Dancing in a Hurricane (43 page)

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Authors: Laura Breck

BOOK: Dancing in a Hurricane
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She hugged him as close as her weak arms allowed. "Wow. That was unbelievable."

He sighed. "I've wanted to do that for months."

Rolling onto him, she grazed a finger over his nipple. "Just that? Nothing else?"


Sixto looked into her sparkling eyes, loving how she teased him. Loving everything about this woman. He touched her warm cheek. He'd never felt this intensely about anyone. Or anything. He wanted her in his bed forever. Glancing away, he held back the words that threatened to burst from his lips. Marriage, babies, a mini-van, soccer practice, school plays.


A month ago, those ideas would have sent him running. Today, he couldn't get close enough to her. "Bree, I want you."

She drew in an uneven breath then sighed. "Love me, Sixto."

He kissed her, unhurriedly, building her passion, reining in his. He needed to go slowly. Make this first time unforgettable.

Reaching behind him, he pulled a condom packet out of the nightstand drawer. It stayed attached to five others. Damn, he must look like a gigolo to her.

She gave him a look. "You buy them in bulk, huh?"

He ripped one off and put the rest back. "Can I help it the
like me?"

"You are a stud." Gazing at the condom packet, her eyes looked uncertain.

"Bree, I want you to know I haven't been with a woman since I met you."

She looked into his eyes, seeming to judge his sincerity. "You were hoping I would give in to your seduction?"

"Yeah." He shrugged his eyebrows. "You can't blame me."

"No. And I was tempted." With her index finger, Bree drew circles on his skin. "A couple times I almost gave in."

"I'm glad you didn't." He shook his head. "This thing between us, this love, it might not have happened if we became physical too soon."

She tipped her head. "Are you admitting I might have been right about waiting to have sex?"

"Yes, Bree. You were right." He kissed her, grinning. "But don't tell anyone, or I'll never be allowed to practice psychology in Florida."

She crossed her heart. "Our secret."

He tapped the condom packet on her stomach. "One other thing."

"Mm hm?"

"After Halloween, when I told you I was ready to get serious?"

"Yes, love?" She waited, staring into his eyes.

"I saw my doctor, had all the tests."

Her eyebrows shot up.

"You know what I mean, right?"

"Yes." She glanced away then back at him, worry furrowing her brow. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Perfect." He gestured to his dresser. "I have the letter, if you want to see it."

She shook her head. "No, I don't." She smiled. "Thank you for doing that for me."

He ran his hand down her side, over her hip, and down her long, pale leg. "I'll do anything for you. You only need to ask."

She sighed. "God, I love you, Sixto."

He lifted her hand and kissed her fingers. "I'm amazed every time you say that." Pressing her palm on his chest, he said, "I can't really believe someone as perfect as you, fell for a guy like me."

She blinked rapidly. "You are everything to me."

He couldn't contain his happiness. A burning sensation built behind his eyes and a tight feeling gripped his chest, like his heart had grown too large.

A loud bang against the metal shutter broke the spell. They both looked toward the patio. "It'll get noisy for a while," he said. "Lots of debris flying around."

She nodded and ran her hand over his chest. "You stopped shaving for me?"

"For you. For now. But I have a photo shoot next week and they want a bare chest."

She leaned toward him and kissed his pecs. "Sexy." Brushing her hand over his nipple, she asked, "Do you like that?"

"Yeah." Her hesitant touch shot bolts of desire down into his unit. The pain of holding back became torture. "But you have to stop. I'm having trouble waiting."

She looked into his eyes. "Then don't wait." She took the condom packet from his fingers. Her eyes opened wide. "Extra large?" Looking down at his cock, she shivered.

He chuckled. "We'll go at your pace,
. If you say 'stop,' I'll pull out."

"I won't be saying 'stop.' But I would like to go slow. It's been a while for me." Her voice came out unsure. She ripped open the packet. Taking the condom out, she looked at it and mumbled, "This is really big." She fitted the condom while he watched attentively.





Chapter Thirty-Two


Bree's words, her beautiful face, her eyes filled with emotion, made every muscle in Sixto's body tense. Pressing himself on top of her, he braced on his elbows and carefully spread her thighs with his. The head of his penis touched her opening. They both shuddered.

Reaching down, he positioned himself and slowly inched into her hot, wet core.

She moaned, tipped her head back, and closed her eyes.

He'd never felt anyone so perfect. She relaxed and opened for him, he clamped his jaw to keep his raging need in check. The sensual ache in his lower back spread through his balls and shaft, his blood pulsed, licked through him like flame.

Her eyes opened. "Feels so good." Sliding her hands up his arms to his back, she took a deep breath. "More."

Closing his eyes, he pushed into her, excruciatingly slow, feeling every centimeter of her. Tight, wet, hotter than hell. "Bree, this is good." He sounded like an idiot, but words failed him.

She moved her hips, drawing him deeper.

He buried himself in her, resisted the urge to come immediately by thinking about the mess they'd have in the yard after the hurricane. Sliding out, he felt her tilt her hips. He slid in again and she moved with him. This would end too fast.

He kissed her neck, nibbled on her tender skin as he thrust, savored, withdrew.

Her body moved with his, perfectly aligning her opening and he buried himself deep, until his sack bumped against her heated body. Her curly hair tickled softly against his pelvis.

Her hands eased down his back and up again. As he increased intensity, her nails scratched softly.

"Are you all right,

Her eyes closed, her smile flashed wicked. "Oh, yes. More than all right."

