Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales (19 page)

BOOK: Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales
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“More?” He asked.

“Y-Yes!” She gasped.

Yuki laid back once more, now ready for his touch. Though nothing would’ve prepared her for what Cade brought out of her. He kissed and nibbled at her labia as he went up one side and down the other. Once he felt that she was prepared, Cade’s mouth found the tight bundle of nerves between her lips and his tongue lapped at it greedily. Yuki’s hips rose up to meet his decadent lips and tongue shamelessly, threatening to unseat him.

Cade latched onto her clit more firmly and circled his tongue around the hard nub. Her thighs clenched his head, her back arched, and she inhaled sharply. Then Yuki exploded. Her breath burst from her lungs in a melodic cry. Her thighs released his face and trembled violently.

Yuki felt rapturous, as if she was floating on a cloud. Though as her inner channel clenched and flexed, she craved more. She felt empty, she wanted to be filled. She didn’t have to wait for long. Cade’s need had reached a breaking point and Yuki found herself back in his arms as he lowered her back into the water.

Cade wrapped his arms around her waist, the tip of his aching manhood waiting at her entrance. He lowered her down further, dipping shallowly into her slick heat. Cade’s gray gaze held Yuki’s as he found her maidenhead. Her eyes widened and Cade pulled her towards him, capturing her mouth as he thrust through her hymen.

Yuki screamed into Cade’s mouth and he swallowed the sound. The soothing warmth of the water helped to subside the sharp pain and quickly pleasure surged to the forefront again. Yuki felt full, finally getting what her body had craved that she didn’t understand. She got it now and she didn’t think she’d ever be able to go back. Her hands dove into his hair, pulling it from the leather tie. She held on tight to him as he pumped into her sensually. His gentle rhythmic thrusts built slowly. Then his control snapped and he moved to place her on the rock ledge again. Cade stepped up onto a natural stone step, placing him at the perfect position. He gripped her hips tightly and stroked into her smoothly. Yuki writhed in ecstasy and Cade increased his speed. He slammed into her until he felt her walls squeeze his bursting cock, tightly. Only to then release him with vigorous convulsions.

Yuki had tried to remain quiet, but the second climax exploded in powerful waves. An unexpected scream ripped from her throat as she dug her nails into Cade’s strong forearms. He quickly pulled her back into his arms and continued to pump into her. Her wet, warmth and flexing muscles rent a violent orgasm and growl from him and his seed spilled deep in her womb.

Cade eased them back into the water as they clutched at each other tightly. He was overwhelmed by the amount of feelings he had for the little curvy princess. He felt that he could’ve stayed in that moment for all time. But then the sounds of swords being drawn woke him from his fantasy.

Both Yuki and Cade whipped their heads around to see seven samurais surrounding them with seven different expressions written on their faces. They ranged from downright furious to near hysterical laughter.

Cade quickly reached for his discarded jacket lying next to the pool and threw it over Yuki’s shoulders, trying to shield her naked body from their eyes. Once he was done, Cade held up his hands in surrender.

Mortified, Yuki buried her face in Cade’s neck. She wanted him to duck down into the water and never come up again.

“Princess, what is this?” Takashi asked angrily.

Yuki just shook her head quickly against Cade’s neck, refusing to look up.

“Gentlemen, if we could have just a moment, we’d be glad to have this discussion when we’re both decent.” Cade suggested.

Takashi looked on with a disgruntled face, not wanting to back down. In the end, he gave in, if only for the princess’ sake.

“Fine. But make it quick.” He turned to walk away and then stopped to look back. “Meet me at the house.” Then he stormed off with the six others trailing close behind.

Yuki and Cade reluctantly pulled apart and quickly dressed over their still wet bodies, not wanting to test the fearless leader of the village. They swiftly made their way back towards the village and Takashi’s house. Neither noticed the naturally heated pool turn a bright glowing blue and the ethereal figure of water rising up to watch them.






