Cunning (Infidelity #2) (15 page)

Read Cunning (Infidelity #2) Online

Authors: Aleatha Romig

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Cunning (Infidelity #2)
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“Then, Mr. Demetri, I suggest you don’t ask.”

It wasn’t the first illegal operation we’d entered into, and I was most certain it wouldn’t be the last. But first I had to be sure of one thing.

“Charli’s profile, you deleted it? It’s totally gone from Infidelity’s records, isn’t it?”

“It is. If Infidelity would blow up tomorrow, she was never there.”

I sighed. “All right, keep me posted.”

“As much as I can,” Deloris said with a tight-lipped smile.

“Thank you. Maybe we can go back to weekly or bi-weekly meetings.”

She didn’t respond as she stared down at the screen of her phone. I’d seen that look before. Something had happened.

I leaned forward with my arms folded on my desk. “Deloris?”

“Sir, it’s Isaac. He’s following Miss Collins.”

“Following? Why isn’t he driving her?”

Deloris’s eyes opened wide. “Lennox, he thinks she’s headed to LaGuardia.”





Chelsea was unconscious and admitted to Stanford University Medical Center. The woman from my apartment complex said the police were called. No one had answers. The door to our apartment was locked and there were no signs of forced entry. If the movers hadn’t come, they might not have found her. The lady even said the apartment wasn’t in disarray, except for the obvious packing. They couldn’t tell if anything was missing, but said usual high-theft items like electronics and jewelry were still there. From all accounts it looked like a crime of passion, yet Chelsea wasn’t seeing anyone.

I didn’t care about any of the things in our apartment. I cared about Chelsea. Since we weren’t really family, I couldn’t learn anything from the hospital. They wouldn’t release her information.

Paying the driver, I rushed from the taxi at the curb of LaGuardia through the glass doors with only a carry-on and my purse. After I returned to the hotel, I hurriedly threw some essentials into my bag and left. I didn’t need to pack much; I had a whole apartment full of clothes and things in Palo Alto. My only thought, only concern, was getting to my best friend.

Although Chelsea wasn’t close to her family, I called her mother. For one thing, she’d be able to get information. She and Chelsea’s sister were on their way to Stanford Medical Center. It would take them a few hours to get there from their home, but they’d still make it before me.

Rushing around people who weren’t in as big of a hurry as me, I bypassed the ticket counter and headed toward security. Thankfully, I found a direct flight from LaGuardia to San Francisco. Unfortunately, even without a layover, the flight took six and a half hours from coast to coast. As I searched the Internet, Nox’s plans for tonight or even his reaction to my leaving New York weren’t part of the equation. I found the flight and booked it. After the last week, thinking about anything else was more than I could handle.

Nox continued to enter my thoughts, and now that I had a minute, I let myself consider him. After the way he behaved yesterday and this morning, I couldn’t dwell on him or how he’d react to my impromptu trip. I’d take that
, to use an Alton idiom, when I returned. Right now, getting to my best friend was my only concern.

It wasn’t like I disappeared. I left him a note in the hotel suite with a brief explanation. I almost called Isaac to drive me to the airport, but I knew how this worked. Isaac was supposed to be at my disposal; nevertheless, if Nox told him not to drive me, I would have missed my flight. That was why I opted for a taxi. To that driver, I was nothing more than a fare.

Rushing toward security, I pulled up my ticket on my cell phone and freed my identification from my wallet. As the line inched closer to the TSA, my phone vibrated and rang with an incoming call.


covered the screen. With my pulse thumping loudly in my ears, I swiped the red
end call
icon. Of course he knew where I was. I didn’t know if he’d seen the note, or he just knew I wasn’t at the spa appointment. He’d said I was being watched. No matter how he learned, my not answering his call probably pissed him off more. I put my phone on silent and decided to worry about that later. I’d call him back once I made it to my gate. I couldn’t have a call and my ticket up at the same time.

“Good afternoon, ID and ticket please.”

I forced a smile and handed my phone and driver’s license to the agent. After he scanned both of them, he handed them back to me.

“Have a good flight, Miss Collins.”

“Thank you.”

My flight wouldn’t depart for another fifty minutes, but with the way the rules were, I needed to be boarded by at least ten minutes before takeoff. My best friend was alone in a hospital, and I refused to miss my flight.

I continued to weave around people, dodging children and luggage as my carry-on’s wheels spun, when my phone vibrated again. I didn’t take the time to look at the name. I was pretty sure I knew who it was. Taking a deep breath, I juggled my purse and bag as I swiped the green icon. I might as well get this over with.

“I was going to call,” I said breathlessly as I continued my race through the crowd.

“Alexandria? Is that you?”

My feet slowed as I moved to the side of the corridor and closed my eyes. I could hang up, but this conversation needed to happen sooner or later.


“I’m not sure I believe you,” the unexpected voice said. “I guess I’m just glad you answered now.”

“Believe me?”

“That you were going to call. Alex, talk to me.”

“This isn’t a good time.”

“Apparently, there hasn’t been a good time since I left you after your party. I thought… I thought it was a nice night, down by the lake…”

I shook my head. I couldn’t do this, not right now. I should be telling him about Nox; instead, a question that had been nudging at me came to mind. I needed to hear his answer. “Did you know?” My question came with more emotion than I intended.

“What? All I know is you’re gone again. And we want you back.”

I swallowed the tears as a lump formed in my throat, and the betrayal of Montague Manor reemerged. “Did you know? Bryce, answer me. Did you know Alton’s plans? Did you know about my trust fund?”

