Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales (20 page)

BOOK: Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales
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Yuki lifted the apple to her mouth. It was so unspoiled that she almost didn’t want to bite into it to ruin its perfection. But she could see that the woman was anxious to see what she thought. So she bit down into the sweet fruit. As she chewed and swallowed, she thought it was the best fruit she had ever tasted.

Yuki started to speak but it felt like her airways were closing up. She began to choke and she reached for the woman as she fell to the ground, pleading for help with her eyes. She saw the old woman smile the most evil smile she had ever seen. Yuki’s world started to go black, but she heard the woman’s final words before the darkness took her. She knew she had made a dire mistake.

“Your heart is mine.”






The men made their way over the last rise on the mountain road, into the village. They were in a jovial mood due to their successful hunt. Cade scanned the village looking for his bride, when he saw many of the villagers huddled around the front of Takashi’s home.

Cade immediately spurred his horse into a trot towards the crowd and the other men followed. He jumped from his horse before it even stopped fully, when she saw Yuki crumpled on the ground. The crowd parted as he ran forward and he dropped to his knees in front of her. Cade lifted Yuki into his arms and he placed his ear against her chest, but heard only silence.

Tears of sorrow and rage ran down his face as he rocked her back and forth. Cade looked up in question at the people gathered around him, hoping for answers. Mai looked down at him while tears streamed down her face.

“What happened, Mai?” Cade asked in desperation.

“I don’t know. I came out of the house to see what Yuki was doing and I saw her on the ground. I looked around and I saw an old woman quickly walking away as Masaru and Shin ran up to see what was wrong. They ran after her, heading in that direction.” Mai pointed down the road leading further up the mountain.

Cade gently laid Yuki back down on the ground and ran back to his horse, jumping on smoothly. Takashi and the rest of the men quickly followed and they galloped off in the direction Mai pointed towards.

Rage filled every inch of Cade’s body as he pushed his horse hard down the road. They quickly caught up to Shin and Masaru, who had given chase on foot.

“Where is she?” Cade said as they stopped next to the two panting men.

“We think she ran off, up through there.” Masaru pointed up a steep incline.

Cade’s eyes searched through the foliage and saw the bent and broken limbs of someone’s swift and careless retreat. He jumped down from his horse and quickly followed the bread crumbs the woman left. Takashi hopped down as well and gestured for his men to follow.

Cade reached the top of the summit, barely winded as the thirst for vengeance gave him wings. He saw the old woman as she tried to climb up the side of the mountain. When she realized she was trapped, she faced him and the others defiantly.

“You ruined everything, huntsman! If you would’ve done the job I asked of you, I wouldn’t have had to come do it myself.” The woman screeched.

At her words, Cade realized who she was and recognized the Empress in the old woman’s eyes. He drew his sword and Kasumi looked at him smugly.

“Do you think it matters if you kill me? It’s already too late, the princess is dead!” She cackled at him.

Cade’s rage blinded him and an anguished cry tore from his throat. He ran forward and cut the woman down with one blow of his sword. Kasumi barely had time to make a sound before her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fell over the mountain face to her death. Though her death did little to soothe Cade’s ache.

He and the men quietly made their way back to the village. A deep melancholy spread over them and only deepened as the men made their way back into the silent and mourning hamlet. The sun had dropped behind the mountain and the evening was fast approaching.

As they came closer, Cade could see that they had placed Yuki’s lifeless body on a wooden platform surrounded by flowers. Villagers were coming up to her to pay their respects. Cade slowly slid down from his horse and reluctantly came forward, not wanting to say goodbye. The villagers stepped back to give him space.

“You look so beautiful.” Cade said as a few tears slid down his face to land on her folded hands, resting on her stomach. “You don’t even look dead. You’re cheeks and lips still hold a hint of pink.” He caressed the back of his hand down her soft cheek. “And you even still feel warm to the touch. I must be going mad in my desperation for you to stay with me.” He choked out.

Cade laid his head on her hands and kissed her pale skin. He then moved up to her face and laid his lips, wet with tears on hers. He kissed her softly for a few beats. Then he broke the kiss and rested his forehead on her chest as he sobbed brokenly.