He grazed a hand over her breast, teased her nipple between his thumb and finger, amazed at the resulting contractions in her core. "Do you like that?"

"I love it." He felt her hips tense. She was close to orgasm.

They would come together. He pushed himself up on one arm and ran his hand down between their bodies, sliding his thumb lower into her lips for her sweet juice. Rubbing her clit, he felt her tighten around his sensitive shaft.

"Oh, God!" she cried as she dug her nails into his flesh and squeezed her thighs around his hips.

He couldn't wait a second longer, his body erupted, shooting into her, pulsating. An animal cry escaped his lips as he threw his head back and exploded into the heavens, stars spinning, lights flashing, her musky scent surrounding him. His ears rang as his blood pumped rapidly through his tingling veins. His mind shouted, "
My woman

He collapsed on her. Hearing her breath leave her, he quickly rolled to the side. "Baby, you okay?"

Quietly, she murmured, "Mm hm."

He rolled onto his back, bringing her with him to lie on his chest. His breath sounded like a freight train, a sheen of sweat cooled on his brow. He lifted his head and looked at her face, her cheek pressed against his chest.

"Sleep," she mumbled.

He smiled, laid his head back on the bed. He wore her out. Barely keeping his own eyes open, he said, "Sleep." She wore him out too and he nodded off.

Opening his eyes a half hour later, neither of them had moved. He lifted his head and looked at her sleeping face. Gorgeous, sexy, sweet, intelligent. He kissed the top of her head. How did he get so lucky?

He slid out from under her, she grumbled, but fell back asleep. In the bathroom, he flexed his shoulders, turned his back to the mirror, and saw the imprints left by her nails. "Vixen."

"Me?" She walked in, her eyes half open, wearing his t-shirt.

"Look at my back."

She moved closer, rubbed the spots. "I did that? Wow." She hugged him from behind, her face pressed against his back, watching him in the mirror. "You bring out the animal in me."

"Yeah. You're fantastic. Your body responded to mine like we were made for each other."

She kissed his chin. "It was good. Really, really interesting."

"Interesting?" He laughed. "Bree, you blurt out the strangest things."

She stepped back. "I'm serious. I never knew how intense it could be."

He wiggled his eyebrows. "More intense than when you do it alone?"

She rolled her eyes. "Very unfunny."

He chuckled and pulled her close. "Shower with me."

"Actually, I'd like to take a bath. Join me?"

"I want to but I have a paper due by midnight. An online class. Give me an hour to finish it and send it in." He kissed her, pulled her tight against him. His shaft hardened immediately and poked into her soft flesh, and he almost reached down to pick her up and slide her onto him.

She stepped back, glancing down at his erection, biting her lower lip. "If it was anything other than school work, I'd make you forget it." She ran her tongue over her lip, and gave him a sexy grin.

He made a lunge for her, growling.

She skittered out of his reach and ran giggling from his room.


After her bath, Bree went to the kitchen and warmed up leftovers, opened a bottle of wine, grabbed two glasses, and went to her room. She sat on her bed watching weather on the television. The hurricane was fully upon them and she shivered, looking up at the ceiling and around her at the metal shutters on the windows.

She'd feel a lot safer in Sixto's arms.

Pouring a half glass of wine, she ate her warmed-over pasta and sipped wine, listening for him in the common area. Something felt off. As if making love with Sixto wasn't the right thing to do. She couldn't pinpoint what caused the feeling. Just an unsettled after-effect.

She got up and put her dishes in the dishwasher, went back to her room, and used the bathroom. When she stepped into her bedroom, his voice said, "How was your bath?" He was sitting on her bed, propped up by her many pillows.

She walked to the bed, crawled on, and melted against him.

He rubbed her back, the up and down motion calming her. "What's going on in your head?"

"How do you know there's
going on there?"

"You lost your afterglow, and you're wearing your serious face."

"I'm not sure. It might be guilt."

"Don't even say that." He tipped her chin up and their gazes locked. "We chose the perfect time to make love."

She shook her head. "
decided we should make love while I was watching you cranking down the metal shutter."

"Hm. Was it the cranking that got you worked up, or my macho raincoat and boots?"

She smiled and snuggled tighter to him. "It was the whole package. The way you handle extreme situations, your relaxed way of dealing with crises."

"Too relaxed?"

She shook her head against his chest. "Perfect. I feel like a leaf in the wind compared to your rock solid assurance." She lifted her head and looked at him. "You ground me."

His lips jerked. "That's a compliment, right?"

She nodded. "Yes. Definitely." Resting her head on him again, she said, "I made the snap decision to lure you into bed—"

"Thank you."

She lightly smacked him on the ribs. "But I didn't take the time to think through how it would affect us. Affect me." She shrugged. "I had a small attack of guilt."

"You're regretting it." His voice sounded strained.

She sat up, his head was tipped back, and he stared at the ceiling.

"No." She put her hands on his shoulders. "No, Sixto." He wouldn't look at her. She swung her leg over him, straddling his hips.

He looked into her eyes. "What, then?"

"I don't know." It was the truth. Something deep inside wouldn't rest.

"If it's not regret, there where did the guilt come from?" A muscle in his jaw flexed.

He had to be tired of her drama. "I'm not used to being the aggressor. But not for a moment have I regretted making love with you."

"That's good, Bree. Because it was exceptional for me." He put his hands on her hips and pulled her closer.

Smiling, she wiggled her hips.

He hardened against her thigh.

She ground her opening against his shaft. "Mean you're okay with my flighty emotions?"

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