Cut and Run 08 Ball & Chain (13 page)

BOOK: Cut and Run 08 Ball & Chain
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Ty shook his head. “It’s okay.”

He began using the hand Zane had freed to disentangle his other leg, taking long, slow breaths to try to calm himself. As soon as Zane managed to free his other hand, Ty clambered out of the bed like it was on fire. He used Zane to pull himself out, practically climbing up and over him to get away from the netting. Zane sighed and let him do it; to try to hang on to him or stop him would have been a mistake.

“Thanks, Zane,” Ty whispered, rubbing at his chest.

Zane’s heart swelled with a confusing mix of love and pity and anger for the things Ty had been put through. He knelt on the mattress and reached out, brushing Ty’s cheek with the tips of his fingers. He smiled wryly when Ty met his eyes. “At your service.”

Ty managed a weak smile. “My hero.”

Zane flattened his palm against Ty’s cheek. “Come here.”

Ty promptly stripped off the clothing Zane hadn’t gotten off him last night and crawled back into the bed beside Zane. Zane scooted and laid himself out, reaching for him. Ty pulled the covers over both their heads and Zane gathered him up to hold him.

“Sorry I ruined the night,” Ty offered. “I’m really sorry.”

“We’ll laugh about it later,” Zane said, skimming one hand through Ty’s hair.

Ty snorted. “Don’t be nice to me when I’m hungover.”

“Quit being an ass.” Zane poked him hard in the side, and Ty chuckled against his chest. Zane hugged him tighter before loosening his grip again. He’d learned that at times like these, Ty wanted to be held but sometimes couldn’t tolerate it, so Zane let him decide. Ty rested his head on Zane’s shoulder, his fingers playing with the hair on Zane’s chest.

Zane was desperate to know what Sidewinder had gone through to make Ty’s nightmares so devastating, to make Digger and Owen walk away from the Marine Corps, and to make Nick look positively haunted when he thought no one was watching. But the only thing Zane could do was offer his shoulder. Literally.

Zane tapped under Ty’s chin and got him to raise his head, then leaned in to steal a kiss. “You okay?”

Ty wrapped his arms around him and threw a leg over him to pull him closer. Zane closed his eyes, his chest aching. It was moments like this that made dealing with the shit of their pasts worthwhile, that made their future seem possible.

He pressed his lips to Ty’s temple. “Love you,” he whispered.

Ty smiled and snorted against his neck. “I know.”

They were both silent, soaking in the peace and quiet. Then Ty narrowed his eyes at Zane. “I proposed on a moonlit beach in Scotland. How do you just say ‘Nope!’ to that?”

Zane laughed. “I’m surprised you remember it.”

Ty muttered some more as he cuddled back down. Zane began to relax again, allowing Ty’s weight to push him into the bed. They were both almost asleep when something thumped from the room next door, followed by boisterous laughter.

“Assholes,” Ty said. He raised his head and banged on the wall above the short headboard. “Assholes!”

A few seconds later, someone banged back. If they said anything, the thick walls drowned it out.

“What the hell are they doing up this early?” Zane asked.

“Screw early, what the hell are they doing, period?”

“Sounded like someone fell out of the bed. I’m putting money on it being Kelly.”

“Me too. Nick shares a bed well, but Kelly spreads like a fucking puddle of Jell-O. Forces you to fight back.” More laughter came from the other side of the wall. Ty rested his elbow against Zane’s chest. “Want to make some noise on our side?”

Zane slid his fingers down Ty’s defined arm, stroking the marred face of the bulldog tattoo. A bullet had ripped through the ink and formed a jagged scar, but that just made it look tougher. Zane tore his eyes away from it to look up into Ty’s. “What’d you have in mind?”

“The kind of noise that you have to hold on to the headboard for.”

Zane’s body was instantly interested in this new proposition, and the predatory look in Ty’s eyes said he knew it.

Ty leaned down and gave him a slow, sensual kiss. Zane dragged his hands up Ty’s arms, over his shoulders, and down his back to hold on to his trim waist as they kissed. Ty smiled against his lips and climbed over him, staying on his knees and straddling Zane’s thighs, putting both hands on Zane’s shoulders. Zane tipped his head back, more than happy to give in to Ty’s attentions.

Ty’s hands plunged into his hair, and his scruff scratched at Zane’s chin and lips. It stirred the warmth inside Zane, and his skin heated with each stroke of Ty’s tongue against his. When their mouths parted, Zane whispered, “Let’s make some fucking noise.”

