Read Crave (Splendor Book 2) Online

Authors: Janet Nissenson

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Crave (Splendor Book 2) (30 page)

BOOK: Crave (Splendor Book 2)
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“I didn’t notice any of them,” she murmured. “Nowadays, the only man I ever notice is you.”

He smoothed her sweater back down over her belly. “Well, let’s make sure to keep it that way, darling,” he said, teasing her with her own words from just moments before.

A knock sounded on the door to the suite, and he deftly lifted her off his lap. As he stood, he gave her a little wink. “That will be the next in the string of surprises,” he told her as he walked towards the door. “And this one is for both of us.”

The next surprise he’d arranged was a couple’s massage. Ian had whispered to her as the two massage therapists were setting up their tables and equipment that he’d specifically requested a female to work on Tessa and a male on himself, adding that he wasn’t about to let another man put his hands on her, whether it was in a clinical manner or not. The folding massage tables were set up over by the grand picture windows so that they could look outside at the falling snow while the sun gradually began to set. One of the therapists turned on the suite’s state of the art sound system, and some relaxing classical music filled the room softly. A candle was lit, and the subtle fragrance of bergamot scented the air, lending to the atmosphere of complete relaxation.

Tessa had never enjoyed the pure luxury of a massage before, and couldn’t suppress a little moan or two as the masseuse found a tight spot here and there. She turned her head in the direction of Ian’s table, and gave him a sleepy smile as their eyes met. She thought blissfully that she could easily get used to this sort of pampering, and wondered if he indulged in massages on a regular basis.

When the massage ended an hour later, far too soon for her liking, she felt boneless and limp, and so relaxed that Ian had to help her tie the belt of her robe.

“Hmm, I hope the next surprise is a nice long nap,” she mumbled sleepily.

He chuckled, wrapping her in his arms and dropping a kiss on her forehead. “I didn’t realize I’d worn you out quite so badly last night. I can loan you some of my vitamins,” he teased. “And you might want to consider ordering an extra-large portion of protein with your dinner this evening. Speaking of which, our reservations are in just over an hour and I’d like to have a cocktail with you first. Trust me, you’ll like where we’re going.”

Tessa yawned, stretching her arms wide. “Umm, okay. But it’s not my fault if I suddenly start nodding off. That massage was incredible. I’ve never felt that pampered before.”

“That was the general idea, darling. To have you feeling relaxed and pampered all weekend long. Though I didn’t intend for you to be quite this relaxed,” he retorted. “Perhaps I should order you a triple espresso - or two.” He leaned forward to murmur huskily, “After all, I plan to keep you awake for hours tonight. Another part of the surprise.”

She couldn’t help trembling just a little at his heated words. “I can’t wait,” she told him a little dazedly. “Maybe we should just get room service and, ah, stay in.”

He grinned at her, shaking his head. “And ruin all of my plans? Hardly, love. Besides, the anticipation will enhance the pleasure ten times over. Trust me on this. Now, time for the next surprises. Come with me.”

Ian led her into the master bedroom, where several boxes of varying sizes had been placed on the huge four poster bed. She looked at him expectantly, not sure what she was supposed to do next.

“And where did all of these boxes just materialize from?” she inquired. “They weren’t here earlier when I unpacked my things.”

But he only gave her a mysterious smile before telling her, “I’d like you to wear all of the items you’ll find in the boxes to dinner this evening. I’ll leave you in here while I change in the other bedroom.”

Tessa regarded him curiously. “There’s plenty of room in here for both of us, you know.”

Playfully he tugged at the belt of her robe. “Yes, but if I watch you put on some of the items you’ll find in the boxes we’ll never get out of here this evening. You might not even get to order room service. Let’s just say it will be much safer all around if I use the other room.”

His rather cryptic words began to make perfect sense as she removed the lids from each box and spied their contents. Her mouth dropped open in a round “O” as she drew out the gorgeous bustier of cream silk and lace shot through with red satin ribbons. There was a matching pair of tiny cream silk panties tied with red satin ribbons on the sides, and sheer, silky stockings that would attach to the bustier’s garters.

She gasped when she drew out the beautiful cocktail dress from the largest box. It was of red lace, with an off the shoulder, sweetheart neckline. The label read Marchesa, but of course no price tags were attached to anything. She shuddered to imagine how much such a gorgeous dress had cost.

