Cut and Run 08 Ball & Chain (10 page)

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“You’re talking about my niece, Deacon, fuck the job,” Ty growled. He stood and took the flash drive, then handed it to Zane.

The nervous head of operations, Milton, finally spoke up. “Our security is well prepared for any eventuality. We don’t anticipate a problem. Everyone here, with the exception of these two,” he added, gesturing to Nick and Kelly, “has been vetted with background checks.”

Ty looked up in time to see Kelly narrow his eyes and Nick bristle. Ty cleared his throat. “Your company’s security clearance isn’t high enough to check their backgrounds, so don’t bother.”

The man sniffed, dismissing Ty’s words with a wave of his hand.

“These are people I trust to protect my daughter,” Deuce said, his voice going hard. He examined the two bodyguards. “All due respect for your preparedness, of course.”

“Bottom line, gentlemen, we don’t expect trouble,” Stanton announced before more words could be exchanged. “But if trouble comes, we intend to deal with it in-house.” He nodded toward the two bodyguards at the door.

“We have five men on the island, with constant patrols,” the man called English said. His eyes went from Ty to Nick and Kelly. “Our files indicate you’re Marines, is that right?”

“That’s right,” Ty answered. He surveyed the man up and down. He was huge, with biceps the circumference of small trees, and a chest that looked more like a barrel of ale and produced a deep, echoing voice. His head was shaved clean, and his brown eyes were sharp and observant.

“Green Beret?” Nick asked out of the blue. Ty had to quickly look down at his hand to hide a smile.

English stiffened. He nodded, his jaw tightening. He obviously didn’t like that someone could peg him without the benefit of a file. “Force Recon team Sidewinder. Now defunct.”

The other bodyguard, Hardin, grinned, showing his crooked teeth. “Sidewinder. Like the snake.” The room was silent, waiting for his point. “You know what they used to call the Green Berets when we were active?”

Ty tried hard not to roll his eyes. Behind him, Kelly answered wryly, “Snake Eaters.”

Both security men chuckled. “Best watch out, Sidewinders. Don’t want to get eaten.”

Nick barked a laugh. “I appreciate the offer, Hoss, but I got someone taking care of me already.”

Hardin squared his shoulders, his face growing ruddy.

“Don’t worry, you’ll find that someone special,” Kelly assured him, his voice sincere.

Zane turned to Ty, grumbling under his breath. “They’re going to get us killed.”

Ty knocked his knee against Zane’s and fought desperately not to laugh.

“I think we’re done here,” Stanton said to Deuce.

“No, wait a minute,” Zane said. “You’re telling us you don’t anticipate trouble, but every move you’ve made so far has been in anticipation of trouble. I get the feeling we’re getting the runaround here. I’d like the whole story.”

Nick and Kelly both made sounds of agreement.

“Like we’ve said,” Milton grunted. “We’ve got it taken care of. Just enjoy your brother’s wedding and leave the heavy lifting to the professionals.”

“That’s enough,” Stanton said, his voice soft but stern. His expression was completely unreadable. “I understand what you men are capable of, and I appreciate your dedication to your family, and to mine. The fact is, we don’t know what to expect. My men will handle the perimeter defense of the activities if the four of you will concentrate on the safety of my daughter and granddaughter.” He gave Livi a fond smile.

Ty and Zane shared a glance. “Sir, we’d be honored if you trusted us with that task,” Ty said.

Stanton came closer and shook his hand. His grip was firm and curt, and he made eye contact and kept it. He then shook the hands of the other three, thanking them for understanding. He left the room, his two bodyguards and Milton trailing after him.

Livi sat down hard, sighing audibly. “Thank you for keeping it mostly civil with Daddy’s guys.”

Deuce rolled his eyes and limped to the wet bar to make himself a drink.

“Where is Amelia now?” Ty asked Livi. “Does she have a nanny or babysitter or something?”

“Not usually, but the island employs a full-time nanny, her name is Maisie. Amelia took to her immediately, they’ve been inseparable ever since.”

“You trust her?”