“Alex, there’s so much for us to talk about. I thought we’d have the chance on Sunday night—”

“Answer my fucking question!” I looked up in time to see a woman give me a grimace as she hurried by with her child. I took a deep breath and lowered my voice. “When we were talking and reminiscing at the lake, when we were talking about Nessie and you were proclaiming your innocence, did you know what my parents had planned?”

“Is that why you’re mad at me? You think I knew? I’m not even one hundred percent sure what you’re talking about now. I know that when I showed up on Sunday, your mother was indisposed and Alton told me you left—again. He said you’d be back, but he wasn’t sure when.”

He’s wrong.

Bryce went on, “I know that it’s been almost a week and you’re not back.”

“I’m not going back. If you want to know why, ask Alton.”

Bryce’s tone softened. He was my childhood friend, the one I could rely on when no one else was there. “Ask Alton? Should I ask him about what happened while you were just recently home or when we were young?”

I clenched my teeth as my spine straightened. “Goodbye, Bryce. This isn’t a good time. I really need to go.”

“We need to talk in person. I’m tired of the no answers and unreturned text messages.” His tone slowed. “Alexandria, you don’t have to say anything. You know I’m the only one who really knows you, who was there for you. Let me be there for you now.”

Shaking my head back and forth, I tried to remember the young man I wanted away from, the one who suffocated me at every turn and claimed me as his own. But in that moment, my mind focused on one truth: of all the things Bryce had ever done, spanking me had never been one of them.

A renegade tear slid down my cheek.

“Bryce.” My voice cracked.

“Alexandria, don’t throw us away. We’re meant to be together. It’s always been that way.”

“I’m going to hang up,” I warned. I couldn’t do this.

“Wait. Let me tell you why I called.”

I stood taller and replied, “Make it fast.”

“I’m coming to see you. We need to talk in person. I need to tell you about your mom.”

“What? What about my mom?”

“When are you leaving California?”

My eyes scanned the corridor. “How do you know about California?”

“What do you mean? You live there—at least until you move to New York. When are you moving?”

“Bryce, no. Just tell me about my mother.”

“I already have a ticket. I’ve been trying to tell you, but you wouldn’t answer or return my text messages. I’ll be in Palo Alto tonight. I’m waiting for my flight out of Atlanta.”


“It’s too late. I’m in New York.”

“You’ve never been able to lie to me. I’ll see you tonight.”

“I am in—” He didn’t hear me. Pulling the phone away from my ear, I stared at the screen. He’d hung up. As his number disappeared, the icon for missed calls came into view. Six missed calls: three from Nox, two from Deloris Witt, and one from Chelsea’s mother, Tina.

I took a second to add Bryce’s name back to my phone. That way I would at least know it was him. Then with my head pounding and a lump in my throat, I called Tina.

“Mrs. Moore, this is Alex. Have you learned anything?”

“We’re not there yet. Kelsey had to get off work. She’s working at the mall now—”

“Mrs. Moore, I’m about to board my flight. Why did you call?” I couldn’t care less about Kelsey or her job or why Chelsea’s mother would delay her drive to her injured daughter.

“The hospital called. Chelsea’s responding.”

“Oh thank God.” I needed some good news.

“They said she doesn’t have any broken bones, just a lot of bruising.”

“Is she talking?”

“Not yet, but she’s moving and responding.”

“Thank you.”

“Honey, you don’t need to fly out here. She’s going to be all right.”

I thought about that. I could stay in New York and avoid Bryce. Then again, I wanted to be sure Chelsea was really all right. If I avoided Bryce in California, would he come to New York? That wouldn’t be good, because… well, because of Nox.

I took a deep breath. “I’ll see you in about seven hours. I need to go.”



When I booked, I took the last seat on this flight, which had me seated in a zone that hadn’t been called. As I waited, my stomach twisted with myriad thoughts turning cartwheels in my head. My mother? What did Bryce want to tell me about her? And then there was Nox. I needed to return his calls. I just couldn’t be talking when they needed to scan my ticket. Therefore, I decided to wait until after I was in my seat.

With the announcement of my zone, I made my way forward. When I handed the woman my phone, instead of the little beep that I’d heard for the passengers ahead of me, the air filled with the shrill alarm.

“Just a minute, Miss Collins. It appears there’s been a change to your ticket.”

“What? There can’t be. I just purchased it.”

“Give me a moment, ma’am.”

My jaw clenched as my hands began to tremble.
Damn, him!
This had to be Nox. It had to be. “Ma’am,” I said, “It scanned fine in security. I need to be on that plane. I need to get to San Francisco.” My sentences were clipped with desperation.

She pushed a few buttons. “Not to worry. It appears you’ll make it. You’re still on the plane.” She smiled up at me. “It must be your lucky day. You’ve been upgraded to first class, seat 3D.” She handed me back my phone. “Enjoy your flight.”

My lucky day. Hardly

I shook my head as I entered the long causeway toward the airplane. Maybe I was just being paranoid. After all, my nerves were stretched and my imagination was working overtime. Upgraded. It made sense. I usually flew first class, so it was probably a coincidence. That’s what I told myself as I made it over the threshold, smiled at the flight attendant, and walked down the aisle to the third row. I lifted my carry-on up to the compartment above my seat and settled into 3D. As I sighed with relief at being on the plane and other passengers continued to board, I looked around the cabin. The rest of first class was already seated, except 3F. The seat beside me was empty.

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