Creatura (7 page)

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Authors: Nely Cab

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Creatura
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“Be a gentleman and introduce us, David.” She asked of him.

“Isis, this is my mother, Nyx,” David said.

“Hello, my dear.” Nyx leaned in to kiss both my cheeks. “I am very pleased to finally meet you.”

“Thank you. It’s a pleasure to meet you too.” I started shaking my leg nervously.

“Why, you are absolutely beautiful,” she said looking at David.

“Isn’t she, mother? She would surely be the envy of any goddess.” Excitement rang through David’s voice.

“Yes,” Nyx said observing me. “Yes, indeed she would be.”

Something seemed to be off in Nyx’s voice. She seemed to be in a trance.

“Stop scanning her, please, Mother,” David urged in a bothered voice.

“Scanning?” I asked confused.

“My mother is empathic. She makes it a point to know what you feel physically and emotionally. It is her way of getting to know you,” David explained.

“There’s something peculiar that I…” Nyx suddenly gasped. She took several seconds to compose herself and forcefully smiled.

“What is it?” David asked.

“Nothing. She just needs to eat better… and sleep more.”

“You’re lying.” David gave his mother a stone look. “Tell me what you have found.” He raised his voice.

Nyx started to speak in Latin in an abrasive tone. Her facial expression was bitter as though she was reprimanding him. David was silent and nodded repeatedly as she spoke.

“Forgive me, Mother. I meant no disrespect.” David took his mother’s hand and kissed it.

“What’s wrong with me?” My eyes narrowed and I glanced back and forth between Nyx and David.

“It is nothing, dear.” Nyx smiled. “Please, do not fret over it.”

 Chapter 3


I felt awkward after that brief mother-son altercation. I needed to know what it was that Nyx had said. I would have to wait till I was out of Nyx’s presence to question David.

“Would you like a beverage before we eat, Isis?” Nyx offered.

“Yes, please.” My stomach chose that moment to rumble as loudly as it could. I felt my cheeks turn a bright crimson.

“I think we should eat instead,” David announced.

“That sounds like a good idea.” Nyx giggled, motioning me with her hand to follow.

We entered a formal dining area where a huge table was displayed in the middle of the room. The table was neatly set with white porcelain plates that were placed over gold metal charger plates. There were three place settings—all with an array of utensils that I had no idea when to use. Along the center of the table there lay an impressive and appetizing buffet of fruits, vegetables, breads and meats. The setting felt too formal for a casual lunch. I wasn’t used to this kind of stuff. I glanced at my blouse and jeans feeling under dressed for the occasion.

David pulled out my chair and did the same for his mother. Nyx sat at the head of the table, while David took his place across the way from me.

“Help yourself, Isis,” Nyx said serving herself a small portion of greens.

The food tasted unlike anything I had ever savored before. The flavors literally left me speechless. I sat in silence devouring the glorious buffet.

Meanwhile, David periodically glanced at me. All the while, Nyx’s face reflected worry as she subtly observed David’s actions.

“Is it Latin that you were speaking earlier?” I finally broke the silence.

Nyx dabbed her mouth with a white linen napkin. “Yes, it was. You have a good ear for languages.”

David winked at me and smiled.

“David,” Nyx called his attention in a coarse voice. “Comport yourself.”

“Relax, mother. It’s innocent coquetry.” David reached for his glass of water.

Nyx sighed and pressed her lips together. “You know what can happen. Be wary of the laws.”

“What can happen?” I spoke out of turn.

“Didn’t David tell you? Gods can be irresistible to humans. Falling prey to his charm is not a good idea.”

“Yes, we did speak of that earlier., but, well, he’s not really my type.” I was quick to defend myself. Though, I think I might have been lying just a little.

David gave me a resentful look and put his fork down.

Nyx’s face lit up. “I am very pleased to hear that. I was perturbed for a moment. David knows exactly what I mean. I trust he has given you a detailed account of our history?”

“He has highlighted the main points,” I nodded.

Nyx’s chin rested on her interlocked fingers as she poised her elbows on the table.

“Tell me about your parents, dear. What is it they do?”

“I only have a mother. My dad passed away almost five years ago.”

