Cunning (Infidelity #2) (19 page)

Read Cunning (Infidelity #2) Online

Authors: Aleatha Romig

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Cunning (Infidelity #2)
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What the fuck? Bryce knows Nox?

“Edward. I wasn’t aware of a connection to you.”

Nox knows Bryce?

I stood mute, my eyes darting back and forth as my two worlds collided in some show of male standoff within the hallway of the hospital. When Bryce looked up after settling his gaze on where Nox and my hands were still connected, I replied, “Bryce, I told you I couldn’t see you tonight.”

“You told me there was an emergency. I was concerned. There was a woman at your apartment complex who told me about your roommate. I thought you might need some support.”

“That job’s already taken,” Nox replied. “You’re a day late and a dollar short, as usual.”

Ignoring Nox’s comment, Bryce said, “Alexandria, I flew all the way out here.” He paused, softening his tone. “Give me a minute. You owe me that much.”

Ice and fire radiated from Nox’s grip. When I looked up into his steely expression, I saw his answer. Though he didn’t say a word, I heard the response he wanted—no, expected—me to say. However, Bryce was right. He’d flown across the country to see me. I could speak to him for a minute. Plus, he’d said he had information about my mother. I nodded to Nox. “I’ll be just a minute, if you and Isaac want to get the car.”

“The car’s waiting.”

I released Nox’s hand and touched his chest. The playfulness of seconds earlier was gone, replaced with the icy cold stare from yesterday. “Five minutes and I’ll be out.”

Capturing my waist, Nox pulled me close, our chests and hips colliding. In a deliberate display of affection—or was it possession—he covered my lips with his. As mine bruised from the force, I realized which it was. His kiss wasn’t meant to be one of affection. It was a warning of things to come as well as a claim, purposely staked in front of Bryce. When I pulled away, our gazes locked. In that moment, I tried to tell him that I heard him loud and clear and I understood.

“Five minutes,” I repeated, sucking my tender lip between my teeth.

He turned his clenched jaw toward Bryce. “Edward.”





Nox, I became acutely aware of everything around me: the slickness of the tile floor beneath my sandals, the contrasting scent of Bryce’s cologne, and the burn of Nox’s stare singeing my back. I fought the urge to turn around and explain why I owed Bryce minutes of my time, to make Nox see that this wasn’t about him or about us. It was what I’d been raised to do and be, and I was about to end it all for good.

As we strode toward the small cluster of chairs, I reconsidered. Maybe this talk was about us, Nox and me; because of him, I could finally end this farce with my childhood friend, boyfriend, and sometimes tormentor. Though it may seem that the Infidelity agreement imprisoned me for a year, in reality I would finally be free.

With each step I consciously worked to keep distance between Bryce and me. That didn’t stop the displeasure that emanated from his being. Confusion, hurt, and anger mixed together and swirled around us. When we reached the waiting area, Bryce grabbed my forearm and spun me toward him.

Through gritted teeth, he spat out his question. “What the hell are you doing with Lennox Demetri?”

My eyes went back toward the elevators. I didn’t see Nox, but Isaac was watching, ready to intervene.

“Let go of me or that man over there will be here in two seconds, and you’ll have more to worry about than who I’m dating.”

His grip disappeared. As if I’d struck him, he took a staggering step backward. “Dating? You’re
Lennox Demetri? You can’t.” He ran his hand through his blond hair. “Alexandria, we’re dating. How could you?”

“We are not dating. I’m not cheating on you. I’m seeing him.”

“When? How?” He sunk down to a sofa, his elbows on his knees and back to Isaac. Bryce lowered his head to his hands and spoke. His voice was heavily laden with defeat. “I don’t understand. I can’t even comprehend how you’d meet him, much less that you’re dating him.”

I sat beside Bryce, perched on the edge of the sofa, close enough to keep our conversation private, but far enough to avoid contact. “We met on vacation, about two months ago.”

“So when you were home, you were seeing him?”

