Cross of Fire (90 page)

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Authors: Colin Forbes

Tags: #Action & Adventure, #Terrorists, #Political, #General, #Intelligence Service, #Science Fiction, #Large Type Books, #Fiction

BOOK: Cross of Fire
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'And your interview with the new PM before you opened the meeting here?' Monica enquired.

'He apologized handsomely and without reservation to
me. You remember Howard was told the PM was experimenting with a twin-track policy? Testing us, so to speak? He left it to the MOD to choose someone from Military
Intelligence. They chose Victor Rosewater! The PM won't do
anything like that again. Now, I must go and freshen up.'

'Isabelle.' said Monica. 'That's dangerous. She may have the training - Lasalle is a pro. But Isabelle and Paula working together? Trouble.'

'They got on well enough in Arcachon. I saw it myself.'

'Men!' Monica cast her eyes heavenwards. 'That was for a brief time in a dangerous situation. You've a lot to learn, about women.'

'You're imagining it...'

'Am I? Didn't you see how Paula walked straight past Newman without so much as a goodnight? All right, bring in Isabelle. And watch the fur fly.'

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