Fingers stroking his hair jarred him. Cade glanced down at her and saw Yuki looking up at him as she stroked his hair. His eyes widened in shock, thinking he must have died and was being reunited with her in heaven.

“Am I dead?” He asked her.

“No, I’m alive.” Yuki smiled softly at him.

“How?” Cade asked in wonder.

“I don’t know. Your love, maybe.” Yuki suggested.

Cade really didn’t care why, all he knew was that his world was once again right. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her into his embrace. His lips found hers and once more kissed Yuki deeply in front of the entire village, propriety be damned.

Takashi, Mai and the rest of the villagers were so happy that Yuki was alive that they didn’t care either and cheered them on. Cade broke away from the kiss and looked deeply into Yuki’s mahogany colored eyes.

“Don’t ever leave me again, do you hear me?” Cade said fiercely.







So with the death of the evil Empress, Yuki’s father swiftly recovered and reclaimed his throne. He was not happy that his beloved daughter’s status had been lowered to commoner due to her marriage. Though, the light in Yuki’s eyes and the love that radiated from Cade’s, filled the Emperor with joy. He soon remarried to a demure woman and had the son Japan needed.

Yuki and Cade led a life of adventure between their two countries. Keeping their promise to never leave the other again.












Aliyah Lane sat in a boardroom thousands of miles away from home, in the beautiful city of Amsterdam. She would normally be fighting jetlag, like every other trip she’d been on, around the world. But not today.

Her eyes were laser focused on Shayne Madden, the owner of the company she was doing consulting for. Aliyah thought that if she looked up ‘silver fox’ in the urban dictionary, Shayne’s picture would more than likely be next to the definition. He was a panty-dropper for sure. He looked like Eric Dane, McSteamy from
Grey’s Anatomy
with the accent of Jean Claude Van Damme. He was from Belgium and spoke French, Dutch, and English. Aliyah wondered what other talents he had with this tongue, besides languages.

Aliyah shook her head, trying to clear the haze of arousal and naughty thoughts from her mind. She had a job to do and fantasizing about her client wasn’t going to get it done. Besides, when had she ever been a horny sex crazed person.
She thought to herself.

“What was that, Ms. Lane?” Shayne asked, watching her intently.

“Uh…nothing, Mr. Madden. Please continue.” Aliyah said in mortification.

She wanted to slide down her chair and under the long table. She hadn’t realized that she’d said her thoughts out loud. She had no idea what had come over her. Normally she was so straight-laced and composed. In fact, everyone who knew her, told her that she needed to relax more often. She needed to let loose and have fun every once in a while.

Aliyah agreed wholeheartedly. But she had been so reserved and conservative for so long, she didn’t know how to unwind. She hadn’t had sex in six years, for heaven’s sake. She had turned forty a little over a week ago. She was unmarried, no boyfriend, and no prospects for one either. She was married to her career and was too uptight to have casual sex. She was a walking, talking stick in the mud.

The last boyfriend that she’d had, cheated on her with a girl that looked like a pornstar. Aliyah wanted to be angry, but in the end she couldn’t even blame him. The sad part was, she hadn’t even cried when she’d found out. She was dullness personified in the sack. Plus, she was so busy traveling around the world, helping companies expand to the States that she didn’t have time to give a man any attention.

So, she was completely taken aback by her intense attraction to Silver McSteamy Fox. As he stood at the head of the boardroom table, speaking animatedly about his company with the most delectable accent. He was all tall, broad, blond-turned-silver with a little manly scruff on his face, bundle of sexiness. His amazing physique was covered in gray dress slacks and a dark blue fitted V-neck sweater. His silvery-blue, hooded and narrow eyes, zeroed in on Aliyah and held her gaze throughout most of the meeting.

“…which is why I’m hoping to expand to America.” Shayne said with excitement.

His company, Mad Elegance, was a successful European furniture company. Shayne had built it from the ground up. He was a brilliant furniture designer and carpenter. His Dutch/Modern infusion was an instant sensation and orders for his pieces skyrocketed. He eventually had to expand to mass produce the furniture in a factory. He’d started his company at thirty-years-old and currently at forty-five, he was in the prime of his life and career. Now, he was looking to get the company name out to the States.