“Her mother was our nanny when we were young.” Livi waved at her brother. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I introduced any of you. This is Theo, my older brother. Theo, this is Zane, Ty, Nick, and Kelly.”

Theo raised his glass to them. “Pleasure.” His tone wasn’t convincing.

“Don’t get
excited, bud,” Kelly said.

Livi cleared her throat and stood, smoothing her hands down her skirt. “Well. I guess we should get back to the party.”

Ty sat in a chair around an unlit fire pit on the edge of the garden, far enough away from the heaters for it to be a little chilly, nursing his drink and watching the few remaining people mill about the dining area.

Amelia had long ago been tucked safe in her bed, along with all her cousins. Nick and Kelly had, of course, landed at a table with three of the bridesmaids, including Ty’s baby cousin, Emma. She was a beautiful young woman with a personality to match. Ty would have to remember to threaten both men if they even thought about making a move on her. Nick was the most obvious danger, but Kelly had a way of slipping through the defenses before you noticed him there.

Deuce and Livi were making the rounds to the last trickle of guests, saying good-night. Zane was standing at the end of the bar, water glass in hand, stuck talking to another of the groomsmen. He finally made his escape as Ty watched. He had to smirk when Zane strolled toward him, one hand in a pocket, his shoulders thrown back and relaxed. He’d taken his tie off and loosened the top few buttons of his shirt, and he cut an impressive figure.

Ty bit his lip. “Indeed,” he said under his breath. Zane saw his expression and smiled as he came closer.

Soon the patio was empty enough for Deuce and Livi to retreat into the darkness of the gardens and sit with Ty. They both looked exhausted. Ty held his glass up and tapped it against Livi’s.

“To the lovely bride,” he said.

“To my future brother,” she replied, grinning. “God help me.”

“You mind if I smoke?” Deuce asked as he dug into his jacket.

“Only if you share,” Livi answered wryly.

It wasn’t a cigarette Deuce pulled from his pocket, though. Ty laughed in exasperation. “How did you get that through airport security?”

“Private plane, man. What, you thought I was marrying her for her personality?”

Livi snorted. Zane materialized out of the shadows and settled in next to Ty, who set his glass on the ground and wrapped an arm around Zane’s shoulders. Zane leaned into him, and they shared a kiss before he propped his feet on the fire pit.

Just as Deuce was getting ready to light up, they noticed Nick, Kelly, and Emma heading their way. Deuce glanced at Ty. “Nick still a cop?”

“Sort of. Little far from his jurisdiction.”

“Did he go hardass? Like . . . forget-who-his-friends-are kind of cop?”

Ty frowned. “What are you talking about?”

more likely to arrest you than he is,” Zane told Deuce.

Nick and Kelly came strolling over, Emma between them with one arm hooked through each of theirs. She was a natural blonde with hints of strawberry and darker tones in her long hair, and it was split into two messy ties just behind her ears. She was tan and fit with an athletic, curvy build and delicate features, and her eyes were a deep green. She’d always been a pretty girl with a mischievous personality, just the type Nick and Kelly both would probably be drawn to. Ty gave her skimpy cocktail dress a disapproving once-over.

“Did they forget to sell you the rest of that dress, sweetheart?” Ty asked her.

“I got it half-price,” she answered with an unconcerned shrug. Ty laughed and stood to hug her. She let go of Nick and Kelly and threw her arms around Ty’s neck, hugging him so hard that he staggered backward.

“I thought you had better taste than these two,” Ty finally grunted with a nod at his friends.

She stepped back and smacked Ty in the side of the head. “I haven’t heard from you in forever!” She turned to Zane and stuck out her hand. “You’re Zane, right?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Nice to meet you, Zane. I’m Emma, Ty’s poor, neglected cousin.”

“Quit bitching, I called you on your birthday. Last year,” Ty said as he sat back down.

Emma gave them both a big grin. “Mara told me you two were cute together,” she said, completely devoid of any tact, just like Ty and the rest of the family.

Zane seemed to struggle with that piece of news. “She did?”

“It’s not supposed to still be a secret, is it?” she asked worriedly. Ty shook his head. She rolled her eyes in relief. “That’s good, ’cause everyone knows.”