She struggled a bit with the back hooks of the bustier, but eventually managed to get them all fastened. Once she pulled on the panties and hooked the stockings to the garters, she glanced at herself in the bathroom’s full-length mirror, her eyes widening at the image that stared back at her. The wired bustier pushed her breasts up into even more generous proportions than usual, until they were nearly spilling out of the low-cut garment. The undergarment nipped in at the waist, making it look tiny, and the sheer, silky stockings made her legs look longer than ever.

The alluring red dress fit her perfectly, as did the red patent leather heels. The final two boxes held a stunning bracelet of rubies and diamonds, and a matching pair of drop earrings. Tessa touched up her makeup and brushed her hair until it shone, placed a few items into her clutch bag, and then tentatively walked into the living room.

Ian was sending a text and didn’t hear her come in, so she was able to look him over at her leisure. He was wearing a dark gray suit and a crisp white dress shirt opened at the neck, but no tie. His five o’clock shadow was more prominent now, giving him that sort of dark, dangerous look that always made her shiver in reaction. He was so sexy, so mouthwateringly male, that her new panties immediately grew damp as she imagined running her hands up his chiseled body, or pressing a kiss to his darkly stubbled cheek.

He looked up then, and his gaze upon her was so smoldering that she could almost feel it burning into her skin. He stuck the phone in his jacket pocket and walked towards her, never breaking eye contact. He threaded a hand into her hair, tilting her head to one side, and brushed a kiss on her cheek.

“Hello, beautiful,” he told her huskily. “You look sinful.”

She toyed with the open neckline of his shirt for a moment before unbuttoning one more button. “So do you.” She nuzzled her nose against the exposed skin of his throat. “And you smell even better.”

He trailed his fingers up her bare arm. “I assume everything else fits - er, adequately?”

Tessa smiled. “It does, yes. Though I almost had to call you in to help me fasten up one of the, ah, items.”

Ian’s hands grasped her hips, yanking her up against him. “I trust you were able to take care of the matter yourself?”

At her nod, his gaze dropped to her cleavage, which was partially bared by the cut of the dress. She whimpered as he traced along the neckline of the dress, his long finger brushing her bare skin.

“I can’t wait to see you in it,” he rasped. “I’m guessing it makes your gorgeous tits look even bigger than they already are.” He replaced his fingers with his lips, kissing the exposed upper curves of her breasts. “I almost bought you the necklace that matched the other jewelry, but finally decided that I didn’t want anything to mar the perfection of these magnificent breasts.”

“Please.” The throaty moan escaped her lips as he brushed his thumb over her nipple. She clutched handfuls of his shirt as she tried to mold her lower body against his.

“Easy, love.” He dropped a kiss on the bridge of her nose before taking her firmly by the hand. “Remember what I told you earlier - anticipation only enhances the ultimate pleasure. So, come now. Time to start anticipating what’s to come.”


The cocktail lounge was on the top floor of the lodge, and offered up an amazing view of the snowcapped mountains. They sipped one of the special Valentine’s Day cocktails - pomegranate margaritas - and took turns feeding each other salted almonds and mini-pretzels.

As she popped an almond into his mouth, Ian clasped her wrist, holding it still as he sucked her finger between his lips. Then it was his turn to feed her a pretzel, and she mimicked his actions by licking his index finger suggestively.

His eyes darkened. “Are you imagining something else in place of my finger right about now?” At her nod, he removed his finger and brushed his thumb over her lips instead. “Naughty girl.”

“I like being naughty with you.”

“Jesus.” He shifted a bit awkwardly in his leather chair. “You’re making me forget all of my good intentions, you little flirt. Finish your drink now, love, it’s nearly time for dinner.”

Once again Tessa marveled at the way the wait staff at the very upscale hotel restaurant catered to Ian, very obviously knowing exactly who he was, and going out of their way to make sure he had a satisfactory dining experience. They easily had the best table in the place, right next to a floor-to-ceiling window that afforded another fabulous view of the mountains.

