Cree (My Way Series - Book 1) (Volume 1) (15 page)

BOOK: Cree (My Way Series - Book 1) (Volume 1)
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Lunch & Tractors


Spring was in full action. Cree was crazy busy with the farm, but he always made sure he was home for dinner and cuddle time with his girls on the couch. He didn’t come in for coffee anymore because he was always hitting the fields at dawn. I took Annie to school, and even stayed to volunteer on Tuesdays. I missed seeing Cree for our morning coffee dates.


Me: I miss you!

Cree: You saw me this morning and last night

Me: I know… I miss you at coffee…I miss you

Cree: Bring me lunch Dolly

Me: You got it!

Cree: I’ll be the one driving the big green tractor!

Me: No shit, Really?


I will never forget the first day I delivered Cree lunch on the tractor. I took him fried chicken and potato salad. We ate lunch together under a tall oak tree. He then talked me into going for a ride with him. Willow was working The Shop, so I knew I had lots of time. I didn’t pass up on the chance of being in a confined space with my man.

“Come here, baby! Sit on my lap and I’ll teach you how to drive.”

I climbed up into his lap and listened to him rattle off the art of driving a tractor. I just reveled in the sensation of his touch. We made a couple passes in the tractor before our hands were all over each other. The tractor was stopped at the edge of the field, so I took the opportunity to turn around and straddle my farm boy. Face-to-face, we gazed into each other’s eyes not saying a word, but feeling every possible emotion for each other.

“Cree, I couldn’t live one day without your touch.”

He grabbed the back of my head and took me into a deep kiss. We fumbled for each other’s buttons and before I knew it, my shorts were off and Cree was buried deep inside me. I worked my hips up and down him. I moved slowly, enjoying the sensation of him deep inside me. Cree placed both of his hands on my hips and started slamming me down on him. At first it was too much for my brain to comprehend, and then, when he established his relentless rhythm, I started to orgasm. I threw my head back and screamed. I was orbiting in the pleasure of my orgasm when I heard Cree growl, and then felt his hot seed burst inside me. I collapsed on him with my head resting on his shoulder. I didn’t want to move or peel myself way from him. He drove a couple passes before I managed to let go of him. I gave him a kiss goodbye, and thanked him for the ride in his tractor.

“Tomorrow, wear a skirt, Dolly!”

“Will do!”

We ate lunch everyday together in his tractor. The man did things to me in that tractor that made me blush just thinking about them.













Blowout & Disney


Willow, Lacey and I met up in Fort Collins for a spa day before our big trip to Disneyland. I was finally redeeming my birthday gift certificate from Willow. The girls were staying in Fort Collins to go to some big party. They didn’t even try to convince me to go because they knew the answer.

Our masseuses weren’t impressed with our language and mudslinging. Willow was lying flat on her belly and Lacey jumped on the table and corn-dogged her. I was pretty sure we were going to get kicked out at that point. The spa staff definitely didn’t appreciate our humor or business.

We went to lunch together and then parted ways. I had to stop at the coffee house distribution store to stock up on syrups. I had Betsy loaded down and was ready to head back to The Shop.

I cranked up some Miranda and hit the road. Cree and I were going to take Annie to the movies tonight. It would be just the three of us for a change. I was about twenty minutes from home when I heard an explosion, and then felt my truck start to rattle.

“Shit, shit, shit, shit!”

I pulled my truck over and hopped out to find a flat tire staring back at me.

“Really? Fucking really?”

I kicked the tire and yelled in frustration. I was hoping if I stared at it long enough or kicked it hard enough it would magically fix itself.

I called Cree twice and was sent directly to his voicemail. He must have been too busy and had to ignore the calls. Double dammit! I went to climb back into my truck and wait for Cree to call me back. I pulled on the door handle.

“Holy mother loving fucking shit!”

I locked myself out of my truck. So I broke down and texted Cree, even though I knew he was busy.


