Cunning (Infidelity #2) (24 page)

Read Cunning (Infidelity #2) Online

Authors: Aleatha Romig

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: Cunning (Infidelity #2)
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My chest ached with the reality of Montague Manor. I didn’t know if I believed Bryce or if Alton purposely set him up to overhear something. Either way, I doubted it was an accident. Everything there was calculated.

“Desperate? Why do you care?”

His sigh filled my ears. “Why do I care? Alexandria, I care because I love you. I’ve loved you since we were children.”

I didn’t respond.

“I don’t want to have this conversation on the phone, but you’re not leaving me a choice.”

I swallowed. The emotion in his voice was getting to me, finding the small place inside of me, the place I’d tucked away, the place that had belonged to him since we were children running around the yards of Montague Manor and Carmichael Hall.

“Are you listening to me?”

I nodded, a tear coming to my eye. “Yes, but I need to go.”

“Let me say this… please.”

“Hurry, Bryce.”

“I’ve dated other people over the last four years.”

I bristled. “Go back further.”

“Yes, I’ve dated others. I’m not going to lie. None of those other women meant anything to me. They were for a purpose, my distraction. Demetri is your distraction. I get that. I won’t hold that against you—against us. He caught your attention. But don’t you wonder why? Don’t you wonder why a criminal and big player in so many different scenarios would find
Alexandria Montague Collins?”

What is he saying?

“He’s using you. He doesn’t care about anyone. He’s a user and a killer. You’re there for a reason. When that purpose is met, we can only hope he discards you, because, Alexandria, the other option scares the shit out of me. The other option is that you end up like his wife.”

His volume rose. “That can’t happen. We’ve been each other’s destiny. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. You’re my everything… my past… my future… the mother of—”

I shook my head, unwilling to listen to his words anymore.

“Stop. Stop calling.”

“Why? Because Demetri will be upset? Does he look at your phone? Does he tell you whom you can talk to? You shouldn’t live like that.”

“No,” I corrected. “Don’t call because it upsets me. Goodbye.”

I disconnected the call and turned my eyes to the window. I didn’t need to look into the front seat to know Isaac heard every word I said.

I turned off the volume on my phone and sent a text.



New questions gathered with my usual swirl of uncertainty.

Was this smart? Could I find any shred of evidence that what Bryce was saying was true? Yes, he’d lied in the past, but did that mean I should disregard everything else?

Keeping my eyes away from Isaac’s in the rearview mirror, I took a deep breath, opened the browser on my phone, and did what Bryce suggested, perhaps what I should have done as soon as I learned Lennox’s full name.

I Googled Lennox Demetri.

Multiple articles appeared, only the first few words were visible on each one. Some had pictures. His handsome face and light blue eyes made my insides clench. I clicked to enlarge the first picture. The article began. I didn’t mean to gasp, but I did. It wasn’t just his image that took my breath away. Not his sexiness or magnetism, but who was with him.

Lennox Demetri recently seen…


Deloris was serious when she said the
—the whole damn world.

The picture on my screen was a candid photograph, shot yesterday of the two of us standing in the San Francisco airport. I turned my phone to enlarge the image. My mouth dried. There was Nox, all attractive and GQ in his silk suit, and me, in a sundress, flat sandals, with my hair in a low ponytail looking like I just woke from a three-hour nap. The picture must have been taken while we were waiting for Deloris and Isaac to deplane, since we were alone.

I scrolled and read. The short article was mostly about me. Not my identity. It said my name, Alexandria Collins. Realistically, they could have gotten that from anywhere, including my airline ticket information. Whoever wrote the article was more interested in publishing Lennox’s picture with a woman than researching the particulars. There was nothing about the delayed flight or my family. The emphasis was that Lennox Demetri, self-proclaimed bachelor since the death of his wife of four years, Jocelyn Demetri, was traveling with a woman.

… the name made my heart hurt, not in a jealous way. I recalled how he’d looked up at the ceiling blankly when he mentioned his mother. That millisecond of emotion saddened me. What would it be like to discuss this other woman, his wife? Who was she? Obviously, she was married to him for four years. Undoubtedly, someone he loved.

Not all marriages were about love—my mother was a prime example. No matter how long ago Jocelyn died, I knew Nox had only recently removed his wedding ring. How could a man who continued to wear his wedding ring, a man as hot and eligible as Nox, be accused of killing his wife?

Question after question bombarded my thoughts. The Northern California landscape that I adored was but a blip on my radar, unnoticed as we drove toward the city, the elevations, the bay, the beauty. None of it registered.

My pulse kicked up a notch when I noticed Jocelyn’s name was blue, as opposed to the black type. It was a link—a modern day portal giving me access to the all the answers to my questions. All I needed to do was touch it. Apprehensively, my finger hovered over her name. Before I could activate the link, I recalled something Deloris said.

She said she’d read my profile, and even before that in Del Mar, she said she knew my last name. She left the distinct impression that she knew more, perhaps even that I was a Montague. Yet she made a point that Nox didn’t want to know her insights. He wanted to learn about me from me.

Didn’t I owe Nox the same consideration? Shouldn’t I learn about Jocelyn from him, when and if he was ready to share? And then there was the fear of what I’d learn. What if what Bryce said was true?

