Cursed (4 page)

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Authors: Wendy Owens

Tags: #Fiction, #Coming of Age

BOOK: Cursed
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“I don’t know,” Gabe replied.
“I guess I haven’t heard much from you this summer.
I thought after my dream with Baal we would see each other more.
Try and figure this thing out, you know?”

“Don’t worry about Baal,” Michael replied.

It took everything in him not to laugh out loud at Michael’s words.
How could he expect him not to worry about a Prince of Hell hunting him down?

“Really.” Michael said, reaching out and touching Gabe’s arm.
“We are taking care of the Baal issue, so don’t even think about it.

Gabe nodded.
He wanted to ask Michael a dozen questions like,
How can I not worry?
Who is working on the Baal situation?
But he didn’t.
He just continued to sit silent.

“I guess you should probably head back to your room and get some rest.
Classes start tomorrow.”

As if he were a zombie, Gabe rose.
Shoulders slumped, he walked to his room.
After talking to Michael, all Gabe wanted to do was go to bed and shut it all out.


When the sun finally rose, Gabe was relieved.
After lying sleepless in his bed for several hours, thinking about Michael’s words, starting his day seemed like the only escape from the torment.
Throughout the night, Gabe tried to convince himself that Michael’s words were because he cared about him.

Perhaps Michael was right and he wasn’t ready to venture outside the manor.
He didn’t want to be responsible for putting his friends in harm's way.
Maybe Michael was even right about Sophie being a distraction, but Gabe couldn’t imagine her being in his life less.
If anything, he wanted to spend all of his time with her.

Gabe knew most of the manor would still be asleep considering the sun had just come up, but he couldn’t be alone with his thoughts any longer.
Quickly dressing, he scurried off towards the dining hall in hopes he could get himself an early breakfast.

As Gabe made his way across the courtyard, he was surprised to see Uri sitting on one of the benches.
He knew Uri was not an early riser so this came as quite a shock.
He was staring into nothingness.
Gabe could tell by the distant look in his eyes that he was distracted by something.
Gabe wondered what was weighing so heavily on his friend’s mind.

“Uri?” Gabe said as he approached cautiously, trying not to startle him.

Uri shook his head as if trying to shake off the fuzziness that he was cloaked in.

Uri exclaimed, realizing his friend was approaching.

“Are you alright?”

“Yes, of course.

“I don’t know.
You seem distracted.”
Gabe responded.

“Oh, no.”
Uri replied pausing, realizing his dilemma was obvious to onlookers.
“Just a lot on my mind.
Nothing important.”

Gabe took a seat next to him and continued.
“Well, I have time if you want to share.”

Gabe saw the horrified look in Uri’s eyes and then that of despair.

“No, I’m fine.”
Uri replied.
Gabe was worried about what Uri might be hiding, but didn’t want to press him.

“Are you sure?” Gabe asked, giving it one last effort.

“Yeah,” Uri quickly responded.
“I just meant I have a lot to do today.
So what are you doing up this early?”

Not wanting to talk about what was robbing him of sleep either, Gabe decided to avoid the question all together.

“Sure,” Uri responded, happy for anything that would change the subject as well.

The two stood.
Walking towards the kitchen, Uri tried to think of something to talk about.
“So, great job yesterday.”

Gabe looked puzzled.

“The tests!
You did a fantastic job.
I can’t believe you were able to best all three of them and so quickly.
Michael told me to be ready to step in if you needed help, but sure enough you were fine on your own.”

“Wait, what?” Gabe felt a lump in his throat grow as he heard Uri’s words.
“Michael had asked you to watch out for me?”

“Well of course he did!
All Michael does these days is worry about you, idiot.”

“I didn’t... I mean, wow... I had no idea.” Gabe stammered, realizing he had misjudged Michael’s indifference to his safety.

“We threw some pretty hard monsters at you, too.
I bet Michael was so proud!”
Uri gushed.

“You would think.”
Gabe grumbled.

What’s that supposed to mean?
Is something wrong?” Uri asked, looking over at Gabe.

“No, I guess not.
It’s just when I met with Michael last night he seemed upset.”


Actually, I am pretty frustrated about it,” Gabe groaned.
He was no longer able to hold in his grievances since being reminded of the conversation.
“Michael barely spoke to me all summer.
No word to me of Baal, even though we all know he’s hunting me.
Instead he calls me in for our first real meeting in months and he tells me I need to step up my game.”

“Wow, I had no idea.
Well, I’m sure he has a lot on his mind.
I bet he didn’t mean anything by it.”
Uri defended his beloved leader.
“Sometimes Michael doesn’t realize how he’s coming across to people.”

“He could have fooled me.
And really, Uri, a lot on his mind?
I have a lot on my mind and you don’t see me being rude to everyone.”
Gabe argued.