Me: I need help! Blew a tire…


Within five seconds Cree called me back.

“Where are you?”

“Twenty minutes out of town on Highway 55.”

“I’m coming. Sorry, I was at the accountant’s office in a meeting. I’m on my way, baby.”

I hung up the phone and then the rain clouds opened up. It was raining fucking buckets! The rain was freezing ass cold, brutal and relentless. Really? Triple dammit. I climbed into the bed of my truck and tried prying open the back windows from the outside. I was now completely soaked. And being an ‘effin rocket scientist, I was wearing a white t-shirt with a hot pink bra underneath it. Plus, my nipples were hard from being cold.

The rain was deafening and my fingers were officially numb. I was ready to lift my leg and smash in the back window with my boot. Someone grabbed my shoulder and I screamed bloody fucking murder as I whirled around.

“What are you doing, Dolly?”

It was Cree! Thank god!

“Go get in the truck!”

I threw my hands up in the air, exposing my wet shirt and hard nipples.

“I can’t fucking get in my truck! I locked my keys in it.”

Cree started laughing at my frustration, which pissed me off even more, so I started waving my arms in the air, trying to whack him as many times as I possibly could.

“You’re a jerk!”

Cree grabbed my hands and bent over to kiss me, but the jerk was still laughing. I turned my face from him, so he buried his face in my neck and tried to kiss me, but he was still laughing! I was going to kick his ass in the rain.

“Quit laughing at me, asshole!”

“Sorry, honey! You look so damn cute, soaking wet and frustrated with hard nipples.”


I stomped off to Cree’s unlocked truck and waited for him. He changed the tire and broke into the back of my truck through the window. The damn man could do everything! I stuck out my tongue and drove off in his truck.

We didn’t go to the movies that night. He took Annie and me out to the shop to teach us how to change a tire. He wanted his girls prepared for emergencies. He lectured us on the importance of having the right tools for the job. Cree then gave us a pop quiz on identifying tools. We failed miserably, but he wasn’t giving up on us.

We were terrible students. Cree was starting to get frustrated when I pulled out fingernail polish and started painting Annie’s nails. When we started whining about our bellies grumbling, he finally gave up on teaching us how to change a tire and took us out to eat instead.




It was spring break and time to surprise Annie. We made t-shirts that read “We are going to Disneyland” to wear at breakfast. We even made Annie one and snuck it on her in the middle of the night. We woke her up at 8:00 to eat breakfast. Our flight didn’t leave until 1:00. We all stared at Annie, waiting for her to notice our stinkin’ shirts. Willow even kept fluffing her shirt out in Annie’s face.

“Ummm, Daddy, why are we all wearing the same shirt?”

We just all kept smiling at her, and she slowly started to sound out the words on our shirts.

“W-e we are g-o-ing going t-o to D-i-s-nee Disney.”

Then her eyes lit up at the realization of what she just said. Annie jumped up on the table and started dancing and squealing with joy!

“Thank you, Daddy! Thank you!”

Our flight was entertaining, to say the least. Annie was scared and Lacey was bitching about not getting the window seat. Willow lost her breakfast halfway through the flight. She had good aim and it all went into the barf bag. Thank god! Cree tried to calm Annie’s nerves by distracting her, and I just sat back and drank everyone’s complimentary wine.

Cree booked us a very large family suite at the Disneyland Hotel. It was gorgeous and very spacious. Of course, our little Annie had to hit the pool ASAP. I talked Lacey into taking her swimming for a while. Willow caught onto my plan and hightailed it out of the room. I ran a bath with bubbles.

“What are you up to, Milly?”

“I added the bathtub to my bucket list thingy the other night, and I thought we could give it a go

“Dolly, I’m exhausted from the flight, between Annie and Willow…”

“I know! Get your ass in the tub. I’ll grab you a beer! It’s an order, Captain! Just leave room for me between your legs!”

