Crown's Chance at Love (18 page)

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Authors: Mayra Statham,Nicole Louise

BOOK: Crown's Chance at Love
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“It’s not even just about sex. It’s this need to be around you, to hold you close to me, to see you smile,” he continued, leaving me completely speechless. There were moments when he was very slow to share how he felt and at others, he completely surprised me at how sweet and romantic he could be. I knew it wasn’t just sweet words he was saying to get me into bed. Something about the way he looked at me, the soft gentle way he touched me, like I was made of glass. All of it telling me he cared about me more than just a fling.

“Come home with me Sabrina.” His voice is soft, his hand caressing my face, “We can get up early go to your place in the morning so you can get ready for work, and I will bring you to work. I want to sleep with you in my arms tonight.”




There was something about her, being around her that made him spill his emotions without a second thought.

“Is that all we are going to do Mike? Sleep?” she asks, mischief shining bright in her brown eyes, a small innocent smile is on her face. I swallow hard. Back at her office, I had been so ready to do more than just have taste her, but that was that one line I couldn’t cross. Not yet. Not until she knew who I really was.

“Yeah, thats all,” I say seriously, even though I am pretty sure she can see my eyes smiling.

“Oh okay… I guess so,” she says dramatically and then winks and smiles and my heart feels light and full at the same time.


We get to my condo about twenty minutes later.  When we get inside, I remember how bare my place felt after having been at her house on Sunday, and  wonder if she would feel the same way. Nerves start to hit, but quickly leave as she smiles at me, her eyes wide as she takes in the view from the floor-to-ceiling glass wall.

“You have a great place Mike,” she says sincerely with a smile that reaches her eyes.

“Thanks. Would you like something to drink?” I ask her walking as I lead her into my kitchen.

“Water is good,” she says. I grab two bottles for us, handing one over to her.

“Any chance I can borrow a T-shirt to sleep in?” she asks smirking at me as she leans her petite body against my counters.

“Yeah. Come on.”

I was nervous.

How long had it been since I had even felt nervous about anything? As Sabrina changed in the bathroom, I quickly changed into grey PJ pants that hung low on my waist. Nervous energy running through me, I paced back and forth like an idiot. I realized I had messed up by asking her to sleepover. We had almost self combusted in her office! Now she was going to be in MY bed.

How the hell was I going to keep my fucking hands off of her all night?
All the possibilities of what I could do to her in my room, my bed, shit, even against one of the walls, were coming in and out of my mind a hundred miles a minute.

My fucking body wasn’t helping. The way my body reacted to her surprised me. Not that I had ever had a problem performing, but I always had self control. Lots of it. But being around Sabrina made me feel like I was an eighteen year old kid. Even though I had to admit to myself, I had been impressed with how quickly my body had recuperated in her office, especially with how hard she had made me come.

Hearing shuffling from my bathroom, I go lay in bed.
Be cool.
Behave. Keep my hands to myself. Self-control
. I keep repeating to myself. Hoping to God that she will too, because if she starts something, I’m not sure I am strong enough to tell her no.



Staring at myself in the mirror, I could hardly recognize the reflection that stared back at me. I looked the same. My dark hair, slightly wavy falling down slightly past my shoulders, my eyes staring back at me, were the same boring brown they always had been. My face without make-up. I knew I looked the same but something about the gaze that stared back at me felt different. Taking in how I looked in the shirt, Mike had let me borrow. It was oversized, hitting a little above my knees, worn and comfy, it was clean but still smelled a little of his cologne or aftershave. I smiled as I stared at my reflection.

I was a little tired, my lady bits were a little achy reminding me of what we had done in my office… on my desk. Shaking my head I couldn’t seem to stop smiling. He brought out something in me that made me smile like an idiot. A lot.

Looking at myself once more in the mirror I take in the shirt he let me borrow. It was worn and soft, making me feel feminine and comfortable all at the same time. We had messed around earlier and as much as I wanted a repeat or maybe taking things to the next level I knew it wasn’t the best idea. I had to be a good girl and behave. Even as my bad girl was cheering for me to be a total slut I had to behave.

Opening the bathroom door, leaving my office clothes neatly folded on the corner of his bathroom. I saw him lying in bed. Shirtless. I stood there probably looking like a drooling idiot but I couldn’t look away. He looked too damn good. A lush bright white comforter was covering him from the waist down letting me see a peak at the sexy V of his lower waist. My mouth running dry I really hoped he was wearing something under there. Almost as if he could read my what I was thinking he smiled brightly, making him look boyish and wolfish at the same time.

“I’m dressed, come over here,” he chuckled, tossing the white comforter to the side and patting the side of the bed next to him.

My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. I can do this. I can sleep next to Mike and keep my hands from wandering. Right? The more I thought about it, the more emotions hit. Two of them being nerves and guilt. Nerves and guilt about sleeping next to another man that wasn’t Sean. That was mixed with more guilt about having been a little bit of a slut with him earlier. Sprinkled with nerves of what it meant that I really wanted to be in his arms.

Almost as if he could sense the tension radiating from my body as I sat on the empty side of his bed, Mike pulled me in close. My head resting on his bare chest, I could hear his heart beating furiously. He was nervous. Somehow the idea of a man like Mike being nervous about having me in his bed, made me feel better.