Aliyah mentally shook her head, to clear her scrambled thoughts about the gorgeous man. She then cleared her throat to begin her speech. “Well your numbers are good for the quarter. So I’m sure you can use some of the profits to start advertising in the States. But it probably won’t be enough. We need to set up a crowdfunding campaign. You need to advertise on television, magazines and online. And don’t underestimate social media. And just having an account on one, isn’t enough. Get on all of them.
would be perfect for your company. Post pictures of your beautiful furniture and people are going to want to know where they can get it. You may even want to open a few boutique stores in high-end areas, so people can come in and actually see and touch the furniture in person.” Aliyah instructed and Shayne listened closely, as his staff wrote down her points. “I’ll help you setup everything in the course of the next week that I’m here.”

“I really appreciate you coming all the way here to help, Aliyah.” Shayne said softly, his sincerity was written all over his face.

Though, all Aliyah heard was her name on his beautifully accented tongue. It sounded like satin over gravel, smooth and rough all at the same time. And she actually flushed like a schoolgirl, in response.
What is wrong with me?






Shayne saw the flush creep up Aliyah’s light, golden-brown skin. A wolfish grin spread across his face at her discomfiture. The moment she stepped into his offices and he’d shook her small, delicate hand, he had been entranced. The knockout curves she hid behind a well-tailored pantsuit, were made for sex. Her honey-colored skin and more than ample round ass would look lovely all pink from a good spanking. Her face was just as stunning as the rest of her. Large, downward slopped eyes…bedroom eyes that were chocolate brown and seductive. A straight full nose and deliciously plump lips.

Everything about her screamed sex goddess. Though Shayne was pretty sure that the lovely woman hadn’t had a good fuck in a long time, if ever. Her posture and serious face said, “Keep your distance. Do not trespass.” Shayne grinned inside at the challenge. He was fond of breaking the rules. And he couldn’t think of anything better than cracking her hard exterior and bringing out the soft, seductive woman he knew was underneath.

He knew exactly where to do it…
. …and who could help.
Nia would get a kick out of this tightly wound beauty.
Though, he knew he’d have to give it a few days to feel her out. He didn’t want to extend an invitation, only to freak her out if she wasn’t willing. He could tell she was skittish.

Be patient, Shayne.






Though Shayne couldn’t be too patient, since he knew that Aliyah would only be in Amsterdam for a week. So, the next couple of days, he unleashed a subtle sensual assault on the unsuspecting woman. So much so, that Aliyah was not completely clueless to the attack, but had no idea how to respond.

Shayne seemed to be everywhere she went as she worked with his employees. The looks he gave her were definitely not what she would’ve called professional. He looked like a predator that had just found its next meal. When he was within touching distance, he always found a way to put his hands on her. Light pressure on her lower back, as he guided her into a room. A gentle touch on her hand, when he wanted to get her attention, instead of just saying her name. Tucking an imaginary tendril of hair behind her ear, that had supposedly come loose from her severe bun. During lunch one day, he even cupped her chin and brushed a crumb from the corner of her mouth with his thumb.

By Thursday, Aliyah was a bundle of frazzled nerves. The tension in her body had built up to the point that she thought she’d go mad. She was wound so tight that every time he came up to her, she jumped out of her skin.
I can’t take much more of this.

“Is everything alright, Aliyah?” Shayne asked, a knowing smirk spread across his face.

“I-I’m fine. Just a little tense, I guess.” Aliyah admitted.

“Hmm…maybe you just need to unwind.” Shayne suggested.

“That’s not the first time someone has told me that.” Aliyah closed her eyes and expelled a harsh breath.

“Then maybe it’s time that you take the advice.” Shayne said as he reached into the pocket of the black slacks he was wearing.

He pulled out a fancy red and gold embossed playing card. He held the card out to her. Aliyah just looked up at him in question.

“Go ahead. Take it.” Shayne continued to hold the card in front of her.

Aliyah finally reached out to take the card with a shaky hand. She broke eye contact with his intense steel blue stare. Then she looked down at the card curiously. The playing card had two red Qs and hearts in diagonal corners and only one word was written in the middle in gold.
She flipped the card over and all that was there, was an address. Aliyah turned the card back over, thinking that there had to be more to it.

