Cunning (Infidelity #2) (12 page)

Read Cunning (Infidelity #2) Online

Authors: Aleatha Romig

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Cunning (Infidelity #2)
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Thrust after thrust—she was heaven and I couldn’t or wouldn’t leave.

My balls tightened and fist moved faster. Biting my lip, I recalled her moans echoing throughout the shower stall. Her pussy milking my cock as her body stiffened and her head fell forward. Giving her pleasure wasn’t my goal. Taking it was. However, over and over she imploded. Apparently, even angry sex was beyond description with Charli.

“Fuck.” My forehead hit the wall as string after string of come painted the tile. “Shit,” I murmured as my shoulders shuddered and I blinked, bringing the world around me back into focus.

I might have told myself I was punishing her by withholding my cock, but standing under the cool spray, it was pretty fucking obvious that she wasn’t the only one suffering.

Stepping back upon the soft carpet of the bedroom, dripping wet, I was happy to find the room empty. I’d tried to stay quiet, but with what only thoughts of her did to me, I’d probably failed. The last thing I wanted was for her to know the power she had or how badly I wanted her.

Once I was dressed for work, I took a deep breath and headed for the living room. With the door barely opened, I stopped to appreciate the view. She was a vision, sitting on the sofa with her knees near her chest and her phone in her hand. Charli was so engrossed in whatever she was reading, she didn’t see or hear me. I stared, wondering if she had any idea how gorgeous she was. Had anyone ever told her? Maybe her unpretentiousness was part of her allure. Somehow, with that beautiful hair, now sexy and wild, her mesmerizing eyes, and perfect body, she didn’t seem to realize what she did to me.

The idea that she needed all that makeup or a garish outfit to stand out was absurd. It was wrong on her. Alexandria Collins—my Charli—exuded elegance and culture with the perfect hint of sexy vixen. It was a unique blend of perfect qualities. I didn’t know anything about her, not really. I knew that for a week I’d made her a princess, and with everything in me, I wanted that title for her for a lifetime.

When she looked up and her eyes met mine, I consciously returned my expression to one of disinterest, the exact opposite of what I felt. Though difficult to maintain, I resisted the urge to smile. Judging by the way she frowned and lowered her eyes back to her phone, I’d succeeded.

I could have walked out. I could have avoided twisting the proverbial knife, but I told her the truth when I said I was bad. I had one of the best teachers and too many years to perfect the craft. The words and cold tone came with ease.

“Coffee?” I asked, nodding toward the cup on the table beside her.

“Yes. You’re incredibly perceptive. Was it the cup or the aroma that gave it away?”

“Very funny.”

“I’m not laughing.”

“Neither am I. Tomorrow you’ll make my cup first. I take it black.”

Her golden eyes swirled with sadness as they found mine, yet her words were crisp and precise. “I remember how you like your coffee. I didn’t realize cook and maid were part of my job description.”

Damn, her spunk turned me on. I moved closer and gestured for her to stand. When she did, the robe she wore gaped open ever so slightly, allowing me a glimpse of her tits. They weren’t as visible as I would have liked, but with only the sides of her round globes showing, my cock thickened, twitching back to life. Lifting her chin, I brought her eyes to mine, and my tone turned purposely condescending. “Yes, Nox,” I began, “I’ll make you coffee and do whatever else you tell me to do.”

Her stance stiffened before she repeated my words.

“Was that too difficult? If it was, I’d be glad to bend you over this sofa…” I looked out the large windows to the park and beyond. “…in front of half of New York City and give you a reason to remember.”

“No, it wasn’t difficult.”

Releasing her chin, I brushed her lips with mine. My grin grew. “I think I’d like that. I’d like to bend you over the arm of the sofa, lift this robe…” I teased the lapels and dragged my finger from her tits up to her collarbone. “…and admire your round ass. Then, I’d decide if I would spank you or fuck you.”

Her eyes closed as her head wobbled.

“Next, I’d decide if I’d leave you that way, your ass exposed and thighs slick, or if I’d allow you to cover yourself up before my security arrived.”

