Crash into Me: A BWWM Russian Billionaire Romance (10 page)

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Authors: Cristina Grenier

Tags: #bwwm interracial romance

BOOK: Crash into Me: A BWWM Russian Billionaire Romance
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Alexei didn’t know how much of her pleasure here had to do with him or how much was down to what he was doing to her, but he liked it all the same.

He rubbed her through her damp shorts, savoring the little pleased sounds that were spilling from her lips. “What did I do to you in your fantasy?” he asked.

Her blush darkened, and she licked her lips again (and god, he wanted to find out what that mouth would feel like on him). “ got me off with your fingers first, and then you...then we…” She shook her head, but Alexei knew what she was saying.

“I don’t know if we have enough room for me to do this properly,” he said. “But I can give you one of those things. Raise up for me.”

He let go of her hair and watched as she did as he asked, rising up onto her knees in his lap. Alexei undid the front of her shorts and slipped his hand into them, finding her panties wet and lacy.

“Someone came prepared,” he said.

“Sh-shut up,” Emma retorted, but the way she pushed her hips forward took the sting from the words.

Alexei chuckled and slid his hand down more, rubbing fingers along her wet crotch before he pushed the lace to one side and let his fingers part her folds.

She was hot and wet, and more than anything he wished that they had room for him to lay her out so he could see what he was touching, but he was going to keep hope alive that there would be more time for that later. For now, he wanted to make her feel good. He wanted to show her that he
make her feel good and that he wasn’t only concerned with his own pleasure.

For some reason, her approval mattered to him.

And so he pushed his fingers into her and worked them deep, taking care to watch her reactions as he let his fingers thrust and rub at her clit. She grew even wetter around his fingers, and her noises were wonderful as she bucked and gasped for him, sinking down so that she could tuck her face into his neck.

It was an intimate position, and he liked it, like the way her mouth was moving against the skin of his neck while he touched her.

He found himself whispering encouraging things into her hair, telling her how pretty she was, how much he wanted her to come for him.

And when she did, with a great, shuddering cry, it felt like triumph.

She was shaky when she pulled back from him, but she looked pleased. “You’re good with your hands,” she said, and there was approval in her voice.

“Happy to be of service,” he said, leaning back in the seat.

Emma smirked and climbed off of his lap and into the passenger seat of the car, shorts still unbuttoned and shirt and bra still up over her breasts. “We’re not done yet, though,” she said, and reached over, pressing a hand to the bulge in his pants.

“Thank goodness for that.”


Chapter 7: Acquiring Bad Habits


So, amazing sex aside, Emma was pretty content to pretend like she hadn’t spent the weekend with Alexei. Because that was exactly what it had turned into, and even now, with the distance of a couple of days between her and what she was privately referring to as a break from sanity, she couldn’t quite believe that it had happened.

The stuff they did in his car could have been called an anomaly. Yes, it was fun, but it was just a byproduct of all the flirting Alexei had been doing at lunch and the fact that the man kissed like his stock options depended on it.

It was just something that had happened because her body had won out over her brain for the moment, and it didn’t have to

And it wouldn’t have if it had stopped there.

But no. It hadn’t.

They’d fixed themselves up and then gone back to the auto shop to see what the status of Emma’s car was and Billy had told them that it would take at least another day before it was ready. That wasn’t a big deal, really. Pretty much everything in the town was easy to walk to, and she could take the bus to work on Monday and then pick her car up afterwards, so it was no problem.

Only when she’d detailed that plan to Alexei, he had seemed horrified. Probably because he’d never been on a city bus before.

“No,” he’d said. “Let me drive you.”

“Drive me where?” Emma had asked. “I don’t need to go anywhere yet.”

“You need to go back to your house, don’t you? And you’ll need to go to work on Monday and then come back here to get your car, yes?”

Emma just nodded slowly. “So?”

“So let me drive you.”

“You’re going to be my personal chauffeur until my car gets fixed?” she’d asked, arching an eyebrow.

“It’s my fault it needs repairs in the first place.”

“True, which is why you’re paying for them. You don’t have to do this.” She’d desperately wanted to add that he didn’t have to do it if he thought it was going to get her into bed with him, because she’d already been regretting her impulsiveness. What if someone had seen them in that car? It would be the talk of the whole town before too long, and she wouldn’t be able to show her face anywhere. But of course, if she’d mentioned that in front of Billy then even if someone hadn’t seen them, it would still be all over the whole town.

Alexei had stood firm, though, and Emma had learned the hard way that arguing with a rich Russian was an exercise in futility when they wanted something. So she had relented, and allowed him to drive her home.


Emma had never been ashamed of her house before. It was a beautiful place right on the edge of town that belonged to an older woman who was leasing it to her for an absolute steal. It wasn’t fancy by any means, but it was comfortable and she loved it.

But when Alexei’s car pulled up in front of it, she wondered how he was going to view it.

Luckily he didn’t say anything, and Emma was grateful for that, and she’d turned her head to thank him for the ride to find him very close.



“Why are you staring at me?”

He’d shrugged. “Because you’re very pretty?”

Emma had laughed at that. “Sure, of course. Well, I’m going in now. Thanks for the lift. I’ll...text you, I guess, if I need a ride anywhere else before Monday.”

Alexei nodded, but neither of them moved for a few seconds. When they did move, it was to lock lips all over again, and they were kissing and kissing over the center console of the car. There in her driveway, there was no danger of being seen by anyone but the neighbors if they happened to be looking out, but when Alexei suggested going inside, Emma took him up on it.