Before I could be tempted further, I closed the browser.

When I turned to the window, we were already in the city. Beautiful building after building along the hilled streets brought back fond memories of San Francisco as I watched people and vendors filling the sidewalks.

“Miss Collins, we’re about at the restaurant.”

“Thank you. I texted Mr. Demetri to let him know we were on our way.”

“Yes, ma’am, so did I. He said to tell you that they were already seated.”

I looked at my watch, suddenly concerned with making a poor impression. “Are we late?”

“No. They recently arrived.”



Senator Carroll said, as I approached the corner table, led by a pretty young hostess.

Smiling, I nodded, but no matter how hard I tried, my attention was drawn to the pale blue eyes shining my direction. My heart fluttered like a schoolgirl’s when Nox came closer, kissed my cheek, and pulled back my chair.

“You look stunning,” he whispered.

His words filled my cheeks with pink as I turned back to the older gentleman across the table and the woman beside him. “Hello, Senator Carroll, Mrs. Carroll. Thank you for allowing me to intrude upon your meeting.”

“Nonsense, dear,” Mrs. Carroll said. “After all the years of listening to these two attempt to right the wrongs of politics and business, I’m thrilled to have someone else to share my misery.”

Mrs. Carroll was easily the age of my mother, and while she seemed nice, she reminded me of the country-club crowd surrounding the Montagues.

“Don’t listen to her. She is enthralled by our conversations as well as our solutions,” Senator Carroll said.

“Solutions?” I asked, leaning closer to Mrs. Carroll. “Have they succeeded in righting the wrongs?”

She laughed softly. “Why, you know, I don’t know. I have an awful habit of tuning it out.”

I smiled. “That does sound enthralling.”

“Actually,” Senator Carroll said after the waitress took my drink order, “Lennox mentioned that you’re a proud graduate of our state. Tell me why, after graduating from Stanford with honors, you’d leave this fine state to pursue education elsewhere. Keeping our finest graduates here is one of our top priorities.”

When I glanced at Nox, I saw a strange bit of pride in his gaze.

“I adored living here. I hoped that after making my mark on the West Coast, I could tackle the East Coast.”

“Besides, I’m on the East Coast,” Nox added.

“It is hard to compete with that,” Mrs. Carroll replied.

“So moving back to California after law school isn’t out of the question?” the senator asked.

I shook my head. “I’ve recently learned that nothing is out of the question.”

“Right you are. Perhaps you may even convince Lennox to move with you?”

I merely smiled at the senator. When I turned toward Nox, the way he was looking at me did things to my insides that were inappropriate for our lunch meeting.

“Which brings us to our next topic,” Senator Carroll, continued. “I was just trying to convince this man to consider relocating a few of his distribution centers. Perhaps you’d be better at that persuasion than I. We have some prime real estate…”

I listened as the senator and Nox talked about location, taxes, and logistics. As I ate my salad and sipped my water, I began to wonder what exactly my purpose was at this luncheon. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to be with Nox, but I could easily be at the hospital or my apartment. Bryce’s words about Nox using me came to mind. But that was ridiculous. How could my presence mean anything to a senator from California?

Mrs. Carroll reached for my hand and whispered, “See what I mean?”

I shrugged. “It’s interesting.”

“Oh, dear, you must be infatuated.”

“Excuse me?”

“I don’t blame you. I’ve known Lennox for a few years, and he’s never brought a woman to a luncheon. He’s obviously smitten with you…”

As she made small talk, Senator Carroll spoke to Nox. “…testimony will be starting soon. You know you have my vote. However, if I could go to a few other senators with rumors of relocation of those centers, I believe it would get the buzz going…”

“…our daughter will be attending Stanford…” Mrs. Carroll’s words drowned out the ones I wanted to hear of her husband’s.

“…House bill 770… Higgins is a strong opponent…”

“…any advice you would share…”

My attention was pulled back and forth. I wanted to listen to Senator Carroll and Nox’s conversation, but with Shirley Carroll speaking near my ear, I was constantly pulled back to her. Had I heard the men mention Senator Higgins? Was that the same Higgins who was at my party in Savannah? What did that mean?

My stomach churned with Bryce’s words, making the lunch before me less appetizing.

By the time we said our goodbyes, Nox led me away from the table, and we sat in the back of the waiting car, my thoughts were jumbled. It wasn’t difficult to deduce that they were discussing more than moving distribution centers.

“Why was I there?”




direction as Isaac moved the car into traffic. “Because I wanted you there.”

I leaned back against the seat with my lips together and tried to calm my nerves. Surely I wasn’t there because of some political struggle for votes. I never doubted Alton used my party as a means to influence Senator Higgins, but would Nox do the same thing?

“What’s the matter, Charli? Is that so hard to believe?”

“Well, Nox.” My volume was louder than I intended. “I don’t know. I know next to nothing about you. I don’t know anything about the House bill you two were discussing. Every time it was mentioned, Shirley Carroll had another story to share.”

He reached for my hand. “I wanted to spend time with you. There was nothing more than that.”

“So explain some of it. Tell me about the House bill.”

“You don’t need to worry about that. It would bore you. It’s something that could affect Demetri Enterprises.”

I took a deep breath. “Okay, tell me about Demetri Enterprises?”

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