Charli’s eyes opened wide as she took a step back. “What? No.”

I lifted my brow. “Excuse me?”

“You said I don’t have a say in my limits, but I still have them. I’m with you. Only you.”

“Says the woman who signed away her rights. Says the woman who had a man on each arm last night.” I pulled her close. “I told you, I don’t share. No one but me can or will touch.” Her body relaxed in my embrace. “Looking, on the other hand,” I shrugged and went on. “…well, we’ll see how well you can follow my directions. Tonight?”

“Yes, Nox. Tonight, Mobar at seven o’clock. I’ll be there.”

“And tomorrow morning?”

“I’ll make you a cup of coffee.” Her eyes fluttered down.

I rubbed her cheek as a knock echoed from the door to the suite. “That’s a good girl. Are you sure you don’t want to give my security a show. We could just—”

Charli looked up, and on her lips was the first smile I’d seen all morning. My heart stuttered. The honest pleasure made her eyes light like golden reflections from the crowned jewels.

“Oh my God,” she exclaimed. “You’re in socks.”

“How very perceptive of you.” I couldn’t help but send her words back at her.

She stifled a laugh. “That’s why your security is coming here. You don’t have shoes to wear.”

“I’m glad you find this humorous.”

She shook her head. “I-I do.”

“Go answer the door.”

Her expression turned suddenly sober as she looked down at the robe. “But, Nox, I’m not decent.”

“You’re also not bent over the sofa, but it can be arranged.”

“They’ll know…”

“That you spent the night with me,” I said, finishing her sentence. “My security will know that I fucked you?”

Another knock came from the door.

“Yes,” she answered, pink filling her cheeks.

“Door or sofa? They can know it or see it. Your choice.”

Charli pulled the lapels together, attempted to smooth her long hair, and tightened the robe’s sash as she walked toward the door. After a glance though the peephole, she turned back my direction, her expression confused. “It’s Mrs. Witt. I thought you said it was security?”

“Open the door, Charli.”





If I weren’t afraid that Nox would follow through on the sofa threat, I would’ve told him to shove it up his ass. But since yesterday afternoon, I wasn’t sure of anything. Taking a deep breath, I pretended I wasn’t wearing a robe and reeking of sex, plastered a confident smile to my face, and opened the door.

“Mrs. Witt,” I said, waving toward the suite. “It’s nice to see you again. Come in.”

In her closed-lip smile, I read the judgment she wasn’t voicing. In her eyes I was taking the walk of shame, even though I hadn’t left the suite.

“Miss Collins, nice to see you again.”

I reached for the bag she was carrying. “Would you like me to take that? I assume it’s for No—Mr. Demetri?”

Her lips turned upward as she presented the handles of the paper bag my direction and looked toward Nox. “Yes, I was told there was an unfortunate mishap with his shoes.”

“Yes,” his deep voice came from behind me as his warm breath tickled my neck. “I believe it was a puddle or something.”

“Oh,” Mrs. Witt replied. “I don’t remember it raining.”

I craned my neck backward. In Nox’s pale eyes was the smirk of amusement I’d missed. I didn’t know who Mrs. Witt was or why he referred to this woman as
, but whoever she was, it was clear they shared a comfortable relationship.

I took a step back as Mrs. Witt came farther into the suite, and Nox shut the door.

“If you two will excuse me, I need to—” I began as I handed Nox the bag, ready to make my way back to the bedroom. A shower was in order.

“No,” Nox interrupted.

I tilted my head. “No?”

He sat on the sofa, opened the bag, and removed a shoebox.

Where and how did she buy him new shoes at six-thirty in the morning?

As I pondered that question, Mrs. Witt sat on the edge of one of the chairs, and Nox spoke, “I’m on my way out. Charli, you remember Mrs. Witt?”

His perceptiveness was astounding. I just decided not to point that out once again. Instead, I nodded and smiled her direction. “Yes.”

“Deloris,” she corrected. “Call me Deloris. Now, is it Alexandria, Alex, or Charli?”

