Read Crown's Chance at Love Online

Authors: Mayra Statham,Nicole Louise

Crown's Chance at Love (17 page)

BOOK: Crown's Chance at Love
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“Do you want me to stop?” I ask closing my eyes. When I open them, looking down at her, I almost growl at the sight lying in front of me. Dark silky hair fans out, her beautiful face slightly flushed, pink tightly beaded nipples, creamy silky fucking soft as hell skin that glows in her office, and a tiny pink triangle, a mere scrap of pretty fabric covering Heaven. My heart is pounding at my fucking ears, mouth is fucking watering and I am completely torn as to what I want her to answer.



I’m lying on my back, topless, my pants at my knees on my desk in my office. I wanted him so much I was sure he could see how wet he made me. I don’t know why I had started to try to stop him by telling him it’d been a while since I had this much action. I think part of it was that I didn’t want him to think that I was this easy. I had no idea where all my bold courage that I had just retained when I had taken control over him had disappeared to, but I couldn’t seem to find it. To be bold and tell him what I thought I needed to say.

“Do you want me to stop?” he asks his hands frozen at the back of my knees then he starts to doodle small circles, and I close my eyes trying to catch my breath. Did I?
My bad girl screams at me, and the practical do-gooder part of me is silently sitting next to the bad girl looking down in shame shaking her head no.

“Please don’t stop,” I finally say and I can almost feel his body stiffen. Had he not wanted to do this?

“I mean if you want to stop it’s okay… ummm” I stutter out giving him an out.

He moves the front of himself to my right knee. I can feel how incredibly hard he is again. I look at him. He had recuperated really fast. Holy crap. Feeling him hard once again, i felt my panties become even wetter and I licked my lips.

“Does this feel like I want to stop?” His voice so deep and hot that it makes my body temperature rise even warmer. I swallow hard, thinking about what he was about to do, my breathing slightly hitched. How had he recovered so fast? He is hard again. He is almost forty! My bad girl is jumping up and down with glee at his quick recovery.

He pulls my pants completely off and kneels again in front of me.

“You smell so fucking good baby,” he says. His hand is at my mound, I bite my lip, “I want to taste you. I want to make you come undone. Are you wet for me?” His deep voice strains, almost as if he was holding on to his control by a thread. I opened my mouth as the tips of his fingers grazed the waistband of my panties and I couldn’t help the moan that escaped from my lips. He wasn’t even touching me and he makes me freaking moan. God I feel like such a slut, as my bad girl’s clapping.

I can feel him nudge my legs open and his fingers pulling my panties to the side. One finger slightly grazing my slick folds. I can hardly stand the anticipation, my hips trying to go towards his face. He laughs softly.

“You are so ready for me aren’t you?” His voice drives me insane. He is confident, almost arrogant. But in a way that made me melt even more. His confidence in himself to give me pleasure is a complete freaking turn on. I’m not sure if it was something that came with his age or the fact that he had been told he was
good in the, but I knew he was. I knew he knew it. It was obvious that I wanted him. I know he can see it in front of him. There was no doubt he knew how badly I want him. I want to tell him what I want but I was wound up so tight I could hardly think.

“Please…Mike…” I whimper, knowing that I am begging for relief and I can’t find it in me to care. I want to feel him touch me.

Then thats when I felt it. His tongue at my slit and I moaned, not caring just giving in. His fingers opening me up gently, colors bursting as I closed my eyes. My breathing heavy. My hands going to my breasts, pinching my overly sensitive nipples. His mouth driving me insane as he licked me, slowly and then quickly, then back to slow. His mouth bringing me higher and higher to the edge. Slowly slipping one of his thick long fingers into my wetness and I couldn’t help grinding my hips back and forth. Completely enjoying how full I feel with his finger alone. It had been too long. His talented mouth and fingers made me drip and tighten around him. I was so close and he knew it.  He played my body like an instrument he had mastered on his first try like a freaking savant. He would build me up to the edge and then slow down. He had the patience of a saint as he made my toes curl. It was as if he was in no hurry as he licked and fingered me. My nipples ached at how hard they were, how wound up he made me. I could feel my wetness at my thighs. He ate me like he couldn’t get enough, as if he was starving.

