Crave (Splendor Book 2) (47 page)

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Authors: Janet Nissenson

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BOOK: Crave (Splendor Book 2)
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Ian shook his head in amusement. “Leave her alone, Mrs. C. Tessa is dressed exactly as I prefer her to be. I’m afraid you don’t get to boss her around any longer.”

Francine shot him an evil look. “But then she doesn’t officially work for you any longer either, does she, Ian?” She scowled at Tessa. “I do hope you’re not letting him take complete control of everything in your life. He might be the boss at work, but I trust you remember to stick up for yourself at other times?”

Tessa gave her a reassuring smile. “It’s not like that at all. He’s wonderful to me, treats me like a princess. And I’ve never been so happy.”

Francine harrumphed. “Well, you deserve to be, my girl. You, too, young Ian. Don’t think I didn’t know exactly what I was doing when I sent Tessa your way.”

Tessa frowned. “How could you have known we’d end up together? I was married, after all.”

The older woman shot her a look of disbelief. “To a boy you treated like he was your brother, or your best friend. I saw the two of you together on enough occasions to realize there was nothing in the least romantic between you, not even a tiny spark. Nothing at all,” she added smugly, “like what you and young Ian here have.”

Ian smiled, sliding his hand to Tessa’s nape and pressing his chest against her back. “And what exactly might that be, Mrs. Eagle Eye?”

Francine’s mouth tightened in disapproval at Ian’s overt display of affection. “Obviously you’re madly in love with the girl. A half-blind simpleton could see that from a mile away. And I’ll remind you, Mr. Gregson, that I don’t condone any hanky-panky in my office. I don’t care if you’re the Regional Director or the King of England, there’ll be none of that funny business here.”

He laughed heartily, stepping a short distance away from Tessa. “I’m surprised you haven’t hired a chaperone for us. Though I hate to be the one to break the news - I’ve already taken advantage of her. Numerous times.”

“Well, of course you have. I’m quite certain that the moment you learned she was getting a divorce - which, by the way, ought to have happened long before it did, in my opinion - you were making plans to stake your claim. Am I right?”

Ian was astounded to feel his cheeks flush with embarrassment at the very forthright question posed by the petite woman who was even now staring him down. “Uh, well, perhaps just a bit.”

“Oh, bollocks.” Francine gave an irritated little huff. “Ian, my boy, you were always a handsome young man, much more so than either of your brothers, though young Colin always thought a bit too highly of himself. I watched many, many women over the years try to catch your eye - secretaries, executives, socialites. You never seemed to notice any of them, at least not for very long. But somehow I just knew that the moment you laid eyes on my Tessa here that you’d fall hard. And, as always, I was exactly right.”

Ian and Tessa exchanged one of those deep, searing looks that so frequently passed between them before he regarded Francine with a half-smile. “And just how did you know this? Is clairvoyance one of the few hidden talents you’ve never bothered to brag about?”

She frowned at him. “Sarcasm isn’t a trait that suits you, my boy. And I knew you’d be completely taken with young Tessa here because the two of you are kindred spirits. Both impossibly beautiful on the outside, of course, but in each of your cases your true beauty is deep inside. I just knew you would see that in each other, as clearly as the light of day.”

Ian took Francine’s small, wiry hand and brought it to his lips. “Then I owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude,” he told her in a reverent tone. “Tessa is absolutely the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I will cherish her for the rest of my days. Now, I’ll leave you two ladies alone for a bit while I meet with Vincent. I trust you’ve whipped him into shape by now?” he asked Francine teasingly of the newish hotel manager.

Francine waved a hand in the air. “The boy is afraid to take a piss without clearing it with me first, so I suppose he’ll do. Go, I’ll send Tessa to you in just a bit. If you can bear to be separated for that long.”

“Just barely.” Quite deliberately he gave Tessa a lingering kiss on the lips, knowing full well that Francine would be glaring at them in disapproval. “See you in a bit, darling,” he whispered to Tessa.

Tessa watched him walk the short distance down the hall until he entered the hotel manager’s office, already feeling bereft without him beside her.

“Good Lord, girl, he’s just down the hall, not halfway around the world. No need to get teary eyed about it,” scoffed Francine.

Tessa couldn’t help but smile as she turned to face her former mentor. But for all of Francine’s tough talk, there was no denying the softer, more indulgent expression on her face.

