Cultures of Fetishism (43 page)

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Authors: Louise J. Kaplan

Tags: #Psychology, #Movements, #Psychoanalysis, #Social Psychology, #Social Science, #General, #Popular Culture, #Sociology, #Women's Studies

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  1. Notes

    32. Edel (1984), 98.

    33. Edel (1984), 101.

    34. Edel (1984), 101.

  2. Eder.

36. Marx, 300.

  1. Smith.

  2. Smith.

  3. Smith.

  4. Smith.

  5. Smith.

  6. Eder.

  7. Eder.

  8. Eder.

  9. Eder.

  10. Eder.

  11. Eder.

  12. Eder.

  13. Eder.

  14. Eder.

  15. Eder.

  16. Eder.

  17. Deresciewicz, 42.

  18. Deresciewicz, 42.

  19. Deresciewicz, 42.

  20. Fish.

  21. Fish.

  22. Willis.

  23. Updike, 3.

  24. Updike, 3.

  25. Updike, 3.

  26. Updike, 4.

  27. Updike, 4.

  28. Updike, 4.

  29. Updike, 5.

  30. Updike, 5.

67. Karl, 115.

68. Karl, 122.

69. Karl, 115. 70. Karl, 117–18. 71. Karl, 119–21.

72. Karl, 135. 73. Karl, 135–36.

74. Karl, 136.

  1. Derrida, 11.

  2. Wineapple, 446.

  3. Wineapple, 440.

  4. Wineapple, 438.

  5. Wineapple, 441.

  6. Wineapple, 444. 81. Edel (1962), 458.

    82. Edel (1962), 458.

    83. Edel (1962), 459.

    84. Edel (1962), 459.

    85. Edel (1962), 465.

    86. Edel (1962), 465.

    87. Edel (1962), 465.


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    1. Waelder, x.

    2. Kirsner, 2.

    3. Derrida, 1.

    4. Derrida, 2.

    5. Kernberg, 1039. 6. Edel (1984), 33.

  1. Kernberg, 1032.

  2. Kernberg, 1036.

  3. Kernberg, 1036.

  4. Kernberg, 1037.

  5. Kernberg, 1038.

  6. Kirsner, 24.

  1. Notes
  2. Kirsner, 31 (quoting Zvi Lothane).

  3. Freud, 239.

  4. Wyman and Rittenberg, 201. 16. Grossman (1992), 268.

17. Grossman (1995), 895.

  1. Kirsner, 31 (quoting Jacob Arlow).

  2. Bergman, 106 (quoting Andre Green).

  3. Bergman, 248–49 (quoting Andre Green).

  4. Schulman, paraphrasing Bergman, 60.

  5. Bergmann, 5.

  6. Bergmann, 161 (quoting Anton Kris).

  7. Bergmann, 228–29 (quoting Otto Kernberg).

  8. Bergmann, 232 (quoting Mortimer Ostow).

  9. Bergmann, 233 (quoting Mortimer Ostow).

  10. Arlow and Brenner, foreword, viii.

  11. Author’s paraphrasing of Brenner (1982), 252. 29. Brenner, 1976, 190–92

30. Bion (1967), 222.

31. Brenner (1982), 251–52.

  1. Keats, December 21, 1818.

  2. Keats, December 21, 1818. 34. Bion (1997), 511.

35. Bion (1997), 511.

36. Bion (1997), 512–13.

37. Bion (1977), 513.

  1. Lear reported by Allegra, 5.

  2. Lear, 5.

  3. Dimen, 39.

  4. Dimen, 40.

  5. Dimen, 32.

  6. Zweibel, 217.

  7. Zweibel, 217, quoting Morgenthaler.

  8. Zweibel, 217.

  9. Wachtel, 110.

  10. Wachtel, 110.

  11. Wachtel, 112.

  12. Wachtel, 113.

50. Edel, 465.

  1. Wachtel, 113.

  2. Wachtel, 118.

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1. Fernbach, 300.

2. Marx (1867) [1976], 163.

  1. Fenichel, 91.

  1. Notes
  2. Vilfredo Pareto as cited by Ollman (1971), 3. Pareto was referring to the ambi- guities in Marx’s writings. I am saying that the ambiguities in Marx’s language reflect the ambiguities of the world he was trying to understand.

5. Marx (1867) [1976], 342.

  1. Described in Pietz, 135–36.

  2. McLellan, 110—11.

  3. Kamenka, 133.

9. Marx (1867) [1976], 163.

10. Wilson, 140–41.

  1. Wheen, 83.

  2. Wheen, 83.

  3. Wheen, 85.

  4. Wheen, 87.

  5. Wheen, 85.

  6. Wilson, 131.

  7. Wilson, 134.

  8. Wilson, 147. 19. Wilson, 156–57. 20. Wilson, 158–59.

  1. Kamenka, 287 footnote; Fernbach, 146 footnote.

  2. Kamenka, 287 footnote; Fernbach, 146 footnote. 23. Freud (1920).

  1. Marx translated by Wilson, 310.

  2. Marx in Kamenka, 287.

  3. Kamenka, 372.

  4. Kamenka, 69.

  5. Ollman, 11.

  6. Wilson, 284.

30. Marx (1867) [1976], 163.

  1. Wilson, 286; Wheen, 309.

  2. Keenan, 183; Mandell, 163. 33. Marx (1867) [1976], 163

  1. Wilson, 206.

  2. Wheen, 184.

  3. Wheen, 185.

  4. Wilson, 207.

  5. Wilson, 206.

  6. Wilson, 206.

  7. Wheen, 185.

  8. Marx, in Kamenka, 132.

  9. Marx, in Kamenka, 132.

  10. Marx, in Kamenka, 132.

  11. Marx, in Kamenka, 133. 45. Marx (1867) [1976], 353. 46. Marx (1867) [1976], 355. 47. Marx (1867) [1976], 356.

48. Marx (1867) [1976], 366–67.

49. Marx (1867) [1976], 367.

50. Marx (1867) [1976], 367.

51. Marx (1867) [1976], 535.

52. Marx (1867) [1976], 535.

53. Marx (1867) [1976], 611.

54. Bai, 40.

55. Bai, 40.

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