Crimes of Passion : An Erotic Romance Story (8 page)

BOOK: Crimes of Passion : An Erotic Romance Story
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As Kelly neared home his mind raced--- reeling between thoughts of Melody, his beloved Addison, and the violent mystery surrounding Edmund Stride. Kelly waned back and forth questioning Stride’s innocence, but as appalling a person as Edmund Stride could be, he wasn’t deviant enough to slit an innocent girl’s throat. Shaking on the ground of the university classroom, Stride truly seemed afraid for his miserable, cynical life.

Kelly passed quickly to his room and locked the door, before settling himself at his desk. He took out his notes from
Professor McGint’s lecture on the psychology of murder and poured over it for any possible insight. Slitting throats after intercourse was certainly considered a crime of passion, especially for a man in Edmund Stride’s altered state of mind. And transference was possible, Edmund Stride could have regretfully taken his personal hatred for his mother out on other women who gave of themselves freely to men---the Ripper most likely had a similar backstory. But even if he was guilty of one murder, he certainly wasn’t a serial killer. Stride’s confession of his transgressions was made out of fear and regret, while serial killers are born sociopaths. And although Kelly was deeply mortified by Edmund’s personal accounts of his nights with Ella Monroe and Melody Young, he couldn’t conjure up enough motive for Stride to obliterate girls he barely knew in such a savage way. He was angry, true, but if his resentment was initially towards his mother then why had he never turned a knife on her? 

For his own sake, Kelly tuned his mind towards the alternative possibility: Edmund Stride was innocent. If Edmund Stride committed no crime, then clearly someone was stretching beyond their reach to make him look guilty. Although he was a terrible fellow and probably made his fair share of enemies, vengeance of this magnitude didn’t come from just adversary. A squandered bet at the card table warranted a shake down, or a beating in the alleyway. A rival classmate would most likely seek out revenge on Edmund in an academic setting. Money was a powerful motivator, perhaps the culprit was within the family, but there were certainly other ways to cut Edmund out of his inheritance. But why kill the two young prostitutes? It was possible the real killer was just using Edmund to cover up his tracks, but why him?

Kelly slammed his notebook shut in frustration. Stride was right: Kelly’s innocence depended on them catching the person who was trying to frame Edmund Stride.
He had to have known him,
Kelly thought. The killer had to have known Stride. Stride must have crossed the killer deeply in some way, for him to kill two innocent women and make it look like Stride’s doing. He had to have been close enough to Stride that he knew his schedule and the places he frequented. He had to have access to Stride’s clothing to place the playing deck. Finally, Kelly leaned back in his chair and considered the alternative motives, lust and jealousy.
Why would a man be jealous or lust over Edmund Stride?

Kelly turned white as the revelation hit. He gazed down at a loose piece of parchment sticking out
of the corner of his notebook, and his stomach churned intensely. Kelly threw on his jacket and dashed towards the street. There was one victim left. One final card to play. He had to get to Stride immediately.

It all began with the original sin, the original sinner
, Kelly thought in disbelief as he ran through his front door. Kelly mumbled under his breath “It all began with Eve.”


When Edmund Stride arrived home from the secret meeting at the university, Addison was waiting for him, laying naked in his bed. Edmund startled at the sight of his unexpected visitor.

what are you doing here?”

You’ve been distant lately my darling, and I missed feeling close to you,” she said, lifting off the covers and exposing her naked body. “I came to make love to my future husband.”

Stride lit up a cigarette, an
d began to unbutton his collar. “I deeply apologize my darling, but this really isn’t the best time. I’m not quite myself today.”

Addison stood up and slinked towards him, while the setting sun’s rays danced across her perfect body. She took his face in her hands but he looked away, “You look upset my darling.”

Stride grabbed her by the wrists, attempting to push her away until his hand caressed her supple breast. Against his better judgment, he paused, briefly captivated by her exquisite form, and as she pressed herself against him, his angst began to slowly melt away. Addison had always rejected his advances, yet ironically here she was--- at the worst possible moment--- ready to give herself over to him. Something about her demeanor had changed.

She took the cigarette from between his lips and inhaled deeply, blowing a line of smoke up into the air. A trace of a smile crossed Edmund’s lips and he saw Addison in a
new light. She was no longer the naïve, innocent beauty he had felt forced into marrying. She was the deviant mistress he wanted to ravish. Maybe he had doubted her ability to keep him occupied, to change him; but as he stared deeply into her eyes, he thought, just for a moment, that maybe the kind, beautiful---and in this moment, cunning---Addison Wilkes could be the one to save him.

Addison stubbed the cigarette out on his desk, and pulled him in for a deep kiss. Her tongue curled inside of his mouth, and her delicate chin rubbed against his scruff as she kissed him. Edmund’s hands roamed freely up her back and down her ass for the first time since they had been together. Her body was positively captivating.

“Are you try
ing to seduce me?” he asked as he pulled away.

Addison slinked behind his back and stuck her hand down the front of his trousers, massaging his
growing erection. Edmund placed his hand on hers as she rubbed, until Addison whispered. “Let me take care of you.”

Edmund turned to face her as she helped him off with his shirt, and undid his pants. When he laid back on the bed, she eagerly climbed on top of him.

“You’re so big she said,” taking him in her hand. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to please you.”

Addison took Stride’s cock deep in her mouth. Stride groaned as he felt
her take him to the back of her throat. Her mouth was so wet, and she sucked on him with all the fervor of one of his prostitutes. He was amazed by her skill. She took her time, wrapping her tongue around every part of him: gliding her tongue up and down his shaft, taking the time to nibble on his head, even taking his firm testicles one at a time into her mouth while she stroked his cock with her other hand. At first she took him slowly, but as Edmund’s hand tightened in her hair and he moaned in ecstasy, she built speed.

fuck” he said as the beautiful girl went down on him. If only he knew she had this much talent.