His Then it happened. Finally his talented mouth took me to high. Higher and higher, my body tensing I could feel it about to happen as he took me all the way to the edge. But this time he didn’t stop, he kept going. I didn’t hold back. I couldn’t. I screamed his name begging him to keep going and then I knew I was there.

“Mike… I’m oh god… Mike I’m going to…” I tried to let him know, but it was too late.

Everything exploded.

I saw stars as waves of pleasure hit me and kept crashing. My clit throbbing, my body jerking back and forth. His name on my lips as he gave me one of the longest, most beautiful orgasms of my life. His mouth slowed down. Licking me softly, avoiding my sensitive clit. His finger in me, slowly going in and out of me. My body was on edge and all my nerves felt like they were standing at attention,. Then he slipped another finger in me, crooked them in me hitting a spot I didn’t even know existed just as his mouth took in my clit. Without warning I went over again as a second orgasm hit my body. My skin was hot and warm with a light sheen of sweat draped over me. My bones felt like jello. My thighs trembled slightly, I could feel him kiss the inside of my thighs. I tried to sit up and look at him, but my eyes felt heavy. I tried to catch my breath as I looked at him. His lips slightly shiny from my wetness, his eyes almost silver again. His expression completely hard to read.

“Wow,” I said as I sit up, but his hand went to my hip, silently nudging me back. I lean back on my elbows to watch him.

Silently his mouth went to my knees kissing each of them with such tenderness, his hands light on my bare calves, it did something to me. Before I could process what he was doing and what it might mean, his mouth moved to the center of my bare upper thighs as his lips lightly grazed my skin, leaving a trail of small, sweet ,barely-there kisses. Without a rush in the world his lips moved to my hips, kissing each one. The sweet gesture caught me completely by surprise. So much so I didn’t even feel embarrassed about how hot and heavy and out of control everything had quickly got between us. I didn’t have time to think about that because something inside of my chest warmed up. Emotions and words got caught at my throat, and I didn’t even have the time to think about that because his lips went to mine.

I could taste myself on him and it was a turn on. He kissed me slowly and softly. So softly it took my breath away as my heart felt warm and achey. He pulled away before things started to get too hot and heavy again. Leaning in as he rested his forehead on mine.

I couldn’t tell you how long we stayed that way. Time felt as if it stood still in the silence of my office. It felt more intimate than what we had just done to one another, being that close in silence with one another. It was a moment that I knew I wouldn’t forget. That I would look back on later and feel nothing but calm and contentment, almost serene. A serenity and safety I hadn’t felt in so long.

“You surprise the hell out of me Sabrina,” he said breaking the silence. His voice is serious, almost a bit somber, and something in me made myself break away from him. Looking at him, I couldn’t get a read on what he meant.

“Why?” I ask as the room started to feel cold as my overheated skin started to cool and the sheen of sweat started to dry.

“Because the things I want with you… the things I could see with you…I’m not worthy,”  he said, catching me completely off guard. His voice was a little raspy with emotion. He moved his face to the crook of my neck making it impossible for me to look at him.

“Let me be the judge of that,” I whisper into his ear. After a long moment I felt him nod against my neck and I released a breath I didn’t even know I was holding. Standing in front of me, our chests pressed up close, I could feel his heart beating wildly, and I swallowed hard trying to keep my own emotions at bay.

“Was that okay?” he asked finally and I couldn’t help but smile at him.

“Better than okay.” Repeating his own words back to him, I couldn’t stop smiling.

After cleaning up, and dressing one another, we left my office holding hands. He drove me to a little Italian restaurant he knew of that was nearby. I had never been there and I fell in love with the place.

