Cum For Bigfoot 11, Lena's Story (3 page)

Read Cum For Bigfoot 11, Lena's Story Online

Authors: Virginia Wade

Tags: #paranormal romance, #fantasy, #kidnapping, #orgy, #group sex, #erotic romance, #erotic horror, #bigfoot, #sasquatch, #teen horror, #monster sex

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“Oh…my-fucking-God!” I involuntarily thrust
my ass up, taking him in deeper. “Ooohhh…shit…”

“You like Pooky. You like me,” he grated,
sounding winded. His thrusts were harsher now, but there wasn’t any
pain. He slid effortlessly, our combined fluids allowing for ample
lubrication. “You my girl. My girl!” He buried himself as far as he
could, releasing a mighty river of semen that gushed between my
thighs. “Whhooaarrr…”

He drove in and out, enjoying every second of
pleasure my pussy afforded, before pulling free and collapsing next
to me. Exhausted, and slightly chilled, I rolled into him, his arm
going around me. I drifted into unconsciousness, not caring that I
had to pee or that I was drenched in sticky jizz. A while later,
the smell of fish grilling woke me. The cavern was warm from a
roaring fire.

I sat up, tossing tangled hair over my
shoulder. “I gotta pee.”

He grunted. “We wash. But eat first. Here.”
He held out his hand, which was filled with fish. “Eat.”


“You drink this.” He gave me a tin cup. “Warm

“T-thanks.” I wasn’t surprised by his
consideration. What astounded me was my own reaction. Why did he
suddenly look a lot…cuter? How was that possible? There was
something appealing about the way his messy fur fell around his
face, and the little gleam in his eye, whenever he cast a sideways
glance at me, which was often.

He watched me, waiting for me to eat.

I nibbled on the fish. It was delicious.
“Yeah. It’s good.”

He flashed ferocious looking teeth, in what I
assumed was a Sasquatch smile. Little snorts escaped him, as he
worked around the fire, adding sticks and better positioning the
burning ones. He sounded like a child making happy noises while
playing. We watched each other openly, his eyes skimming over my
boobs, which were partially hidden behind long strands of hair. His
hulking mass moved with a natural grace, his fingers were
surprisingly dexterous, capable and quick. In those brief,
inquisitive flashes, it occurred to me that he was a lot smarter
than he let on. His speech was rough, and his vocabulary seemed
limited, but he was far from stupid. He knew exactly what he was
doing, the hairy little shit.

“You drink your water. We swim soon.” He
seemed to remember something, his eyes widening as he stared at me.
“What’s your name?”


“Lena.” He grinned. “Lena. Me like that

It sounded bizarre coming from his lips.

“You good?”


“Take the fur with you. We go get clean now.”
He stood, his head nearly meeting up with the ceiling of the cave.
“I carry you.”

“Um…I guess.” Escape wasn’t on the agenda at
the moment. I would contemplate running after I used the bathroom.
My bladder felt like it was going to explode.

He draped the fur around my shoulders and
picked me up, holding me close to his warmth. I wrapped my arms
around his thick neck, holding on, while he stepped from the cave
into the blinding light of morning. A short walk later, he set me
down, letting me stand on the tops of his feet. He took the pelt
and flung it over a branch. Then he held me, taking me with him
into steaming water that looked utterly inviting.

“Oh, this is nice.” I was engulfed in heat,
floating in the protective arms of my Sasquatch.

“Ggrrooarrr…” he purred roughly.

The trees were draped in fluffy blankets of
white, creating a calm, dreamlike environment. The hot spring was
placid and dark; my feet could not touch the bottom. Pooky stood
easily, the water reaching his neck. Snow-covered boulders
surrounded us, giving the pool ample privacy and shelter from the

“You swim?” he asked.



He let me go of me to dunk his head under. He
washed his face, his fingers scrubbing inside his mouth and ears. I
dog-paddled in the middle, waiting for him to finish, and, when he
was done, I swam to him and held on to his shoulders. He licked my

“Stop that.”

His arm closed around my back, and he pulled
me close, his mouth was near my ear. He began to purr, the sound
rumbling in his chest. It was strange, yet soothing. “You my


“Yes. You stay with me.”

“I have to go home.”

“You are home.”