“Yurei, has the huntsman found the princess and done what I’ve asked of him?” Empress Kasumi asked the watery figure in front of her.

“No, your Highness. First the huntsman destroyed the box for her heart and threw it in a river.” The spirit informed Kasumi.

“What?!” The Empress bellowed, fury instantly radiating from her entire body.

“Yes, Empress. And I’m afraid there is more. Once he found her, he made love to her in one of the mountain springs. He told her of your plans and said that he had come to protect her.” The translucent image of Kasumi said calmly, though calm is not what the woman, herself, was feeling.

“Fool! He’s ruined everything! I’m so sick of men. Mindless rutting bastards! Only caring about the pricks between their legs.” Kasumi screamed. “I’ll do it myself. Yurei, I need to use the last of my power to disguise myself and once I get her heart, I’ll be invincible. Please, help me.” She requested.

“Empress, I must warn against this. If you lose the last of your powers and are unable to succeed in killing her, you will be irrevocably vulnerable.” The spirit warned her.

“I will not fail.” Kasumi said arrogantly. “Now change me and give me a deadly treat the princess won’t be able to resist.” The Empress smiled sinisterly as a blue glow surrounded her.






Yuki and Cade sat cross-legged, side by side as they held hands across from Takashi. Mai stood just outside the doorway wondering what had happened with the American. Takashi stared at them for several moments. Yuki was a bundle of nerves but Cade was stoic, never flinching under the weight of the samurai’s gaze.

“Princess, I have no authority in how you conduct yourself. I am not the Emperor. However, I do feel responsible for your well-being. It is not proper for someone of your station to fornicate with some foreigner in the woods.” Takashi scolded.

Mai clasped her hand over her mouth as she tried to silence her gasp of surprise at what Yuki had done.

“Don’t berate her. It wasn’t her fault.” Cade spoke up, defending Yuki.

Takashi turned his cold gaze to the huntsman. “You dare lay your hands on the Princess of Japan?! Was that your purpose, to destroy her and her reputation?” His voice rose in anger.

“Neither. I was sent by the Empress to kill Yuki and bring back her heart.” Cade said honestly to the loud gasp of Mai and the widening eyes of the samurai.

“Mai, you may come in. We know you’re spying anyway.” Takashi said, trying not to laugh.

The pretty maid came flying in and knelt next to Yuki, taking her hand firmly. “Princess, are you alright?” Mai said with worry.

“I’m fine, Mai.” Yuki soothed her frazzled maid.

“So you didn’t kill her as asked, but what you did was no better. Explain yourself!” Takashi said, not nearly finished with the discussion.

“Not that I feel that I have to, but I will out of respect for you, as the leader of this village.” Cade prefaced before continuing. “Yuki and I have met before at the Imperial Palace. I fell in love with her that night.” Yuki and Mai both gasped in shock, though Cade ignored them with a smirk and went on. “So I was surprised when I was summoned to the palace and commissioned to find and kill the princess. I could not let that happen. So I went in search for her, to protect her.”

“And what of you desecrating her pure body?” Takashi pushed further.

“What of Mai’s?” Yuki blurted out angrily. Both Mai and Takashi looked at her in surprise. “Yes, I saw you both together this morning as I left to go to the hot spring. I know Mai was a virgin before this morning. You desecrated her body, it’s no different.” Yuki said with her chin held high.

“But you’re a princess! The standards are held higher for you.” Takashi exclaimed.

“I don’t care. I love him! And he is the first man that has ever shown interest in me. Is it better that I die a spinster than make my own choice to be happy?” Yuki argued back and Cade squeezed her hand in support.

“I’m sorry, Princess. I spoke out of turn. I meant no disrespect. I only want for you to be happy.” Takashi inclined his head.

“Thank you.” Yuki accepted his apology and then turned to more serious matters. “Now, do you plan on marring my dear Mai and make an honest woman of her?”

“I-I…” Takashi swallowed hard with the tables turned on him. “If she’ll have me?”