It was a cozy little place, with little square tables with the red and white checkered tablecloths. There were old chianti bottles with candles in them at the center. Soft music was playing as we shared a fantastic meal together. Buttery loaves of bread and the best Italian food I had had in a long time. We sat there laughing and joking with one another as if we had known one another for a lifetime.

As I heard him tell me a little about the new business deal that he was working on, my mind drifted to how great I felt with him. It had been a long time since I had felt this carefree, unrushed. Something about being around him brought out a calmness in me that somehow made it easier for me to breathe. Remembering how we had met, completely by chance only to discover that we might have met in the future if I was by chance hired on for one of the charity events his company hosted. The easy way it was to be around him at the lunches we’d shared during the week. There was something about being around him, that brought out and easiness in me, making me feel carefree.  Making me feel like I didn’t have a boulder weighing down on my chest filled with worries and stress.

Emmi had been right when she had said it was like a switch had been turned back on. Yet there was a little nagging voice in the back of my head that reminded my of little things about Mike I don’t know or understand. But I somehow don’t mind these things. We had only known one another for a week. We were getting to know one another. Whatever reason he had said he wasn’t worthy of me, I’d figure it out when the right time came.

Looking at my phone, I was shocked to see it was eleven thirty.

“It’s late,” I  said as I watch him as he glances at the ridiculously expensive looking watch on his wrist. I took in the way he carefree expression he had had on his face changed into something more serious.

“It is.” His voice sounded a little sad.

“We should probably get going, I’m sure the employees want to get going home,” I tell him as I look around, noticing we were the only patrons left in the cozy restaurant.

“Come on.” He stood grabbing my hand.

While he took care of the bill, it hit me; this had been our first
official date
. We walked out towards the car. He held my hand, his fingers between mine as we reached his black Range Rover. The night was warm and the sky was uncharacteristically clear for Southern California. The stars are shining bright above us with a crescent moon streams a pretty glow over everything around us. making it all look like something from a movie scene. As I took it all in, realized there was something about everything, especially right now, that I wouldn’t be able to forget.

He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me so close, almost as if he didn’t want me out of his sight.

“Is it bad that I don’t want to go home?” he asks, whispering it into my ear. The deep rumble of his voice making me shiver.

Smiling against his chest and I shake my head. “I don’t want to either,” I admit sighing against his hard warm chest. There was something about his freaking chest that made it hard to think.

Feeling his fingers running through my hair I wonder what it would like to fall asleep in his arms, then almost groaned as everything hit me at once.
I had blown him, he had ate me out. In my office!  All of that before a first date! What he must think about me? I was such a slut!

“Hey what’s wrong?” he asked his lips slightly tickling my earlobe.

“I don’t do things like ummm well…” I start to mumble but stop, feeling my cheeks heat up.

“What baby? Whatever it is tell me,” he says taking a step back to give me space. His finger pulling my chin up, so that our eyes meet as he looks at me, his eyes slightly concerned.

“I don’t go this fast, like everything at the office that umm we did… I don’t regret it, but I want you to know I’m not like that, like at all. It’s been almost four years and umm..” I nervously start to ramble but he luckily interrupts me.

“You were horny?” he asks, his eyes sparkling with amusement at my nervousness.

“You bring something out of me, thats been silent for so long. I lose my mind around you. It’s like I walk into this fog and I can’t seem to control myself around you,” I blurt out, and he looks pleasantly surprised, almost a little smug. But he stayed quiet and then he finally spoke.

“I’m glad, because you do the same thing to me. I have never wanted a woman the way I want you Sabrina. Not even close,” he told me. The way he said it, full of pure confidence not even a hint of doubt. His eyes never leaving mine I knew he was being sincere and honest. Without any chance to even stop it I fell a little more for him at that very moment. I wasn’t sure what it meant, I wasn’t going to overanalyze it, but I knew I was starting to feel things for him that I hadn’t in so long. It almost felt as if my heart was thawing out from the massive iceberg of numbness it’d been encased in for so long.

BOOK: Crown's Chance at Love
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