Ty’s breathing was harsh when he nodded. Zane dragged his hands down Ty’s body to grasp his ass. Ty responded, his muscles bunching, his cock stirring against Zane’s groin, kicking up a wicked feedback loop between the two of them as they rubbed against each other and grew more and more aroused.

Ty halted it before they could get too far ahead of themselves, throwing the covers off and rolling out of bed.

“Ty,” Zane said, deadpan. “Wasn’t finished over here.”

“Do you have any idea how many times I dreamed about you?” Ty asked, going to the massive fireplace. It was cold in the room, which while perfect for sleeping wasn’t as conducive to other activities. He turned on the gas logs, grinning mischievously at Zane. “Every night.”

Zane followed that come-hither look, giving up on the idea of grabbing the headboard in favor of being laid out on that rug in front of the fire. Ty was obviously thinking the same thing.

Zane took their bottle of lubricant from the bedside table and dropped it to the floor at Ty’s feet. He pulled his T-shirt over his head, tossed it to the side, and joined Ty on the thick rug in front of the fireplace.

Ty gripped his chin and kissed him, slowly maneuvering them both until they were stretched out on the plush rug. He immediately laid Zane out, settling between his legs, gathering up Zane’s wrists to hold him and kiss him soundly. “Every night,” he repeated in a whisper.

Zane relaxed into the rug as Ty’s weight bore down on him, and as Ty’s hands closed around his wrists, he gave a gentle moan. The thought of Ty taking control and holding him down sent a shudder through him. It was something Ty hadn’t done since getting home, something Zane had sorely missed. Zane couldn’t help but wonder how much of Ty would never be the same again after this past year. So many things were still missing. Every time Ty seemed to regain something, even something as trivial as wanting to overpower Zane and screw him into the ground, it was like a weight being lifted from Zane’s mind.

“Please,” Zane whispered.

Ty was already mostly hard, and he rubbed himself against Zane’s hip. He gathered Zane’s wrists into one hand, grip tightening, and the kiss became more demanding as Ty responded to his plea.

Ty’s free hand slid down Zane’s body, fingers digging in possessively as they dragged along his chest and then his ribs to his hip. Ty pushed up to give himself room to rut into Zane as he licked and bit and sucked at his lips.

Zane groaned and pulled at Ty’s hands, testing his grip. Ty grunted at him, using the weight of his body to hold Zane down. He pushed at Zane’s thigh with his knee, shoving his legs further apart and stealing any leverage Zane might have found. His hard cock pushed against Zane’s hip as Ty straddled one thigh. He rocked against him as he sucked on Zane’s tongue, slowly but surely draining Zane’s control.

Zane was hard, too, straining against his boxers. He whimpered, desperate for more. It wasn’t often that Zane wanted this from Ty—needed it, begged for it—but when he did, Ty would nearly eat him alive before getting him off.

Zane so desperately wanted to be eaten alive right now, just to reaffirm that everything would be normal again, that Ty would return to his irascible self and still be able to make Zane’s knees weak with a smirk. That one day Ty would ask him to marry him again and Zane would say yes without a second thought.

Ty pushed at Zane’s boxers, rising up just enough to shove them down Zane’s hips before plunging his hand into Zane’s hair. Zane had let it grow a little longer, and Ty seemed to love it. He gripped Zane hard, holding him still as he took his fill of the kiss. Then he yanked Zane’s head back and ducked to kiss at the tender skin of his neck.

Arching under him, Zane bared his throat. He moaned when Ty bit him. He knew what Ty was going to do to him just by the way he kissed him, by the tense energy already emanating from Ty’s body. “Yes . . . please.”

Ty kissed him again, covering the words with his mouth and licking at Zane’s tongue before working his way over Zane’s chin, down his neck, and across his chest to bite at the hard muscle of his shoulder. With every movement, Ty’s hand tightened in his hair. Each tug drew a soft groan, and each groan caused Ty to come back for another kiss. If Ty continued this way, he was never going to reach his goal, and Zane was going to come long before he got close.

Finally, Ty let go of Zane’s hair and slid both hands under Zane’s shoulders instead, jerking him against the floor as he kissed and bit along his chest. He sucked a nipple between his lips, flicking his tongue over it.

The moans tearing out of Zane were growing steadily louder. He was vocal anytime he was enjoying himself with his lover; he saw no reason to hold it back, especially when Ty loved to hear it so damn much. He didn’t care if everyone in the mansion heard them. They no longer had to hide, not from anyone.