I joined Cree in the tub. I changed my mind and made him scoot forward so I could climb in behind him. I wrapped my legs around him and enjoyed my
Pretty Woman
moment. I washed his back and then pulled him down onto me and just held him.

“I have a feeling we better enjoy all the relaxation we can, Cree.”

“I know. Will you think less of me if I admit I’m dying to get a picture with you, Annie and Mickey for the fridge?”

“No! I find it incredibly sexy. Just don’t start singing the theme song, or you’ll kill the moment.”

“Okay, I promise. Now it’s your turn to get your back washed!”

I didn’t argue. Cree washed my back and then my hair. He insisted on washing my boobies, which led to him wanting to wash between my legs…I leaned back into him and spread my legs. Cree reached down between my legs and started washing. He was so talented and knew my body so well. His fingers twirled around my sensitive bud. My hips started to buck up to meet his hand. I wrapped my arms around the back of Cree’s head. He buried his face down into my neck and started licking. He bit down on my neck and sent me spinning.

“I thought you were tired.”

“You do evil things to me, woman.”

“I can feel that on my back!”

Cree grabbed my hips and hoisted me up.

“You’re the evil one! You know this is my favorite place to be, right?”

“Enjoy it, Dolly!”

The rest of the week was unreal. We experienced every inch of Disneyland. We arrived at opening and stayed until closing. We even spent a couple of days at the beach. We waited in line for hours to get pictures with all the princesses.

We even had princess make-overs. Cree made Lacey and Willow arm wrestle because they kept arguing about who was going to be made over as Ariel. Annie was Belle and I was made-over as Cinderella, Lacey won the arm wrestling contest, so that left Willow as Snow White.

I was the biggest chicken when it came to rides. Annie and Cree kept dragging me on rides promising me they were mellow. Those two lied a lot that week. I’m pretty sure Cree was getting a kick out of me practically pissing my pants and screaming for my life. He bought every damn picture of us on the rides and in every picture, I looked like I was about to get my head chopped off.

We had to send home two large boxes via the Postal Service because we bought so much shit that week. If we couldn’t agree on the color of something, we would just buy both things. I believe our collection of Minnie/Mickey ears was up to a healthy twenty-five. We also stocked up Annie’s dress up wardrobe to play princess at home. Lacey bought a dozen or so of the huge spiral colored suckers. She was addicted to those damn things.

We were all so tired on the flight home, we didn’t speak a word.













The Text & The Words


We were all adjusting back to our normal routine after spending a magical week in Disneyland. I was pretty sure we all needed a week to rest our bodies. Poor Cree came back to the farm and was instantly thrown back into work. We barely saw him anymore. He was busy working up the land, planting, and keeping the machinery running.

I still picked up Annie after school and took her to dance. The girls and I would take turns cooking dinner and doing homework. I was also still Cree’s delivery girl. It was my favorite hour of the day. I loved taking Cree his lunch, and riding with him for an hour or so in the tractor. Some days we just talked, but mostly we still fooled around. It was our only complete alone time, and we cherished every second of it.

Today I picked up a couple burgers and sodas for our lunch. I made sure to wear a skirt, so my intentions would be crystal clear. I wore a pink tennis skirt with my brown tank top that had Fitzpatrick Farms across the front in pink letters. It was unusually warm for an early spring day. I truly felt blessed as I drove out on the farm to find Cree. He wasn’t answering his phone, so the search began. I finally spotted him in his favorite tractor, planting corn. I waited for him at the end of the pass. Cree stopped for me with a huge smiled pasted across his face.

“Sorry, baby, I left my phone in the truck.”

“I’m just glad I found you after I dressed up and all.”

I climbed up in his lap and steered for him while he ran the pedals and watched the planter, and chomped down on his burger. I let him eat my burger, too, because I was only hungry for one thing, and I was sitting on it. We fooled around with each other until neither of us had any more energy to continue on. I kissed him goodbye.

“Hey, baby, will you go get my phone out of my truck for me? It’s parked down on the Smith corner.”

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