He had taken her out to equally posh restaurants often enough over these past weeks that she was now more at ease with scanning menus and ordering. They shared a Caesar salad that the waiter hand tossed tableside, as well as an order of black truffle risotto. She chose the sea bass for her entrée while Ian ordered a beef filet. He ordered champagne - a Ruinart Brut Rose - and she was delighted to discover it was pink as the waiter poured it into flutes.

“For Valentine’s Day,” Ian told her. “I hope you like it, my love.”

As Tessa took a sip, she realized this was at least the second time this evening he’d called her “my love” as opposed to simply “love”, and wondered at the significance - if any - of this slight change. But she soon forgot about it as the meal progressed, far too intent on listening to him, gazing at him, desiring him. Everything he did, no matter how subtle or seemingly insignificant, seemed to arouse her this evening - the way his long fingers held his champagne flute; the movements of his strong jaw as he carefully chewed a bite of food; not to mention the glimpses she was afforded of his tanned throat and the very beginnings of the dark ribbon of hair that bisected his chest. She knew he hadn’t worn a tie very intentionally and could only assume - or, rather hope - that he was planning for this to be the night they played out the fantasy dream she’d described to him.

The deepening hunger she felt must have been obvious in the way she kept staring at him, for he took her hand in his at some point and drew it to his lips.

“That look on your face - my God, you have no idea what it’s doing to me,” he told her in a husky voice.

“Oh.” She glanced down at her plate, suddenly shy. “Sorry. I just…I guess I just like to look at you.”

“Hush. Don’t look away from me, Tessa. Ah, there’s my girl,” he crooned as she lifted her gaze to his. “I wasn’t complaining, darling. Far from it. I love that I can put that particular look on your face - the one that tells me how much you want me. It’s so honest and open. I don’t ever want you to pretend with me, or try to hide your emotions. Understood?”

She nodded, spellbound by his deep voice and the way his hazel eyes glittered almost dangerously. “I won’t,” she breathed. “And I do want you, Ian. So much that it’s all I’ve been able to think about all day. It’s - too much at times, I think.”

“No.” He shook his head emphatically. “Never too much. You have so much passion, Tessa, far more than we’ve even begun to uncover as yet. I knew it the first time I kissed you, when you came so easily and so quickly. We’re really just beginning to awaken you sexually. But I’ll warn you now - I’m the only man who’ll be assisting you in that particular endeavor.”

She cupped his cheek in her hand. “I don’t want anyone else, just you. You know that.”

“Do I? Sometimes I’m not always certain. That’s still one of my greatest fears, you know,” he admitted. “I’m terrified that you’ll wake up one morning and realize you’ve made a huge mistake, that you’ll want your freedom to meet other men,
men, or play the field a little and have the sort of fun girls your age ought to be doing. You never had the opportunity to do that, after all, and I’m worried that you’ll regret passing it all up.”

“Why in the world would I want to do that?” she asked in bewilderment. “That doesn’t sound like much fun to me.”

“Try telling that to your friends,” he replied darkly. “Yesterday it felt like some sort of bizarre conspiracy theory was unfolding - one that involved all of them setting you up with other men.”

Tessa was startled at the note of desperation in his voice, the way he looked and sounded so insecure - he, the most confident, self-assured man she’d ever met. “If you’re worried about what Kevin said, please don’t be. He means well but he’s a total airhead most of the time. I hardly ever take what he says seriously. And,” she added gently, “I have no intention or any interest in letting him fix me up with anyone.”

“It wasn’t just Kevin. That was bad enough, but then scarcely an hour later I had to bite my tongue when that little scamp Julia asked my opinion about setting you up with a friend of Nathan’s. How did you manage to fend off that very persistent little mischief-maker anyway?”

“What?” Tessa couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Julia? She didn’t say one word to me about meeting any friends of Nathan’s. This was at the office yesterday you’re referring to? All she really talked about was the new pair of shoes Nathan was going to buy her after work.”

A slow smile spread across his face, and he shook his head in exasperation. “I think I’ve been had by a very devious interior designer. And I believe Nathan is quickly discovering he’s got his hands full with that little devil he’s engaged to. Not to mention several hundred dollars poorer after buying the aforementioned shoes.”

She was more perplexed than ever now. “I really have no idea about any of that. But I’ve got no interest in dating other men. Why would I, when I’ve already got my Prince Charming?”

BOOK: Crave (Splendor Book 2)
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