Mmmm,” her lips hummed as she slipped back and forth.

“Stay still,” he said, grabbing the back of her head. Stride began to eagerly fuck her mouth. Addison made noise, but she didn’t pull away. Edmund’s sex was raw and primal
in comparison with Kelly. Cum was already dripping down her legs.

“Come up here,” he finally said, and he felt her wetness on his legs. “Be a good girl and sit on my cock.”

“I would rather have you on top of me,” she said, flashing Stride a devious grin.

Stride mounted her in the same way Kelly had, and
he groaned as soon as he pushed himself inside of her. Her pussy was warm and tight, and wet with desire, and Stride lost all control as he fucked her.

Addison became extremely vocal, crying out like an animal as he thrust
in her, spiking Stride’s arousal.

“Harder,” she said and
Stride was honored to oblige. Her tits bounced and the bed slammed against the wall. She dug her nails into him, setting Edmund’s skin on fire. “Yes, yes. Fuck me Edmund, fuck me!”

Her legs wrapped tightly around his chest and he fell on top of her.

She looked deep into his eyes and commanded in a sadistic voice, “I want you to force yourself in me Edmund. I want you to force me.”

Blood surged to Edmund’s erection as she voiced her dark desires. She was a filthy whore at heart, just like the rest of them. Edmund held her hands above her head and penetrated her as hard as his body would allow
, cutting off the circulation to her wrists. She bit her lip and bore down to meet his thrusts.

“Not there,”
she said, voicing her indignation, and she pushed against Edmund so he would release her. He sat back and watched in disbelief as Addison turned her ass up to him and began to diligently finger her pussy.

“There,” she said, pointing to her asshole
as her hips rocked back and forth. Stride couldn’t believe the kinky requests his blushing fiancée was making, but her tightness was calling to him.

He pressed his hand against her abdomen, and she screamed as he fit himself in. Her body relaxed as he pressed deeper
, and she massaged herself as he penetrated her.

“Force me,” she said as he banged away. “
Call me your filthy whore.”

Stride was aroused
by her aggressive desire to role-play; he would’ve said anything she wanted. “Only filthy whores take it in the ass. You like it don’t you love? You like that.”

His ass clenched as he slipped in and out the tight space,
she nodded, grunting as he pounded her. Stride felt his orgasm quickly approaching. Addison reached for his hand, and when he gave it to her she placed it on her throat.

Choke me,” she said again, and pushed his hand to squeeze.

For a moment,
Stride became terrified, flashing back to repressed images of Ella Monroe and Melody Young, but Addison refused to let him pull away. Stride was conflicted by the haunting memories of the dead girls and his unspeakable desire to control a woman beyond her capacity. Addison was his, she was his whore, and she wanted him to force himself upon her until she was fucked beyond reason.

grasp tightened around Addison’s throat and as she began to writhe, a quiet maniacal laugh escaped her throat.

“This is how
those bitches liked it, wasn’t it?” she asked. Stride slowed his thrusting, but he remained inside of her, confused by the question. “Ella Monroe? Melody Young?”

Stride startled and climbed off of her
, his breathing increased and he began to panic, hearing the victims’ names. “Why are you saying those names?”

Addison sat up and for a moment, she appeared
legitimately concerned, “Come back to bed Edmund, I wasn’t finished with you yet.”

Why are you saying their names?!” Edmund cried, frantically collecting his clothes and beginning to dress. He wondered for a moment if he was hallucinating--- if his subconscious guilt and panic were now seeping out into reality. A cynical smile curled on Addison’s gentle face.

“I read the papers darling,”
Addison said. As Edmund looked down to buckle his shoes, Addison slipped a knife out from under a pillow. She stood up and came towards him, concealing the weapon behind her back. “You were with them right? Between their legs---
fucking them
--- the night that they died?”

“How did you know about them?
You saw? Stay away from me Addison--.” And just as Edmund turned towards the door, she jammed the blade into his back. Stride gasped for air. Addison tilted the knife at an upward angle so it would puncture his most vital organs, and Stride collapsed to the floor, crying out and writhing in pain.

“It was you…
you betrayed me,” he cried as he began to bleed out. Edmund could see the part of the blade sticking out of his back. Addison took up her clothes and began to dress without hurry.

“Oh darling, how soon you forget that you were the one who
first betrayed me,” she said unapologetically, as she slipped her evening gown over her head and attended to the many buttons. “I loved you Edmund. I loved you with all of my heart. I would’ve given myself to you had you just been patient. But my love was never going to be enough for you.”

Edmund whimpered, as Addison reached down and pulled the blade from his back. He cried out as the knife exited his body along a different path, and a trail of bright red blood began to pour from
his wounds.

Addison took up the knife and made a slit up
the side of her skirt. Her voice morphed into that of a sadistic sociopath, “You humiliated me Edmund, you marred my good name--- and you made sure everyone knew about it. You should have seen the looks I would get as I went about town. The whispers in the streets.
Poor Addison Wilkes, if only she knew about the filth her fiancé was fucking behind her back.
It was bad enough that my ignorant family traded my life to nestle snuggly in your family’s extravagant bosom.”

Edmund’s body began to stiffen as he
lost blood, and his eyes flickered as he began to fade in and out of consciousness. Addison sent her heel down on Stride’s limp hand, and he groaned as he felt his life slipping away.

“So I followed you. I watched as you fucked them high out of your mind in those dirty alleyways--- as you raped them. And I pitied
their wretched souls. But they had to pay for what they had done just as much as you. You should’ve seen the look of regret on their faces as I slit their precious throats.”

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