And really, it had spiraled from there. Alexei had let go of her long enough for them to walk to the front door and for Emma to let them in, but then he pressed her up against the door when it closed and kissed her fiercely, nipping at her lips and leaving open mouthed kisses all the way down her neck.

They’d gotten undressed there in the living room and hadn’t made it past the couch the first time. Emma got her mouth on Alexei’s cock and had taken great pleasure in making him moan her name as he came.

He’d returned the favor some minutes later with her legs over his shoulders and his face buried between her legs, and she’d learned first-hand that he was really quite skilled with his tongue.

They made it to the bedroom later, and Alexei had pinned her face down and pressed himself inside of her slowly, bringing her to climax after climax until she was a shaking mess under him.

After that, it had seemed rude to kick him out, but when Billy called on Sunday to say that her car was ready, she’d leapt at the chance to go get it and had been relieved when Alexei said he needed to go attend to some things.

Emma had never had a weekend like that before, and even now that it was Tuesday, she was still reeling from it.

She remembered the way his hands felt on her and the way he had whispered in her ear as he came, breath hot, voice deep. She caught herself staring off into space at her desk and shook herself before grabbing her purse and heading out for lunch.


All things considered, Emma was surprised that it had only taken another week for them to end up right back in this position. Well. Not this position, exactly, because face down and bottom up on Alexei’s bed was a position she’d never been in before.

Over the course of the last few days, they’d run into each other everywhere. The coffee shop down the street from her job, the grocery store in the city that Alexei swore he shopped at all the time, the local Mexican restaurant where Emma had gone on Thursday night to pick up some dinner after work, and finally Sam’s on Friday.

That time Alexei admitted that he’d been looking for her. “Sam let it slip that you come here every week,” he’d said, and Emma had shot the barkeep a dirty look.

“What do you want from me?” she’d demanded. Because really, this was getting out of hand. It was hard to believe that their paths could cross so easily and so many times without there being something underhanded going on, and she didn’t get why Alexei wasn’t taking no for an answer.

Probably because she’d never actually told him no.

Probably because she was finding it harder and harder to stay away from him.

The thing was, he wasn’t as much of a jerk as she had been expecting him to be. He was funny and thoughtful when he wanted to be, and the more she talked to him, the more she liked him. They talked for hours on Friday at the tavern once he’d explained that he didn’t want anything more than her company. Alexei told her about how his father had died in a car accident, how his sister hated him, how he was supposed to take over the family businesses when he really didn’t want to live his life the same way his father had.

In return, Emma had talked about her job and her family that she only saw once a year if she was lucky. None of them were big on reunions or bonding or anything like that, and so when Christmas rolled around, they would get together for a few hours and then disperse and spend the rest of the year pretending like the rest of their family didn’t exist. She talked about how she worked as a receptionist for a publishing company but really wanted to write her own books.

He was easy to talk to and seemed like he needed a friend, but when the night drew to its close and he leaned in for a kiss, all those objections that she had to them doing this flew right out of her head and she was meeting him halfway.

The kiss was shorter than the first one they’d shared outside of the tavern, but the air between them was even more charged with tension than it had been before.

When Alexei asked her if she wanted to go back to his place, she’d hesitated and then nodded. “Never seen a millionaire’s place before,” she’d murmured against his lips, and Alexei smiled.

He’d wanted her to ride with him, but she’d opted to drive herself there, following him. Emma wanted to have the option to leave if she wanted, and she needed the time away from him to get her head on straight. Never before had someone affected her like this, and she wasn’t sure what to make of it at all.

When she made it to his building, just seconds after he’d parked, she almost considered turning around and heading back to her own home where she was safe from the attraction between them, but it was like her body had a mind of its own and she got out of her car and met him at the door.

Alexei was still smiling, but it wasn’t the smug one or even the one he seemed to use when he was flirting. It was a happy smile, a smile of genuine pleasure, and it was directed at her.

“Are you going to show me in?” she’d asked, fidgeting a little bit.

And that was how she ended up face down and ass up on his bed.

Well, there had been some kissing and clothes shedding between the door to his penthouse suite and the bed, but that had seemed like a blur. All roaming hands and mouths, teeth scraping flesh, fingers digging into hips and shoulders and feet moving in a shuffle to the bedroom. Emma didn’t even really get to see much of the place before she was being pushed onto the bed.

She’d arranged herself in the provocative position, mostly to see what kind of reaction it would get from Alexei.

The guttural moan and hands on her hips were a pretty good reaction, all things considered.

He pressed his crotch against hers, and she could feel how hard he was, and if it was possible, she just got wetter, working her hips in an undulating wave so that she was rubbing all that wetness against him.

“I didn’t expect you to be like this,” he said, sounding breathless with the force of his need, and knowing that
had done that gave her an added thrill.

“Like what?” Emma panted.

. Shameless.”

“I...I’m not shameless,” she faltered for a moment. “Maybe I’m just tired of you having the upper hand all the time.”

“I never have the upper hand with you.”

And that was it for the talking. Alexei’s fingers replaced his crotch, and he worked one in first, teasing her as he pushed it in deeper and stroked her inner walls. Emma trembled at how good it felt and spread her legs wider, the soft whining noises she was making clearly asking him for more.

Alexei pushed in another finger and then one more, working them in and out and thrusting deep, murmuring a steady stream of praise. “You look so good like this,” and “You’re so hot, so tight,” and “God, I want you. Want you so bad. How do you do this to me?”

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