“I know. And I’ll be seeing him soon at the staff meeting. I just - well…” Tessa demurred.

“You’re just head over heels in love with the man,” finished Francine. “As he is with you, dear. So tell me - when is Ian going to make an honest woman out of you?”

Tessa was startled by the question, but in all honesty not the least surprised that Francine would come right out and ask something so personal. “I, um, well, we haven’t really discussed that yet. I mean, we haven’t really been together all that long, and I’m not sure -”

“Oh, rubbish.” Francine gave her a stern glare. “I’ll tell you now, young miss, that your man there isn’t going to stand for anything less than making you his wife one of these days. As controlling as that boy is, he won’t be satisfied you’re truly his until it’s all legal and binding. The real question is - what do

Tessa stared at the older woman in disbelief. “Well, obviously I’d love to marry him. If that’s what he wants, of course. I mean, living together is one thing, but marriage is something else entirely. He might decide I’m not suitable to be his wife. Ian might as well be royalty while I’m just so - well, ordinary.”

“Nothing ordinary about you, my girl,” declared Francine. “And your man knows that as well. That’s why he won’t let you go anytime soon - if ever. Trust me, before this year is out you’ll be calling me with news of your engagement. And it goes without saying I’ll expect an invitation to the wedding.”

Tessa was so flustered she didn’t even know how to respond. “Um, well, of course. I mean, assuming it actually happens, which I can’t say for certain -”

“I can. I’m never wrong,” stated Francine. “I was right about you and Ian falling for each other, wasn’t I? Too bad my mother instilled in me from such a young age about what a terrible vice gambling was. I could have made myself a tidy fortune by now.”

Tessa laughed. “Whether or not he marries me one day, it doesn’t matter. I’d follow him to the ends of the earth, Mrs. C.”

“I know you would, dear. But can you honestly tell me that he hasn’t swept you off your feet a bit too quickly? I mean, it’s perfectly natural for a young woman like yourself to be dazzled by a man like him - his looks, his money, his position. Are you truly attracted to the man himself, or simply to what he can give you?”

Tessa’s smile faded abruptly and she shook her head in emphatic denial. “I don’t give a damn about his money. And I’m sorry if this offends you, but I really don’t appreciate your suggesting otherwise. I love Ian with all my heart, more than I ever believed it was possible to love someone. That’s the only reason I’m with him - the

Francine shrugged. “It’s a logical assumption to make. Come, look at it from a different perspective. He flies you down here on the corporate jet. You’re staying in the owner’s suite at the very hotel where you used to be a file clerk and make coffee for the meetings. He dresses you in silk blouses and five hundred dollar shoes. I know those are real pearls around your neck and that watch - it’s a Bulgari, which means it cost five thousand dollars minimum. You can’t lie to me, young lady, and tell me none of that matters.”

“But it doesn’t!” Tessa burst out, tears pooling in her eyes. “None of these - these
matter! You know I’ve lost absolutely everything I own twice now. But those were just things, nothing that couldn’t be replaced eventually. Ian is irreplaceable. If I ever lost him, if he ever left me – well, life wouldn’t be worth living for even one more day.”

Francine patted Tessa on the back as she handed her a tissue. “That’s my girl. I knew deep down his money didn’t matter a whit to you, I just had to hear it from your lips. And now I also know for absolute certainty what a treasure he has in you. You let me know if he doesn’t treat you right, my dear. I may be the only person in the entire world that boy is still terrified of.”

Tessa realized somewhat belatedly that the older woman had been provoking her deliberately, testing her, it seemed, with the sole purpose of making sure her feelings for Ian were genuine and unselfish. Then Mrs. C. startled her anew by actually brewing tea for both of them, a task that had always fallen to Tessa in the old days. Or it had once she’d proven herself capable of making a cup that would meet with Mrs. C’s approval.

“Have you met Ian’s parents yet?”

Tessa shook her head. “But they are visiting at the end of the month, and staying at the house. I’m a nervous wreck just thinking about it.”

“Well, that’s to be expected, dear. But you have nothing to worry about,” assured Francine. “Edward Gregson is a charming man, it’s very easy to see where young Ian gets his charisma from. You won’t have any problem at all winning his approval. As for Mrs. Gregson - well, all you really need to do is give her the same scolding you just gave me, and she’ll never doubt your feelings for Ian.”

