Read Curves Envy - Alphas Love Curves: BBW Billionaire Romance Online

Authors: Scarlett Avery

Tags: #Erotica, #Fiction, #Romance, #Romantic Comedy, #Short Story

Curves Envy - Alphas Love Curves: BBW Billionaire Romance (13 page)

BOOK: Curves Envy - Alphas Love Curves: BBW Billionaire Romance
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The Sensual Vixen is exactly what I was wearing last night. I didn’t remember the name of the collection. I loved the color and the fact I could be a little flirty. I never imagined my underwear choice would come back to haunt me.

I look up at him, my cheeks burning, trying to understand why he’d be so cruel. I hope to God no one else in the room notices how uncomfortable I am right now. I inhale and exhale, trying to calm my speeding pulse.
This is not happening to me. I cannot have done unmentionable things with a potential bigshot client.

“Candice, what do you think? Would your readers go nuts over this saucy blue combo?” Before I can even answer, Max turns his attention to the woman sitting next to him. “Deidra, what is the fashionable name we use to describe this shade of blue? I can never remember these details.”

“It’s called turquoise, Maximiliano.”

“Ah, yes, turquoise.”
Is he mocking me?
“Our talented Brazilian designer added an element of naughtiness by replacing the usually bulky cup with a sheer fabric that leaves little to the imagination,” he says, curling his lip. “It comes in other shades, but last night I had an opportunity to see the Sensual Vixen in turquoise on a luscious curvy model and she looked dangerously hot. I’m so proud of our risqué designs.”

He knew the second he laid eyes on my exposed boobs I was wearing one of his collections.
What was last night about? Was he conducting market research?

“Candice, you seem tongue-tied. I knew you’d be taken aback by our sexy designs.”

The entire room turns to look at me and I honestly could die right there and then of embarrassment. I clear my throat and take a sip of the water sitting in front of me before speaking.

“Maximiliano, I’m sure our readers will love the new designs and the orders will come flooding in.”

I have no idea how I’m able to be so calm and collected given the outrageousness of the situation.

“I’m so glad to hear you approve of our design. I don’t normally do this, but as I’ve explained, I’m much more involved than usual because this is a family business. I don’t tend to spend too much time flipping the pages of women’s magazines or searching the web to find out what curvy girls will want to wear for spring. I have an incredible research team who takes care of these things. However, I became fascinated with the way you engage with your readers. I’ve been following your columns in both the magazine and the online portal for months.”

So he’s not such a random stranger after all. He’s more like a stalker. He knew exactly who I was when I met Lia at Vanilla Beans. I’m the idiot who had no clue I was making out with a potential client.

“Thank you, Maximiliano. I’m passionate about what I do. I love my job and I love my readers. I’m surprised you’d take the time to read what I write.”

“I must agree with Candice. I’m equally surprised.” Jennifer looks even more shocked than I do at Max’s revelation.

“I must say, your photo doesn’t do you nearly justice. You’re much prettier in person.”

Fuck him for being disarmingly charming while my whole world is falling apart.

“Thank you.” I blush.

“Jennifer, I surprised myself as well, but I wanted to make sure the person who was going to review our products would be able to communicate her experience in a compelling and honest way. I believe Candice can do this well. And by the way, good call on Melissa McCarthy. What a brilliant scoop.”

My God, he really has been reading what I write. “It was a lucky guess,” I say shyly.

“Nonsense. You were predicting this for months. You’re far too modest.”

From the corner of my eye, I notice Jennifer’s stern look. She’s not a fan of people who pay me compliments. She must be sitting between a rock and a hard place since the person she’s fuming at right now might end up injecting tens of millions of dollars in ad budget into

“I’m sorry, Maximiliano, you said I’d be reviewing your products? What do you mean?”

“If Jennifer is interested in doing business with us, we’d love a more experiential approach. Since we would be buying ads space featuring professionally shot sleek and glossy images, we still want the buyers to feel our collections are for them. We’d be more than happy to send you a number of our top sellers for you to wear and describe your experience. There’s nothing quite like touching and feeling lingerie to fully appreciate it.”

Are we still talking about the magazine feature? “Seriously?”

“Deidra came up with the concept and now that I’ve met you in person, I can’t imagine not running with it.”

I gasp at the idea he’ll be privy to what I’m wearing under my clothing. How the hell did this all happen?

“Maximiliano, I’m sure Candice will love every single item you send her.” Jennifer leans in against the boardroom table and answers on my behalf.


magazine and our entire staff wants to work with you and we’re happy to accommodate you in any way you’d like. Whatever you need is yours.”

No. I don’t want to be part of this deal. It’s not fair I don’t have a say in this.

“Really?” Max leans against the table and stares Jennifer dead in the eye. The tension is palpable in the room to the point where the suits lean in as well in order to be closer to the action.


Max has been manipulating me since I bumped into him last night. He knew full well he’d be sitting in our boardroom today and he knew exactly who I was.


For crying out loud, spit it out. Maleficent said you can have anything. Obviously, my body is part of the deal. What more do you want?

“I’m glad to hear you say this, Jennifer, because I want her.”

Dear God.

Jennifer flinches in her seat, unable to comprehend Max’s request.

“What do you mean?” Both Jennifer and I ask the question at the same time.

“Deidra also thought it would be brilliant to document some of our big upcoming shows and fashion shoots in Miami and Brazil. We’d love a sort of candid-camera approach where Candice would give your readers an insider’s look into our collections. Deidra was also thinking live Tweets and Facebook posts on your magazine’s social media platforms. Essentially, we’d love for Candice to travel with us.”

Jennifer nearly chokes and the three agency women shoot me envious looks. I know I should be enjoying this moment, but I’m too mortified to appreciate this victory.

