Cultures of Fetishism (42 page)

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Authors: Louise J. Kaplan

Tags: #Psychology, #Movements, #Psychoanalysis, #Social Psychology, #Social Science, #General, #Popular Culture, #Sociology, #Women's Studies

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26. Ping, 36–41.

27. Levy, 207. 28. Levy, 276–77. 29. Levy, 209–10.

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Photographs, Isaak, 364, 365.



Dijkstra, 101.


Legrand du Saulle, 495.


Legrand du Saulle, 495.


Legrand du Saulle, 495–96.


Legrand du Saulle, 496.


Richert, 346.


Evans, 31–40.


Kaplan, 459.


Dervin, 7.


Kaplan, 460.


Dervin, 7.


Dervin, 7.


Kaplan, 461.


Rollyson, 59.


Summers, 190.


Spoto, 443.


Summers, 192.


Kaplan, 466.


Miller, 29.


Miller, 110.


Miller, 111.


Spoto, 435.


Spoto, 446.


Summers, 175. Spoto, 471.


Oppenheimer, 55.


Kaplan, 471–72.


Kaplan, 473.


Kaplan, 474.


Ostow, 301–33.


Ostow, 308.


Ostow, 321.


Ostow, 321.


Simon, ix.

  1. Simon, viii.

  2. Simon, ix.

  3. Simon, xi.

  4. Denby, 131.

  5. Holden.

  6. Holden.

5 W
riting on the


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  1. van Gennep, 72.

  2. Lincoln, 1.

  3. Lincoln, 98.

  4. Turner, 53.

  5. Erikson, 130.

6. Erikson, 130–32.

  1. Erikson, 129.

  2. Erikson, 129.

  3. Erikson, 129.

  4. Erikson, 129.

  1. Notes
  2. Composite, Anzieu (1989), 14 and
    Columbia Encyclopedia
    , “Epidermis.”

  3. Kaplan, Clinical experience.

  4. Kaplan, Clinical experience. 14. Anzieu (1990), 63–64.

  1. Composite, Grosz,
    and Kaplan, Clinical experience.

  2. Grosz and Kaplan, Clinical experience.

  3. Grosz.

  4. Lingus, 140.

19. Kaplan (1991), 368.

  1. This book: chapter one.

  2. This book: chapter three.

22. Kaplan (1984), 106–07; Kaplan (1991), 373–74.

23. Kaplan (1991),
. 24. Doctors (1979), 184. 25. Doctors (1979), 185.

26. Novotny, . . . 505.

  1. Grunebaum and Klerman, 529.

  2. Clinical experience of author.

  3. Rosenthal et al., 1367.

  4. Clinical experience of author.

  5. Kafka, 210.

  6. Kafka, 209.

  7. Identification with mother: Asch, 614–17.

  8. Author interpretation.

    35. Asch, 613.

    36. Asch, 613.

    1. Wakefield et al.,

    2. Wakefield et al.,

    3. Wakefield et al., 547.

    4. Wakefield, et al., 547–48.

    5. Wakefield et al., 541.

    42. Green, 82–3.

    1. Green, 87.

    2. Composite, Green 24–37 and author observations. 45. Green, 24–37.

    1. Green, 24.

    2. Kitamura and Kitamura, 4.

    3. Kitamura and Kitamura, 7.

    4. Kitamura and Kitamura, 9.

    5. Kitamura and Kitamura, 19–20.

    6. Kitamura and Kitamura, 20.

    7. Kitamura and Kitamura, 30.

    8. Kitamura and Kitamura, 147, 151.

    9. Kitamura and Kitamura, 23.

    10. Kitamura and Kitamura, 129.

    11. Kitamura and Kitamura, 128.

    12. Grosz, 138. 58. Grosz, 139–43.

    1. Grosz, 142.

    2. Grosz, 142.

    3. Grosz, 142.

    4. Grosz, 142.

    5. Bram.

    6. Kitamura and Kitamura, 115.


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    16. Strachey, 10.

    17. Edel (1984), 33.

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    30. Strachey, 9.

    31. Edel (1984), 98.

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