Tessa gasped. “I did
scold you! At least, I didn’t mean to. And I would never dare talk that way to his mother. She’d think that I -”

“That you were more than a worthy partner for her son,” retorted Francine. “And don’t you dare apologize to me, young miss. It’s about time you started voicing your opinions and sticking up for yourself. I’m proud of you, Tessa. You’ve far exceeded all the expectations I once had for you.”

The rare compliment coming from the woman most people called “the dragon lady” made Tessa beam.

“I wouldn’t have made anything of myself without your help. I was scared to death of you, but you did get results.” Tessa took a sip of her tea before telling her former mentor, “Ian thinks I ought to go back to school, get my college degree.”

“I think that’s an excellent idea, Tessa. But is that what you want?”

Tessa shrugged. “Yes and no. I mean, I think it would be good for me, definitely something to be proud of. But, well, I like being able to travel with Ian like this, and if I go to school full time that wouldn’t always be possible.”

They chatted a bit longer, Tessa telling Francine about the Italian classes she was taking at Berlitz, and the cooking courses she’d already finished and new ones she’d signed up for.

When Tessa had learned their next business trip included a stop in Tucson, she’d had mixed feelings. On the one hand, she’d welcomed the opportunity to visit with Francine and some of her other former co-workers. But, on the other hand, Tucson had held very few happy memories for her, and she hadn’t especially looked forward to the visit. At least they would only be here for a day, and would be spending all of that time at the hotel.

Ian had inquired if she had any friends she cared to visit, or particular places she’d like to show him. He had very tactfully not brought the subject up again when she’d merely given him an abrupt shake of her head. He had seemed to sense after that initial inquiry that she wasn’t exactly thrilled to be going back to her former hometown.

Their meetings wrapped up fairly early, leaving them a couple of hours to relax and unwind before their dinner meeting with the hotel manager and his wife. Since it was still over ninety degrees at four o’clock, a swim in one of the resort’s several pools was a welcome respite. And while Tessa would have never dreamed of using the guest facilities at this time of the day when she’d been employed here, the same rules evidently didn’t apply to the owner.

They swam vigorously for almost an hour, until her legs were quivering in protest and her breathing became labored. Ian kept going awhile longer, and she watched him with admiring eyes as he stroked powerfully through the water. Tessa scowled as she realized several other women seated around the pool were also eyeing him hungrily. Two of them even made some very vocal comments about what a hunk he was, and how they sure wouldn’t mind having a nice big helping of his brand of man candy.

Behind the cover of her oversized Chanel sunglasses, Tessa glared at the forty-something bleached blonde with the fake tan and even more obviously fake boobs who’d made that last comment. It made her wonder about the years of traveling that Ian had done all over the world, and of the many different women who’d most assuredly hit on him. The jealously she felt threatened to consume her, and it suddenly became very important to stake her claim, to make sure those -
knew that her man was strictly off limits.

Ian vaulted out of the pool, water dripping from his body, and she was there to meet him with an oversized beach towel. He smiled his thanks as he briskly toweled off his hair and upper body before wrapping the towel around his hips. Tessa slid her arms around his neck, pulling his mouth down to hers for a lingering, open-mouthed kiss. He gave a little “mmm” of surprise just before his hands gripped her hips, pulling her into his body.

He was chuckling when he lifted his head. “Any particular reason for your very enthusiastic greeting?”

She pressed her breasts more fully against his chest, and ran her hands over the bulging muscles of his biceps. “Just admiring my very studly boyfriend. And making sure that all the other women around here know you’re taken.”

Ian smirked, sliding one large hand down to cup her ass. “What other women?”

Tessa laughed in delight. “Oooh, nicely done!”

As they walked over to their lounges, where she’d taken the liberty of having an ice cold margarita waiting for him, she kept an arm wrapped around his waist. She couldn’t resist flashing a triumphant smile in the direction of the now crestfallen bleached blonde cougar. She was absurdly pleased that Ian didn’t even acknowledge the presence of the other women, that the only one he had eyes for was her. It made her realize all over again how incredibly lucky she was to have this amazing man all to herself. She resolved to make very, very sure that he knew on a daily - no, make that an
- basis just how crazy she was about him, how much she cherished him. Tessa figured right now was an excellent time to start.

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