Cursed (6 page)

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Authors: Wendy Owens

Tags: #Fiction, #Coming of Age

BOOK: Cursed
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“Officially I am a second year, but I suppose I am an over achiever.
I doubled up on classes which made it possible for me to take several third year courses this year.” Neru explained.

“Oh, I see.
Well, that makes sense.” Gabe responded, a little disappointed that he was still alone in his unique student status.

“My friends and I watched your tests.”

“Oh yeah?” Gabe replied, trying not to reveal his embarrassment.

“Of course, who didn’t watch it?
Quite impressive.
Although I have to say I can’t imagine facing those monsters myself.
I am somewhat relieved I don’t qualify for field duty since I am not officially a third year.”

“It really wasn’t that big a deal.” Gabe said dismissively, remembering Michael’s words when he stripped him of the ability to go on field assignments.

“Are you at all nervous about your field studies?” Neru asked.

Gabe remained silent, uncertain how to answer.
He didn’t realize how humiliated he was until this moment.
Gabe felt he was tasked with defeating three monsters and he had completed the task that was set out before him.
Now for Michael to take the right that all other third year students possessed away from him was not fair.

“I’m sorry, if you’re uncomfortable talking about it you don’t have to.” Neru assured, sensing his discomfort.
“I know I personally would be really scared.”

“I’m not scared!” Gabe snapped.

“No, of course not.
That’s not what I meant.” Neru pleaded, wishing she had kept her mouth shut.

“No, it’s fine,” Gabe replied, regretting his rash response.
“It’s just… for now Michael thinks it would be wiser if I didn’t go on any trips in the field.”

“Oh, well that makes sense.
I am sure you are being tracked by every demon in the underworld.
Can you imagine?
The protector.
I can’t even think of how many demons are trying to track you at this very moment.”
As soon as the words left Neru’s mouth she thought better of them.
“I’m sorry.
That was insensitive of me to say.”

“No, really, it’s fine.
I am starting to get used to the idea, sadly enough.” Gabe replied, realizing there was some truth to the statement.

“So what other classes do you have?” Neru asked, genuinely curious as well as wishing to change the uncomfortable subject.

“Hmmm… let’s see.
I just had a potions class.
That was interesting I suppose.” Gabe answered.

I have that later today.
I have to admit, I am pretty excited about that one.”

“It was decent, they had us brewing healing potions on our first day so that was kind of fun.”
Gabe thought about the tenseness between Dina and Raimie, at least the brewing part was fun.

“No way!” Neru exclaimed.
“In second year potions we only discussed herbs and theories.
I can’t believe they had you brewing on your first day.”

“Yeah, it was kind of cool.
Later today I have Elementals, Magical Creatures, Artifacts, and Incantations.” Gabe explained.

You are carrying a really full schedule, Gabe.”

“I wouldn’t know, I didn’t choose it, the classes were picked for me.
I suppose whoever is in charge figure I have some catching up to do.”
Gabe replied.

“That must be so weird.” Neru said, leaving Gabe puzzled.

“What is?”

“Oh, just coming to the manor so late.
It is hard to believe they didn’t find you for so long.
Really, it’s more amazing you weren’t dead.” Neru continued speaking without much thought about her words.
“Really, it has to be some kind of record for a Guardian to be on the outside for so long with no training, and stay alive.”

“Gee, guess I’m just lucky.” Gabe responded in a sarcastic tone.
His youth had been a complete nightmare full of demons destroying everything and everyone around him.
The last thing he thought was that he was lucky in any sense of the word.

“Sorry, I’ve done it again, haven’t I?” Neru asked, realizing her foot was once again lodged in her mouth.

Gabe simply nodded and flashed a friendly smile.

“Well I am taking third year Magical Creatures and Artifacts as well.
They won’t let a second year take any classes that have to do with casting, so Elementals and Incantations wasn’t an option for me, sadly.”

“Well, maybe we will be in the same classes for Magical Creatures and Artifacts.”
Gabe added.

“Yeah, that would be awesome,” Neru said, a smile beaming from her face as she gripped tightly to the book before her.
Gabe thought her behavior odd, but decided it was just because she was a girl.
He didn’t really get them.

“Alright, class.
Everyone, books open to chapter one.”
The professor said as he walked into the room.

Gabe stared for a moment, a bit surprised at the small man’s appearance.
With pointy ears and a long hooked nose, Gabe wondered what kind of being the instructor was.
A goblin or troll perhaps, he had no idea.
Since he came to Rampart manor, Gabe had met several new races or species of animals he never knew existed.
This didn’t seem too strange by now.
He just hadn’t expected to find one of these beings teaching his class.

“I suppose your friend won't be coming.” Neru whispered.

Gabe realized Sophie had not arrived for class and his concern quickly returned.
He felt an overwhelming need to find out why she had been called away.
His thoughts were again consumed with finding out if she was alright.
Not wanting to make waves on his first day of class, Gabe decided to wait until the end of history to search for Sophie.

“I suppose not.” He replied, masking his concern.