I narrowed my eyes, wondering how she knew so much about me. “My legal name is Alexandria. However, I prefer Alex. Charli is… well, it’s a nickname.” Though I’d only been
for one week of my life, even now I liked hearing it from Nox. I preferred it to
Miss Collins

Nox stood, his shiny new loafers in place. “Deloris, I’ll speak to you later. Charli, remember everything we discussed.”

Still standing, my knees grew weak as I wondered why he appeared to be leaving while she was staying.

“Charli?” he asked again, narrowing his pale gaze.

“Yes, I remember.”

“Thank you, Deloris. I’m sure you can explain everything better than I.” With that he reached for the door handle and disappeared.

As I turned back, Deloris Witt was smiling my direction.

“Mrs. Witt, I mean Deloris, I’m apparently at a disadvantage. What are you supposed to explain to me?”

“Alex, please sit down. We need to talk.”

Securing my robe, I asked, “Would you like some coffee?”

She shook her head. “No, I can’t stay. I just thought that perhaps Mr. Demetri might not have told you everything.”

I sat back on the sofa. “I’m sorry. I’m confused, and you’re right, he hasn’t told me much. What do you know and why are you the one talking to me? I apologize if my forwardness is rude. I’ve had quite a week and my filter is obviously not working.”

“It’s not rude at all. As you may remember, I work for Lennox. I have for a long time. He mentioned that you assumed I was his housekeeper.” Her smile broadened. “I’m not. Alexandria… I mean, Alex, am I to assume that you’ll be with Lennox for the foreseeable future?”

“We’re… dating.”

“I realize it’s against the rules. However, I am fully aware of the origin of your new agreement.”

My pulse kicked up a notch or two. “We met in Del Mar, as you know. We planned on one week, but there was more. We decided not to fight it any longer.” It was the story I’d conspired to tell Chelsea. For the first time from my lips, I thought it sounded plausible.

“Yes. That does sound good. Is that the story the two of you have agreed upon?”

“We haven’t really discussed it.”

Mrs. Witt nodded. “That’s why I’m here. No one, not even Demetri Enterprises’ public relations can know the truth. Your stories must be the same. I like it so far; however, there may be questions. The best policy is not to answer them.
No comment
is your friend.”

“Questions? Who will ask questions?”

“Everyone. Anyone.”

When I didn’t answer, she continued, “It only takes a tweet or a picture posted on Instagram or Facebook to start the world talking. Lennox hasn’t dated anyone with any regularity since… well, for years. We were able to keep Del Mar off of social media and away from the reporters. That was one week. This will be a year. We won’t be able to keep it hidden. Not that we’re trying. As soon as you two appear together on a regular basis, the world will start talking.”

The world?

My stomach twisted. My family was part of the world. Bryce was part of the world. Before I could comment, she went on.

“I’ve read your profile.”

I couldn’t hide my shock. “What? Why?”

“Lennox has not. He didn’t want to learn about you from a file. He wants to learn about you from you.”

Blood rushed to my cheeks. If there was one thing Lennox Demetri was good at doing—and there was definitely more than one thing—it was getting to know me.

“You were rather evasive about your family on your profile.”

I sat taller. “I’d rather not discuss my family.”

“So you do have one?”

“I wasn’t found in a cabbage patch, if that’s what you mean. We’re not close.”

“Alex, I run Mr. Demetri’s personal security as well as the security for Demetri Enterprises. I’m Lennox’s eyes and ears. I’ll be perfectly frank. I knew your last name in Del Mar. My top priority is Lennox and that won’t change. He wants you to be safe; therefore, you will. Today you’ll have Isaac at your disposal. He’s more than a driver. Isaac is fully capable of protecting you under all circumstances.

“Since he is usually with Lennox, I’m currently working to fill the position of your driver and bodyguard.”

“I don’t want any of this,” I said, my voice as determined as I could make it. I remembered Nox’s lecture earlier this morning; however, the thought of having someone watching me all the time made me physically ill.

“Demetri Enterprises is an umbrella.” Her eyes narrowed. “Do you know what that means?”

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