“I guess,” Uri paused for a moment, not sure what to say next.
Trying to change the subject he began again.
“So how are things with you and Sophie?
She is pretty tight lipped about you two these days which tells me you guys are probably pretty hot and heavy.”

“Oh yeah,” Gabe snapped, clearly still steaming about his conversation with Michael.
“Then Michael tells me I am spending too much time with Sophie and he thinks she’s a distraction for me.
Come on!
Sophie is one of the best things in my life.
She keeps me focused and studying so I really don’t get what his problem is.”

“Gabe, he is just trying to look out for your best interests.
I’m sure he didn’t mean anything about yours and Sophie’s relationship.”

Walking into the kitchen, the two young men went silent as they raided the cupboards for an easy breakfast.
Uri came across a bag of bagels and raised them into the air triumphantly.
Gabe nodded in approval.
Gabe then headed to the icebox for some cream cheese.
Uri commenced in slicing and toasting the bagels as the boys engaged in small talk about Gabe’s battle strategy the day before.

Placing their food on a couple plates, the boys walked out to a nearby table and sat across from one another.

“So are you ready for classes?”
Uri asked.

Gabe thought about the question for a minute.
“You know what, I haven’t really thought about it.
I’ve spent so much time getting ready for my tests this summer that it never even crossed my mind of what would happen when I passed.
I guess I don’t know what to think.”

“What’s your class list like?”
Uri inquired.

“I don’t know.
I haven’t gotten it yet.”
Gabe replied.

“I tell you what, after breakfast, how about we go and find out what your classes are and then hit the supply room for anything you might need?”
Uri was pleased to offer assistance to Gabe in hopes it would take his friend’s mind off the tense conversation with Michael the night before.

“Sounds like a plan!”
Gabe said, genuinely excited.
He didn’t know what was bothering Uri, but hopefully some mindless tasks would help distract him for a while from whatever it was.


Gabe took one last look at his class schedule, committing it to memory.
He stood from his chair, packing his books and herbs from potions class into his backpack.
Just as he threw the pack over his shoulder, there was a knock at the door.

Gabe walked quickly to the door and opened it, on the other side he was greeted by Sophie’s cheery face.
“Hey there classmate!
Ready for your first day of school?”

Gabe was amused by Sophie’s question.

“I suppose so.
Uri helped me get all the supplies together that I need and I have my class schedule, so I guess I’m all set.”

Closing the door behind him, the two walked down the hall arm in arm.
“So what does your class list look like?” Sophie asked, pulling her own list from her pocket with her free hand.

Without a word, Gabe handed her his crumpled list.
Comparing the two lists, Sophie turned to Gabe and shrieked in excitement while leaping in place.

“What?” Gabe asked, finding himself excited without even knowing why.

“We have three out of six classes together.”
Sophie replied, smiling up at Gabe, reaching out and giving him a tight hug around his neck.

“Really?” Gabe exclaimed.
He had decided not to share with her Michael’s concerns about their relationship.
“That’s awesome!
Please tell me we have potions together.”

“We do, why?” Sophie questioned, furrowing her brow.

“I’m a little worried about potions class.
This summer we really focused on my casting.
I don’t feel like just reading books has given me a strong enough grasp on the basics of potions.
I suppose I will simply have to pick it up as I go.
Having the smartest girl in class at my side will certainly help.”
Gabe grinned as he ran one hand around Sophie’s waist and pulled her close.

“Oh, Gabe,” Sophie said looking down as she blushed.

“You know I’m right, and I am so into brainy chicks.” Gabe leaned in with lips puckered.

“Stop it,” Sophie squealed through laughter as she broke away.
Catching her breath, she turned and continued towards their first class.
“Besides, I wouldn’t worry.
Professor McFarland is one of the nicest teachers.
I’m sure she’ll be very patient with you.
And of course, like you said, you will have the smartest girl in class at your side.”

The two looked at each other and smiled in a mischievous way.
Gabe thought of Michael’s warning about Sophie.
He was sure Michael was completely wrong about their relationship serving as a distraction.
He would just have to prove to him how valuable their relationship was.

The two approached the classroom, hands locked tightly together.
When they entered, Gabe looked around the room.
The old stone walls kept the room feeling cool like most of the rest of the manor, but as they moved through the room there were pockets of warmth given off by small desk burners that had cauldron like pots on top of each one.
The flames under them gave off a blue and white hue.

The tables were high, at least chest level.
As the two chose a desk and took their seats on the stools, Gabe thought it looked like a science lab in any high school throughout the country, if it were in a medieval castle.
They both watched as students filtered in, taking their seats.
Raimie and Dina grabbed the table next to them.
Gabe felt thrilled to be surrounded by friends in this new and foreign environment.

At last the remaining desks were filled.
The class watched as Professor McFarland entered from a door at the front of the room.
Gabe assumed it was her office she came from.

“Good morning, class!”

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