Crypt 33 (37 page)

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Authors: Adela Gregory

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• Marilyn Monroe was assassinated in Brentwood, California, August 4, 1962.
• John F Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, November 22, 1963.
• Robert F Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles June 5, 1968.
• Joseph P. Kennedy died November 18, 1969, from self-starvation six months after Mary Jo Kopechne drowned at Chappaquiddick.
• Phil Alderisio was murdered in prison in 1971.
• Sam “Momo” Giancana was murdered in Chicago, June 1975.
• Johnny Roselli was murdered in 1975.
• Jimmy Hoffa disappeared in 1975. His body was never found.
• Anthony Spilotro was murdered with his brother, Michael, in June 1986.
he last week in Marilyn Monroe's life was fraught with the grim realization that many of her previous decisions hadn't been good for her. Her priorities were changing. She valued more than ever the very special place in her heart and life for those few who had remained loyal, loving, and understanding, the ones who had loved her unconditionally. She was ready to understand the profound long-term love she had for Joe DiMaggio. And he was ready to understand the enduring love he had for her, despite the countless times his pride got in the way of his forgiveness. Ultimately, Marilyn Monroe had reached a place in her life where being true to herself and her feelings was more important than her career.
But the tide of her life's decisions was impossible to turn. Destiny was in charge. Resolutions had been exhausted. Time had run out.
Authors' Note
he massive private investigation into Marilyn's death required us to penetrate an incredible maze of a cover-up that left few clues. Weeks turned into months, months to years. After two decades of intensified probing, Miss Monroe's mysterious death was solved.
In 1962, Los Angeles Counties Suicide Squad conducted a cursory scrutiny of Marilyn's final days. They concluded she took her own life. While our initial objective was to investigate the cause and origin of the actress's demise, we were compelled to dig deep into her past. Your authors uncovered intimate secrets, skeletons in her closet, and previously undisclosed facts about the real Norma Jeane, alias Marilyn Monroe.
Crypt 33: The Saga of Marilyn Monroe
goes beyond anything any Monroe biographer has ever written. For this reason, the subtitle
The Final Word,
has been included. We trust you will agree.
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