“Well… I’m not sure. I’d… I’d have to check with management.” I’ve never seen my boss babble before when answering anyone.

“Jennifer, it’s quite simple. I’m going to spend an insane amount of money on ads with your publication over the next few years. I’m simply asking for one of your editors to document a few fashion shows. If this is a problem, perhaps one of your competitors would welcome our business.”

Good Lord. He’s playing hardball with a woman who’s made it her mission to be known as a ball-crusher.

I’ve not been able to say a word since Max dropped the bomb. I’m afraid everyone will know what happened between us last night and I’m also scared of Jennifer’s reaction. I don’t want to lose this job.

“Candice will bring a lot of heart and soul to these types of features, Maximiliano. Let me have a quick word with the VPs to confirm, but I’m certain we can accommodate your request.”

Beads of sweat are pearling down my temples. I brush the back of my hand against my forehead, trying to stay calm, but suddenly I feel faint.

“Candice, are you okay?”

Deidra is the first one to notice I must have turned white like a ghost at the news.

“I think I ate something that’s not sitting well with my stomach,” I lie. “I’m going to run to the fridge and grab a Perrier. I’m sure I’ll be okay once I take some air. I’ll be right back.” I grab my notepad, get up on shaky legs and do my best to leave the room with as much dignity as possible. When I’m close to the door, I ready myself to sprint back to my desk, but his voice stops me dead in my tracks.

“Candy? Are you okay?”

I turn around, infuriated by Max’s questions.

“Don’t call me Candy.” I turn my back on him, determined to get as far away as possible, but he’s faster than I am. He takes one long step and grabs my wrist in his strong hand.

“Why are you running away?” His face is inches from mine and I hate myself for being turned on.

“You played me for a fool last night. What do you expect?”

“I didn’t play you. I texted you all morning and afternoon, but you haven’t returned any of my messages. Who’s playing who?”

I’m painfully aware of his numerous messages, but I was so paranoid this was another case like Vince, I didn’t want to get my hopes up. Who the hell meets Prince Charming randomly in a big city like New York?

“Let go of me. Someone will walk by and question why our big advertiser is gripping my wrist in such a personal way.”

“You’re right. Let’s find a quieter place to talk.”


Before I can even react, Max scans the hallway and heads towards a door marked Fashion Archives. He jiggles the handle, pulls me in, and closes the door before resting his weight against the door.

Great. I’m a prisoner. There’s nowhere for me to go.

“There’s nothing to talk about,” I spit out, enraged.

“Then why are you so angry?”

“You want to know why? Let’s start with the fact you knew who I was, but you never let on. Let’s move on to the fact you knew you were coming for a meeting at our offices today and finally what kind of girl makes out with a stranger who turns out to be a client?”

“You’re very sexy when you’re angry.” He closes the gap between us and he’s so close, I can see every shade of green and brown in his sparkling eyes.

“Argh. You’re impossible.” I’m fuming. “I’m not going with you to Miami or Brazil. There’s no way I’m spending any more time with you. I’ll beg Jennifer to find a replacement.”

“If you do, I’ll pull the account right under her nose.”

“You’re bluffing.”

“Try me.” His eyes are cold as ice and I’m confused by how the man standing in front of me can be so different from the one I met last night—the one who rubbed my clit until I came hard.

“What do you want from me?”

“You haven’t return my text messages and I’m crushed. To make up for things, have dinner with me tomorrow night.” He trails his finger over my chin, sending an electric shockwave to the tip of my clit.

“I’m not having dinner with you.” I shake my head to emphasis my point. “You can’t buy me with all your money.”

I refuse to ever be caught alone in a room with him again.

“I’m not trying to buy you. I’d love to explain why I didn’t reveal too much about who I was last night.”

“It’s too late, Max. I don’t care,” I say, taking a step back. You’ve been lying to me since I met you.”

“You do care or else you would have called me Maximiliano.”

Damn. He can read me so well.

“It’s not going to happen. I’m not meeting you tomorrow night. End of story.”

“I always get what I want, Candy.”

“You can’t trap me in this room and make such demands.” I’m insulted by his insinuation. “You can’t force me to do anything I don’t want to do.”

“The choice is yours. Either you accept my invitation for dinner or I’ll walk back in the boardroom and let Jennifer know one of
magazine’s longtime competitors just made me an irresistible offer.” He grins mischievously as he narrows his eyes. “Your boss doesn’t strike me as someone who would appreciate seeing such a big contract slip through her fingers,” he continues.

“You wouldn’t dare,” I say, scandalized by the options.

“Are you willing to gamble? One phone call and I can have Caitlin Jacobi, the editor-in-chief of
magazine, on the line within the next thirty seconds. She’s been wining and dining me for months now hoping I’ll give them our business.” He fishes in his pocket and he pulls out his phone. “Once she agrees to my demands, which she will in under three seconds, I’ll waltz back into the conference room and I’ll announce the unfortunate change of plans to Jennifer,” he says, grabbing the door handle. “So what will it be, Candy? Dinner or not?”

I can’t tell if he’s bluffing, but I’m not certain I want to take the chance. I wouldn’t want to jeopardize a job I love, but the reality is—even though I’m pissed off at myself for even considering caving in to his demands—I’m dying to see him again. My God, it’s totally inappropriate for me to have dinner with a powerful client. Isn’t it?

I’m paralyzed with fear and I hesitate, still unsure how to handle this sticky situation, but when he opens the door and takes a step out, I nearly pass out from holding my breath.

Good Lord, he can’t actually be serious.





To Be Continued In Book 2



* * *


The Story Continues In Curves Envy—Book 2 Curvy Girls Do It Better.

Grab Your Copy Today To Discover If Max Makes Due To His Word

And Walks Out The Door!


BOOK: Curves Envy - Alphas Love Curves: BBW Billionaire Romance
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