Good God
. Was this the brainwashing
method they used with Porsche? How could I resist the persuasive
power of incredible sex, the comfort and safety of furry arms, and
the irresistible charm of a roguish ape? If I didn’t get out of
here soon, I’d be in big trouble.

“I have to go home, Pooky.”


“You’re such a blockhead.” There was no sense
in arguing. I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder.

We returned to the cave shortly, where I got
dressed. I didn’t have shoes, which was inconvenient. Pooky
gathered the pelts and the tin cup and hid them at the back in a
dark nook, which was interesting. I assumed the Sasquatches knew
this cave well and used it often as a refuge. Then he urinated on
the fire to extinguish the last of the flames. The smell was
disgusting, so I stood outside, soaking my socks through with
melting snow. I shivered, staring at the forest, knowing that, even
if I tried to escape, I would freeze within ten minutes.

He hadn’t hid all the pelts. One was suddenly
around my shoulders. “Thanks.” He lifted me into his arms. I felt a
moment of irrational hope. “Are you taking me to the house?”

“No. We find the tribe.”

Oh, shit!

During the next few hours, I was held in
various positions, while my kidnapper strode through the forest on
sturdy, muscular legs. I hung on to his back, I sat on his
shoulders, and I was in his arms. I was capable of walking, but,
without shoes, it was foolhardy, considering the threat of
frostbite. Not once did I hear a rescue helicopter, which was
worrisome. Why hadn’t Mike or Porsche found me yet? Were they even
searching for me at all? Was this my sister’s idea of a joke? Had
she arranged my kidnapping? Dozens of thoughts flitted through my
mind at various times during the day. As we hiked further from
civilization, my hopes of rescue began to diminish. The incline
increased, and I clung to Pooky, hanging on for dear life, while he
trudged up the steep ridge of a mountain. The ape’s labored
breathing resounded in my ears. He’d exhausted himself today. How
much longer could he go on?

Serves him right. He could have taken me home
and saved himself the trouble.

The sun had set, resulting in plummeting
temperatures. When would this ordeal be over? My arms were killing
me from trying to hold on to him. I was getting sick of it.
Movement up ahead caught my attention. I gasped. Standing on a
rocky ledge were two Bigfoots!

“Whooaarrr…” bellowed Pooky. The sound echoed
into the ravine below.

“Gggrooaarr…” was the answer.

A nervous sweat broke out on my forehead. I
was about to meet the tribe.



Chapter Four




Pooky seemed determined to reach the ledge;
his breath came out in a series of painful sounding wheezes. He
trembled beneath me; his strength had been pushed to its

A woman with long dark hair suddenly
appeared. “Porsche?” She looked confused. “Wait a minute. That’s
not Porsche. Pooky, what have you done? Where’d you get that girl?”
Her hands were on her hips. She wore pants and boots, with a heavy

“This is…” he rasped. “Porsche’s…sister.”

He set me down, my feet finding cold rock. I
shivered, because Pooky’s body had kept me warm and now frigid air
seeped through my sweater. The two Sasquatches eyed me with
interest, sniffing, taking in my scent.

“He kidnapped me.”

She pursed her lips. “You stupid ape.” Her
features softened when she looked at me. “I’m Zelda, honey. I know
your sister pretty well. I’m sorry this Neanderthal took you. It’s
sorta in their nature. All their brains are in their dicks.” Pooky
grunted, disagreeing with her, and then he doubled over, wheezing.
“And he took you without a jacket or boots.” She shook her head,
clearly not impressed. “Come inside before you catch your death.
What’s your name?”


She glared at Pooky. “You’re just asking for
trouble, buddy.”


“I gotta get outta here. I need to go

“We have a satellite phone. I’ll call for
help, but more weather’s heading our way.”

It seemed I was stuck here for the
foreseeable future. “Great.”

The front part of the cave was dark and
empty, with a musty smell that clung to my clothing. The gray
ceilings held indentations, which were probably home to hundreds of
bats. My socks were black from the grime on the floor, which was an
inch thick. We walked towards light, following a narrow corridor
that had openings on either side, revealing large, naturally made
chambers. The Sasquatches followed us, including Pooky; his raspy
breathing was amplified in the closed space. I glanced over my
shoulder and shivered. The light in their eyes was interested

Torches blazed at intervals, revealing a
painted ceiling. Thousands of years ago someone had decorated the
cave with primitive images of animals and hunters carrying spears.
Warm air suddenly hit me. The source of the heat was up ahead.

