Cum For Bigfoot 11, Lena's Story

Read Cum For Bigfoot 11, Lena's Story Online

Authors: Virginia Wade

Tags: #paranormal romance, #fantasy, #kidnapping, #orgy, #group sex, #erotic romance, #erotic horror, #bigfoot, #sasquatch, #teen horror, #monster sex

BOOK: Cum For Bigfoot 11, Lena's Story
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Cum For Bigfoot 11, Lena’s Story


By Virginia Wade



Copyright © 2012 Virginia Wade

All Rights Reserved.

Published by I Love Stacy

Smashwords Edition


Virginia Wade



[email protected]



All characters appearing in this work are
fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is
purely coincidental.


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Now Available in Paperback

Cum For Bigfoot, Volume One

Cum For Bigfoot, Volume Two



Chapter One




Okay, so I didn’t exactly do well in my first
semester of college. I hadn’t been prepared for how stressful it
was going to be and how distracting my suitemates were with their
nonstop partying into the early hours of every morning. I had
gotten caught up in their crazy shenanigans, and my grades had
suffered as a consequence. I thought my parents were going to have
coronaries when they saw my transcript. The school was threatening
to put me on academic probation. If my grades didn’t improve next
semester, I would be facing an entirely different reality.

My sister, Porsche, invited me to spend
Christmas with her and her new husband Mike at their recently
constructed home in Rhododendron, Oregon. It was about as isolated
as it could be, miles from the road, surrounded by gorgeous
mountain views. I needed a break, having barely survived finals
week and the nonstop partying. I was hung over the first day at the
house, and, admittedly, I didn’t see much of it, collapsing on a
guest bed. I slept straight through until the next morning, waking
feeling better than I had in weeks. I’d slept in jeans and a
long-sleeved shirt, and, after using the bathroom, I found Porsche
in the kitchen, with Daisy in a highchair.

“Well, good morning to you,” she said
cheerfully. “Did you sleep enough? You must’ve been exhausted.”

“I was.” The kitchen was open to the family
room, which had an enormous fireplace constructed of multi-colored
rock. The mantel was a thick piece of stained oak. “Is there

“Yeah, on the counter. Help yourself.”

My sister had been kidnapped years ago while
on a camping trip to Lost Lake. We had agonized for months
wondering what had happened to her, and then, to our relief, we
discovered that she was alive and well. Sasquatches had been
responsible for her disappearance. None of us believed it at first,
until Dr. Haynes of the Fallen Institute and several government
lackeys in business suits arrived to talk to us. We had been shown
photos and sworn to secrecy to protect the Bigfoots.

I remembered those pictures. I thought the
Sasquatches looked disgusting with their black eyes, noses, and
mouths. They were staggeringly tall and covered in course brown
hair, which looked messy and matted. For the life of me, I could
not understand how my sister had wanted to stay with them. She had
given birth to a male Sasquatch several years ago, and then she had

Now, Mike was another story. When she had
first brought him home, I had been jealous, because he was a
handsome guy, who looked like he had just stepped off the front
page of
Outdoor Life
magazine. The muscular physique, the
chiseled cheekbones, and the week’s worth of stubble gave him a
rugged, sexy look. Compared to him, all the guys I had dated were
thin and pampered, with little or no life experience, and their
personalities were nothing but ego and bravado. Mike was a real
man, through and through. My sister was one lucky girl.

I poured coffee and sat at a solid oak table,
that looked rustic, yet the chairs were smooth and comfortable.
“What’s there to do around here?”

“Cross country skiing and snowmobiling.”

Wow. It’s gonna be the great
outdoors all week

Porsche had her hair in a ponytail with
little wispy strands falling free around her face. She was dressed
in jeans and a sweater, with a pair of UGGs on her feet. “I have to
go to town later. You can come with me, if you want.”

The holidays were nearly upon us, and I had
yet to buy Daisy a present. “Okay. Sounds good.”

A door slammed, and Mike appeared. He’d come
in through the mudroom. “Good morning, Lena.”

I turned to look at him. “Hey.”

He was dressed in scuffed boots and a dark
brown jacket. Snowflakes dusted his shoulders. He kissed Porsche.
“How are my girls?”

“We’re having breakfast.”

“I see.”

Porsche fed Daisy from a small jar of baby
food. “She loves
Tutti Frutti

“Sounds delicious.” He opened a cabinet.

“It’s actually really good. I’ve had

“You’re such a freak,” I said.

Porsche gave me a dirty look and then she
glanced at her husband, who poured water into a glass. “We’re going
to town later. Wanna come?”

“I can’t. I gotta clear the rest of the

“Do you need anything?”

“Just my girls to come home safe.” He
grinned, downing the contents in one gulp.

“Ugh. You guys make me sick. Get a room.”

“I gotta head out,” said Mike. He left the
glass in the sink.

“See ya later,” said Porsche.

“Drive safe. It’s slick out there.”

“I will.”