“Is this okay?” he asked and I nodded taking a deep breath. His scent calmed me. His hands caressing my hair, the guilt was simply washed away.

“If you keep doing that I am going to fall asleep,” I whispered.

“Isn’t that what we are supposed to be doing? Sleeping?” he asked his voice hoarse, and I couldn’t resist touching him anymore as I wrapped my arm around his waist and he held my hand.

“Yeah, you are right.”

We lied in bed for what felt a long time in silence. As much as I tried to shut my brain off I couldn’t. I liked lying next to him. Part of my body wanted to be doing so much more than trying to sleep.

“Can’t sleep?” he asked. The room was dark and a little chilly. I just shook my head.

He shifted in bed, so that we were both now facing one another on our sides. His hand came up to stroke my jawline and in the dark I could see he was smiling slightly.

“I like you being here,” he whispered and I couldn’t help the smile that came across my face.

“Me too,” I admit.

“Why can’t you sleep? You must be tired sweetheart.” His eyes showed his concern and I smiled at him to try to ease his concern.

I didn’t know how to say why I couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t only the fact that I was wondering what else he could do to my body or what we would feel together, but also because I wasn’t used to sleeping next to anyone anymore. Somehow this seemed a lot more intimate to me than what we  had done in my office.

“I don’t know, too much running through my mind I guess.” His hand went to the back of my head, his fingers began running in and out of my hair in a steady rhythm.

“About me?” he asked, still whispering.

“Yeah,” I whispered back and I caught him smile.

“Is that good or bad?”

“Is it okay if I say a little of both?” I admit and he nods. His pale blue eyes a little surprised, almost as if I had somehow caught him off guard with how honest I answered.

“I’m sorry I am keeping you up. I can call a cab…” I start to ramble nervously and he just shakes his head.

“My mind is racing too…” he admitted and I raised an eyebrow at him.


His eyes got serious and his jaw slightly twitched, almost as if he was trying to decipher how much to say.

“I don’t think I ever expected someone like you to walk into my life,” he said and I couldn’t help myself as I tried to lighten the mood

“I didn’t,” I say and he raises his eyebrow, “I bumped into your life” I say back smiling trying to lighten the mood and he chuckles.

“Yeah you did, didn’t you,” he says his gaze on me, but he almost seems lost in his own thoughts.

“Your hair is so incredibly soft,” he whispered, his voice slightly hoarse, almost to himself.

“Thank you. I like the way you smell,” I told him and we both laughed.

Once our laughter died down, without thinking I  move my hand to his chest. Lightly making lazy circles and doodles with my fingertips, completely enjoying how warm his skin was, how hard and strong he felt beneath my fingertips. He stirred something in me that made me feel completely alive. Something that I hadn’t felt in a long time.

“Tell me something random about yourself. Something not a lot of people know,” he whispered. Even though we were the only ones in his condo, there was something sweet and intimate about whispering into the dark like little kids fighting their bedtime.

“In college, I would dye my hair like every week,” I whispered trying to hold back my own laughter.

“What?” he chuckled.

“Yeah, I was the girl who had blue hair, you know before it was cool.” I tell him.

“Really?” his laugh filled the room.

“Yup. Your turn.”

“In college, I was a late night college radio DJ.” We laughed and his fingertips stayed in my hair, as soothing strokes start to make my eyes a little heavy, yet I couldn’t seem to shut off my mind enough to find sleep.

“What was Sean like?” he asked and I looked at him and gave him a half smile.

“He was a great dad. The kids were always so excited to see him at the end of a work day. He was always a great guy, but after we had Mark something in him grew. It was like he was made to be a dad. He had this endless patience with them, never losing his cool, even when he was tired or they were just wearing on his nerves. He would let them help make breakfast every Sunday morning, which usually just ended up as a mess in the kitchen. But the kids just loved spending time with him…” I whispered.

“What about with you?” he asked still whispering and I could tell he was a little nervous about asking.

“He was my best friend. Don’t get me wrong, it was in no way perfect. We definitely had our ups and downs, and we fought, but somehow we always worked through it…” My voice began catching in my throat. Talking about Sean was never easy for me, especially with people who didn’t know him.

He nodded and we just stared at one another. I knew I shouldn’t but I couldn’t resist. I leaned in and kissed him. I had meant to only give him a small kiss, but somehow it got hot fast. His mouth tasted a little like mint from when he had brushed his teeth and of just him. My tongue licked his lower lip and I couldn’t help but take a small nip at it. In which he groaned. His lips crashing into mine, made me smile at the fact that he liked when I bit him. He shifted us to where I was on my back and he was half on me.  He pulled away and I immediately missed his mouth. He opened his eyes, looking at me as if searching for something in me.

“What was that for?” he asked catching his breath a little. My nipples beaded hard under his cotton shirt and goosebumps covering my quickly heating skin at the sound of his voice, hoarse and hungry for more.

“Thank you.” I whispered, as I tried to catch my breath, underneath him, a need pooling at my core, for something more.

“”For?” he asked slightly frowning.

“For asking about him. For not making it be some weird off limits subject. I’m not saying I want to talk about him all the time, but… just thank you… I don’t know if I am making sense…” I start to ramble as my nerves start to take over. God I am an idiot. Almost as if he could read my thoughts, one of his hands came to my jawline. Softly caressing the sensitive skin there.

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