As hard as Gabe tried to focus, he found himself distracted for the remainder of the class.
Occasionally he would glance over at Neru and wonder more about her story.
These thoughts would quickly give way to a panicked distraction.
He was consumed by thoughts of what might have taken Sophie away that morning.

Gabe watched the clock on the wall; eagerly waiting for class to come to an end.
He had been looking forward to history.
With the distraction of Sophie missing, he wasn’t able to concentrate.
At last the bell sounded.
Gabe hopped to his feet.

In an attempt not to be rude, Gabe quickly expressed his appreciation for meeting Neru and then excused himself.
In a hurried rush, he darted towards Sophie’s chambers.
Gabe was not going to be attending any more classes unless he could get to the bottom of Sophie’s disappearance.
Perhaps, he thought, he might be overreacting.
After being called out this morning, she may have simply felt ill and decided to return to her room.
Anything was possible, he thought.

Where are you going?” Gabe heard Sophie’s voice call out to him as he rushed past.
He had been in such a hurry that he had gone right by Sophie.
Quickly, Gabe slowed and then stopped in his tracks.
Turning, he saw Sophie standing, arms spread, and mouth open as if saying she were stumped by his behavior.

“Sophie!” he exclaimed, rushing to her side.
“I have been so worried about you.”

“What?” she questioned.
“About me?
Why on earth…?”

“Well, this morning,” Gabe tried to explain, now embarrassed by his clearly unfounded reaction.
“And then you didn’t show up in history class.”
Gabe added, trying to justify his irrational behavior.

“Oh, that.”
Sophie replied.
“Professor Beatrice called me to her office.
She needed my help.”

Professor Beatrice was the instructor in charge of the library and artifacts area.
Sophie had worked closely with the professor since her arrival at the manor.

“With what?” Gabe barked in an almost accusatory tone.

“Gabe, what is with you?” Sophie demanded.

“I don’t know, I guess I’m just on edge.” Gabe wished he could take his words back.
“At least we will still be able to go to Elementals together.”

“About that Gabe, I guess I won’t be in any of your classes this semester after all.”

Gabe was astonished that Sophie’s words didn’t seem to bother her.
Gabe thought it was as if it didn’t bother her at all and she was almost excited by the idea.

“What do you mean, Sophie?
You were so excited this morning.”

“Well, yeah, it’s not that I wouldn’t love to take some classes with you, but things changed.”

“What exactly changed?” Gabe demanded, no longer concerned if he came across as insane.

“Professor Beatrice has been tasked by Michael with the huge undertaking of cataloging all of the material in the crystal chambers, including the newest delivery of artifacts.”
As Sophie spoke, she reminded Gabe of a child on Christmas morning when they catch a glimpse of the overflowing presents under the tree.
“I just feel so honored Gabe, ya know?”

“Honored?” Gabe asked, becoming annoyed at the mention of Michael’s name.

“Yes, Professor Beatrice said I was the first person she thought of to help with the task.
She asked Michael and he has agreed to allow me to do my studies independently so that I can be a part of the cataloging.”

“Yeah, I bet he did.” Gabe grimaced.

What is your problem?” Sophie cried angrily as the crowd of students mingling about them lessened.

Gabe remembered Michael’s warning about spending too much time with Sophie.
He was sure Michael was behind this sudden opportunity for Sophie.
Seeing how angry she was at him though, Gabe thought better of revealing his suspicions.

“Nothing,” he grumbled.
“I suppose I was just looking forward to being with you in several of my classes.
But it’s clear I was more than you.”

“Well, I really do not appreciate the attitude, Gabe!
You know, not everything is about you.”

“Sophie, I’m sorry.” Gabe said, trying to mask his annoyance.
“You’re right.
It’s really exciting news for you.
I know you love working with that stuff.”

“Later today I get to log and examine the artifacts Dina and Raimie just brought back from Iron Gate.
I will be the first one here to actually touch them and record observations.
This is such an honor for a student to receive.” Sophie continued to share, deciding to let Gabe's attitude pass. As Sophie gushed about her exciting opportunity, Gabe couldn’t help but be happy for her, even if he was annoyed.

They had spent so much time together this summer that Gabe felt like she knew him better than anyone else.
She had a way of calling him out when he behaved irrationally while also making him feel like he was on top of the world.

As Sophie continued talking about her exciting new job, a flood of memories came over Gabe of his and Sophie’s time together.
Right after the attack he had been terrified to even leave the manor.
Over the summer when Sophie had convinced him to return to the beach where Anthony had nearly killed him just months before, he had not been convinced it was the best idea.

He remembered how clammy his hands were that day when they started venturing down the path.
His head had been spinning.
He was sure he was about to pass out from the overwhelming emotions.
As they cleared the rocky path and he stepped onto the sand with that first foot, he felt his heart start racing.
Looking over, he saw the sun shining behind Sophie, her auburn hair blowing out to the side.

Her close-lipped smile, shining eyes, and slightly flushed cheeks made his heart warm.
He knew in that moment that he was one of the luckiest guys on earth.
Without giving Anthony another thought, he had reached out and grabbed hold of Sophie’s hand.
The day had been full of fun and frolicking along the shores, the waves licking their heels.
It was one of the best memories he had of the summer.

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