Mai smiled shyly, but happily and nodded her head in agreement.

“What of him?” Takashi lifted his chin in Cade’s direction. “Do you plan to marry the princess? Though remember, to marry a commoner or worse a foreigner means you lose your title, Princess.” Takashi said earnestly.

“I know.” Yuki said without regret.

“Are you sure?” Cade looked at her, searching her face for any doubt. “I don’t want to ruin your life.”

“That’s impossible, since you’re the one who’s brought it to life.” Yuki smiled bashfully.

“So you’ll have me?” Cade asked unsure.

“For eternity, if I must.” Yuki tried to make light of the heavy situation.

Cade chuckled before pulling Yuki into his arms and kissed her soundly. They began to get carried away, their tongues stroking against each other. All forgotten in the room besides themselves. Though a loud throat clearing, broke them apart and they looked up guiltily.

“Alright, an impromptu double wedding it is. We have two very important reputations to be upheld.” Takashi announced as he stood up from the tatami mat.

Yuki, Cade, and Mai followed suit, unfolding from the straw woven floor. Mai walked over to her soon-to-be husband and bowed politely. Reserving their affections until they were in a more private setting. The rough edged American was having none of it. Cade pulled Yuki into his arms and again, kissed her deeply.

This time Takashi and Mai left the room. The village leader shook his head in exasperation and the loyal maid tried to reign in her giggles as they walked out, giving the oblivious couple much-needed privacy.






The two brides-to-be took proper baths in the hot springs, and then helped dress each other for the evening ceremony. The women in the village found two of their best kimonos to lend to Yuki and Mai. Takashi and Cade wore the traditional groom’s black and white ensemble. Takashi’s hair was in a perfect Japanese top knot and Cade’s was slicked back into a ponytail at the nape of his neck.

Both couples exchanged Japanese vows in front of the entire village. Afterwards, they enjoyed a spontaneous feast that had been quickly put together by the local women. Later that night, before Cade made love to Yuki, he haltingly exchanged the common Christian vows he knew. He wanted to tie himself to her in every way possible. Through her people and traditions as well as his own. So that when he stroked into her, tying himself to her in the most intimate ways, he knew she was his for life.






The next morning the village men and Cade went out on a celebratory hunting trip for the day. Cade left Yuki flushed and a little embarrassed after he kissed her soundly in front of the entire village, before riding away. Takashi left behind Shin and Masaru to protect the women in the village.

Now that Yuki’s status had been lowered to commoner with her marriage to Cade, she requested that she learn the ways of the villagers. So the women spent the day showing her how to tend the crops and other daily chores she hadn’t been privy to learn in the palace.

Evening was fast approaching and soon the men would be returning with the game they’d caught. Yuki and Mai had been working on dinner for their men, knowing they’d be starved when they arrived. Yuki stepped out to the entrance of Takashi’s home to enjoy the fresh evening air and stretch her aching muscles. She wasn’t used to the hard manual labor, though she enjoyed it.

As she stood there, she saw a little old woman that she’d never seen before in the village. The woman pushed a cart of fresh produce and goods. The wheels to the cart got stuck in a rut and threatened to topple over. Yuki quickly ran over to assist and helped the old woman straighten the cart.

“Thank you! Thank you so much, my dear.” The old woman exclaimed. “You are so very kind.” She gently patted Yuki’s hand.

“It was my pleasure.” Yuki brushed off the compliment.

“Here take this…as my way of saying thank you.” The old woman held up the reddest apple Yuki had ever seen. Yuki looked in the old woman’s eyes and felt a shiver of recognition run through her. Though she couldn’t remember ever seeing the woman before. “Go on take it. It’ll be the best apple you’ve ever tasted. I guarantee it.” She coaxed further, holding it out closer for Yuki to take.

“Sure. Thank you.” Yuki took the apple.

“Take a bite, my dear. Tell me what you think.” The woman grinned brightly.

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