“Oh.” She was surprised. “I raise my heart to his risen soul.” She slightly raised her hand, upright, as she spoke. “I am very sorry to hear that. You and you’re mother must have taken it very hard.”

I bobbed my head. “They had just gotten a divorce when he had a sudden heart attack. We both took it hard.”

“And your mother?” She tilted her head as if gaining interest in my life. “Tell me a little about her.”

“My mom’s name is Claire. She works at the county courthouse as a secretary for the judge, here in town. She’s never remarried… and that’s about it.”

“You have no other family, besides your mother?” David inquired.

“I have a grandmother, Eva. She’s my dad’s mom. She lives at a retirement community about an hour away. Aside from my mom and me, she doesn’t have any other family.”

“A very small family you have,” Nyx noted.

“Small indeed,” David agreed.


After lunch, we retreated to one of the living areas. I didn’t understand why one house had to have so many living rooms. We engaged in a conversation about the town’s spring festival. Nyx’s stare grew blank on several occasions, as it had when she had scanned me earlier.

“What is it that you keep scanning for, Mother?” David finally asked the question I so eagerly wanted to.

“I am not scanning.” Nyx’s lie was obvious as she was startled when David addressed her in the middle of one of her trances.

“To another with that story,” David tittered. “I know my own mother too well.”

Nyx dismissed David’s comment and continued in casual conversation with me. She asked about my grades in school and the classes I was taking. She commended me for taking college courses.

The ringing of the doorbell, to which David attended, interrupted our conversation.

“I will be signing documentation for your vehicle,” he addressed his mother, coming back into the room for an instant. “Please excuse me.” He turned his sight on me. “I’ll be returning shortly.”


“You know Isis… David asked me to come with him so that we could seem like a normal family in the eyes of society. He said he was puzzled by your ability to travel to Terra Somnium. I joined him in that curiosity; however, I think this curiosity of his has developed into a grave state of medical idiotism.”

I tried to suppress my mirth, but failed. “How do you mean?”

Nyx found no humor in what I thought was a jest. “I have reason to believe he is, to a degree, infatuated. I cannot be certain about this… but, child, you will have to be the strong one if this is truth. I am not one to judge with whom my sons are romantically involved, but in this case, I have no other choice. I fear for the welfare of my son as I fear for yours.”

My smile turned flat after her discourse.

“It’s not like that,” I argued. “First of all, I need to focus on my grades right now. I’ve applied for several scholarships and grants and I can’t afford to lose concentration on my grade point average. I don’t have time for a relationship. Besides, after all that you and David have explained to me, I doubt that can or will ever happen.”

Nyx took my hand in hers and smiled. “Yet, in history, it has happened. I know you find him attractive, dear. I am no fool.” She stood up and took a few steps to view herself on a wall mirror. “Tell me… how did David pursue you today?”

“Pursue is hardly the word. He technically kidnapped me from school. I was petrified. He used his anesthetic or whatever it is he does to carry me off, literally.”

“He did what?! How did he…” Nyx turned to me with a creased brow line. David walking into the living room interrupted Nyx’s interrogation.

“Your car is parked outside. Would you like to inspect it?” He asked Nyx, seating himself next to me on the couch.

“No. Not at the moment. We have company, remember? It would be rude of us to divert ourselves in that matter.”

“Oh, I don’t mind,” I said adjusting my earring.

David took a lock of my hair and placed it behind my ear. Nyx glared at David with tightened lips, lifting her brow. Noting her disposition, I winced away from David at once. David gave me a sour look and leaned back on the couch.

“David,” Nyx said in a calm voice. “I do believe we need to speak later this evening. I have much to discuss with you.”

“Regarding?” David inquired.

“I will reserve that till tonight.”


In the car, on our way to my house, I lost no time in questioning David about the small dispute between him and his mother earlier.

“I don’t want to be nosey, but it does concern me so I think I’m allowed to know: What was it that your mother said about me when she spoke in Latin?”

“She said you held her attention during the process of reading you. Then she scolded me for speaking to her in that tone. It was disrespectful for me to do that, and especially in your presence. Please excuse my behavior. I don’t usually comport myself in such a manner.” His eyes were fixed on the road and he seemed disturbed.

“Did I say something to upset you?” I wondered.

“No,” he voiced. “I am simply not looking forward to my mother’s lecture this evening.”