“What is it?” She asked confused.

“Come and find out.” Shayne said vaguely.

“Well how should I dress? Is it a spa? A club? A restaurant? I know nothing about this place and no one that’ll be there.” Aliyah said trying to gather more information before she made an educated decision.

“Stop overthinking things. Just come. I’ll be there at ten o’clock tonight. Bring the card with you because it’s a private club and you can’t get in without an invite. It’s your golden key through the rabbit hole.” Shayne informed her cryptically.

“Uh, okay.” Aliyah said skeptically.

Shayne turned and started to walk out of her temporary office. He stopped in the doorway and turned back. He grinned when he caught her checking out his ass. Aliyah swallowed loudly.

He looked her sensible pantsuit, up and down before speaking. “One more thing. If you have one…wear a dress.” Shayne recommended before walking out of the office.

Aliyah gulped nervously. She looked down at her navy blue suit with a frown. “What’s so wrong with pantsuits?” She whispered to herself.






Several hours later, Aliyah looked at herself in the full-length mirror in her hotel room. She wore the only dress she had brought with her. She always brought one dress on her trips, just in case there was a business dinner or if she got the gumption to enjoy whatever city she was in. She never did. This was the first time she’d be breaking her routine.

“Okay, maybe this is better than a pantsuit.” Aliyah conceded to her reflection.

The dress was all black with crystal beading on the plunging V-neckline. The bottom half of the dress stopped above her knees and fit like a second skin to her thighs, hips, and ass. It showcased her plump shapely legs, invitingly. The top half billowed out loosely, connecting to sleeves that stopped at her elbows, making them look like wings. The dress was definitely outside of her comfort zone, since one of her long-time friends had picked it out for her. It was very sexy, but classy enough for her to feel slightly at ease. She paired the dress with her sensible black pumps for work.

“You can take the girl out of the pantsuit, but you can’t take the pantsuit out of the girl.” Aliyah joked to herself.

She decided to redo her makeup for the evening. She gave herself a dramatic smoky eye and red lips. Aliyah also chose to wear her hair down for the evening. Her strict bun had created ebony waves in her hair and they fell to the middle of her shoulder blades.

Now that she was ready, she just had get up the courage to actually leave the room. Aliyah plopped down on her bed. She reached into her black clutch bag and grabbed the little playing card. The mysterious invitation. Deep in thought, she flipped it over and over again in her hands like she had done all day. She flopped back on the mattress and stared at the ceiling. She closed her eyes and took a deep fortifying breath.






Aliyah gave the cab driver the address to the establishment. It had taken her several minutes to be brave enough to leave the hotel and now she felt so nervous she could vomit. She was staying near one of the most popular areas in Amsterdam. Rembrantplein. It was a square that housed many clubs and cafes. Aliyah always made a point of staying in the most “happening” areas in whatever city she was staying in. Just in case she decided to actually live life. Though most times she just looked out the window at the activity below, while she ate her dinner and then went to bed alone.

The cab passed by the festivities now. Revelers where everywhere. The centuries old architecture passed by in a blur on one side and one of the many canals and bridges on the other. Soon they entered into the Red Light District and Aliyah looked wide-eyed at the women in the big picture windows. They displayed their ample delights to passersby, vying for new clientele.

A little past the famous district, the cabbie turned onto a nearly deserted street. He stopped the car in front of a beautiful stone building. A sign in muted gold read
and the image of a playing card, hovered above the W. It was the queen of hearts.

Aliyah paid the cab driver and hesitantly got out of the car. She stood in the street for a moment, immobile. A car coming down the street honked at her and she jumped out of the way. Aliyah stepped up on the sidewalk and looked at the stairs that led down to an elegant red door. Above the archway to the door was written, Rabbit Hole.
I wonder if that was what Shayne had meant about the rabbit hole?

She reached into her clutch and pulled out the white, red, and gold card. She slowly started her descent down the stairs. She raised her fist to the door to knock but the little door to a large peep hole opened, before Aliyah’s hand could connect with the wood. A man’s eyes stared at her through the hole.

BOOK: Curvy Ever After: Forbidden Curvy Girl Fairy Tales
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