

“Okay Daddy.”

“Hey kiddo, how would you like to help me design our new house? I have an appointment with an architect this afternoon. Wanna come?”

“A what?” She tilted her head and scrunched her nose as she asked the question.

“An architect is a person who listens to what you want in a house then draws up the plans so the builder can build it.”

“How soon can we move in?”

“Depends on how soon we can decide what we want. What do you say—you can tell the architect what you want in your room.”

“Sure Daddy, let’s go.”

The ride back to the house left Sterling weak from laughter. Silver was so excited about the new house, her tree house, and the pup she’d been asking for. After a quick snack they jumped into Sterling’s truck and off they went to see the architect, Max Bautista.

Three hours later, Sterling and Silver made their way home. Both were starving.

They made their way up the steps to the house together. Sterling smelled his mom’s roast beef. His stomach rumbled in anticipation.

Silver laughed. “I’m hungry too.”

As they entered the house, Sterling heard voices. He hadn’t seen her car when they drove up. She must have parked her car by the back kitchen door.


It had only been a day, but damn he missed her.

Hoping to speak to her privately, he sent Silver on a mission. “Hey Pumpkin, how about you run out the barn and check to see if we need to bring more carrots out for the horses? Then you can help me tend to the stock before dinner.”

Knowing Silver, she’d be gone long enough for a good conversation, sure to get sidetracked by the various animals along the way.

Silver didn’t bother to respond, but shot out the door.

He waited until she was out of sight before he made his way to the kitchen.

“When are you going to make-up with Sterling? You’re both miserable.”

“Lena, stop—please. I have enough pressure from him.”

“Seriously, you two love each other but you’re both too stubborn to shut up and listen.”

Sterling didn’t know if he should kiss his mother for trying to help him or scold her for calling him stubborn? Maybe she was right. He was stubborn, so was Regina. He remained silent hoping his mother would get lucky and get through to her.

“By the way, I know about Gage. Are you doing what I think?”

What about Gage? Why was he coming up again when she promised there was nothing between them?

“You didn’t say anything to Sterling did you? I don’t want him to know.”

He heard the hesitation in Regina’s voice, praying it wasn’t as bad as it sounded.

“No, your secret is safe with me.”

What secret?

“What about your plans. This will put you back by about two years, won’t it?”

The more they talked to more worried he became. He didn’t like the direction their conversation was going.

“Tell me about it. What can I do about it now, though…it’s too late?”

“Let Sterling help you—I know he’s offered.”

“Not until he changes his way of thinking.”

“You can’t make him change him any more than he can change you. You keep saying you want this to be an equal partnership, but you’re no closer to giving in than he is. It’s called compromise. You both need to give a little.”

“I know—but don’t you get it—if he’d have just married me when he came home on that last leave, this would have all turned out different.”

“You can’t live in the world of ‘what if’. Wait, did you know you were pregnant then?”

Regina didn’t speak.

“I see. Why didn’t you tell him? If he’d have known, he would have married you in an instant. I know my son.”

“I asked him to marry me.”

“But you didn’t tell him why. Think about it from his point of view.”

“I have. I’m sorry but how do you think I feel? Asking him—hell no—I practically begged him to marry me and still he said no.”

Oh God, she was pregnant before he went overseas.

“Honey, don’t you see—this blame game battle of whose right or wrong has got to end. You’re wasting valuable time being angry. Time that should be devoted to making a life with the man you love. End this squabble. Please?”


He recognized that tone. Regina was pissed.

“Yes, squabble.” Mom’s tone was equally clipped.

His mother was mad too. Oh this wasn’t going to be good…for any of them.

“The two of you need to quit butting heads and work together. Only then will you both have everything you want. And don’t forget Silver—all she wants if for her family to be together like all the other kids in her class.”

“That’s a low blow even for you, pulling the Silver card. Besides, why do you think I met with Gage—for just that reason?”

“See, I knew it.”

What the hell did Gage have to do with this whole thing? It didn’t make sense.

“Let it go. Go to him and tell him the truth. Tell him what you did and then make-up.”

“I wish it was that easy.”

“It is, if you’d quit fighting fate.”

Oh God, he couldn’t take any more. Did she have a relationship with Gage before he came home?

He couldn’t deal with this now, so he ran up to his room. He needed to think.




Regina couldn’t help but to be a bit annoyed with Lena pushing her agenda to make-up.

It wasn’t like she didn’t want the same thing for them. She did. But it wasn’t all on her. It was also necessary for Sterling to cooperate.

If only there was a button to push so you could let go of the past. Forgive and forget. But life didn’t work that way.

She said her good-byes to Lena and Nate, then jumped in her car to go home. That’s when she saw Sterling’s truck which meant going back to get her daughter. They were probably in the barn. She didn’t relish seeing Sterling, mainly because just seeing him made her want him. So the likelihood of leaving without seeing him was next to nil.

Might as well pull on her big girl britches and get it over with.

She climbed back out of the car and made her way to the barn.

Silver pitched a fit, telling her that she promised to help her father feed the stock. She sent Silver into the house to get her father. He came out and walked right past her without a word, straight into the barn.

Once the stock was cared for he pressed a hand to Silver’s cheek. “I love you.” He walked away.

She didn’t have any idea what was up with Sterling. He hadn’t even bothered to say good-bye.

On the other hand, wasn’t this exactly what she’d asked for?

Somehow it didn’t have the same degree of satisfaction she’d imagined. Now what?

Maybe Lena was right. The woman had the Wisdom of Solomon. You didn’t stay married for thirty-five years without learning a thing or two. Not to mention raising nine kids who were all pretty darn awesome.

Insisting it was for the best, she’d continued to avoid Sterling until she came up with a plan. The problem was she had no idea what to do, no idea what she wanted, and no idea how to figure it out.

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