“You’re about to meet the natives,” said
Zelda. “They’ll be surprised to see you. You sure do look a lot
like your sister.”

“I was at her house when he took me.”

“I figured that. I know you’re freaking out
and scared, but they’re not gonna hurt you, honey. They’re just
trying to propagate the species.”

I thought about this morning and how Pooky
had taken me, dousing me with sperm. “Oh, my God. If I’m pregnant,
I’ll die. I’m not giving birth to a fucking ape.”

“Most pregnancies don’t stick. Don’t worry
about it right now. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

“I can’t believe this.” My shoulders dropped.
“Fuck my life.”

“You can curse all you want if it makes you
feel better. I started off just like you. I’d been hitchhiking, and
they snagged me from the road. Your sister was in your position.
Look how she turned out. She comes and goes. She’s not a hostage.
Nothin’ bad’s happened to her.”

“She was kidnapped for years before they let
her go.”

A coy smile turned up the edges of her mouth.
“They like to play with their toys for a while. You…er…might be

That was not what I wanted to hear.

She patted my back. “It’s not so bad. They’re
really good at what they do. You’ll be treated very well.”

Heat tinged my cheeks, remembering how Pooky
had been. I certainly hadn’t suffered at his hands, quite the
contrary actually. I had enjoyed everything he had done to me, much
to my mortification. We entered a large cavern with a roaring fire
and pelts strewn across the floor. There were several lanterns

“Hey guys, we have a guest.”

I had just walked into a den of beasts. The
smell of gamy pelt teased my nose. Two older looking Sasquatches
sat with pipes hanging out of their mouths. I had their undivided
attention, which was troubling.

A young looking Bigfoot got to his feet, his
eyes flashing with curiosity. “Mamma?” He bounded over and hugged
me, nearly knocking me off my feet. His nose was in my neck,

“Oh! Jesus!”

“No Lendal. That’s not your mamma. She’s your
mamma’s sister. Everybody meet Lena.”

This was Lendal! I had just met my sister’s
little boy. He was nearly as tall as I was! He smiled charmingly,
flashing formidable looking teeth. His eyes were light brown, which
was a startling contrast from the other Sasquatches.

“You look like my mamma, but you don’t smell
like her.” His speech was excellent. I gaped at him, not knowing
what to say. To my astonishment, he hugged me again; his pelt felt
soft against my skin. He let me go and sat next to the fire.

An enormous looking Sasquatch grunted. He
puffed furiously on the end of a long pipe. The noxious smell of
marijuana lingered. The one who sat next to him stared at me; his
interest was keen, yet he remained seated. These two looked older
than Pooky; their features were sharper and their fur was matted
and grizzled.

I was suddenly grabbed from behind and lifted
up. “Shit!”

“Ggrrooaarrr…” It was Pooky. “My girl! Lena’s
my girl!”

This declaration was met with growls, low and
deep, that sounded like a pack of lions who were about to devour
their kill. The hair stood up on my arms. Were they agreeing or
disagreeing with this announcement?

“Try not to scare Lena half to death,” chided

“Pretty girl,” said one of the

“Let me tell you who’s who. This is Archie.
He’s Kat’s son. She’s hunting with her partner, Dale, at the
moment. This is Bubba, who’s our leader. Sittin’ next to him is
Leonard. He’s Porsche’s man. Leslie’s in another room with her son,
Wolfie. Bubba Jr.’s around here somewhere. This is Tate behind

I glanced at the furry faces, feeling
overwhelmed and fearful.

She patted my back. “You hungry? You want
something to drink? You look awfully pale, honey.”

“I-I’m good.”

“Have a seat. Relax.”


Pooky had collapsed on a pelt. I sat next to
him, enjoying the warmth of the fire. A younger Sasquatch ran into
the room, squealing. Bubba grunted, clearly displeased with the
noise. This must be Bubba Jr. He took up with Lendal, and they
tossed a ball back and forth, wheezing and snorting. Leonard’s
hooded eyes perused me leisurely, missing nothing. So this was the
ape that Porsche was in love with.

Awkward. Weird. Ugh.

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