Ty couldn’t seem to keep himself from Zane’s mouth, and he pushed up to kiss Zane again, mumbling to him between the harsh kisses. His beard scratched at Zane’s tender skin. His grip was hard enough to make Zane squirm. His muscles bunched under Zane’s fingers. He felt like a wild animal in Zane’s arms, barely under control.

Then he was back to trailing down Zane’s body as Zane shifted under him. Ty’s hands slid underneath him as he finally got to Zane’s hip and bit him, just hard enough to leave a red mark. It drew a cry of pleasure out of Zane. Ty sat up and yanked Zane’s boxers off, then propped the back of Zane’s thigh against his shoulder before bending over him and licking the head of his cock.

“Oh God, I love it when you do this.”

Ty wrapped his arm around Zane’s thigh. For some reason it made Zane feel vulnerable, propping that leg up on Ty’s solid shoulder, watching him insinuate himself between Zane’s legs to take his cock into his mouth. It made him feel vulnerable, and he loved it. It turned him on because Ty was the only person who’d ever made him feel that.

He shuddered and clutched at the rug as he thrust his hips toward Ty’s sinful mouth. “Oh God, please,” he whispered. “Baby, please.”

He would beg, plead, and grovel if he needed to. He’d never done that for anyone before, but he was irrevocably addicted to Ty’s touch, to the way Ty made him feel. And he loved the way his begging spurred Ty on.

Ty’s fingers dug into the front of Zane’s hip as he held him in place and went down on him. It took him a few attempts, but he finally got the head of Zane’s cock to the back of his throat and swallowed around it. A strangled yell from Zane echoed off the stone walls around them, and he strained uselessly to snap his hips up for more. The hot slide of Ty’s tongue all over him was irresistible.

Someone banged on the wall, followed by a taunting whoop from their audience next door. It was a far cry from the fear Ty must have lived with all his life of being exposed, to have his friends catcall him as he fucked his boyfriend.

Ty continued on, seemingly devoted to making Zane lose it. But then he stopped abruptly, pulling off Zane’s cock with one last lick from balls to head.

“No, no, please,” Zane gasped, reaching for Ty desperately. “Please, don’t stop, baby.”

Ty let Zane’s leg slide off his shoulder and knelt between Zane’s knees. Zane’s pleas ceased when he saw the look in Ty’s eyes. Ty slid both palms up Zane’s torso, his fingers dragging against the muscles, ending up at Zane’s shoulders and pushing him into the floor. He kissed him passionately, practically devouring him as he rutted against Zane’s thigh. Zane moaned against his mouth, offering up complete control of his body and mind. Hell, his soul if Ty wanted it.

It was times like this, times when Ty gave in to utter passion, that his true strength revealed itself. It was a heady feeling, being completely under his control. Zane loved to imagine sometimes what it would be like to meet Ty in battle, to be at the mercy of this sort of power. Ty’s hands moved all over Zane’s body, alternately holding him down and pulling him up off the floor to suit whatever whims Ty had. It took a lot of muscle to manhandle someone Zane’s size so effortlessly.

Finally, he reached for the bottle of lubricant, then found one of Zane’s hands without breaking their kiss and squeezed some into his palm. Dazed, Zane dragged open his eyes as he panted and shivered under Ty, wondering what he was going to tell him to do. Zane would do anything right now to please him. To please them both.

“Get me ready,” Ty growled.

He groaned as soon as Zane touched him, bowing his back to bite at Zane’s lip. Their foreheads pressed together, their gasps mingling, and Ty whispered “I love you” between each kiss.

Zane spread his legs farther apart as he jacked Ty. “Fuck me, baby,” he rasped. “I need it.”

Ty’s harsh breaths gusted across Zane’s cheek and ear as he kissed toward Zane’s neck and bit him right beneath his earlobe. He pulled at Zane’s hair, jerking his head to the side, dropping little nips that left enough sting for Zane to want more. And Zane begged for them with broken sounds and soft cries.

Ty put his lips to Zane’s ear. “Louder.”

Zane fought to swallow. His cock jumped against Ty’s hip.

“Louder, Zane,” Ty ordered, voice going sharper. It
an order, just like the ones he gave in the field to Marines who hopped to obey his every command. Like he was finally declaring to the world, to anyone who would listen, that Zane was his.

With his other hand, Ty pulled Zane’s leg up and sideways until Zane lay on his side, leg tucked up to his chest. He grabbed Zane’s wrist and slammed it to the ground beside Zane’s head, pinning him, twisting him, then scraped his teeth over Zane’s ribs as he flexed his hips, going for the spot that was most exposed, that felt the most vulnerable. Zane tried to curl and couldn’t.

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