“Awesome,” Ty grunted. He’d known his extended family would all find out sooner rather than later because that was how his mother rolled, but it still caused butterflies. He winced at Emma. “Good or bad?”

“I’d say mostly good. Pretty much nobody gives a shit because they all expected you to be dead by thirty. Actually, Elliot won like three hundred bucks on a bet he made with Tag back in high school that you were gay, so Tag’s still kind of pissed at you.”

Ty barked a laugh.

Zane shrugged and smiled at Ty. “Hell, your opinion’s the only one that matters anyway.”

“Aw, that’s sweet,” Emma said as she looked Zane up and down. She glanced at Ty. “Yeah, they’re going to eat him alive.”

“I know,” Ty agreed with a long-suffering nod. “And seriously, where’s the rest of your dress?”

“Shut up, I’m flaunting it while I’ve got it.”

Nick sat in the chair next to Ty, holding a glass of champagne he’d been nursing. He put his feet up on the fire pit, setting them next to Zane’s. “Emma was telling us about what she does. I still haven’t decided if she’s messing with us or not.”

Emma laughed. “I’m not messing with you.”

Kelly repositioned the last stray chair next to Nick and sat down, and Emma perched on his knee for lack of anywhere else to sit. Ty narrowed his eyes at them.

“Emma has a degree in underwater archaeology,” Deuce provided.

“That sounds like it’d be interesting. What do you do with that?” Zane asked her.

“Not what most people do. I’m a member of a team of researchers who investigate cryptozoological anomalies, historical mysteries, and natural phenomenon.”

“Cryptozoological?” Zane repeated incredulously. “That’s . . . animals that aren’t scientifically recognized, right?”

“Like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness monster?” Livi asked.

Emma laughed. “Among others, yes.”

“Seriously?” Zane asked.

Emma laughed harder.

“I think it’s fucking cool, man,” Kelly said, peering through the darkness at Nick. Nick raised both eyebrows but chose to take another sip of champagne rather than comment.

“The team’s sort of on hiatus right now,” Emma admitted. “Marley, our camera specialist, came with me to film the wedding. We’re going to make a side trip and see if we can head over to Loch Ness after.”

Ty frowned. “Why are you on hiatus?”

Emma sighed. “Our expedition leader had a little disagreement with the producers of the show they’re trying to get off the ground, and then he went on strike. They’re trying to find someone to replace him so they won’t have to deal with him.”

“So you’re without a team leader?”

“Pretty much. And those are some weird resume requirements, know what I mean? Not only did he have the skills to keep us from getting maimed in the Amazon, but he also had the degrees to qualify as an expert in the fields of history and anthropology. He filled two posts despite being kind of an arrogant asshole. Then our medic went and got pregnant, so we’re down by three spots.”

“Kelly’s a medic,” Ty told her. “And Nick’s currently being a jobless bum, plus he knows everything about history there is to know. He could lead your expeditions.”

Nick grunted.

“Really? You were both Recon like Ty, right?”

Nick shook his head, but Kelly’s eyes lit up. “What kind of expeditions are we talking about?”

“The kind with really big snakes to poke,” Emma answered, glancing sideways at Nick.

They all laughed, and Nick shook his head harder.

“I’ve been getting a little restless where I am,” Kelly admitted. “I wouldn’t mind finding out more about this.”

Ty chuckled as Emma sank her teeth in and started talking up the open positions on her team. He could see Kelly fitting in with a bunch of adventuring whackos like Emma and her crew. Nick would go nuts, though.

Deuce brought the blunt out again, leaning forward to light it. He was able to take a long drag on it before Nick reached over the fire pit and plucked it out of his mouth.

Livi laughed. “You’re being oppressed by the Man.”

“Damn it.”

Nick gave the blunt a sniff. “Medical grade?”

Deuce smirked and shrugged. “I have a bad leg.”

Nick laughed, and to Ty’s surprise he took a short hit before handing it over to Kelly. “That’s better than your other stuff,” he told Deuce.

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