“Bryce, I was going to tell you. Things between Lennox and I picked up again recently. It’s really none of your business.”

“None of my business? I get five minutes with you, the woman I planned to marry and he gets…” Bryce’s eyes opened wide. “…don’t tell me you’re sleeping with him.”

My eyes narrowed. “Why did you fly out here? You now have about three minutes.”

Anger returned to his tone. “Alton told you to be in his office in five minutes, and it took you twenty. For Demetri you suddenly remember how to keep time.”

I stood. “You’re upset. I accept that I should’ve told you sooner. I, however, never agreed to date you or to be the woman you planned to marry. I agreed to stay in touch. We’re in touch. Do you or don’t you have information about my mother?”

Bryce stood. “He’s dangerous. Why do you think he has that henchman with him, watching you? Demetri is dangerous. Even if you don’t want to be with me, you need to get away from him.”

“Goodbye, Bryce. I’ll call my mother to learn whatever it is you won’t tell me. Have a nice flight back to Savannah.” I turned to walk away, when Bryce blocked my path.

His crimson cheeks and flaring nostrils moved directly in my line of vision, blocking out the world and making him the center. His words seethed with emotion. “You’ve been dating Lennox Demetri for two months, and your roommate is attacked. Don’t you see the connection?”

“No, I don’t.”

“For God’s sake, he killed his wife. He’s involved in things of which you can’t even comprehend—things a woman like you should never know. You need to come with me, now.”

It was my turn to step back. “You’re lying.”

“Do you know? Has he told you?”

I shook my head. “No, I know he was married and now he’s not.”

“Jesus, Alexandria, have you even Googled him? The feds have been trying to catch him and his father at one of their many illegal operations for years. You said you want to be an attorney. You want to help the innocent. You balked at helping me with that slut’s false accusations, and you’re in bed with a murderer. What law firm is going to hire you when you have a past with a criminal?”

“Miss Collins?” Isaac called, reminding me of my time limit.

“I don’t believe you,” I said in barely a whisper.

“It’s true. Come home. Go to Savannah Law, and get away from him now, before it’s too late. Before God-knows-what happens to you. Montague can keep you safe. If you’re afraid of him, tell Alton.”

Nox wasn’t the one who’d scared me, not really. The idea of going to Alton for help of any kind was ludicrous. “Goodbye, Bryce.”

He reached again for my arm and almost simultaneously Isaac appeared at my side.

“Miss, are you all right?”

Bryce released his grip and lifted his hand, palm forward in the common sign of surrender. “Think about it,” he said. “Think about what I said.”

Isaac and I turned to leave as Bryce’s accusations bounced through my mind.

He continued to speak. “I’m staying here for a few days. You have my number. I can help.”

I didn’t respond as my feet hurried toward the doors and my pulse quickened.


I spun around but continued to walk backward. “Alex. My name is Alex.”

“Alex, Adelaide is ill. She wants you home.”

My feet once again stopped.

Do I believe him?

As I pondered, Isaac tapped my shoulder. I didn’t say another word as I turned, and the open entrance filled my view. On the driveway beyond the panes of glass sat the large black SUV. With the sky dark and the windows tinted, I couldn’t see into the backseat, but that didn’t stop me from feeling the icy blue stare.

Could it be the stare of a murderer?

“Isaac?” I asked just before he opened the back door.


“I don’t know where we’re staying, but please ask the driver to go to my apartment first.”

“Ma’am, we’ll discuss it with Mr. Demetri.”

I’m back at Montague Manor.

My knees weakened when Isaac opened the door. The expression before me caused my breath to stutter.

“Get in,” Nox commanded. “You need to explain.”

A cold chill peppered my skin. My palms moistened as conversely my mouth dried. I tried to swallow. With my upper lip tucked between my teeth, I slid into the seat, settled against the soft leather, and fastened my seatbelt. I wanted to tell Nox so much, and then again, I didn’t want to say a word.