Daisy squealed, demanding more food. I sipped
coffee, feeling twinges of jealousy. His eyes gleamed with
affection when he looked at her. I wished someone would look at me
like that. I’d dated a string of losers this semester. Most guys
only wanted a one-night stand, and see ya. I’d lost my virginity
the first week at a frat party, and I regretted the incident
bitterly. The mere thought of it made me want to vomit.

“You want some food?” asked Porsche. “We’ve
got cereal and stuff. I could make you eggs. It’s so nice not to be
in a cave right now.” She sat at the table, doling out a heaping
spoonful of
Tutti Frutti
. “Living with the tribe in winter
is hard. Sometimes I didn’t leave the cave for days. The
Sasquatches would have to dig us out.”

“Sounds fascinating.”

“You should meet them one day; you really
should. Then you’ll know what I’m talking about.”

“Er…no thanks. I’ve met enough freaks at
school this semester.”

“They’re not freaks. They’re actually more
civilized than some humans I know. They take care of their loved

“Yeah, kidnapping and impregnating women is
really civilized.”

“They have to do that to propagate the
species.” She looked thoughtful. “But there’s a female now. I don’t
know if they’ll kidnap women anymore.”

The thought of a grizzly ape touching me was
disgusting. “I’d rather die than screw a monster. That’s totally
gross. Propagate the species, my ass. They’re perverts.”

She shook her head. “It’s not like that.
They’re so sweet, Lena. Once you get to know them, they’ll do
anything for you. They’re just horny little bastards. They’re so
good at it.” She gazed out the window. “They sure know how to make
a girl happy.”

“Oh, yuck! You’re totally brainwashed.”

A mischievous grin lit her face. “You don’t
know what you’re missing.”

“Ugh.” I scraped the chair on the wooden
floor, standing. “I’m getting in the shower.”

“No breakfast?”

“Not right now.”

“You know where the kitchen is. Help


The guest bedroom was large, with an
oversized bed. A hairy Bigfoot had slept in here before. It didn’t
smell bad at all. In the bathroom, a blue-eyed blonde stared at me
in a large mirror. Dark smudges were under my eyes. The late nights
and drinking had taken a toll on my looks. I ran fingers through my
hair, feeling tangles. The strands hung to my boobs, which were
generously rounded and full. Porsche and I had inherited my
grandmother’s breasts, which were the envy of every female family
member who was not as genetically blessed.

Guys asked me out all the time, and I never
lacked for friends, having a posse of them in my vicinity at all
times. I was rarely alone. This vacation in the middle of nowhere
would give me time to think about things and what I wanted to do
with myself. If my grades didn’t improve, I would have to quit
school and get a job.

Stripping out of my clothes, I turned on the
hot water in the granite-enclosed shower and stepped in. Two hours
later, we headed to town to go shopping.

That week Mike brought home a live tree, and
Porsche and I put up the decorations. My parents were coming to
celebrate on Christmas Eve, and we would feast and open presents.
No one wanted to wake up early in the morning, because Daisy had
been cranky, keeping everyone up all night. She seemed to miss
sleeping with a flea infested Sasquatch baby.

Porsche muttered, “I miss my tribe. If Daisy
fussed, I could hand her over to someone else and get sleep. Ugh.
I’m so tired.”

The house looked festive with the twelve-foot
pine tree in the living room and stockings hung in a neat row on
the mantel. The interior glowed with candles, and, as we sat to
eat, dad said a prayer. My parents were thrilled that Porsche had
married Mike, because they loved him and adored Daisy. We all knew
she would return to the forest after the holidays. She was living
in both worlds now.

After Christmas, a blizzard held up my
departure for a few days. Mike was outside getting firewood, while
Porsche and I sat by the fire.

“God, there’s nothing to do,” I complained.
“I’m so bored.”

“I’m not.” Porsche flipped through a gossipy

“You have a baby and a husband and those
freaks in the woods.”

“Stop saying that. They’re not freaks.”

“Oh, yes they are.”

“Maybe you’ll meet one someday. Then you’ll
see that they’re a lot like us. They have similar DNA.” She sighed.
“We’ve got TV. There’s gotta be something on.”


“Let’s make s’mores.”

“I can’t eat anymore. I’m stuffed.”

“Video games.”

“Nah. Don’t feel like it.”

“Then go take a bath.”

“Maybe. You do have an awesome tub. It’s like
a freaking swimming pool.”

“It was a splurge.”

“No shi—” The front door burst open, blowing
in a freezing rush of wind and snow. “What the fuck!”

A Sasquatch appeared, his hulking frame
covered in snowflakes. “Pooky!” exclaimed Porsche. “What are you
doing here?”

His nose perked up, nostrils flaring. His
attention was on me. I felt the blood drain from my face.


“Oh, my God! They really
Holy shit. Jesus fucking Christ!” The hulking ape stalked towards,
me, grabbing me. He smelled like a wet dog. I screamed at the top
of my lungs. “What the fuck? Let go of me, you fucking ape!”

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