“How do you know it’s a lecture?”

“As I said before, I know my own mother all too well.”


We pulled up to my house and found my mother’s little Toyota parked in the driveway. I found that odd since it was still about an hour before her usual quitting time. I tried opening the door to the car again, forgetting the darned thing would not open.

“You need to get this door fixed,” I nagged.

“It’s not broken, my lovely,” David grinned.

“Then why won’t it open?”

“Child locks to keep the princess from opening the door herself.” He gave me a crooked smile.

“Oh,” I blushed.

I was reminded of Nyx’s warning. I bit the corner of my lip and took a deep breath, looking at the ceiling.

“Could you please open the door for me?”

“Am I wearing down your nerves already?”

I cleared my throat. “Do I have to answer that?” I joked.

He wrinkled his nose for an instant. “I honestly don’t care to know the answer.”

Claire appeared at the front door. I imagine she was wondering what a car was doing parked in front of the house. I knew she wouldn’t be able to see who was inside with the dark tint on the windows. David swung open the driver’s side door and waved to my mom as he made his way around to my side of the car.

“Hey, mom,” I greeted her.

“Hi, honey. Hi, David.” Claire gave me a thumbs-up and a wide smile when David gave her his back to fetch my book bag from the rear seat of the Maserati. He then walked me to the porch where my mom was poised and ready to start her query.


“Hello again, Mrs. Martin.” David tipped his head.

“David, would you like to come inside?” she said, holding the front door open.

“I thank you, but I can’t. Perhaps some other day,” he said, handing me my bag.

I was relieved David didn’t want to stay. I didn’t want Claire getting any juicy details about the new family in town to share at the office. That could be dangerous for them.

My mom excused herself and went inside. I knew she’d be listening in by the door. I signaled to David with a few tilts of my head that she was eavesdropping behind the door. He smiled and ran his fingers through his black hair.

“Thank you for joining my mother and me for lunch. I truly enjoyed the pleasure of your company. I hope to see you at school on Monday.” He leaned in to kiss both my cheeks.

“Or sooner,” he whispered in my ear.

“Yeah.” I ignored the remark and his glorious, subtle scent and followed his lead. “I’ll see you Monday.”

I turned the doorknob and heard my mother run for it. When I opened the door, she was on the couch pretending to read a magazine.

“It’s upside down, Mom,” I rolled my eyes.

Claire straightened her back and threw the magazine on the coffee table. “So you had lunch with the family, huh? What’s the estate like? Did they treat you well? Do they have a butler and governess? Oh my gosh, I bet they have one of those heated, indoor pools!”

“Mom, please! They’re normal people.” Well, kinda normal except for that whole being deities thing and their special powers. I wondered if David had extrasensory hearing, or if Nyx could perceive what I did and said like a psychic. I’d have to be careful of what came out of my mouth until I found out.

“C’mon, Isis. You can’t tell me the car alone didn’t impress you? I know what an Italian sports car costs… a lot of money.” Claire raised her brows expecting an answer to her questions.

“They’re totally normal. They don’t have any of the things you listed, mom.” I started walking to the kitchen. Claire followed.

“Why are you home so early, anyway?” I opened the refrigerator out of habit, even though I wasn’t hungry.

“Because I took the afternoon off.” Claire sounded suspicious.

I peered at her from behind the refrigerator door. “You took the afternoon off for no apparent reason? That’s not like you.”

“Well…” she started making her way to the kitchen doorway as if evading me, “I have an appointment this evening.”

“An appointment? Where?”

“At a restaurant.”

“What type of appointment does one have at a restaurant?”

“Well, I guess it’s more of a social gathering—for two.” She bit her thumbnail, in the same manner I did.

“Mom, are you trying to tell me you have a… a date?” My voice squeaked.

“Yes,” she said running up the stairs, laughing like a kid.

“Don’t run away from me! Who is this date? I want details, Claire Martin!” I screamed running after her.

Claire had never dated. She always found excuses for not wanting to accept an invitation—too short, too tall, too this, too that.

I ran to the top of the stairs and found her giggling on her bed clenching a pillow.

“What is wrong with you? Why are you acting all… adolescent-like?” Her girlish disposition made me giggle along with her.

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