His anger created static electricity that crackled around us. I knew when I agreed to speak to Bryce, I’d gone against Nox’s wishes. He didn’t need to say it. At the same time, Bryce’s accusations bombarded my thoughts. Why would he accuse Nox of illegal dealings? More than that, why would he accuse him of murder? Why hadn’t I researched Nox? What did I really know about the man beside me?

Silence settled around us as the Suburban moved forward. The atmosphere intensified, and sparks ignited as I waited for him to speak.

When it became too much, we both did.

I said, “I want to go to my apartment first.”

He spat, “How in the hell do you know that scum?”

Both came simultaneously as we turned toward one another.

Nox’s finger covered my lips, silencing my request as well as my answer.

“No,” he replied matter-of-factly. “We’re going to the hotel.”


My eyes flew to the rearview mirror, catching Isaac’s gaze. With an almost imperceptible nod of his head, he told me that we wouldn’t be going to my apartment, at least not tonight.

Nox’s finger applied more pressure, encouraging my gaze to return to his. “The next sentence out of your mouth will be the answer to my question. I guarantee you don’t want me to repeat it.” He paused. “Nod if you understand.”

With my nod, his finger released my lips.

“I’ve known Bryce all of my life. Our mothers are friends.”

Mothers. Was mine really ill?

“You’ve known Edward Spencer your entire life? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I got the distinct impression that he thinks of you as more than a friend.”

My head moved slowly from side to side. “You’re not wrong.”

“Is the feeling or was it ever mutual?”

“No,” I replied honestly. Even in high school I didn’t feel the way he did.

“There’s more to it,” he surmised. “More that you’re not saying.”

“I’ve answered your questions honestly. Will you answer mine?”

With the light of the passing cars, I watched as the muscles along his handsome face strained and his Adam’s apple bobbed.

“This agreement that we have,” he began, “puts me in control.” His pale gaze turned to me. “Complete control.”

With each phrase his words slowed; on the contrary, each one hastened my heartbeat.

“Yes, Nox.” It was the response he told me to say.

“Even without the agreement, what was the one thing I demanded in Del Mar?”


He reached for my hand. “I also told you I’d give it. I will. However, I’ll decide what you need to know. If you ask me a question that I’m not ready or able to answer, I won’t. I won’t lie to you, and never lie to me. The difference between the two of us is that you don’t have a choice in what questions you’ll answer. The choice you have is what you just exercised tonight.”

“What did I do?”

“You answered honestly, but withheld information.”

He was right.

I looked down at our hands, mine in his. The swirling fury from seconds earlier had dissipated. Nox’s touch was warm and gentle. Could the man who held my hand have hurt his wife? Killed her? My heart wanted to say no.

The entire scene at the hospital seemed unreal. I couldn’t fathom that he and Bryce knew one another or why they disliked each other. Nevertheless, whatever the reason for Nox’s concern, my answers had given him the reassurance he needed, and for that I was relieved.

“So,” he said, pulling me from my thoughts. “If you understand that the questions you ask will only be answered at my discretion, go on.”

My gaze moved from Nox to the men in the front seat. This wasn’t the time to ask about his wife or even his business practices. No matter what Lennox Demetri did or had done, Isaac was loyal to him. Supposedly, I was under Isaac’s protection, but if I were a risk, even if it meant I had knowledge, I had no doubt where Isaac’s loyalty would lie.

“How do you and Bry—Edward know one another?”



Nox lifted my knuckles to his lips. “Princess, that’s my honest answer. For now it will have to do.”

“And I got the feeling you don’t care for one another.”

“Was that a question?”

“No.” I sighed. “I don’t care anymore. I don’t want to talk or think about him.” The lights of San Francisco came into view. “Why did we come back to the city? Why not stay in Palo Alto?”

“Since I’m in California, I’m going to meet with a few people tomorrow. Isaac will stay with you and get you to and from the hospital. If you want to go to your apartment tomorrow, during the day, fine. He’ll go with you.” Nox laid his head back. His entire body relaxed against the seat. “It’s been a long day. I’m ready to get to the hotel.”

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